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posted on September 26, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by guybrush117 */

best part of whole show
yea that was a good one
I watched a few seasons then stopped
can't remember what made me lose interest
@rlemon the british accent?
@mikedidthis you gonna stand for this atrocity?
i love british accent
@rlemon sure, its a pile of shit.
Its only worth it for the lady and the guy from mighty boosh.
@WesleyCrushed last night I mixed strawberry cream, and champagne punch together. strawberry champagne ejuice.
fucking delicious
ejuice chef
Q: Select :first-child or :last-child that doesn't contain some specific class

Adrian PuescuAssume we're having a list with 5 items and we want to apply some specific styles to the first or the last child. But the functionality of this list will require to hide some of its items by applying through jQuery a class (let's call it .hide) which will set a display: none; on the targeted item...

@WesleyCrushed I mixed up a bottle and am taking it to the store I goto
see if they wanna make it :P
and the dozens of questions that ask for either the first or the last child
A: Select :first-child or :last-child that doesn't contain some specific class

iovisDo you mean something like this? var notHidden = $('div').not('.hide'); notHidden.first().css('color', 'red'); notHidden.last().css('color', 'red');

how did that have an upvote?
css question, posts jQuery and just says "you mean this?"
because it's useful
not unless they go into more detail.
it's random code
^ that.
so harsh on new user
Q: Select odd even child excluding the hidden child

carambaBetween line 2 and 3 is a hidden <div> . I don't want that one to be taken from the odd/even css rule. What would be the best approach to get this to work? http://jsfiddle.net/k0wzoweh/ <style> .box:not(.hidden):nth-child(even) {background: green} .box:not(.hidden):nth-child(odd) {background: ...

> I know your looking for CSS, but if you can't find the answer, its possible with jQuery like so...
@BoltClock wth so many
There has got to be a way to consolidate all of these into a single canonical question. There isn't much of a difference between first, last and nth...
Q: CSS3 :nth-child(odd) with a selector

atanamirIs there a way to select every odd element that matches a selector? I want to select every odd table row, but within a subset of the rows: table.myClass tr.row:nth-child(odd) { ... } But :nth-child just seems to grab all the tr elements regardless of whether or not they're of the "row" clas...

This is a good candidate
can you please elaborate on this? what is that code there? This answer could be useful if it contained more information for the OP. — rlemon 1 min ago
@mikedidthis To be fair, the OP did mention jQuery
@BoltClock To be fair, that is a VERY minimal and lacking answer
@rlemon I wasn't talking to you
@rlemon so GET IN LINE. We're all waiting to talk to Bolty
SO is strange today
A: CSS Selected 2nd child starting with 2nd

Brad AllredHashem's answer is good, but I feel like :nth-child(odd):not(:first-child) is more clear about what is going on. .

I respectfully disagree. — Paulie_D 21 mins ago
full moon last night?
@Paulie_D fair enough :) — Brad Allred 20 mins ago
It sure is strange today
too strange for my blood. o/ later folks I got work to do
@BoltClock my bad, I just looked at the tags.
how do I select first born child using css?
@StephanMuller pick a wife based on her CSS skills, I suppose
@ZachSaucier LOOOL :D:D
Steam music player? WTH?
@BoltClock everyday is a strange day, isn't it?
@ZachSaucier wut?
click on Steam icon, in the list there is a "Music player" - at least on the latest update
it's true
so many options in that list now
wish it was 3 most recent games, friends list, community, and exit
@ZachSaucier agreed
the music player is just dumb imo
well on windows you get recent games if you have steam as top program
they probably have it because some games come with soundtracks now though
ya, but who cares
well I do - was playing 8bitmmo yesterday and the game has great music
Valve needs to fix steam
like rewrite it
once you hit a high number of games it runs so terribly
I agree on that
posted on September 26, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} POW!

