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(~ ̄▽ ̄)~
shocker early morning - need to re-design a brochure and I've never made any before, @mikedidthis @DarkAshelin can throw me some insights, maybe?
2 hours later…
posted on August 25, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by MrJ */

@ICanHasKittenz something with kittens? :P
@easwee I wish, but no, corporate stuff
really, I'm being pulled away from development and pushed towards marketing & I'm not sure if I'm the right person for this...
posted on August 25, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by hlfranca */

@Purify o/
@ICanHasKittenz lame - you should point it out
@ICanHasKittenz sadly I am AWOL today as its a bank holiday :(
I got a WP theme to code today. For money. I hope.
@k111ky my deepest condolences *hugs* =o(
@crypticツ he actually enjoys working with wp :P
Hey, if you had your very own framework to work on with WP which removes all the WP-bullshit, you wouldn't think it's that bad either.
some good info about node require() : bennadel.com/blog/…
I don't know, it never worked for me with .js, worked without it tho'
Ah 2011, makes sense
@easwee the thing is I was in the marketing department before, but we had a marketing head and another person to do the designs so these never came to me while they were there. But I'm planning to have a word with the HR on this.
@easwee if I had my present knowledge back then, they would have called me 'legend' >:D
metafilter.com - almost no change, mcdonalds - is like transformation from black to white, NBA - text-shadows abuse
reddit is also pretty much the same
I always figured reddit forgot to design their site, same as hacker news, lol
@k111ky who needs design when you have content
check craigslist
You can have both you know
a great content-focused design and great content = win-win, instead of great content and almost no design.
yay my twitter bot works!
now I must find some good use for it in SO chat :P
52 tweets, 0 followers, following 0 users
I thought you're going to tweet the starred messages?
Your twit bot account is gonna get banned :P
@ICanHasKittenz do you still need inspiration for that brochure?
@k111ky maybe - but maybe not ;)
@PatsyIssa why because I spam test too much? :P
yup :P
say i want to grab all the CSS styles for an element from a page. Is there a way to do that via the browser?
inspect and go to computed
to think all this time I've been recreating it all bit by bit =o(
It shows a ton of clutter as well though
@PatsyIssa uncheck "show inherited properties"
@easwee can't find that option
@easwee rightttt
oh wait, is this a joke?
in computed it's a checkbox before the first style
nope, not on my end.
Only in chrome and opera
Blink machines, that is.
oooh, lemme use chrome then
Using firefox?
I bet it was Firefox, I don't understand developers who use Firefox.
FF dev tools are actually nice
I don't care, the smooth scroll bullshit and overall clutter is a no-go for me.
@DarkAshelin I have a mock up with me, I'm planning to work on it. Well, I know it's usually done on illustrator or InDesign, but since I'm more comfortable with Photoshop, do you think I should take the artboard specifications and work with them on PS?
You can make chrome smooth scroll
why the F would anyone want to do that?
I like smooth scrolling instead of the jump
I hate chrome's scroll
Like holy shit; screw classic scroll, let's make it hip and cool by a lagfest of a scroll so there's no freaking way a sane person would stay sane.
O.o no lag on my side
Or you know, Firefox' updates; fuck plugin makers, we're going to update the way that no plugin would ever work again, always, 24/7
the fact that it takes time to animate is actually a lag, btw
@ICanHasKittenz no idea :/
actually, since it's print, I guess you better stick to illu or indesign
Every single client: sens me a simple .PSD, with normal site structure and so on. Then when I'm almost finished with it client sends me another with abnormal site structure and wishes from an Iron Man movie.
that sucks balls
at least they send you psds
I stopped freelancing because they use illustrator for webdesign here, most of them are print designers that think a newspaper and a website are the same
they have sent me GIF's as well
I can't fathom working for someone other than myself, for at least some time now, so I'm stuck freelancing.
You need a startup
It's like working for yourself - the worrying about getting work part
posted on August 25, 2014 by Mary Lou

