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hey guys
Regarding CSS & Bootstrap, anyone have any idea why when I have a border-collapse css property my border-right and border-bottom are just suddenly disappearing?!
Got an example or jsfiddle?
will try
@GONeale are there elements to the right and below?
Not that I can see.
`if(strlen($value)>3) {
$keyword = array("span");
$value = preg_replace("/\b([a-z]*${keyword}[a-z]*)\b/i","<span class='hText'>$1</span>",$value);
echo "<li class='copyItems'>".$value."</li>";
}` why error
trying to make jsfiddle....
@GONeale its PHP
OH sarcasm.
@RahulKhosla I think he's making a jsfiddle of something else...
yes, jsfiddle for my css issue
Anyone good at PHP?
The room is inactive to post, so I came here.
Try sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com and see if it throws any errors
used to do it back in the day, what is the error?
@GONeale Notice: Array to string conversion in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/phpp/index.php on line 41
if(strlen($value)>3) {
$keyword = array("span");
$value = preg_replace("/\b([a-z]*${keyword}[a-z]*)\b/i","<span class='hText'>$1</span>",$value);
echo "<li class='copyItems'>".$value."</li>";

Im trying to use an array in preg_replace.
which line is line 41. And simplify it to see which isn't working, is it the if or the preg_replace, or what?
@joshhunt $value = preg_replace("/\b([a-z]*${keyword}[a-z]*)\b/i","<span class='hText'>$1</span>",$value);
Its the $keyword, I can turn it into a string and it works fine
But I can't have multiple values within the string.
what is $keyword?
An array.
$keyword = array("span, something-here");
maybe try looping the array first?
Taking it outside the forloop did not work.
its already within a foreach foreach($compareWords as $key => $value)
take it back a step... what are you trying to do?
I can't disclose much of it.
But. heres a sample
posted on June 13, 2014

As I started walking over to the VP I tried to think of the right words to get him to leave. None came. VP: Airz, hello. I smiled at the VP who was mostly just looking around at everyone else. Me: VP, don’t you normally leave with the BigP? VP: I thought I’d stay a while… The VP was going to make this hard. I see. Me: The BigP left… quite a while ago actually. It had really only be

can you do something like this:
Ok. I haven't got my jsfiddle doing exactly the same as on my project, but this isn't applying a red border around every TH... I think it's a similar issue. jsfiddle.net/5YSh3 Maybe something to do with somehow being nested in those bootstrap column divs??
$keyword = array("span");
    foreach ($keyword as $individual_keyword) {
        $value.= preg_replace("/\b([a-z]*$individual_keyword[a-z]*)\b/i","<span class='hText'>$1</span>",$value);
echo "<li class='copyItems'>".$value."</li>";
Using preg_replace, replacing a bunch of words with <span style="none">$value</span> to hide them, but only hiding what is in keywords
ok, damn well adding !important to my css fixed that issue. I can't create the exact same issue as mine, grr.
@GONeale Yea in the jsfiddle Bootstrap is just overriding it.
yer hmm
So weird right, I'll show you something.
i.imgur.com/6KPurJx.png (you can observe no right border)
Yet, obviously border specified i.imgur.com/msyJC4w.png
Oh grrr!!! It was some other CSS property,
BODY.mobile #results-table {
overflow-x: hidden !important;
the content must be exceeding and hiding the right border.
Hello Gents - any ideas how I can make this script remove the red border when the input is no longer focused?


$('.select').focus(function() {
haha glad you figured it out
@joshhunt sorry that didn't work, but thanks anyways.
I gtg cya.
@Michael Is there a specific reason you are not using .select:focus on in your css?
@joshhunt - Yeah, i'm hiding default <select> styling, and using a containing div to style the select box
Trying to mimic the outline property using border, which is working fine for all my other inputs just using :focus, but since i'm not actually styling the <select> box, im doing this jquery jiggery-pokery to fake it
technically, I am focusing the <select> not it's parent, but since the parent has the styles, it has to get the ":focus style"
if that makes sense
You can see an example of the styles at this live link: dev.limeslimestudios.com/contact
(the jquery isnt implemented on the live site)
BRB - dog needs out
Wait what are you trying to do?
Is it just because you want it to look different from other .select:focus styles?
Anyone got any interesting lectures / learning stuff that I should listen to while I work?
So, because of the limitations of <select> I can't make the select box look the same as I have styled my <input>'s for example
so you want select:focus to look the same as input:focus?
right, which is really just the green border - the catch is, my styling for the "select box" is applied to a parent div that surrounds the select box itself
Any particular reason for that?
so i've told the select box to be background transparent, no border, no focus.