like when I buy a game it locks up for 2-3 minutes now
it runs slow even with no games
really frustrating
@easwee yeah its so unoptimized
@Loktar hasn't happened to me
it has to do with library size
I see
it'd make sense for your profile, haha
people over 1k complain about it all the time.. I cant even imagine the people with 3k games
you fit in that category lol :D
also the startup time could be better
it seems liek they've worked on it a bit but it still is a resource hog on machine startup
idk Valve is so weird
they make hundreds of millions maybe more.. yet have some pretty big issues lol
like Steam support ugh.
lol sorry hard to stop me from going down the valve/steam rant hole once its brought up :P
Steam can't sync music to my Apple devices 0/10
@SomeGuy ahaha he sounds like one of our cinema world villain, can't get his name, most of the roles played by him are of politician or villain, btw ever heard of nirmal baba? if not then check him out, am sure you will have some good laugh
@Loktar they have millions because the don't spend on developers xD
The equation I just put into Wolfram Alpha (it's correct!): sqrt((9*10^9*2.04*10^-6/1.26^2+9*10^9*2.04*10^-6/sqrt(1.26^2+1.26^2)^2*Cos(45))‌​^2+(9*10^9*2.04*10^-6/1.26^2+9*10^9*2.04*10^-6/sqrt(1.26^2+1.26^2)^2*Sin(45))^2)
doing all the math in one step :D
@easwee hah, or on support :P
@ZachSaucier why this fails?
.border-radius(@border-radius: 10px, @bom) {
    background: @bom;
    border-radius: @border-radius;

div {
  height: 20px;
  margin: 20px;
  .border-radius(@bom: #f00);
dun speak LESS xD
mixin has 2 params, where I want to leave the first one and since am leaving the first, am passing second param with the name of the var
I never speak less ;)
dunno off the top of my head, would have to research
it says named argument not found
@Mr.Alien works fine, try it: winless.org/online-less-compiler
@mikedidthis it should work, codepen shows error, I am trying while am studying ..
show me, maybe there less it outdated?
I did, it says that we should write the name of the var if we are leaving the rest
the code is fine, I just ran it locally.
anyone here getting shadow of mordor?
getting fantastic ratings
thinking to buy hl2 pack
but no time to play so thinking..
else they will rot in my lib
@Mr.Alien where is that failing?
Nm @mikedidthis ran it as well
works fine for me as well.
yeah, I think its an issue with lesshat.
weird, codepen shows error, for quick results I used codepen with less lib, but it shows me error
its less hat, name collision with border-radius I think
if color is always needed, just make it the first.
Its defo a bug with lesshat.
thanks @Loktar @mikedidthis , I think I'll set up the environment in my local, I used codepen for quick results and nothing like always needed, I wanted to try without param type example cause it was not explained from where am learning so I searched on the internet, found that we need to pass the param name
so I did but this bug was weird so asked....
Question: How to set full width in BlueImp Gallery? Its this: github.com/blueimp/Gallery
@Mr.Alien no need for an enviro. Add less.js and go.
@mikedidthis yea for now, can't use that on site as it will be a huge performance impact.. I use simpless to compile
@RahulDesai I don't think anyone has even heard of that...
I prefer red imps.
posted on September 26, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by moose */

is there a known issue with grunt and @import for less?
This is in relation to my question here,but I am using bootstrap's navbar-fixed-top,jasny bootstrap's navmenu reveal along with the body padding-top property,this is the end result: gifmaker.cc/…
how can i fix this?
@user2309862 what's the desired output?
@grasshopper that would be a rather large issue
you check the issues on github?
without part of the navmenu visible below the navbar
this is related to this question here stackoverflow.com/questions/26045557/…
no checking them now
so use a top position for the map...
cool, learnt less in couple of hours.... need to play with that, cuz not sure whether order of the declaration matters and similar things..
did not work,i cant set padding on map-canvas or on canvas
I set it on container,it is working in desktop view
but it does not work for mobile view,how can I only set it when it is loaded in a desktop browser?
@Mr.Alien yeah, it respects the cascade
@alien: gay;
@alien: happy;
@alien: fabulous;
@mikedidthis aah good, so no matter how we import in what order.. it will compile it correctly?
Wait until you get into maths and color functions, that is when the fun starts.
already did
color func, fadein, out, lighten, darken
@Mr.Alien it will compiles as you expect :D
other func like hsla, saturation blah blah ;) heading off to scss
nice :D
@Mr.Alien you can do rgba / hsla with less iirc
I learnt mixin, guards, umm var, nesting
nice :D
yea we can
the best one i liked is the color function where we can use % values to lighten up or darken the colors, so that I dont have to look for correct hex values for consistent theme colors :)
  color: darken( a, 10% );
that be my fav, especially if I don't get given hover styles in a design
yes :D and yea the parent references using & when we nest the hovers inside the parent selector block ;)
yeah I stopped using it, but its just my preference.
I liked this in general, somethings are kinda foolish, say it converts p#myid to body p#myid, now I don't know if we can control that else it will disturb the specificity
Poorly Drawn Lines
New Lands
Can someone help me with iFrames ? I have embedded a "pixel map" iframe into the index page on laughtonscott.com but somehow this map does not render on Firefox. Renders on all other browsers. Any clue how to resolve this ?
i used this and it works with for lg-grid @media (min-width: 992px) {
body {
.navbar {
right: auto;
background: none;
border: none;

