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such ego boost when the boss asks you "will you still have time for some animation projects?" after I leave the company on friday xD
@rlemon in that image generator fiddle of yours - you are randomly generating imgur ids and check the image colors if they match?
how can you always get the id right?
I don't
@easwee "No"
in fact more often than not I get a 404 back
ah ok
but imgur sends a 404 image, so I check against that and move on if it is the 404 image
@rlemon Will it replace existing images if a better color match happens?
cool stuff though
@DarkAshelin love it lol
my bf djed that during a liveset this weekend, was epic
me & crowd lost it
@DarkAshelin reminds me of this one youtu.be/NNJureMTeZA but on acid
uff, too slow for me
@DarkAshelin like I said - that one but on acid :)
@DarkAshelin I first thought that was a typo and that you were handling your loss extremely well.
@rlemon rofl!
@rlemon That ^
@rlemon lool I read that first too but thought no that would be to creepy
everyone is creepy! no one wants to admit it!
@mikedidthis i'm listening to pollution since we talked of it xD
@DarkAshelin @DarkAshelin Use empty object history.pushState({},"page 2","bar.html"); As of now, you do not need the object
I went back to bed, but some guy has decided to hammer his entire nail collection into a piece of wood. Wanker.
@mikedidthis I know right? @SomeGuy is such a prick ;)
@mikedidthis WHAT DID YOU DO TO MIKE @SomeGuy ???????
Some guy must have one big hammer ;)
I wish you could downvote comments
j08691 is being a little prick
Q: Why does my button appear outside the containing div?

Sam HolderI have a fiddle here which shows my issue. I have a couple of columns in my bootstrap layout but I can't seem to get my button to layout inside the parent div, it always seems to overlap it: At first I thought it was due to the padding of the columns in bootstrap but I have removed that and th...

and earlier someone posted a JS question saying "I've been told not to use jQuery" and he responded with some snide comment "told not to use jQuery? Do you always do as you're told?"
@TylerH huh? thats a valid comment
@Mr.Alien It's hostile.
It's snide and unhelpful
I don't think so, I often comment like "3k rep and no code in your question"?
oh the linked one
this is 13k
it is a bit hostile
like the guy said, he doesn't ever post front-end questions
It could have been worded better. It does come across as rude.
so he wouldn't know about the jsfiddle code requirement
I don't see any other comments
@TylerH haha I wrote a story for that
A: Is Stack Overflow going to create its own jsFiddle-style sandbox environment?

Mr. AlienStory of HTML - CSS - JS section on Stackoverflow So Does anyone else think this would be an awesome feature? - NO I'm already seeing many users asking for jsFiddle even if OP is sharing the code. The core rule for Stackoverflow is to share the codes, not the demos, so ...

@Mr.Alien awesome :-P
haha and its true
@DarkAshelin check if this is helpful for you fiddle.jshell.net/zVyHx/1/show/light/#form1
Anyway I normally wouldn't have been upset by his comment if he hadn't earlier made that snide remark about the OP doing what he was told
@ObiWanWesabi ty
posted on July 22, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by léo */

@Mr.Alien I don't really like that answer though. "Because it's not an answer" is a complete non-answer. I think instead we should ask why we can downvote questions and answers (e.g. what purpose that serves) and then compare whether the point of downvoting a comment would be the same.
@TylerH I like the skeets view there
"TIL On average, Americans eat 90 acres of pizza per day." :O
that's more than italians :D
@mikedidthis u wat m8
@easwee it's about quality not quantity xD
i wil fuk u up
@SomeGuy ahah
@ObiWanWesabi I know that - same as coffee here and there :D
i want pizza now
@SomeGuy do u even lift bro
quattro formaggi mmh
pretty much sums it up xD
I don't understand how some fat ppl have a belt like halfway their belly
like the 3rd guy in that pic
@ObiWanWesabi capricciosa ftw
@TylerH I can bench press 400lbs
so their belly still shows bulking in their pants, so.... gross
@easwee lol most of them were probably linemen whose muscle slowly turned to fat
those are like the fattest coaches I've ever seen
@TylerH no idea - just hanging on stereotypes :)
we have fatsies too
have you seen the skit with Jason Sudekis?
he's an american football coach trying to be a soccer coach because they called it football
@TylerH nop
very stereotypical :-)
@TylerH yeah sports people usually stop doing sports but don't stop eating for sports
@easwee do you know Galeazzi? used to be in the olympic italian squad of rowing
now he's like 400kg
@ObiWanWesabi gianpiero?
lol that is him???
looks like shit
in 1986 was at mexico's olympiads
this was epic
posted on July 22, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Did you miss the big kickstarter? Do you still want a book or print?

