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@Loktar Yeah some form of deposit
@Paramasivan sadly, its a hard lesson to learn. I have been there my self. Always, always take a deposit. If the contractor refuses, move on.
@mikedidthis thank you for the advise
@Paramasivan I wish I could be more help.
his ip originates from Los Angeles
If you agreed to a contract, then that is enforceable in a court of law
an LA judge can issue a subpoena for that IP Address and compel him to make restitution
for breaking the contract
@ObiWanWesabi help
@TylerH he makes contract stealing logos from other companies
@Mr.Alien he's you're only hope?
omg lol
yes, cuz he made me start the OOP :p
that IP is to the zoho mail server
the email is a zoho email.
there is no guarantee the scammer operates out of the USA
just saying
so a judge may not be able to do much
@rlemon i see From tylerp.bachman Tue Jun 24 04:59:48 2014
X-Apparently-To: [email protected] via; Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:18:47 +0000
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received-SPF: pass (domain of zoho.com designates as permitted sender)
application submitted
yeesh, lots of info
@Paramasivan all I was pointing out is that a court may not be able to do shit if the scammer isn't from the USA
^ that
@Loktar An attempt to filter out the bads, I would assume
if you are going to us court like some suggested
@Loktar Yeah, it was boring :p
yea to both of you
@rlemon he spoke as if he were a native American
> Hooooow
> Why hello there.
There may be precedence in your country to do the same thing; the least a judge should be able to do is issue a subpoena to determine the exact location of the IP address
cool, I was just giving some information.
take it or leave it
Them Native Americans.
yea we're a bunch of bastards
always burning down your wagons and shit
hey I'm 1/8th Native American
so only parts of my wagons
I'm 1/64th, that's offensive
lol my sister got into UofM due to that (being 1/8th)
was able to get in via a minority program
@Loktar I mark that I'm "native american" on every exam
I'm 1/1th, you can all go suck a tipi
I was born here, I'd say that's native
@ZachSaucier haha
Well, I'm Indian.
yeah Americans are weird
African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans...
I don't get why you'd call Native Americans "Indians" still
just be a friggin American.
Yeah, that was odd when I first learned about it
@SomeGuy because they wear feathers
yeah I agree it is really weird
well... natives have some claim to wanting to be called something different. it isn't like you can use the whole "go back to your own country if you don't like being called American"
after over 250 years of existing you would think you are just a part of the country now.
I think you should call all of the Native Americans "Americans" and everyone else "Immigrants" ;P
@rlemon they can go across the land bridge from Russia
Or "Invaders"?
they were there first ;)
well they were weak
sucks to be them.
get civilized bro.
so were the slaves, from the perspective of the slave owners
we doing this again ? :D
crap did I miss a native discussion :( ?
those always make me lol
such hipsters
don't get me wrong. I don't have my status card for a reason.
but I mean, shit I kinda have to take the side of the natives when the argument arises :P
I wouldn't feel right otherwise.
just sounds like angsty teenagers to me
> yeah I enjoy my western life, wish the white man would go home
said by no intelligent native ever (in the last 50 years) ^
some messed up stuff happened a few hundred years ago sure, and I hope no one denies that
but the whole immigration debate always makes me lol as well
@Loktar would explain all the Pantera :D
it is moreso protecting heritage. if we (usa and canada) are both multi-cultural.. why then was it hard to retain some native culture? why shoo them onto a small reserve?
I'm not a big culture buff so personally I don't care, but I can see how that would piss off some people
@rlemon what heritage do you practice though honestly?
I don't, but I've been around the natives (in Canada) who do
many people like myself have a bit of Native American and say it to be cool, but otherwise live your standard westerner life
yeah there is nothing wrong with protecting a culture, but are native americans still shooed into reserves anymore?
in some places (in Canada) yes
I have no clue about the USA natives
the fact we still have reserves shocks me
paying for the sins of hundreds of years ago is weird.
because of the divide communities are at ends with eachother. fighting and racism is big between them
@Loktar the one that's been under water for thousands of years? :-P
@TylerH lol what do you mean? The land bridge?
