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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

A bit of a generic ajax question...
If I have a bunch of images inside a gallery and I delete one using ajax should I:
1. Wait for confirmation and then reload the gallery section using ajax
2. Wait for confirmation and then remove the single image using javascript

I assume 2 because 1 is inefficient but I am worried that perhaps the client and the server may become out of 'sync' if I use javascript. Or perhaps there is a better way that I am not thinking of?
what do you mean delete one using ajax?
Sorry was at lunch. The images are uploaded onto a server and the url/details are stored in a database. When I delete one using ajax it removes it from the server and removes the details from the database.
yes, but do you delete them from the screen that is showing the slider? The slider is always running?
Say I wanted to do something like this
But had a transparent field. I couldn't use background: none then. Right?
In my example it is an admin area for a gallery. So there is a thumbnail list of images and users can delete images if they like. So yes the thumbnails do get removed from the screen.
I'm just wondering if there is a best practice way of doing it?
@Idris background:transparent
@joshhunt To me it sounds like you should us js to hide the ones they "delete" then wait for them to "save" it or w/e and send the ajax request then
that way you prevent multiple ajax calls and can retain the function to undo etc.
Yeah, but then I'd use `background: url(images/comment-author.gif) no-repeat scroll 7px 7px;
Yeah, but then I'd use background: url(images/comment-author.gif) no-repeat scroll 7px 7px;
@ZachSaucier Hmmm thats an interesting way of doing it. Currently there is no option for them to save it, once they click delete (and then confirm) it sends the ajax request
I want a transparent background. With an image on the left.
so background-color:transparent; background-image url(icon.png); or shorthand background: transparent url(icon.png)
I'm about to stop answering these questions you can find yourself
Wouldn't blame you on that one.
4 hours later…
mornings -.-
@ICanHasKittenz Morning
@Justcode sup :3
sup! @ICanHasKittenz wassap?
@Justcode was trying to make a cross-bow with office supplies in morning
couldn't get the cross-knot right, kept it on hold for now and started with work
hmm i am always feeling lazy at monday morning ;)
oh u shud have seen me yday, I literally slept off in the evening
^ how I feel after the weekend
:D :D :X
similar feeling at evening (always) why sunday gone ? :|
need moar sundays (saturdays in my case) >,<
he he
yesterday,I got up start working on canvas and end with 0 progress.
aww xD I think @rlemon is good at it, you could ask him if you're stuck
Yes, I know but for that i should have atleast make my efforts :)
@ICanHasKittenz o/
@TheDictator hiya! how u doing?
@ICanHasKittenz just doing good... first day in new comapny.. how abt u?
@TheDictator oh gratz!:D did you meet the other employees yet?
@ICanHasKittenz yah... i met them as well...
liking the new place?
very much.. atleast better then first one.. :D
u know what @Justcode is my senior in that company
u know what @Justcode is my senior in that company
@Justcode then what should i say on that?
:X i don't know
u said it before, he was your team lead?
@ICanHasKittenz Nah, you can't say that i was team lead there.....
There is nothing to gain in that company
@ICanHasKittenz yah he was... he was the one under whom i started my career
@Justcode being modest xD
When i see you guys working i told to myself still to learn many more things
@Justcode We all have much to learn yet.
U cant simply have mastery in anything... there is something that still u dont know...
@SecondRikudo agree
I have question to you guys being in a one subject (for ex.design) and spending a whole life into it enough for you or not?
Someone here was saying it's very difficult to find a front-end developer with more that 15 (or was it 30?) years of experience
according to SO's survey statistics
@Justcode My experience tells me that you should learn a little about a lot.
Learn front end, back end, IT, windows, linux, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Node, Java, OOP, Functional, Procedural, Photoshop, Gimp, Illustrator
Know some about each
Take the one you're most passionate about and dive in
My passion is back-end. That's where I shine. But I still know HTML CSS and JavaScript better than most.
@SecondRikudo like that :)
Not nearly enough to call myself "an expert" or be on the level of hardcore JS players. But "better than most" is exactly where I want to be at this moment in time
@ICanHasKittenz yes i agree its very difficult to find even here designers get jobs quickly
basic html knowledge and company will hire u
@SecondRikudo that's the thing i will constantly keep in mind
@ICanHasKittenz Yes well, sadly that doesn't mean much here on SO.
I've already seen "expert" with "10 years of experience" and "written 8 books" ask questions like "halp why does my mysql_query not work?????? plz urgent"
I think a professional is measured in his actions and history. Not time in the subject.
It may sound impressive to have "10 years" or "20 years" in the field. But TBH in the company I recently joined I'm probably the youngest around and from what I see my knowledge is superior to most other developers here.
@SecondRikudo yes i also have experienced this things when my seniors asking me about jquery "why this doesn't fading out?"
so at the end digits are nothing
@Justcode Which is why I think a proper examination of a nominee is important
Not the "program me an application that can calculate the area of a square", but something actually relevant to the company
yup, i see that's important
lol exactly the same answer x 8 times >,<
The first one carries some explanation, the next ones that follow need to have at least something more added
posted on June 16, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by mrj */