and I'm instead giving the parent container the styling
select boxes cant be styled
there are limitations, for example border-radius doesnt work properly
height doesn't work properly because you can't vertically center the text
the littele black arrow is ugly, you can't replace that thing, but you can hide it and then use :after to create your own arrow
This would be really easy if CSS had a "parent" selector, but there is none that works in CSS3 spec
all in all i'm half way there, if you look at the JSFiddle, when you click into the select box and focus it, it adds a red border to the parent of the select box - perfect
.blur() is the opposite of focus but I really don't recommend doing it that way... it will end up causing you more trouble than it's worth. Up to you though.
but if you then click out of the select box to the other input box, the red border doesn't disappear since the select box is no longer focused
it's kind of ffunny, I sort of expected jQuery's .focus to work like CSS :focus, but for some reason it doesnt
@joshhunt - Some listening material for you, I found it rather interesting a few weeks ago. shoptalkshow.com/episodes/special-one-one-hacker
did .blur work for you?
gonna try that
@Michael Oh yah I listened to that awhile back, its funny as!
And crazy that you can buy a social security number for $3
well, i'm gonna give this a shot tomorrow, thanks for the suggestion
Q: Why is this non-float margin collapsing with a float?

BoltClockWhile investigating this question about clearing floats, I came across a peculiar situation with margins and clearance with a non-floating box. According to section 8.3.1 of the spec, margin collapse should not occur when either at least one of the elements generating the margins is a float, o...

cc @TylerH @ZachSaucier @Mr.Alien
1 hour later…
glad we could help
see @TylerH BoltClock thinks you're knowledgeable enough to ping about his problems (:
@BoltClock I just got up, give me 30 mins, I'll take a brief read :)
Morning everyone :)
@Mr.Alien ping me when u free
@BoltClock super explanation...
@Justcode yo
Actually at http://tangibleappstudioz.com/
in ipad tester told me yesterday that when he swap his fingers left and right
its getting shaked.
i can not find why this is happening
ya,shaking effect ....showing white space at left and right
I can see some on right
Inshort i don't allow user to swap left and right
but nothing on left
ok do one thing
Yah...but to resolve it
by default it showing perfect
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
so instead of using this one, use the one am sharing now
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no">
ohk ;)
yea, I dont think thats req as you have declared maximum scale
but give it a shot
ohk i will brb
hey so I am writing an app in Flask that uses leafletjs for its interactive map. I am writing a python function that makes call to the yelp api which obtains ratings for businesses based on their latitude and longitude. I will then use this json data to plot points on the leaflet.js map accordingly. However, how do I use this json data returned by python in aflask template because I won't be able to use something like {{ business['rating'] }} inside <script>
to use that data for leaflet.js
Q: How and when are CSS rules applied to a display hierarchy?

TriynkoIs there an open source or generic implementation of CSS that can be applied to an arbitrary display hierarchy? I'm trying to build one for the Flash display hierarchy in AS3. I'm curious about the procedure used to apply CSS styles to a display hierarchy. It seems to me that some or all selec...

Interesting question
morning ... :)
wachya doing
more theme work :D
what user-scalable=no btw?
Tumblr :-D
And it means
That user cannot zoom
When he is on a cell phone or he is using a tab
:sad face:
I feel thats actually good, few doesn't like as far as user accessibility goes
But if you use chrome on android, it does provide you an option to override the zoom
posted on June 13, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

Jim Carey Inspiration: youtube.com/watch?v=ajMpfPYlHi4
How can i avoid such effect on jquery hover? jsfiddle.net/fd83Y/1, video: screencast-o-matic.com/watch/c21Iivnpl0
@MirkoSimic is this what you're looking for? jsfiddle.net/fd83Y/2
@MirkoSimic or this? jsfiddle.net/fd83Y/3
@DarkAshelin no, because effect is not important, if you more times go over the box, then the browser count "hover" and repeat every time, if you see screencast video i think you will understand what i mean
@MirkoSimic ah, use css then instead of jquery, will be easier
@DarkAshelin this is only one example because i have on real website more specific animations, my problem is only to set true "hover", without to repeat if i'm out of box with cursor
also if you really insist on using jquery: jsfiddle.net/fd83Y/5
also, you seem to be a help vampire? 17 questions and only 1 answer on SO. Try helping others too ;) give & take
why is this getting downvotes? trying to understand what is wrong with it stackoverflow.com/questions/24199977/…
Removed before I could see it :(
Hey Hey Good Afternoon.!!
nice to see this thing :D
posted on June 13, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by daif adnan */