.canvas {
padding: 0;
@mikedidthiswhere be dat gist
but it breaks the other smaller grids,there is a space between container and the navbar
@mikedidthis ^
Can someone help me with iFrames ? I have embedded a "pixel map" iframe into the index page on laughtonscott.com but somehow this map does not render on Firefox. Renders on all other browsers. Any clue how to resolve this ?
I solved it,the solution looks like this: @media (min-width: 0) {
.navbar-toggle-reveal {
display: block; /* force showing the toggle */

@media (max-width:992px) {

@media (min-width: 992px) {
body {
.navbar {
right: auto;
background: none;
border: none;

.canvas {
padding: 0;
what is up, female dogs
Gotta love questions that begin with a statement like that
@Loktar loved it :D I think you modified your previous demo
a suggestion, start and end should be variable
its actually alot different from the previous one I draw mountains in a circle pattern and morph/sweep them acrossed
but the umm line effect is similiar
heavily inspired by rectangle world but my code/and the way I do it is vastly different and like 25% of the code
make the start and end position random
it looks similar to the liquid effect I asked you to make few months back
@Mr.Alien hmm yeah ill make it random I guess
for pens I try to make sure it displays nicely on the details view
looks odd to me on details, looks good on full page but make it random and bit faster
cant make it faster :(
and just when the first one is about to end, start the next one before few seconds
the effect doesnt look right then
ohh why is that so?
its kind of like a paintbrush
so like if I make it faster pixels will be skipped basically
sucks because I want it to be faster
yea got it...
@mikedidthis lol done with sass as well, not much diff compared to less, only diff I saw is the syntax difference and the way mixins are declared, and the if condition which we can use in sass...
@Loktar @rlemon you guys ASMing?
@Patsy will write it this evening, family took over.
I am having a slight issue here: live.jordanmrichards.com/tokens
The image "The Token Vault" somehow is pushing the text in the white div next to it down
Does anyone have an idea of what is causing this?
Ok ping here
@WesleyCrushed around? get off robo craft!
who here thinks using CSS is for pussies
@rlemon he is playing cs with me
yea I just pinged him on steam
Oh god that switch statement
because adding 200 to a value was too hard
i want to punch wordpress in its face right now
I know that feel.
i changed the site and the url in the settings panel and now nothing works. I cant login to the admin and the website isnto coming up. I can still login to the host(obviously). I changed it from example.org/wordpress to example.org...
next time im just going to use a static redirect while im making the site
can you log in to myphpadmin? you can change the urls in there.
I did it 3 times today trying to get my local site to tunnel.
im kind of new. Im a slightly above average noob though. I tried changing it through the database management under wp-options
still nothing
yeah, you will need to do it via myphpadmin
me too, only started with wp this.
this host doesn't have a cpanel. It's a different kind of webhost than others I have used such as hostgator or doteasy
@Loktar you gonna be around later? I wanna ask some node-webkit questions.
But am on mobile atm
nvm found it.
but it still wont work
I got the login screen to come up earlier. Now the pw isn't working. I edited the password and chose md5 and i still cant login
no idea sadly, I only really started with wp on Tuesday.
Thanks anyways man. I will figure this out. Its like a puzzle. If puzzles werent fun
@ZachSaucier i kicked @Mr.Alien's ass at csgo
and using the two berettas only most of the times
i'm a bad winner i know
to be honest, @Mr.Alien loses because he keeps using shit guns <3
I used to play cs a lot back in the day. But bf has changed my life
and sc2
@rlemon yeah I should be after 7 my time most likely
cool. simple shit. i'm going to try to write an app this weekend.
just skinning it now
@WesleyCrushed hahaha, duelies are the worst
@helloWorldIsAlliKnow you play SC?
@ZachSaucier love that game
I played for a while
still play occasionally
are you any good?
@Mr.Alien sped up my demo towc had good/easy idea to do it
heh looks a lot better now
heh just call the render function in a loop a few times before reqAnimFrame
he's really coming along
I'm impressed
he's the one who showed his site a bunch right?
and had crazy ass colors always?
did the flappy bird clone in 3-4 days
(after claiming to be able to make it in 2 hours)
I was still impressed he stuck with it and finished the game within a week
nice kid
yeah definitely
always learning and has a good attitude
and watches movies with his parents and had the forethought to screen them for no-nudity first ;P haha
@ZachSaucier I was platinum, almost diamond but I stopped playing regularly. I was planning on playing with friend later this week to do 4v4, hes reached the master rank
@ZachSaucier im no korean, but I think im good
Q: CORS not working in Angular?