@easwee also bud spencer used to do professional swimming
turned fat after he stop
was a professional swimmer too
omg yessssssss
finally got this JavaScript to work
I like how on this Google Developer's page, at the bottom where it says "What to do if your code isn't working" it lists "Post questions to Stack Overflow"
Your domain name(s) will expire in 30 days.  Act now to avoid any disruption to email or website services and avoid losing your chosen name.
aww year is around already
you could use .ee if you don't mind Estonia
I don't mind their women
@SomeGuy yeah
@TylerH you jsut gave me the idea that I might buy that domain too
@easwee :-)
You never know...
oh wut, Firefox update
lul - I totally ignore firefox for last 3 months
it's brutal on windows server 2008
Srs question: Is there a limit for the amount of HTML5 'select' options
I don't think so
Because for me it caps at 75
FF 31.0 \o/
@easwee you should update it if it's been 3 months
@easwee Firefox's so bad that even WWF would kill it with fire
Might find huge changes
Firefox used to be a beautiful, lightweight browser
i know that @SecondRikudo now it's just the opposite :(
Now, like most women in their mid-lives, it's gotten fat.
FF 31.0 added support for CSS3 variables
and a canvas debugger
@SecondRikudo i think they took some wrong decision, like when they switched to cairo, around firefox 3.5
because the problem is not firefox itself but the framework... you'd have the same performance problems even with xulrunner
what is really frustrating is that they deliberately ignore the fact that is slow, answering "it's the extensions" or "clean your profile" -__-
I have extensions and profiles in chrome. It's not as slow.
So I have to call BS
yeah :(
@BDillan not that i've ever seen or encountered
@BDillan jsfiddle.net/rlemon/Z97a9 1K options
no issues
The issue that I was having was that I was calling array.length for a JSON object
(array) - json object
posted on July 22, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by @maximilienriehl */

damn, this wordpress front page is failing for some reason
any idea why it isn't showing up the content?
I made a page, selected as front in Settings -> Reading, should show up now but it doesn't
there could be a million reasons for that @Mr.Alien tried with the default template?
it could be that the template doesn't feature that setting
nah making my own
and I have no idea why it isn't showing up
try with twentyfourteen if it works
wait let me test, am reinstalling
I think it has something to do with permalinks
ok it doesn't work, am doing something wrong
do we have to include any function on index.php inorder to print the static page?
i don't actually know
i should have learned wordpress
instead i have some wolverine superpower that prevents me from learning it
even I don't want to but I will this time
iirc Billy knows something about it
and and its DAMNNNN easy compared to Joomla
honestly i don't think it's that bad too
wp right?
yes it is far more better than any cms
and I got the issue
i'd not say it's "better", but it's easy to customize for the 99% of sites we make
yea and thats what makes it better
get_template_part( 'content', 'page' ); is what I was missing
with a while loop
check the reference
I was expecting this, but was not getting the correct word to search, so I checked another default template and took out php codes one by one
i said that because i can't help :D usually codex can
The codex is awesome. I said something good about WP.
remember that wordpress massively use global variables @Mr.Alien
and static ones
static $var;
global $var;
I realized that, the content is now not showing up hahaha
use joomla its much better
joomla sucks
Said no one ever.
Damn, alien screwed me.
just kidding, I never used WP yet so I can't compare
I would have been able to help for joomla though
but if wp frustrates me, I will switch to joomla, but I really hate those 5000 - 7000 file templates, though am going to make my own
that is what I do all the time
(on joomla)
actually I can use my own cms but its single user, and if for some reason I need you guys to contribute than it won't be possible hence am opting for open source cms
my home computer's hard drive failed again
I just installed it in like June
it just randomly lost the boot sector
like how do you lose a bootsector
ATLAST, got it .. the_content() <----
@web-tiki I've used joomla as well, creating positions in xml file, creating simple block modules, posts etc, but the issue is that it isn't that much customize upto that extent compared to wp
Well I haven't yet run into something I couldn't do with Joomla and never used wp so I can't say really. I have heard several times that joomla suits better complex websites like online-shops, muli-user management and that wp suits better for blogs. (haven't experienced that yet though)
One thing I don't like with joomla is the fact that it loads so many libraries by default and I have a hard time "unloading" them but I guess it is the same for wp
does someone tried to run chrome with two profiles at the same time? last time i tried didn't work
i need to separate data entry tasks and programming
includes differents bookmarks, bookmark toolbar etc
@web-tiki also joomla is short of plugins
wordpress is short of good plugins
maybe, compared to wp, as the comunity is smaller. But I found a hell of a lot.
Oh guys. Here's a serious wtf: jsbin.com/meridifo/1/edit
@ObiWanWesabi I helped someone modify Buddypress yesterday. I didn't see even a single line of code that wasn't awful. They can't even name functions with any sense of convention and use the worst css selectors. Just nothing right. Ick.
I never knew nested anchors weren't allowed.
in fact they work but they aren't allowed
see my jsbin?
they come un-nested
@m59 invalid html
@Mr.Alien I just said that :)
browser will fix that for you by taking the other a out of that block
yeah, I just changed it out for a p
The reason I ended up nesting is because I already had the snippet set up, then I decided to wrap the whole thing in an anchor so that it would all link
@m59 for example, see this markup - jsfiddle.net/qnsfL
@m59 ah, until some time ago browsers leaved the <a>s nested
it will close the p tags and will render the div after them
thats an example taken from one of my answers provided - stackoverflow.com/a/21084877/1542290
so its pretty much the same with invalid syntax
so window.onload doesn't work in SharePoint
what sharepoint really is?
instead I get to use the proprietary _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames object
at least it's a thing and I don't have to make it myself
@Mr.Alien I'm torn between wanting to move to SP 2013 to see how much better/different it is than 2010, and running away from SharePoint and never touching it again
@TylerH I don't even know what sharepoint does, seems kinda collaboration tool
Yeah it is Microsoft's version of online collaboration and CMS
ahh I see
any .net shit with that? or its a visual software like word or exel?
yeah there's lots of asp.net
Q: Hi I have some code like:

