Oh wow, they ask for a website. It's a good thing I have the most professional one ever: zakb.co
I actually was bored the other day and bought k111ky.com as well, but I have like 15 or so domains and I honestly feel like I'm addicted to buying domains
I need to add tags related to jquery to my profile and I didn't even know there was tags for jquery other than, well, jquery
"Thanks for your application. We will be in touch with you shortly. Please help us spread the words too!" < I've heard this before from potential employers who never call back.
my projects are mostly either coding or mechanical
I want to make a quadrocopter with a raspberry Pi as the main computer.. then I can write the flight controller as well as the UI controls, video transfer etc
Music ain't simple either, that's why I like it, too. I look at the mixer controls and I still don't know what half the buttons do and then making your own synts and beats and actually making any of it sound decent.
I think also making music lacks definitive targets and solutions
When you are coding a project you know (exactly) what you need to acheive and how to do it, with music it's down to preference, and it can never be right or wrong.. get me?
Yea, but there are very specific types of music which require a lot of brain squeezing to make. It's a very wide topic, which I guess also is web stuff. But that again individual to everyone so this conversation is so pointless I can't even fathom it.
With music, in my case at least, I start with a specific set of notes and then a decent chillout track might turn out to be some club banger. Never know the end result.
I guess it's like you start a blogging platform and it ends up being a CMS which sucks horribly (I'm looking at you, WordPress)
One thing that sucks horribly with WP is that if you make custom post types, it often shows a white page on said type page. Fix for that? Go to the permalinks settings page and do nothing. Yup, do nothing, just being on that page flushes the permalinks cache or whatever.
Retarded beyond oblivion.
Oh and making e-stores with WP is another major "pleasure". Woocommerce is horrible, so if it's a store that'll have only like 10 or so products I often write my own thing.
@k111ky I was going to say, what is unpredictable about wordpress? That is a problem I've had before. tbf, you should flush the permalinks yourself inside your theme ini function
@k111ky Like I said, it's good for small static sites
I think of myself as a problem solver. Client has a problem, and wants that problem to be solved with a specific platform. I state the amount of cash I need, and I do whatever the client wants. I'm basically a hooker.
Just like WordPress it can have an endless amount of custom post types and you can make them do whatever you want to do, very modular or whatever is the word for it.
My pet project is also a CMS, but the admin is sort of a live page editor.. and I want to save the content of each post/page as HTML.. maybe I can steal your idea and save the post content to an HTML file
so you can make each "entry" or "post" or whatever you call it do same things as a post in WP for example, have categories and features images and what-not
Also if you're only serving one html file, then using a DB for it is quite a bad idea. Server > db > server communication could just be server communication. Way faster.
but if a match is not made strpos will always return false.. so it's better to check that the return isn't false then you know a match must have been made
but yea, file name is hello-world.whatever, so if the user requests url.com/hello-world, I will locate the hello-world.whatever file, parse it and show it.
@Billy I already talked about that as well. Everything is cached, the only way a cache gets updated is if the user creates a new post, edits a post or deletes it.
so instead of reading a thousand files, it actually reads just one.
it's all good, just find some designs/styles that you think are good and then copy the parts of them that you like. If you want a second pair of eyes to look over anything just let me know