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@DarkAshelin it worked :D thankies!
street cred gained
@SomeGuy why hate on svastika? it's the symbol of sun!
An interesting browser behavior:
Q: Font is not rendered thin

Ionicã BizãuHaving the following HTML: <h1 class="title">Hello World</h1> and CSS: @import url("http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,600&amp;subset=latin,latin-ext"); body { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; text-align: center; padding: 5em; background: #FFFFFF; } h1...

...if anyone has a solution, post an answer.
When it is a red flag, with a white disc and a black swastika.. that's a nazi cross
i know lol
@Will I want to see how far this gets. We're on 18.
no idea
but some people really have a lot of free time
i wish i had that much free time
@IonicãBizãu my guess would be chrome isn't picking it up from the import
@Billy can you see my tiny avatar? or is it all filled with swatiskas
@Purify Same happens if I use <link ...>
@Billy take a screen shot before refeshing
But you know since attention is all this person wants we should probably just ignore him
is the room in gallery mode?
no since Billy is typing
I wonder why they go through the trouble of entering here and not even chatting?
for historical records
@ICanHasKittenz ?
@Billy I was talking abt the gallery mode
Yeah, but why is that your logic? That the room isn't in gallery mode since I'm typing?
when in gallery mode only people with access can type
like the owners
heading home now, ciao~
@ICanHasKittenz Oh, of course. I thought you were saying I had been muted (but it was ineffective be/c we aren't in gallery). Later!
user image
@ICanHasKittenz miao
what's happening here? O_O
Hail Hitler
@TheDictator fitting username
@DarkAshelin hehe
@SomeGuy context?
No context :p
I just ping them with interesting articles I come across
Ah fair enough
You could call that interesting..
I would call it very strange :p
is there a way to control the page in bootstrap by jquery because i want to add a specific function, you know menu that i want o use is so complex and i want to change it to combo box
so i decided to set display hide in tablet size
and set the combo's display block in tablet size
@Markberg That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: t
@CapricaSix you are so sensetive
i just know that i can do it by $(document).width in jquery if condition but i think it is not proffestional
Can you recreate your problem in a jsfiddle/bootsplay?
@Will i just want to know does bootstrap has a way to control the page size by jquery
It uses css media queries
i know about media queries
Thats good
the only way is media query right
why use jquery and media queries?
i want to add html structure and loop some image via ajax
sorry load
Hilariously creative, more information #hover effect with #CSS!!!

so i can not use media queries
@user3769582 facebook popup didnt not read
didnt read, i didnt get you!
I dont use websites that ask me to link to facebook as soon as I visit. I think a lot of people are with me on this.
yeah i too find that kind of annoying, but lately was not able to get facebook likes, though there were decnt no. of likes on posts
anyways thank you for your suggestion, i ll remove it!
No worries. People really do hate it.
okay! removing it! thank you :)
removed :)
Much better ;)
Can anyone figure out why the text disappears when the screen is < ~500px wide?
You'll want to force :hover state on #projects
I can see that .pulldown stops getting smaller - and is being pushed down (it is an inline element, for vertical centring) as it is wider than the parent. But why does it stop getting smaller?
posted on July 02, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by ^rska */