Good morning all.
Whats the best practice for storing lots of images on a server?
@Will Too broad.
compress the shit out of them
I want to store a tone of images on a server im talking 10,000+ They will be user uploaded. I am kind of thinking that all in one file is going to make reading them get pretty slow.
compress them on upload
Just wondering if there was a best practice for separating them out into different folders
Actually that is a fair point. I have forgot to compress them. Compressing the thumbnails but forgot the actual images!
@Will Yeah, there is.
I generally name the files after a hash of the content, and separate them into directories and subdirectories based on the first and second letter in the resulting filename.
Divide further if needed, depends on how many images you have.
Ah. Thats what I was looking for.
Awesome, Cheers
@SecondRikudo why not put the path (directory) as a variable which is assigned at the same time when you assign the filename? saves you from an extra switch, right?
Just depends on who you are writing it. I am using coldfusion and will likely use a UUID and separate the folders by the "-" in the uuid
@DarkAshelin Wha?
I didn't undertand that :P
You take an uploaded image
You calculate the sha1 of the contents
You name the file 81b06facd90fe7a6e9bbd9cee59736a79105b7be.jpg
And you put it under /uploads/8/1/81b06facd90fe7a6e9bbd9cee59736a79105b7be.jpg
@Will question, what is the purpose of the images
well that's not very humanly understandable
The database holds the actual information like real name, user, etc.
@SecondRikudo That is actually awesome
Wouldn't more meaning file names be more helpful? Looking at your google image search.
@DarkAshelin Actual meta information is kept on the database level.
@mikedidthis +1
I usually generate a uniqid for naming
A: Folder Structure for storing millions of images?

Mihai IorgaHow am I using the folder structure: I'm uploading the photo, and move it like you said: $image = md5_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']); // you can add a random number to the file name just to make sure your images will be "unique" $image = md5(mt_rand().$image); $folder = $image[0]."/".$imag...