@Loktar agreed. I don't think natives should be tax free. but I think we also need programs in place to help the communities actually move out of the shithole they've sunk into
people from different countries come to US and uplift the country
haha probably longer than that
@Loktar yeah
@rlemon yeah definitely nothing wrong with doing that as long as the gov has the means
well if they didn't just hand out "tax relief" i'm sure they could put a program together.
one day the world will be one race anyway
and people will look at very old pictures when humans were different
it will be ancient history
yea in another 1000 years we're all going to be beige
maybe... hopefully
sudden bad mood again Gonna have to pay €110 for parking tickets
or green. I hope we're green
haha @rlemon not @DarkAshelin that sucks
funky alien cross bred
@Loktar Also it's more like 400 years of living with us, but about 150 years of being cooped up in "preserves" that keep getting encroached upon by oil companies or cattle herders
I guess the cattle herders are nothing new, though
!!afk sub time
@DarkAshelin ouch
@TylerH they can leave the reserve anytime..
and live like anyone else
!!tell DarkAshelin happymusic
@Loktar Yeah but they just want their way of life in their ancestral home
@TylerH pretty sure the casinos and no taxes thing is a nice reason to stay as well.
then they wake up the next day and find out someone took another 5000 acres from their home :-P
@zach you don't need !!
eh like I said I hope the reserves are gone one day
@Billy ah, thanks
@Loktar yeah, if you like gambling :-P no taxes is one reason I'd consider moving to Puerto Rico
can't vote but votes don't matter anyway
haha yeah they are a bit lucky there anyway
they reap a lot of the benefits without a lot of the side effects of being a state
I'd probably sooner move to another country though
too disillusioned with all that the US does/has done/has become
not I, I will die in the US, no matter what.
@Loktar 'Merica
Indeed you shall
sends assassin to find Loktar
a drone might be faster!
It's gonna be inconvenient if he finds you and you're like in a boat in international waters
> Just hanging out here don't mind me
heh, drones are illegal according to the FAA but a judge recently ruled those cease and desist orders are BS
man I hate drones
even their use in other countries.. its crazy
pretty unfair too
predator and reaper drones I'm not a huge fan of how they use them
@Loktar fairness in war, what a silly concept
quadcopters I don't mind
@SecondRikudo woo hoo! thanks
@ZachSaucier truly
@ZachSaucier lol yeah my last comment was half joking, however I don't agree with the use of them generally
I got to watch live streams when I worked in the gov
was.. interesting
it's like saying I should give a shotgun to the guy invading my house so it's even
@CarrieKendall You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/998328/carrie-kendall) have 3051 reputation, earned 360 rep today, asked 10 questions, gave 43 answers, for a q:a ratio of 10:43.
avg. rep/post: 57.56. Badges: 0g 13s 39b
@CarrieKendall you see the data query I made?
maybe, link?
@ZachSaucier no like saying you can go invisible and kill the guy without really knowing if he will rob you , but he looks bad and hangs out with bad people
I'm referencing fairness in war is all, not drones
oh, yeah fairness in war is one thing, but I don't buy the whole war at terrorism bs honestly
well I was referencing the use of drones as being unfair, and we currently are not in a wartime situation using them :P
@ZachSaucier ooo 60 rep per answer
that bounty has skewed all the things
wait that doesnt count bounties
rep per answer does, so does reputation
@Loktar if you want to know more about that, look up Sibel Edmonds and her website boilingfrogspost
@CarrieKendall it's an imperfect metric; it simply divides your rep by your # of answers. It doesn't look at how much rep you gain in each answer and then average that
yeah, it doesnt filter by post type
or am i missing something?
@CarrieKendall what post types are there? It gets all the user's answers
you can be an owner of questions as well
@TylerH hmm that site seems fairly anti-us
@Loktar It's just factual
eh seems a bit on the extreme side.
@CarrieKendall Ah, I forgot to take that into account
it doesn't have to worry about slanting its articles to keep getting funding or to appease people sitting on a board
writers there are from all across the spectrum
Anyway I don't wanna get Off Topic for the room :-P
I keep forgetting this isn't the JS room sorry :p
@ZachSaucier did you look at a query i made a few weeks ago: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/207864/…
yes, only skimmed it. I thought mine was good (evidently not perfect)
there's a lot of different places that reputation comes from
like I said I suck at these things
nah, it is a good little quick average
not 100% accurate but it works in my favor ;)
60+ rep/answer avg.. wat
thats a sign of quality repwhore :D
now that you mentioned it I have to fix it though
that's how devs work
@CarrieKendall Yeah, hehe... using your query my average rep per answer is 13 X-P
yes, i am a huge repwhore
currently am spoiling my stats just to get 60k
45 to go
@TylerH not that bad
yeah, my query rounds so it is probably slightly higher
1360 rep from answers, I have slightly more than 100 answers
score is upvote just fyi
12.83 rep to be (more) exact
ie a score of 1 would be a rep value of 10
i added <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">; which is dreamweavers default i think — Chips147 1 min ago
deamweaver sucks balls
gods you can really tell when a site is not touched by a designer at all
i cant force myself to answer super trivial css questions :(
like, i want to because i could easily collect rep but then i wonder if it is really helping the site
The C++ room has more flags than all the rest combined
i am going to start getting into the knockout web-components stuff and maybe i can contribute there and repwhore
knockout 3.2 looks insane
WTH... anyone here checked out builtvisible before?
