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if I want to add a :hover rule to an existing rule, I have to write the rule again?
A { rule; }
A:hover { rule; }
@joshhunt thanks ^^
yes unless you are using less or sass
oh wait no
is the rule the same? Then you could do:
a:hover {
but I want what applies to hover not apply to non-hover
I mean no, it's a different rule
then you would have to write it twice unless you are using less or sass
a {
    &:hover {
maybe in the distant future :P
less is pretty easy to understand and use, I mostly use it for variables.
@Mosho Sorry was eating lunch. You want to prettify that?
yes :>
Have a look at this and copy some of the styles on the form fields: getbootstrap.com/css/#forms
Do you have any idea how you want it to look in your head?
@joshhunt nope
found any designs/styles that you like?
can't tell what I like
it's all fine to me
Find stuff that you likey:
Did you say you had already picked a colour palette?
thanks :D
Are you any good at php? I'm trying to figure out how serialize works as I need to do a mysql insert and one of the fields needs to contain a serialized array
@joshhunt I don't know the first thing about php :P
@Mosho Don't worry I see that you know angular, you can help me out with that when I start learning it :D
you bet ^^
currently learning node in my spare time, after than i'll start angular
node is pretty straightforward
kind of, I don't know javascript especially well so that doesn't help though. I still feel like I don't completely understand callback functions
@joshhunt you had PHP problems?
I figure I'd do one good deed before going to bed.
Sorted now, I was just try to understand what serialize actually did, it was the variable length that was confusing me
I'd much rather insert JSON in the db tho'
and then later json_decode
e.g. I had a csv that needed to go to a serialized array
@json_encode if only I had choices...
@Mosho What, if anything, do you use for hosting web projects? I usually use Google App Engine but they don't support Node
@joshhunt heroku.com
ridiculously easy to use
Digital Ocean
what's the pricing like?
One click node install
@joshhunt free for one site
is the smallest, 512mb ram etc
@Mosho there's limitation tho', last I checked you can't use a custom domain and so forth
Oh that's dumb
don't remember the details :X
That's why I use Digital Ocean
if you need more power, one click upgrade again
and the pricing is kind of like fueling up a car, you put say 10$ on the account and it starts going down based on an hourly pricing, so even if you upgrade you won't be charged
^ ? Scroll about a page up...
^ Nice, I don't know if I'm willing to pay for hosting for my crappy projects that are hardly ever used though
Yeah, there's that. But decent hosting isn't free.
I always put some money aside every month for my pet projects
Google App Engine is free :D
My work server is on DO, my own server is on DO, my backup server is on DO. Their support is excellent, I've never had any downtime plus it's just an awesome f-in service provider.
But to each their own, I suppose
^ I don't see any changes... am I missing something?
hmm, it's totally different
colors, the input
lines and stuff :X
Are you sure you gave me the right link?
just opened it :\
How many lines in your css?
oh hmm
just opened it in FF
Maybe you haven't saved/updated it?
I clicked save
so you haven't even seen what I had before :D
^ Is that your latest one?
should be orange
Yup, perhaps a bit too orange?
perhaps :D
And maybe change the blue and the red to something else
yeah, placeholders
I would change the box-shadow so that it is slightly off-center, something like 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)
And I would make the background either white or a light grey
These are just suggestions btw, feel free to ignore them
change the orange for something else...
nvm I see you have done that already
maybe gradients?
Bootstrap ftw!!! (sorry, first time using bootstrap after 3 years self coding responsive =]] )
It depends, what sort of style are you going for? Flat(apple), realistic(what apple used to look like), modern(Googleish with gradients and stuff)?
just want it to look good
don't care about specific style
what's it for?
counting calories
what age group is it aimed at?
counting calories + adults :O
just go with Googleish style
!!define Googleish style
@Mosho My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
but how to mix googleish with adults =]]
@joshhunt what do you mean? what is this group used for?
Guys, I'm using AngularJS for making non-single page app. Am I crazy?
I've not used Angular.