AcTiVe UseR123<td class="fieldtext"> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked"> </input> </td> What I was trying to achieve was set the checkbox check if item is Active else not checked. I understand the syntax should be checked="checked" and I've set it up as checked="true" I don't understand how to...

@TylerH crap
the reason window.onload doesn't work in fact is because it uses master pages and so the body is always in the master page
so it won't load anything if you put window.onload in the header of the local page you're working on
@Mr.Alien yeah, every page ends with the lovely .aspx :-)
I've never understood microsoft things, .net, c# and vb and all stuff cuz never understand where to start off
nyt ~
see ya
go play some SC2!
or watch some replays
you've gotta be fucking kidding me. SharePoint is stripping out my src from my image tags
@TylerH lol, nah, I'll go to sleep now
oh, well, I have to close the <img> tag
who knew
<img></img> here I come -_-
no. that is just wrong
img doesn't have a content.
there is no inside of the tag
did you try the self closing option? maybe sharepoint is stupid?
<img />
I did try the self closing option
and it got stripped out
@rlemon there is no maybe
it's definitely stupid
and I just now tried the <img></img> but that didn't work either
brb going to cry
how are you writing the tag
show me
at first, I was writing <img alt="My HR" /> as a placeholder. Then I was writing <img src="urlgoeshere" alt="My HR" /> and the src="" got deleted on save.
Then I tried the method my SP developer suggested, which was <img src="" alt="My HR"></img> but it still reverted to the original on save
SharePoint designer keeps stripping it out
what is the actual url?
the problem is not the URL, it's that it is simply stripping it out
I am going to try it without any closing whatsoever
no closing is HTML5
self closing is XHTML4 iirc
closing tag is nothing, because it is invalid markup
It's supposed to be XHTML Strict 1.0
at least that's the default for SP 2010
(there isn't an XHTML4) but it keeps stripping out the src="" from my image, no matter what format I try to use
<img src="" alt="My HR"/>
<img src="" alt="My HR" />
does sharepoint really care about a space?
if so: what a POS
i have seen worser things done with html/xml parsers
I will try no space @ObiWanWesabi
what's sharepoint btw?
if you don't know, then the answer is you don't want to know
no space doesn't work. I will try an absolute path
@TylerH correct. :D
@rlemon once i found a html/xml parser that allowed attributes only in a very specific order
Okay, absolute path was "accepted" but it turned it down to just the local URL but without the "up one level" bit
so it doesn't accept ../ apparently, just /
so <div class="" title=""> wasn't allowed but <div title="" class=""> yes
@ObiWanWesabi reminds me of jslint
and there was no mention anywhere about this "detail"
@TylerH there are many issues on sharepoint.se that outline relative vs absolute links
sharepoint is stupid and you need to force the links to be proper
@rlemon U SEEN DIS github.com/WesNetmo/neon-css
Q: How to use relative URL for image in Master Page?