posted on July 02, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

So apparently Ana Tudor is a founder of CodeMentor or something? The payment came from here account, I was surprised to see it, haha
He gets paid to help noobs nubs
I helped someone on CodeMentor last night
Ah I didn't know what codementor was
or who Ana Tudor was
pretty gnarly CSS skills.
Yep, she's good at the maths
@ZachSaucier how was it?
fine. TeamViewer is so slow
I helped with a WP slider which sucks though
not much of a code session, mostly getting the slider to work with some custom positioning
2 sessions given !!
woa! big man!
@ZachSaucier good enough to macro ultima online from work :D
:( I miss UO
@rlemon 1 never started but it counted it....
@easwee I scripted and was a GM on TDS for ages. also scripted for Santiago (this was back in the late 90's early 2000's)
all before runUO
Sphere FTW!
i play on custom shard
i mean
for over than 10 years now
TDS and Santiago were both the more popular ones back then
!!urban shard
also did some scripting there too
@ZachSaucier Shard Slang name commonly used to describe a piece of crystal methamphetamine or meth.
I played for ~7-8 years
still best MMO I ever played
had to get that Massively Multiplayer Monkey off my back
@easwee same
it has ruined all other MMO's for me
also decided I'll never play any other MMO
i also learned english playing it
also, and i've been thinking about this more and more
would be totally possible to re-create the client in canvas
before I started my english was so poor I couldn't even buy anything ingame from players
and minor modifications to the runUO server to allow browser based clients.
@rlemon ofcourse + you can port all the sprites
they are already done for you to use
like I said I used to script for it
anyway - UO forever :)
if they ever take the shard I play on down I intend to host it myself
however I used sphere 55i/r
I've looked through runUO but none of the servers I played on used it
!!urban sharted
i think the one i plays on uses pol95
@ZachSaucier sharted When you try to fart and shit accidently comes out...OOPS!
oh cmon
we didn't need to know that :D
!!google never trust a fart
^^ that's what I thought of when you said "i play on custom shard"
I'm too afraid to click those links :P
yeah I'm at work
Work From Home Wednesday \o/
How would you solve this problem?
Add a few rows, and then click on any row
what's to fix?
Zebra breaks
I think you'd have to actually remove the element, not just have it with display:none
unless you did the coloring with js
Yeah, just remove instead of hiding it
(Since there isn't a way to show a line after it's been hidden anyway)
‮@PatsyIssa This shit is so fancy
i guess there's still no way to animate top:auto to top:0 ?
@easwee No, you cannot transition to/from auto.
Nor can you animate, IIRC.
@easwee not for top values, no. For height and such you can
@ZachSaucier Are you sure? I thought you couldn't animate to/from auto for height as well?
yeah - scratched my head a bit and ended using top:calc(~"100% - 53px");
since I'm using less
@Billy 100% sure. Just have to use max-height
That's really good to know :)
I know my CSS :P
but you don't know mine :(
ok bad pun
It annoys me that media queries don't affect rule specificity
no reason for them to
^ yeah
Apart from the fact that they are more specific..?
that would be a pain
@Billy structure your css properly
@Billy just put them after....
@SomeGuy @ZachSaucier that's a simplified example
My CSS is structured fine
The real usecase would be a filter on a table
@Billy obviously not if you have such problems
I don't have any problems
You start typing, and it would hide rows which don't match
@SecondRikudo use js to color them then
Yeah, add classes to the elements using JS
@ZachSaucier Too big a table, to much rendering
eh, changing BG color is fast
I think it could be done pretty easily
anyone used this packery.metafizzy.co instead of masonry?
cause masonry sux badly in certain situations
Can someone help me understand why this doesn't work? jsfiddle.net/bRy2v/1
(I was trying to see if there was still a way to get CSS to do the odd element thing)
Why doesn't the selector update?
@SomeGuy the element is still in the DOM - just hidden
@easwee haven't used that in particular. What do you need it to do that masonry doesn't?
@easwee Yeah, but it isn't being selected because of the data-visible=true part of the selector
@SomeGuy there's a work around in the linked question
Oh, nvm
nth-child will take nth-child of the element, not of what you're selecting
> nth-child will take the nth child element no matter what, not the nth child that matches a given selector.
it isn't horribly slow with js
and my code is not optimized
Oh, yeah, it won't be slow with JS, I think
500 rows styled and filtered using slow es5 array functions is 1s
using for loop I'm sure that will drop to a few hundred ms
[].filter.call(foo.children, function(cell, i) {
    return cell.hidden === false;
}).forEach(function(cell, i) {
    if( i % 2 ) {
        cell.className = 'stripe';
    } else {
        cell.className = '';
Oh, have you guys used JSBin recently?
this is the bottle neck here.
Its editor is so much better now
Supports multiple cursors too
posted on July 02, 2014 by Jonathon Morgan

    Functional programming is the mustachioed hipster of programming paradigms. Originally relegated to the annals of computer science academia, functional programming has had a recent renaissance that is due largely to its utility in distributed systems (and probably also because “pure” functional languages like Haskell are difficult to grasp, which gives them a certain cache).