I have a really hacky idea, to read the referred field of the HTTP request that sent people to my site, download that site's css, then apply it to my site.
you want to fake previous page where user came from?
@Mosho Have a look at this again: google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html# Also have a look at different Google Apps such as Drive, Keep, etc and have a look at how they use colors, white space, etc. Sorry I have to get back to work so I can't be more specific but I'll be on later.
well match the style yeah.
for idk, a more connected web... so noone ever knows they left the old site.
you should get the html struct of that page, of course
@joshhunt alright, thanks man
Problem I am seeing is the bits of CSS that would make it really convincing are things like background images which are expressed as relative paths.
Would require parsing the CSS to fix
I see. A lot of works
And some website prevent crossdomain request
That's the problem
Could you use an iframe?
How are cross domain requests detected?
@Oxinabox ya, don't do that
Problem 1: security
Problem 2: It will be broken
Problem 3: You page should be different anyway
Note 4: It's a huge pain anyway
@joshhunt are you familiar with what you can do as a room owner?
Also @room: predictions of the web in 2024. I think it'll be more like the second one, but the prediction seems more like what it will be in 5 years, not 10 to me. I think in 10 it will be vastly different, something we can't really think of now
@ZachSaucier Nope, teach me your ways oh wise one
click "room" under the room tags. That's pretty much it. I figured you could help moderate since you're most active during our night time and seem to be sticking around
most useful tool is "move messages", including to a room called Trash for spam, etc. - can hold ctrl to select several
What's the basis for removing messages?
mostly misuse of chat. Obvious stuff. Can also be for large chunks of code/text that take too much room, annoying gifs, etc. Nothing too rule like, just use judgement
can also pin posts as notable/remove pins
sounds good, the web predictions are interesting. I just hope that the web keeps its freedom
hey, do you guys know how to create a new room?
@joshhunt it will. Illegally if necessary
@huydotnet click "all rooms" button at top, on that page at bottom there is "create a new room" button
@ZachSaucier Mmm part of me thinks that there will be a highly censored version of the web and an uncontrollable rebellious P2P network.
Then again nothing much could change in 10 years and people will still be using IE8
I don't think so. It's to hard to shut down Tor servers for one. But the main thing is that literally EVERYBODY would be pissed off -> revolt
it's become a necessity by now
It will certainly be interesting, its hard to imagine a world without the web
It'd take widespread EMPs/world war to knock the web down much IMO
hmm, I don't see the Create new room button, is there any condition to create new room?
thank you
NZ only has two cables connecting us to the rest of the world, snip those and we are gone :(
it's 11:30 AM here :D
heading home, cya guys later
4:30pm here xD
السلام عليكم
@ObiWanWesabi :o و عليكم السلام
do you know what it means too?
yes because i just read it :D
peace be upon you
@Justcode mornings sup!
@ICanHasKittenz hows you?
@Justcode so far so good, half past the week already and u?
ha ha ha counting increases daily
so much work in a office so have to come earlier
aww xD almost no work here after this week, thinking to do pagespeed insights on the corporate site
the homepage seems to be lagging much
there's a tool called "Google page speed" you can download it also
aah,its an extension
yea the same stuff
also "yslow" may help you
I'll check it out, thanks
@ObiWanWesabi wth lol that was creepy
are you holding back on coffee?
@ICanHasKittenz netflix|torrent trainspotting NOW
how is that you guys are so bad with cinema culture? :D
maybe coz it's quite old :D I've seen most of the popular scary movies
it's not scary, and some movies don't have age :D
Q: How specific should be an interface about its implementation details?

Obi Wan WesabiPerhaps I should have picked a better title, but anyway... Basically what to do with two or more implementations that have the same public interface, but they are meant for slightly different purposes having a slightly different behavior? For example let's say a proxy class that uses the same p...