Frank MartinI am using a logo in my Master Page which will be displayed on all pages. How do I use its relative URL? Currently it is written as: <img src="/sites/Style Library/Images/logo.jpg"> But it is not being displayed. Is there a property in SharePoint which will allow me to define relative URL here...

@ObiWanWesabi cool concept. but it looks like old school winforms UI elements
i don't like that
i was about to say that you would love that old look
anyway it's just a basic theme :D
you see, people always stops at appearance only
and by the way a windows 95 ish gui on my android is priceless xD
I work with winforms :/ I loath them
so yea I'm biased on my "ack!"
[...] cool concept
but I did appreciate the effort.
even stared the repo
will surely make different themes tho
atm i'm stuck with "logic" behind it
@PeeHaa o/
@rlemon Saw that but it didn't help because it still suggests the ../
but, doesn't matter, I got it working
this is ridic
every 5 saves, SP Designer crashes
I don't know how they even started using this
they'd probably have better support if they used wix.com
Hello guys. :) Can you recommend some sites where I can find great tutorials for web design?
css zen guarden, css tricks, a list apart
@TylerH thank you so much. :)
Good morning by the way. :)
Good afternoon
@TylerH can I ask questions here even though it's not about web development?
As long as it's not in poor taste, sure
Like, what are your advice to newbies, like me?
advice for what, specifically?
advices in doing web development and programming. Cause I''m really not that good in programming and scripting. But I'm still willing to learn. I'm really feeling down right now because of my sexist classmates.
@user3615601 do projects
CIA covert operation helped America win the race to the Moon: commdiginews.com/health-science/…
^ that will be turned into a movie no doubt
@user3615601 I'm not going to give you an "I love girl coders" speech, but the best advice is to ignore them and write code that they have to pay attention to
And back to the 50 tasks for today :(
@ZachSaucier I'm doing some projects but it takes longer time for me to finish it.
@user3615601 Practice makes perfect
@user3615601 that's okay. You'll get faster with time
we all start slow (I'm still slow)
turtle > hare
Thanks, @joshhunt and @ZachSaucier. :') Sometimes I just cry because of these sexists. Like, their calling me idiot or dumb because I'm too slow in coding.
@user3615601 Ever watched Naruto?
Some episodes @joshhunt. Why?
I dunno what you said just reminded me of that, in the early episodes people always laughed at him for being slow but it just made him more determined to be stronger.
Maybe more applicable as it involved real life people, 50 Famously Successful People Who Failed At First: onlinecollege.org/2010/02/16/…
@joshhunt :') thanks. Sometimes, I just feel like coding is not really for me. but As I surf the net, try some apps, I really want to have this kind of profession in the future. :)
You either want it or you don't. If you want it, chase after it. If you don't then find something you do want and chase after that.
@joshhunt I'm already in my third year in college, and I know that even though It's hard for me to code, I'm already loving it. :)
@user3615601 not sure how that makes them sexist
just rude
@TylerH majority in our class are boys. Sometimes when we girls give opinions in some of our group projects, our boy classmates just tend to ignore us because we're girls though we can also give some good points.
in HS there was only one girl in my CS class.. there were only 6 people in my CS class.. but she got top mark
@user3615601 Sure :-) I was just saying that you were calling them sexist, and then you said it was because they thought you were too slow, rather than a girl.
if you meet any guys who seem to push you out of the industry because you are a female.. that isn't the industry.. that is just those guys being assholes. don't let is taint your views of programming
ATM I am going insane; I thought padding was supposed to be on the inside of an element but this code seems to disagree with me
then again it is SharePoint
just know that once you get around mature people who actually have their heads out of their asses you will enjoy yourself.
@user3615601 please watch this:
don't mind the title ;)
^ everyone watch this. excellent talk
first 30 min is the talk. > is just QandA
Although do note that one way to make any male developer who gives people professional respect based on their ability rather than their gender absolutely furious, is to call him sexist. You'd better be absolutely sure, because the majority of us who treat women as colleagues and women in general with respect get a bit sick of being told we don't
padding: 10px 0 10px; will give 10px to top, none to bottom, and 10 to left/right, correct?
@rlemon thanks! though I'm not that fast in coding I can proudly say that I'm also one of the class topnochers. :)
@rlemon thank you for the video!
@user3615601 keep at it. and seriously watch that video
the one line he says that is very true is "there is a common misconception that you have to have a penis to be a good programmer. If you believe that, you are a terrible person. If you want to argue that with me I'll meet you in the parking lot after the talk"
also everything else in the talk is nice :P
well that's not a very good argument
might doesn't make right
I know that @TomW. :) and I'm very grateful to all men who treat us with respect.

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