I'm switching to JSBin over JSFiddle
It's got Sublime key bindings too
in JavaScript, 27 secs ago, by Caprica Six
I am installing new hardware and will be offline for a bit. Sorry!
@rlemon she said hardware
in less you have to do width: calc(~"100% - -10px"); to make addition work
sometimes LESS is more
So in an RSS feed I have a custom element as follows. How do I get the contents of the <Thumnail> element in PHP? (the image)
<img src="http://placekitten.com/200/300"/>
XML parser
like SimpleXML?
w/e you are comfortable with
that would be nothing :P
I've done it in the past, but i'm sure there are better packages out today
I believe we're using SimpleXML already
then give that a go
posted on July 02, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Last hour to buy! Thanks one last time everyone. We're so happy to b

ya, but how xD while I can read PHP, my writing is terrible
Do I need to use a function like asXML?
no, that inputs a file...
$string = <<<XML
<img src="http://lorempizza.com/200/300"/>
$xml = simplexml_load_string($string);
foreach($xml->children() as $img ) {
    echo $img->attributes()->src;
obviously traversing the file will be different based on your actual XML
$string = <<<XML
<img src="http://lorempizza.com/200/300"/>
$xml = simplexml_load_string($string);
echo $xml->img[0]->attributes()->src;
guys, your opinion: should I use socicon.com, or just traditionally use png images for my icons? The font looks like it has pretty hard edges on Chrome
would also work for your example
@DarkAshelin fontello.com
@rlemon why generate my own if there's already an existing one?
they are likely the same icons
fontello has a nice(er) interface
I actually don't understand the fontello site lol, or how it works
anyway, my concern is that fonts can have pretty hard (almost hard-pixelated) edges on browsers like chrome. But fonts for icons seem to be preferred lately?
windows has issues with font rendering period
anyone remembers the cat website which was associated with animate.js?
to trigger animation on scroll
@rlemon okay, so considering that, should I stick to the traditional png images for icons?
I wouldn't
windows will eventually fix their shit (hopefully)
@rlemon but until then...
do you want to patch it later?
the icons (with proper care) don't look that bad
well the traditional way isn't going to suddenly stop working
I use font icons, and so do a lot of other sites.
no but it is more overhead
I'm just in doubt... using a font is the "new and preferred" method... but using pngs will just make it look a tad bit better for now...
but the fonts are also easier to work with
scaling / colouring / etc
so... looks vs optimisation?
minor aesthetic change would be more work on your end than it is worth
(now, and in the future)
always weigh your options
okay well, seems like on IE and Firefox the hard edges are barely noticable, it's only chrome really
considering my target audience is likely 70% using IE...
I'll go for the font then ;)
I really hope Windows fixes the font rendering soon, it annoys me greatly
> Update, June 2014: This issue will be fixed with Chrome 37 (which will be released around July/August 2014)
the beta is out already even
I'm still not getting this right. Everything I see has prebuilt methods like $post->title(), not using a custom element like my <thumbnail>
where is @Wesabi when you need him...
@PatsyIssa Have you read any of David Hume's works? He seems like a pretty interesting fellow
Responsive baseline attempt two: jsbin.com/xevetexi/4
did anybody saw our new released badges?
Curious | Inquisitive | Socratic
hardly anyone will get this on SO
^^ so you ask too many questions around
not really.
I just don't often use the other sites
whats the best thing in my profile, the curious badge goes good with a popular question on the network
I knew it, that no one could get on on stack main stackoverflow.com/help/badges
Q: Most cross-browser safe way to build dynamic and resuable graphical element in pure CSS or CSS/SVG

Jonline1. The Goal I am working on a highly dynamic, extensible element style that will be applied to block & inline-block elements (primarily anchors, data terms and headers). It'll look like this: 2. What I Actually Need Advice on choosing from amongst my options, basically. What approach is mo...

I don't really understand this one
I want to CV it, but i'm not sure
fuck it, too broad
Where can I get a lion's pounce? — dayuloli 2 hours ago
got it for main finally
strange, it was last to update
@rlemon wtf lol
it is well formed, but still a bad question imo
not the right fit for this site I think
dat comic
@Eric ahh, don't often find people in the same city as me
@DarkAshelin ahahahah
posted on July 02, 2014 by Chris Coyier

Simplest possible examples of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. by Sam Dutton. Direct Link to Article — Permalink… simpl.info is a post from CSS-Tricks

@Patsy seems your Digital Ocean code no longer works?
@rlemon nah he's just a designer
user is in the JS room and admitted to asking the question twice, because the first one wasn't answered in a week
flagged as well then
Q: The use of gender-specific pronouns on Stack Overflow

DrVThis is just a small lingual question, but it started bothering me when writing an answer. I was writing something like this: "As User1234 pointed out in his answer..." Then I realized that if User1234 is a female user, she might be offended for a reason. Then I tried the same with "her". It did...