Looks like a service where you pay for them to design a page for a single news article
I still can't bring myself to close this tab chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/17958615/history
cc @Will
It has made me laugh multiple times a day
cc @rlemon ass pennies
I guess will has gone home by now
butcoin > ass penny ?
@Billy have you seen the youtube video? (or the movie)
Google it
Ass pennies
Smartest idea ever :p
and an ass penny IMO is definitely a type of but coin ;-)
!!youtube ass penny success
@TylerH sharepoint->microsoft->expected sucky doctype
@Mr.Alien duh :-P
@rlemon Thx for saving me ~ 5 seconds :P
posted on July 30, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by guybrush117 */

I can't help but think this mod pulled that statistic straight out of his ass meta.stackoverflow.com/a/267179/2756409
Wow that ass penny thing is pretty funny
@CarrieKendall Something is off. Have any idea what?
Since 57.something is the correct answer, not 50
or does 57.something include bounties as well...
I wrote a post on responsive-design, critique is welcome as always. Trying to make something that I can point new people to that answers most of their questions on the subject, so any help in that way is greatly appreciated
it's the "broom broom" that cracks me up every time
@ZachSaucier Very well written. The only moot points: Media query stuff is too specific (4 columns, no mention of content driven media queries etc), Fonts: If you are using a 14px body font, zoom is applied to inputs. I would add something about the meta tag.
Also. I read that without looking at Brads article.
@mikedidthis It doesn't have much to do with it. Just referred to it because it's good stuff as well. Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can do
@ZachSaucier yeah. I wasn't sure if my comments were something Brad had covered.
The meta tag was included in the post by Ethan Marcotte, but I'll include it in mine as well
Apparently it wasn't in there after all. Included it in mine
k. The only other thing was too many media queries. I would disagree depending on your CSS modelling.
"too many" was in reference to the amount of options the media query object has, not the amount of them :)
I suppose I'll make that more clear
what do you mean options?
"it's better to have too many media query options rather than too few. In day-to-day web design, I tend to stick with only "min-width" and, less often, "max-width"."
vs the old
"it's better to have too many than too few. In day-to-day web design, I tend to stick with only "min-width" and, less often, "max-width"."
better, @mikedidthis?
@ZachSaucier I am not sure. Sorry. English isn't my strong point.
I would think that either would be fine given that the following sentence deals specifically with media query options
kk, then keep it as it is :D
@ZachSaucier "Responsive design, therefore, is simple the mix of the two" > simply
Only one English mistake? I'm doing well today!
OMG! I'm being told I can go home at 6pm? The time I should go home? IT'S A MIRACLE!
I've only read the first paragraph :-P
Bye all :)
Where's @CarrieKendall to strike you down with lightning for assuming the reader is "he"
Also @ZachSaucier "regardless of device he is viewing it on." > add the before "device"
@Billy lator gator!
@TylerH might make a big list instead several smaller ones :P
@ZachSaucier fine :-P
> "A 10x engineer is not necessarily 10 times more productive — they are just “next level” better engineers who in some contexts are 1.5x and sometimes 100x better, depending on the difficulty of the task and leverage of the outcome." - This post
so glad that they note that productivity depends on the context. Too often do people base someone's skill of the time it takes to fix one task that may seem simple but ends up taking a while
@mikedidthis in a while crocodile!
20 errors, that's more like it
a couple are stylistic
My brother must have removed one of the links on the "Instead of going into detail about all of the options..." error
Makes me think of "disown" in a first-person-shooter context
"You just got dis-owned, noob!"
@ZachSaucier I really like that post
:D thanks
referring to the 10x engineer one
but I like yours too :-)
!!afk crying
!!afk throwing boxes of kleenex at Zach
@TylerH Thanks for the corrections
@ZachSaucier TylerH is afk: throwing boxes of kleenex at Zach
@ZachSaucier no problem
Now send it to SitePoint :-P
hah, I've been considering that.
I suppose I may as well
It'll get you more feedback, at least
ya, that's how I'm phrasing i
@Mr.Alien was out :P
next time Don't ask to ask, just ask! xD
so if i'm not targeting mobile. position:fixed is fine yea?
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