grasshopperI am trying to GET information from this site https://bitcoinindex.es/api/v0.1/coinbase/usd/btc/last Using the $http service After looking all over the internet Here is my code in coffeescript angular.module('blackmoonApp') .controller 'PricingCtrl', ($scope, $http) -> $http.defaults.use...

@mikedidthis busy?
@helloWorldIsAlliKnow masters in 4v4 means nothing.
@helloWorldIsAlliKnow IMO if you think you're good and you're not masters - you're not good xD
@rlemon can we not help? :(
I was just about to ping you :P
I wanted mike specifically for another reason, but maybe you can help with this
@grasshopper Please do not dump your question in the chats so soon after posting. Let the Q&A people answer and if it still doesn't have one after a while then consider posting in chats
is the outcome (layout purposes) I want. that code doesn't look very good to be :P
(ignore the inline styles, I'll give those classes. just fucking around right now)
@rlemon "is the outcome I want" <-- what.
full height. 3 sections.
so you want me to clean the code?
top section is broken into two horizontal sections
no I wanna know the best way to go about this
so yes, clean the code, haha
is using 100% height and percentages on the rows the correct solution?
is there a better solution?
would be valid on Web Design. looking now
(this is for a desktop app btw -- node-webkit)
if that's actually the design you want that's the right way to do it
I never do percent like that
depends on content though I suppose
well it's for a pretty plain app. red block is a table of live values being read, green block will be a table/form for you to write values (not always same list) and the bottom will be for logs
I'd just float em, give em a width and let the height be determined by the content
I started mocking it up, but it was the wrong way about it
but gives you an idea
and restrict the body size (i.e. overall container) to a max-width
@rlemon about to watch a film, sup?
@mikedidthis nvm. will bug you tomorrow :P
I'll continue to hack about tonight
see if I have the brain power :P
@mikedidthis here?
@WesleyCrushed huh? just cuz I didn't used my AWP
@Mr.Alien let me know when you guys are playing today (if any more)
@ZachSaucier its 2.30 and I dont mind playing 1 hour more @WesleyCrushed wana play more?
@ZachSaucier I m waiting for my quota to reset so i can download it
@ZachSaucier y u no get age of empires????
played a nice battle with @WesleyCrushed and he crushed me badly just cuz he killed more villagers by his own inorder to make more army
such a cheater...
@WesleyCrushed loldunwannaplaythat
i don't kill my villagers on purpose
i send them to fight the bears
so they get treasures
I thought you deleted them
I wish we could drown them in the seas like we can in roller coaster
just send them to have some fun against the bears
Anyone that has a server you need to update bash
Vulnerability went public
anyway, i can play csgo, but i will fail hard
@PatsyIssa join us
internet is slow as fuck x.x
he doesn't talk with us anymore
he is busy with his weekend beirut party
I don't party in beirut :P
lemon, do you haz cs go?
he has source
I love source
I play go for drops but I like source more
so are we playing or should I go to sleep?
watch out, i got beers
@Mr.Alien I'm game
I never drank
i will play the drunk hillbilly with the two berettas
lets go, @WesleyCrushed join in
!!afk playing with kids
@ZachSaucier you host?
when alien hosts my game crashes
he must be using some aiming bot
damn cheater
@WesleyCrushed Localhost ?

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