Monocle List * Prebrowsing * Transactional email templates * Satellizer * Senna * Duo * Must-Watch CSS * sweep.js * The Stocks

@DarkAshelin I'm googlin every functionality I need to do in ilu, PS and ilu have some common functions but some genius decided to name it differently
@ICanHasKittenz mhm
hushbyk111ky.tumblr.com < Tumblr theme I'm working on on my free time. Lots to do still, tweaking and stuff, it'll have sidebars as well.
Could use overall critique tho'
never used tumblr :P
@mikedidthis is your guy
Morning all
Bank holiday today so mike will probs have the day off
Bank holiday?
But he's self employed :P
@easwee .htaccess for IIS is webconf right?
@PatsyIssa I don't know what has that to do with looking at a design, but sure.
I don't get the 1 column design
what's not to get about it?
It's 2014
There will be sidebars, too, optionally a user can turn the sidebar on in the menu.
and then align it left or right
Why is the design 500px wide and centered
Because it's Tumblr
And that's why i said I never used tumblr :P
if the user has a sidebar, too, it'll be some 850px wide and centered.
All tumblr themes are tiny?
Nope. But Tumblr themes are 500px oriented, I can make them wider as well, but that's just breaking things.
well haven't seen many themes but as far as design goes it's clean
I am trying to make a site with a vertical logo. Takes up too much bloody space
@PatsyIssa thanks, added 50px in width haha
and more spacing as well
who said derp derp derp ?
posted on August 25, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

@easwee My dad still actively maintains his same website that opened in 1995. It has barely changed, at all
posted on August 25, 2014 by Pete Rojwongsuriya

    Scrolling effects have been around in web design for years now, and while many plugins are available to choose from, only a few have the simplicity and light weight that most developers and designers are looking for. Most plugins I’ve seen try to do too many things, which makes it difficult for designers and developers to integrate them in their projects. Not long ago, A

got a co-worker who's kid (artist) has a design done in ps and needs someone to splice it up into a website
anyone interested?
Slice + code ?
I imagine yes
send it over i ll give it a look
Once I m home, no ps at the office
fname.lname @ gmail
the . is superficial
google ignores them
I v heard that but never tried it without it
lol @ 2meg jpeg
x.x :P
doesn't need responsive (idk why)
the top is a carousel
mouse over effects on the artwork
1 page?
with pretty urls?
posted on August 25, 2014 by Wes + Tony

Hey friends! Worried about DEATH? More specifically, are you worried that you’ll die without making a real impact on human culture, the memory of your existence quickly fading like the light on your laptop’s power supply after it’s been unplugged (how’s THAT for a modern simile)? So here are a few TIPS to ensure that [...]

@PatsyIssa looks like it
and the notes I just posted above
small amounts of interaction
BUT he is a designer / artist, so I don't expect it to be "straight forward"
will likely be a little back and fourth
you know how artists are
Is he in a hurry?
no clue
it's actually the guys dad who I work with
not the designer
@rlemon damn that's true
that rules out like 50% of unique emails though
And it's a fixed width site? no responsivness at all?
that is what the email says
> • Website to be built in Java Script (no scaling to fit different window sizes).
that space made me twitch :P
just tells me he knows nothing about web dev
but that's okay
Put em through
why do people say "Don't do this (even though I have no idea how that works and therefore whether it would be difficult)"
@PatsyIssa kk i'll call him this aft and forward off some info
I did a demo to the solution architect of the prototype I've been working on the other day. He just focused on how it looked; width of columns, absence of headers and so on. Even though he's a solution architect and is supposed to know that's not what's important.
@TomW I have no idea what you are saying
but I agree with you
That wasn't a caps laugh
The important stuff is things like:
- Are the data requirements in place
- Does the way the relationships between data items is described actually make sense
- Does the API work in the way I think it does and return the right information?
And so on. Not the fact the fucking columns aren't scaled to the screen
is there any way to break to a new line every N elements in css only?
@BoltClock got a link? :)
div { display: inline-block; }
div:nth-child(3n)::after {
  content: '';
  display: block;
obviously doesn't work
@rlemon float and clear on each n
or if you can't use float - use white-space: pre-line
@rlemon Browser support?
@easwee I wan't
div {
    float: left;
div:nth-child(3n+1) {
    clear: left;
ignore content
posted on August 25, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by Adnan Hajdarević */