I feel like this guy was trolling meta.stackoverflow.com/a/262152/2065702
fuck people are so nit picky about stupid shit
@rlemon incredible lol
!!urban nit picky
@Wesabi Nit-picky A person that is tedious yet lazy.
@Wesabi cares more about the insignificant smaller detail, taking away from the larger whole.
got it
> your rendition of that song was amazing! however I noticed you didn't pluralize lover in the second verse.
^ nit picking
ahah ok :D
I feel like this gender argument is moot. Hard core "WE NEED TO BE GENDER-LESS" people just come off as a waste of time for everyone. Why do I have to listen to someone rant at me for 45 minutes because I didn't say "their" I said "his"
give it a fucking rest already. I didn't rape your grandmother or kill your kitten. I used the wrong fucking pronoun. jesus.
people act like you are committing genocide
I'm going to start calling everyone "it"
see how offended they get then
> yea, as you can see in line 32, it didn't put a comma between the definitions and therefore it was a syntax error. blame it for the typo.
or, you could learn italian :D
A: The use of gender-specific pronouns on Stack Overflow

Zach SaucierIn my humble opinion, since the answer-ers are spending their time and effort to help the OP solve the issue with no pay, if the gender is not apparent then the OP should not be offended by the misused "him" or "her". It's socially acceptable to call an unknown person "him" and a collective grou...

+100 for this. I understand the overtone, which is that if we can be genderless in our pronouns we should be. however to have a drawn out discussion about which is acceptable sounds like a time sink when there is code to be written! — rlemon 8 secs ago
funnily in italian you may refer to a man using the equivalent of "her" (in formal talking)
@rlemon why i'm not allowed to start a bounty right after posting a question? i can't understand the time span
no unfortunate
you have to wait 24 hours I think
i mean the limit is that you get your rep lowered, why adding a time limit too?
you have to wait 3 days, i wish it was 24 hours
you should allow your question to be 'viewed' organically before you can start offering bounties on them
otherwise every question would come with a bounty ;)
@rlemon I'd be okay with that
but it would destroy the rep system
the rep system is crap anyhow
nope, because bounties are already limited by your rep @rlemon
it would be treated less as something you covet, and more of an unofficial economy
I always thought it was an economy
I view it almost as a ranking system
or like the xbox points or something
just bragging rights really.
ranking that doesn't have to do with skill is not a good ranking IMO
bragging rights, perhaps
yea, ranking who does the least amount of actual work in the day
@Mr.Alien We're looking at you
screw this freaking RSS feed
working nearly all day and still haven't fixed it
Oi, guys
Could someone look at this beautiful post i just wrote? stackoverflow.com/questions/24538647/…
@Bas no. You just posted it and it has an answer
Owh, okay.
So I got a table with 2 tbody's in there.. and the tbody's have a border: 1px solid back; style to them, but the last tbody isn't rendering a bottom border
anyone ever run into this?
@PhDeOliveira demo
ha my demo works tho.. haha
so it's something on your side
ahhh its also only happening in chrome
I think that this is the very place that we should be discussing this issue. There are programmers all over the world on SO. This site touches many. This issue is more than just how we are referring to individuals, it is more about what type of environment we are creating for women in the future. It is imperative that more women become developers because the collaboration between people who think differently has amazing results. Choosing to stick with the status quo is not going to make things better. — Jenn 1 hour ago
ya, I saw
sorry but if you need to put focus on your gender online to validate yourself as a 'female programmer' then you are beyond fucked already
then she posted an answer about how terrible it is to be a girl
ugh. these people need to gtfo
I don't care if you are male, female, horse, or sea creature. the fuck do I care? so long as you don't use spaces over tabs and you never comma first you are probably okay by me

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