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@mikedidthis looks more like a pole dancer
reminds me of Ted
Poorly Drawn Lines
The Best
posted on August 27, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by gustav */

@Feeds Go home, you're drunk.
I feel like removing all shitty feeds from the room but later, mikewillbeatme
lol - how to make a tempting ad upload.easwee.net/other/catAd.jpg
@Mr.Alien do it, see if I care.
@mikedidthis I dont dare to do so... :D
@Mr.Alien which ones fall in the shitty list?
@Mr.Alien eat a dick
I see it now
we have whole lot of crap in there..
ButtPoems... haaa
xkcd is awesome
I don't get it
Must have an IQ higher than the room temp :P
what's there not to get :(
hehe and I don't get anything they share, is that humor, informative or wat, I just dont get it
It's sarcasm and maths :P
some of xkcd are already cult episodes
i think most of people just pretend to understand it. just for showing off with nerd friends
many are just stupid
and plenty are not funny
@WesleyCrushed yes yes exactly, I admit that I dont get it... and I never find it funny either
but some are actually funny
@Mr.Alien I agree that some are not funny, but those that are are pretty damn good
but just some
or this
!!caniuse input type email
@Bubbas you can, but the email won't get validated on old browsers
how old?
full mobile support?
since you should do server side validation anyway
i think you can use it
yea true
@easwee very rare I may say... I never took interest in reading them at first place, some are fine, but I don't read them now... used to read hoping that I can get the thing behind that but didn't.. instead I prefer reading some comedy small comics online, random ones ;)
@Mr.Alien @WesleyCrushed well - to solve the problem - cyanide and happiness never fails xD
gifs are funny
like it :D
How is it the wrong link? By default xkcd shows the last comic, explain xkcd follows the same suit
!!afk off to the gym laters
@Mr.Alien now add a <input type="range"> and let us to increment the speed. and don't forget to add the people screaming, and people doing the final destination
@WesleyCrushed hahaha so you want a mini clip...
I miss roller coaster 1
let me install it right away
5.99 on steam
which slider do you guys use ?
@WesleyCrushed will wait for 1 or 2
awesome ...thanks
Can anyone bring a little light on this question?
@WesleyCrushed similar almost.. but rc1 is a masterpiece
i played both
they are different and both good :D
if any day I get to choose between rc1 and rc3, I would prefer 1... puny humans puking around in the park, keep cleaning, keep growing the park.. and if they are unhappy, pick and throw them in ponds :D
@WesleyCrushed there is always a new article saying similar stuff
bottom line: there is no legit studies, everything you're reading is based on someones agenda
it's WHO this time
(what I've learned in the past month)
@IonicăBizău post on chromium forums
anyway i know it's bullshit
so? doesn't mean it will come to anything
none of them have yet
until independent medical studies are done nothing will happen #my-guess
the only thing we know is that they are a fuckload better for you than cigs, and the stuff we put in them (minus the nic) we already use in food products readily.
Hey guys
also often the problem is just how they are manufactured
Does anyone have a free fonts source or a huge list of free fonts? With fonts source I mean something like typekit
like the cig itself not the liquids containing lead
@DavidH google fonts
Oh never thought of that, thanks!
Are there any more?
and that's not a good reason to throw shit at e-cigs in general
!!tell DavidH google free fonts list
I did so too but instead I got links that only suggested to download them
But thanks
Hadn't come across fontsquirrel
so, my shitty start at some sort of music oddevenmusic.tumblr.com
@k111ky You could post to NewGrounds and get some feedback
I'll keep that in mind
I've been doing beats for quite a few years now, just haven't shared it much.
> The regulations outlined in the report include a ban on e-cigarettes with fruit, candy-like and alcohol-drink flavours until it can be proved they are not attractive to children and adolescents.
@WesleyCrushed just have to say.. this is a load of one sided bullshit
@rlemon what country?
alcohol-drink flavours already look like they are targeting kids
@ZachSaucier this is a proposal by WHO
I see
that's silly
how is this any better?
bullshit, because that's how.
@ZachSaucier exactly.
I understand there should be SOME effort to keep them away from kids, but to ban the flavours would be .. well. unwarranted
IMO let 'em have 'em
free market > other markets
posted on August 27, 2014 by Josh Pollock

    Most WordPress users are familiar with tags and categories and with how to use them to organize their blog posts. If you use custom post types in WordPress, you might need to organize them like categories and tags. Categories and tags are examples of taxonomies, and WordPress allows you to create as many custom taxonomies as you want. These custom taxonomies operate like categ