The coding love: when I actually use proper grammar
@PatsyIssa how can I use jquery in node if I only need it for server side?
npm install jquery
and than?
how to load it
@easwee No
@PatsyIssa Its a perk I don't usually take, but I decided after the last one, I would :D
O.o there is no dom in node
@mikedidthis time with the kids?
Why would you install jQuery in node, there's no DOM in there, and that's practically the only thing jQuery does
@PatsyIssa yeah exactly xD
found this
@PatsyIssa negative. Odd jobs and xbox if I am lucky :D
@easwee Hmm, that's 1997, not 1995. I love my dad, but that doesn't sound nearly as impressive now - the difference 2 years can make
the logic why I want this was just to do some stuff with a syntax I know
@easwee Your point?
Kinda weird :P
@mikedidthis boxers and xbox :D
y nvm - I was just wondering if it was possible
@easwee It's possible, but pointless.
I'd rather spare you guys the agony of 1001 animated GIFs
What problem are you trying to solve with jQuery/Cheerio?
Linkedin makes me want to slit my wrists open
And framesets. And a second hit counter because the first one went defunct
@SecondRikudo I just wanted to use jquery get and that stuff
but i'll just go plain js
posted on August 25, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} I did a New Yorker parody for The Nib.

@easwee There is no AJAX in node
There's a full fledged HTTP client
@SecondRikudo can you give me a hint on what would be optimal to use to parse an xml file?
@easwee You can use jsdom if you like DOM
Also, any particular reason to use XML?
I'm open to alternatives too - it's a learning sample project
JSON is preferred when using Node.
json all the things man
It's "faster' to parse
@PatsyIssa but what if my feed is already in xml? should I go on converting it or just deal with it?
Deal with it
If you have a choice always send back json
If not parse the xml
It removed itself too
You don't speak hebrew ?
translate: PHP מסריח
PHP sucks
ofc you do :P
@PatsyIssa I do
But making @Feeds say stuff is fun.
hahahaha yeah
wonder when they ll patch it
They should open source SO chat so we can add much needed features
@PatsyIssa Dude, they want to keep us chatting, not kill us.
Think a post on meta with enough attention would make them consider it?
@m59 o/
@PatsyIssa you live in Lebanon, right?
IS aren't giving you crap there, aren't they?
They attacked a village by the border was some intense crap
Wow :|
Seriously they make Hamas look like the freaking kids in a sandbox
Also with all do respect to the palestenians and love for them, they v been nothing but trouble over here
Al quaeda split from IS saying they are too extreme go figure
Can't they go find some desert to blow themselves up
Refreshed meta saw a post titled "Moderators are you fucking retarded?" refreshed again and it was gone :P
@SecondRikudo Should see what the boys here did to them ^^
50 cal bullet can do some serious damage
@PatsyIssa I'm truly astounded though by how easily the brought Syria and Iraq to their knees.
hmm let me find that documentary for you
And I fear for everyone lives for what would happen if they try to attack us
@PatsyIssa Vice's?
I saw it :P
Nope not vice
If they try to attack israel, israel and the us will level syria iraq and all them fuckers
@PatsyIssa k thanks
And if you guys will have me I would be chilling with you guys in tel aviv :P
@PatsyIssa Yes, probably.
@PatsyIssa Heh, I'll gladly have you :)
I could use a webdev roomy
Ok so basically here's how IS came to existance
When sadam was in power, the shia (80% of the iraqi population) were under his boot
While the sunnis were in power
When the US invaded and removed him the shia took up power
The president elected at that time was a shia president and the sunnis boycotted the elections and only 5% of them voted that day
And that's around the time when the suicide bombings were very common in Iraq
@PatsyIssa not to sound racist or anything, but does no one notice the trend of "Muslims being horribly oppressed when Muslims are in charge"?
The modern history of the middle east can be summed up as "...and it turned out those guys were assholes too"
It happens like everywhere
@TomW That's pretty accurate
@TomW 100%
Are you guys familiar with the sons of iraq ?