i always ask the worst questions in the morning
@ObiWanWesabi is that a Java specific question?
it's language agnostic
u mean language agnostic?
haven't come across interface anywhere other than Java
yeah english's still off :D
interfaces are available in basically all languages except js, which sux :D
need to brush up on my basics, forgot the applications of a class and an interface
one does not simply forget OOP! perhaps you didn't actually grasp it the first time :P
I've worked on OOP for Java, C++, C# and so on, but when joining work PHP was new to me, so OOP was a step away.
In my earlier statement what I meant was I didn't know when an interface would be used coz it's much like a class, (there's abstract classes too to top it off)
@ICanHasKittenz o/
@ObiWanWesabi o/
forget OOP, use MVC
@TheDictator hola! \o
whats up? @ICanHasKittenz
@huydotnet lol, is that a joke? :D
@huydotnet yup, that's the plan for my next fresh project :3
I mean forget OOP when u're in with PHP :D
but honestly, who cares, we're developers, why don't we use all of them :))
mvc is an architectural pattern, oop is a language paradigm
one doesn't exclude (or include) the other
oh, not really noticed about it
i'm just thinking about how we designed our project
and... u're right
mvc is a very simple concept and it comes natural when you know how to oop
so not a good idea starting from it. better starting creating small classes and glue them together
i'm just noticed that in some framework like CodeIgnitor or CakePHP, it's heavy OOP when you look inside :D
those aren't actually good frameworks, in fact none is afaik
@ObiWanWesabi true, but in my case I'm starting with MVC coz I've pretty much studied OOP since school level, just that the planning part is a pain in the bum:D
I like being straight-forward in my code, bad-side being difficult to modify later with security issues
@ObiWanWesabi heard Laravel is pretty trending now but I'm trying to keep away from adapting to any specific framework unless I'm told to do so
before laravel, cakephp is one of the kings (jk) but I'm stopped PHP for along time, now only front end code :(
Yii, Zend?
sorry was afk
haha, it's not a game here
laravel inherits the same problems symphony has, of course none of them is just garbage, but they contain some practices that aren't actually proper oop
@ObiWanWesabi i need help can u please summon caprica to ASP.Net room? if u can then?
i cant, caprica is rlemon's gf
"laravel inherits the same problems symphony has"
@Obi: could you tell me about this? what's the prblem?
@ObiWanWesabi aah..... can't u do anything? she is your friend too
@ICanHasKittenz imho you will just learn how to use it without knowing how it works , that's not necessarily bad since most of users do the same, but it's risky because even using a framework you could end up designing bad code
@huydotnet i can make you a couple examples only because i can't remember more right now
ok :D that's côl
@ObiWanWesabi why is it so difficult to start with MVC when you know the concept of OOP already?
well i said that because i think that you don't know everything about oop
me included, in fact i'm still learning myself too :D
@ObiWanWesabi hmm, for a fact I'm not aware of design patterns, maybe I should read about them first
you should read about domain driven design @ICanHasKittenz that's a good start if you know some oop already
(domain driven design = mostly the M of MVC)
@ObiWanWesabi guess I still got a long way to go:D
MVC is easier than you think
It's very confused at the beginning
I recommend: if you want to learn it quickly, try to start with some framework like CodeIgnitor (written by a rock star) or CakePHP
But I hear people mostly say it's not done right
you will soon understand what is MVC
it's how you approach it @ICanHasKittenz you can learn plenty of things in few time if you have faith :D
it's not done but what you want to learn has done
@huydotnet Isn't CodeIgniter right now in a not-safe condition coz they are looking for a buyer to handle the OSS? Besides support in future isn't guaranteed either
again i suggest to not use a framework and tackle oop directly :D
^ agree with that
hmm, the problem is that ICanHas want to learn what is MVC. And with my experiences, try to look something what peoples has done will be safer for brain to beleive what is MVC.
If you try to implement MVC struct by yourself, your brain will not accept that it's the standard MVC struct
something like that. haha
read about business logic, application logic, domain objects, value objects, data mappers @ICanHasKittenz these concepts are the basis of DDD and MVC
@ObiWanWesabi yes, sir!
what is that? :D
domain driven design
hmm, sorry, never heard about that. could you give me a simple explain about it?
important design patterns are Null Object (which imho is fundamental), dependency injection & abstract factory, builder, repository, decorator(useful to grasp OO design) @ICanHasKittenz
other patters are rare
@huydotnet you are probably using it already :D but there are plenty of articles about it around the web
too many things to learn :D
@ObiWanWesabi thanks, bookmarked
posted on July 15, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Srg */

posted on July 15, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

Apparently the JS room changed its name to :: GERMANY
I wonder if this means I can speak ger in there

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