should be up to parents/others to influence kids
where I somewhat agree... I have to concede and say we can't trust parents. not until there is some sort of aptitude test before you can have kids
some parents are just morons
@ZachSaucier agreed. we should let kids consume alcohol at much younger ages
in Estonia you can legally consume alcohol at the age 18th, have sex at the age of 14th with no parental consent, strip bars at 21st, go to prison at 16th.
Canada is similar but slightly different
18/19 for liquor and tobacco (depending on province) 14-16 for sex, 15-16 to drive, 18 to vote everywhere, 18 for adult prison
18 for pornography
strip clubs server alcohol so you have to meet that criteria first
in Canada at 18 you are considered an adult, so almost everything major is based on that except smoking and drinking, most provinces it is 19
that one year of experience being an adult is important before you fuck it up with booze
@Mr.Alien Hahahaha
my dirty mind
I think if we let kids consume alcohol at around 12/13 then not only will they stop thinking it's such a big deal come highschool/college but they will also be much more cognizant of its effects on them by the time they are learning how to drive. It would be good for them to be personally aware of the impairing effects of alcohol before they become overly confident with their driving ability
@TylerH or that'll just kill a bunch of kids
12/13 is too dumb to know what's right and what's wrong.
and their livers can't tolerate shit, so ...
notice I said consume and not purchase
in UK as I understand it, kids at 13 can have alcohol in public as long as their parents are buying it and supervising them
well my mom gave me Cider to try at age 11, I didn't like it lol
at least, beer, I don't think they can have hard liquor
that's another plus, give them a taste of something stout or bitter at a young age when their taste buds are still super wired for sweet/sour things, and they won't be so keen to chug it under peer pressure in a couple years at a party
uncle gave me beer to try at 12 or so, I to this day hate beer.
my dad let me taste his beer (it was just a regular american beer, nothing even close to hoppy) when I was like 12 or 13, and it tasted awful
and I still remember it, even though now I love stout beers
How would you go about wrapping a JS plugin (ability to pass parameters) for mass distribution maybe by iFrame or one script and dom? Like how Twitter "follow" buttons work, or Facebook "like" buttons. Can't seem to find any good resources on the best way to do this.
@ZachReed like I already mentioned they use an iframe
once you are using said iframe there is no restrictions
^ that.
do whatever you like
Would anyone have an idea as to why a media query may not apply within Google Chrome's mobile emulator? I set the meta tag in the header to <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1"> and still those breakpoints aren't applying.
Could try: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
@KLVTZ I've had issues with the emulation also not respecting the meta tag
upgrade to Chrome 37 and see if it is fixed there
@rlemon glad to hear I'm not the only one.
I am running on the latest stable build.
are you sure
chrome 37 was just released
I haven't gotten the update yet
yeah, also worth refreshing the page after you invoke the emulator
Version 37.0.2062.94
okay, I stand corrected (not everyone gets the update at the same time)
@mikedidthis applied your suggestion and still no break.
Double check the media queries are valid?
^^ this -- try another 'resizer' tool and see if it is your media queries
Do they work outside of emulation?
I might add that the responsive changes work fine in adjusting the height and width of the browser window.
then don't use Chrome emulation
can you share a sample of one?
I've had to stop using it :/
a sample of the media query?
Yeah, just to double check. I presume its correct.
If not, then bug report time :/
Most of my media queries are as follows: @media only screen and (max-width: 628px) {..}
the next set of media queries are just a smaller width.
I will also express that I have tried the emulator on other sites and the changes to those apply fine. I wonder if it's because I'm trying to test a small modal box in mobile.
^ probably that.
Its just an emulator, it does mess things up.
I guess my goal was to finalize the deal by conforming through emulation.
there is no real great emulation
Something odd did happen, I changed the @media only screen to @media all and that did affect one element.
the best way to test is to get the devices
Yeah, makes complete sense. If you can replicate it on a fiddle or something, and send it to the bugtracker: code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/list
I'm under the belief that a serious front end dev/designer will own a few devices. an android phone, possibly a tablet, an iphone, and possibly an ipad
Totally, but sometimes for quick things I use the emulation, its there.
I'm a hardware dev, and let me tell you: if I didn't have the hardware for testing I wouldn't have a high chance in hell of making this stuff work
4 devices on my desk as I type.
I'm not even a 'front end dev' and I have three devices for testing :P
(two mobiles, one tablet)
Do people still frown upon using the wildcard selector?
Negative, wild away.
* { box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; }
Hmm so having devices on hand is really the best solution. My office has tons of them but I never bothered looking into it. Time to get some xD
I have: .navbar .nav li a:hover .navbar .nav li:first-child a:before{
Although it doesn't select the :before style
I know .navbar .nav li a:hover is correct
Anything apparently incorrect?
Is there a navbar within a navbar?
sure looks like it
No, it's referencing the same one
I think it's just incorrect, in example:
.navbar .nav li a:hover is the hover state of a navigation item
.navbar .nav li:first-child a:before is the first item of the navigatio
navigation* - I want to alter the before class style I set.
I'm assuming that I need to target the second part differently.
.navbar .nav li a:hover .navbar .nav li:first-child a:before{
background: #6B6B6B !important;
.... is this a user stylesheet?
(think userscript)
if it isn't ... use-important: never !important;
@rlemon hmm
Basically, you want to affect the item before an anchor tag you hover over?
is that correct?
@notchris !important has one valid use case, user styles.
otherwise it shows lack of proper structure
@rlemon There are situations where it's necessary, no?
@rlemon For odd situations, no?
user styles
otherwise no it is a mistake that can be avoided with proper structure of your HTML and CSS
@rlemon Utility classes.
@KLVTZ Yes, exactly
you can't argue it. it is a mistake
just like driving on the sidewalk is a mistake
"but officer! there was a kitten in the road" -- still getting arrested
@rlemon I'm not a cat person.
@rlemon But really, I understand, I'll fix those cases where I've used !important
you are making the view engine do more work and you are making maintenance a nightmare. <- if you REALLY must know the two most glaring reasons IMO
you throw off the natural order of specificity and in a large project it becomes unsustainable.
it's the same reason you should avoid inline styles
and why applying a class via js is better than using the style property (albeit this isn't always possible... yet)
@rlemon But if you have a navbar where the items have a specific background, but the active nav item needs a different one, wouldn't it ignore the active class?
li{ color:#FFF;}
li.black{color: #000;}
Which does it use?
<li> <- white
<li class="black"> <- black
@notchris jsfiddle.net/tugnq4L3/1 An example JSFiddle for illustration
@rlemon OK I just went through my styles and removed all !important listings.
@rlemon I had to fix a few things, but I made it work. Thanks.
or if you want things to get out of hand: jsfiddle.net/tugnq4L3/2
@TylerH you can use li:nth-child(n+3){color:#000;}
jQuery UI Dialog keep getting bigger and bigger every time it open.
@notchris that second fiddle was just a joke

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