posted on June 16, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

late for work biked like crazy and it's too damn hot
hah good morning patsy
don't play dota late at night
I played a game once i was finished with work :P
was a 20 min one with idiots on my team ended fast
i had a game of 70min yesterday
and we lost
just can+'t win with chaos knight
gonna try again today
chaos knight can 1v5 :P
bad luck teams
except if the idiots on your team feed like there's no tomorrow
not against 3 aoe stuns
shaker lion nyx
for 10$ what is a bkb
black king bar
Lol i know :P
i was playing jeopardy
well i had all needed
but they had void and those 3 suckers
you need a bkb so you can run around pewpewing
ohhh void
and out team 1 feeder
yeah you fooked
oh well
can't win it against void unless you stay in the back until he ulties
nah shaker did most of the dmg
stun blink
half our team down
pew pew
pro shaker
We ll get it tonight
i got a new place
won't have decent internet for ~2-3 weeks :/
ugly deal
yup :/
once i was moving the same - no internet at home for 1 month
so we played action quake all day for a month
on lan
4 roommates
the first day we got internet noone played it again
we ll have internet just not gaming grade internet
i like this page bennettfeely.com
that's awesome
yup good use of css
woot that's nice
@PatsyIssa o/
wssup buddy?
nth much couldn't wake up today was in a "fuck it" mood
Good morning all
ola will
dafuq caps
@easwee that guy has some awesome projects
2048 air impresseed me
nice idea
not hard to make but awesome idea
he experiments a lot with the webcam
the day filters become supported on all browsers will be a good day
How does he have time to make all those demos :P
tbh we all have time, we just prefer to do other stuff :P
I have been redoing my bathroom this week.
been a massive ball ache. still not finished
Put in a shower with heat sensitive tiles :D
That would cost a bomb XD
That is pretty cool
@PatsyIssa that is very true
meh I have 14 days of photography starting today - have a poetry festival to cover
I like coding, but if it comes down to coding in my freetime vs gaming I will most probably choose gaming
@PatsyIssa nice bass
that wooble type
Yeah I dont do much coding in my spare time. Need time off.
@Will speaking on bombs, yesterday was the day manchester got bombed, 18 years ago. flickr.com/photos/manchesterfire/sets/72157645173763345
I was 5 when that happened. I know nothing of it.
@Purify what about those areas that get bombed like that every day? When are they getting a memorial celebration?
in 18 years @easwee
yeah lol
@easwee it makes more sense that the english people are more likely to commerate a bombing in england than somewhere else...
Thing is bombings aren't a "normal" thing in the uk
In lebanon when there's a bombing in the morning the pubs will still be packed at night
They got used to it
@Purify yeah - commemorate at home - bomb abroad
I understand the relevance of the event for the local people - but don't try to sell that to me, cause it's unfair and bullshit compared to what massacres UK allows abroad
You realize I'm not a British politician right?
I do - I didn't mean to attack you :) was just expressing my frustration with such news
I bet our main news website is gonna post that news too
and afaik the british military is only present in 2 countries.
maybe 1.
Those are the countries you're allowed to know exist :O
and that's mostly a 'help the muricans' thing.
won't even start on this topic - let's get back to css xD
@PatsyIssa sounds like the pub could be doing bombings to get business
Grooveshark maintenance :/
spotify ftw
Whats that site you guys use with the little dancing avatars?
i'd die without spotify
I don't like it.
the amount of rage caused by grooveshark and services like it, picking tracks and it being not the song you want
grrr, so annoying
15 mins ago, by Patsy Issa
@easwee https://soundcloud.com/johnny-blue/johnny-blue-treebute
I have used grooveshark for 5 years and never had a problem with it. and save £300 on spotify premium
@easwee thanks.
we liked the whole plug dj concept until we found out what people in this room listen to :P
I just like the broadcasts on grooveshark as I am bad at know what songs I want to hear :P
@Will stay off social media b/w
join the room i m playing
I am!
i'm playing too
You all lost the game.
damn it @SecondRikudo
@SecondRikudon if you like psy join us plug.dj/psyborgs
there - we have for 1 hour of music
starting chill ending fast :)
tracks or a set?
will ran away :P
@PatsyIssa Link to your specific channel?
@easwee b/w I don't have my psy playlist sorted most of it is full on :P
i add as we play
depending what others play
except for first track
A: How to prevent column break within an element?