To stop the fighting the us paid off the sons of iraq and gave them a seat at the table which made the sunnis happy, violence stopped in iraq and everyone was happy
When obama came into office and pulled out of iraq the president that was there stopped paying the sons of iraq and removed the senior sunni military officers and replaced them with his trusted people ( they weren't nearly as qualified )
A year later you have IS showing up (radical sunni group) that are highly trained and armed
IS = sons of iraq and all the oppressed sunnis
so meh
@PatsyIssa interesting, all of the articles I've read pretty much say they are an offshoot of al-Qaeda that has had strained relations and finally broke off in Feb 2014
they have been fighting in Syria for a while as well, hence gaining better training
ISIS came out of iraq
Jabhat al nusra was fighting along side them in syria
and they too broke ties with them
Sooner or later the shia that are being oppressed by IS will take up arms and we ll have another monster group on our hands
It's a never ending cycle
What's funny is all of this fighting could be prevented with a joint and a good night's lay
@PatsyIssa There are a couple solutions
None of them are really viable
Can't kill everyone off, not a solution :P
Wonder how many US weapons they are using.
also how much US training.
US was all about supporting the Syrian rebels O.o
IS were trained by the states to combat assad as well
They got weapons from iraq after they took over military bases
We've also sent weapons to Syrian rebels
which I'm sure made it into ISIS hands.
Religious fanatics + modern weapons = shitstorm
I'm glad we didnt give any more support, however I wish we would stay out of most of this.
it always ends up bad for us.
We have Jewish fanatics here in Israel too, the worse they can do is torch stuff and throw rocks if they're really pissed.
At least they can't level entire fucking villages.
if only nukes weren't that devastating
@Loktar It's a no-win situation really
look at our technology at work
that ToW missile flies like a boss
Assad is corrupt, tyrant, etc. IS might not be that corrupt now, but they will be. Not to mention the fanaticism.
IS is worse than Assad imo lol
@Loktar I could easily handle it with my Susanoo, but they won't let me go :(
Something about "The balance of power" crap or something
our news doesn't report on Syria at all anymore
its crazy they are still fighting, such a long war
@Loktar Neither does ours, but that's probably because we're at fucking war as well.
yeah our news has even let up reporting on that :?
Yup stuff from gaza died down
top thing in the news is Ferguson
Hamas HQ is sitting comfortably in Qatar, drinking and smoking, letting their suckers fire rockets and get hammered.
But they want a port! Yeah, that'll happen
Even Egypt laughed at them when they said that
There's no way they can guarantee that no weapons will come in, on the other note gaza can't remain blocked to the world, problem is hamas and the civilians suffer
Don't think it's going to be solved anytime soon
Israel can't back down and hamas won't agree to anything as long as the blockade is effective
@PatsyIssa My problem is that, while the Israeli government is 100 times better than any government that might arise from inside Gaza, the Gaza citizens will never be treated as equal
I just know it.
The arabs here which live together with others are doing fine
And where there's inequality and poverty radicalism will rise
@PatsyIssa The problem is that the word "Arabs" is already instantly bound in most people's heads as "Enemy".
Just as things are in most Arab villages here, only with "Jews"
hezbollah's rise was due to the inability of the lebanese government to secure the people after thousands of palestenian refugees came here
@PatsyIssa I'm saddened that nearly none of the Muslim states manage to elect (if there are elections at all) a sane leader.
One that's not maddened by religious crap.
secular governments ftw
I'm not saying he has to be an atheist
ofc not
i meant keep religion out of the government
But is it too much to ask for a leader that doesn't get a boner from "Allah O'Akbar"?
just like turkey did

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