SteveAdding; display: inline-block; to the child elements will prevent them being split between columns.

much better solution than the most upvoted answer
The ultimate answer would be , use jquery
nice :D
@Will holy fuck this will go to use
Any cufon experts in here?
Not that i know off, but shoot might be able to help
Okay so I have this paragraph of text made up of a cufon font. On chrome it acts as a normal link but in IE6/7 the link is hard to click on. The clickable area is minimal.
@PatsyIssa @Purify Doesnt seem to work with reddit though :/
just fb and twitter
fb,twitter,reddit all closed
The one that spoils it for me gets punched in the face :P
@PatsyIssa people die
Let me extract a fiddle for you guys. It's currently on our local host in Visual Studio
@PatsyIssa it?
Would help ^^
If you have reddit gold you can filter stuff out I think
@PatsyIssa Lots and lots of people die.
That's about the extent that I know about GoT :D
posted on June 16, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Braian Bressan */

That should be it
Do you experience the same problem as I am? @PatsyIssa
Q: Not able to create dynamic web application in IIS7 and above

DhwaniNot able to view application in IIS after successfully calling below method: ServerManager serverMgr = new ServerManager(); Configuration config = serverMgr.GetApplicationHostConfiguration(); ConfigurationSection isapiCgiRestrictionSection = config.GetSection("system.webServer/security/isapiCgiR...

@MagnusBurton wait a sec i just realized you are supporting ie6/7 -.-
Microsoft killed the browsers
Hell even js fiddle doesn't work on them
@PatsyIssa I know but we run the page through a browser controller which is pretty outdated
Turns out it's a known issue
Q: When is it safe to say, "I know python"?

dieheldWhen one learns a new programming language, like Python, when is it safe to assume you know the language, when is it

Okay I see. I'll talk to my boss and see if we can update the browser controller. Tha nk you for your time!
@PatsyIssa that's an interesting question. I thought about the answer to this in regards to spoken languages, but the answer I thought of doesn't really apply in programming. :(
Np, my advice would be to convince them to stop supporting discontinued browsers
@Purify i consider it a really silly question tbh
I don't.
It's a sort of thing you just "know"
not really...
When you are able to produce a full production application/site in said language then you can say you know it
You can hack a language together and claim you "know" it since you can still build things in, just not perhaps effectively.
It's that simple
Depends on the language to be honest
If it's php yes you can hack it up together
It's like the Angular vs Ember debate
Angular allows you to hack stuff up together, ember forces you to follow a set standard
When the question is expanded to spoken languages, it's not at all a silly question.
We're talking about programming here :P
When I was learning German I always wanted to know when I could say I 'knew' German
Can you hold a conversation with a german?
You know german
but I managed to do that pretty quickly..
that doesn't mean I know the language.
Can you build an app with python?
I decided that a spoken language can be classified as known once you can use it to describe and or explain what something in that language means.
e.g. I ask what a word means, they explain it in that language and I understand.
^ made my cross-bow, although it's moody and works only when it wants to
hahaha nice :D
:D how did urs go?
are you holding it down before firing? also turn the cap so that the tail is from the top
I cudnt get the cross-knot proper, I didn't know to do it x,x
tis easy
oh I didn't know u had to hold it down O:
wait lemme find you the actual vid
x_x But I'm really stuck at the cross-knot and the person in the vid does it too fast
@ICanHasKittenz nice!
its super fast though, cud hurt a person bad, wall is the only option to fire at
hahaha yeah :P
we're shooting cups with it :P
@ICanHasKittenz Depends on what you fire with it :P
posted on June 16, 2014

Previous How do you eject someone nicely from a party? My mind raced with ideas, every one terrible. My legs however had already been carrying me over to the VP, I couldn’t stop them. I tried to think of my opening line… Me: Er, VP. VP: Yep. The VP turned around to face me, my throat had died. My mind hadn’t caught up to my walking speed. I paused for what felt like forever. Me: How’s

where's @mr.alien and @someguy :O
mr.alien's busy with alien work
probing people?
tech alien, probes human-written code XD
posted on June 16, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by deharodk */

Gaah my background: url() images are not showing up correctly!
@PatsyIssa Alien says hi, he cannot make it coz he's on 3G
Lol.. India. "I'll be online in a bit... When I can get.. Online"
I remember trying to game with @SomeGuy. Brutal lag. Like an 800ms ping
@rlemon It isn't the speed, he has limited data and probably wants to preserve it for something
I can hardly see out of my right eye today. That's fun
Can I return null (in other words exit without doing anything) on hover in css?
@ZachSaucier haha thats too bad, what happened?
@MagnusBurton You can undo what's being done
I have a table which on hover on the individual tds they change color but for some tds I dont want to enable hover
@rlemon asia servers?
@ZachSaucier infection?
Some type of infection. Sending a pic to my dad (doctor) now
@MagnusBurton for lesser work, give the minority tds class and add/remove color to them
@MagnusBurton recreate in a fiddle? :D
Helps with eliminating the guess what's wrong part
@ICanHasKittenz Okay. The minorities are the ones I don't wanna have hover on.
Sure thing. Give me a couple of minutes to recreate it
@ICanHasKittenz @PatsyIssa Here you go: http://jsfiddle.net/magnusburton/T354q/
As you see if you hover onto the table all of the rows gets the same color.
Ok and what is your expected behavior?
That the even & odd rows keep their color but the hovered row get the purple-ish color
which ones do you not want the hover effect on
Okay first of all, sorry for the messy code. I dove into code from 2009 as my first day here at my job.
i feel ya
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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