@mikedidthis You can serve them however you want.
@SecondRikudo but Google.
Won't somebody think of Google?!?
You can link http://madara.ninja/images/madara-smites-the-planet.jpg with a completely different physical filename on the server.
> The reason you would use a method like that is simply to reduce the total number of files per directory (inodes).
what's the use of that?
@DarkAshelin Indexing is much easier when divided into directories.
@DarkAshelin you want to open a directory with 10k files? :P
If you have 100,000 files, you don't want them all to be in the same directory.
@PatsyIssa its for a classified ad site so people will upload images of things they wish to sell. In testing we have near 40,000 products each with 3-5 images so it gets pretty big pretty quickly.
Naming your files as hashes prevents duplicates (if a user tries to upload the same image twice, the file will already exist as it has the same hash)
why not just have a folder per ad?
If I google image search for microwave, 2340u310-5810-850-124.jpg isn't going to come up.
@SecondRikudo's method is legit
@mikedidthis Just because that's how it's called on the server, doesn't mean that's how you need to serve it.
@SecondRikudo I don't understand how serving images would work with stuff like indexing :D
goes back into the corner
@mikedidthis The file-system should be optimized for indexing.
Not for SEO
You want to be able to reach the actual file AFAP
Leave the "how it's called, who's the owner, what do I do with it" to the application and the database.
Sweet :D
The user asked for madara-smites-everyone.jpg
So you lookup in the database and find that the actual file is hashed like so: 81b06facd90fe7a6e9bbd9cee59736a79105b7be
In that case it's easy, it's found in a two directory deep structure which is the first two characters, and the extension is also kept in the database
@PeeHaa Isn't she already at 60%? Go away
@SecondRikudo No she is not
Stupid front end dev
@PeeHaa make a POST loop and be done with it.
@SecondRikudo I think they have tweaked it a bit
They don't check whether you voted from that IP address or not.
so many with front end, am thinking to leave php and go for a full time js dev
@PeeHaa They haven't. I can still vote multiple times.
@Mr.Alien node FTW
@SecondRikudo I hate it when that happens, photobucket used to do that. For example I create an image, upload it, edit my image and save under same name, then I won't be able to reupload it, or it'll overwrite my older version without my consent
Yeah but it isn't counted. I think they actually check the cookie now :P
@PatsyIssa node is so complicated... I can make it out from the syntax
@DarkAshelin Ah, but it's not the name that matters
It's the contents
You hash the file's contents, not the filename.
So only if the images themselves are 100% identical in details, it would detect a duplicate.
And best thing is, it's completely transparent to the user!
well then I am confused
I will join @mikedidthis in the corner
Let me explain again
User uploads an image
PHP script generates a hash of said image
Result is something like 81b06facd90fe7a6e9bbd9cee59736a79105b7be
ok I got so far
I don't understand the serving though
Wait for it :)
or you need to set up some kind of routing?
so it detects www.url.com/username/imagename
finds match in db
@Mr.Alien node.js looks super fun and well organised :D
You save that file in the file-system, under two directories which correspond to the result filename's first two letters (/8/1/81b06facd90fe7a6e9bbd9cee59736a79105b7be.jpg)
@mikedidthis I will give a shot once am well versed with js
Then you create a database entry for that, like so
@Mr.Alien tl;dr break all the things down.
1 | original-name | 81b06facd90fe7a6e9bbd9cee59736a79105b7be | jpg | time of upload | other crap
ok, got it so far
Now when user asks for http://madara.ninja/images/original-name.jpg
Hey guys can I ask a question? Just kidding , of course I can
@Scorpion HE LIVES :O
You take the route, lookup the database for original-name with a jpg extension, and get the hash
Hello Mr @PatsyIssa
Then you just serve the file from the filesystem.
I died for a few months but I'm back @patsyissa
@Scorpion long time no see :O
You know the hash, so you know the complete path, and you know the extension from the database.
busy bee
I handled a site with several millions of files like this @DarkAshelin
@Will See what you started! :D
It doesn't apply just to images, it applies to any uploaded file.
I have this query where when run in PhpMyAdmin returns 7 results correctly, altough when using PHP only returning 1 result/row
@SecondRikudo but what if there are multiple matches for that original name?
date_paid AS 'Deposit Date', COUNT() AS 'Checks#', SUM('dues') AS 'Dues', SUM('donation') AS 'Donation', SUM('raffle') AS 'Raffle', SUM('endowment') AS 'Endow', SUM('other') AS 'Other', (SUM('dues') + SUM('donation') + SUM('raffle') + SUM('endowment') + SUM('other')) AS 'Total'*
@mikedidthis according to me, I've picked up most of the js part, still what I suck at is, callbacks, anonymous function value passing, prototype thingy etc...
@DarkAshelin The original-name must be a unique identifier.
Or, if you don't want that, you can do something like
@Mr.Alien I hate to say it, but the things you say you suck at, are the important things.
@SecondRikudo the original name is user specified, isn't it? :/
http://madara.ninja/files/original-name-1.jpg or http://madara.ninja/files/1/original-name.jpg
And use the numeric ID given by the database.
Also, fuck prototype, Object.create() for life!
http://madara.ninja/files/42/the-answer.jpg, etc.
hmm I see
Honestly, prototype and classes in JS are so misleading and confusing. Forcing something that isn't there is a little silly imo.
42 would be the ID?
@mikedidthis I know and hence I don't wanna keep those lingering and move on to some other lang, so I will go slow, and learn, the main reason of me publishing the plugin was to learn ... I'll try them to convert from query to js soon
I love it when we have such talks, learning a lot. cheers @SecondRikudo
@PatsyIssa +1
@PatsyIssa ;)
Yep, +1
@Mr.Alien yeah, the more you do.
Routing in general is still a bit vague to me. I used it before and know the general concept, I just don't know how the magic works
But again, I would really look into Object.create() its awesome.
@DarkAshelin Well, you route all requests to an index.php
sure I'll
@SecondRikudo thanks.
yest I was playing with objects and data retrieval...
Again its preference, but the 3 parts sum it up well.
@SecondRikudo no need to explain, I bet it'd have to be a wall of text for me to understand xD
You can select certain items to not route, like .css and .js files
I'll get it some day
@DarkAshelin Not really, it's actually fairly simple
I love reading huge articles, thanks for sharing the link, am free so I'll read it straight away
I just used it once so far, I'm sure that if I use it more often, I'll start to understand it
Try to understand the concept without thinking about implementation details
Once you do that, you can go and look at existing projects and see how they do it.
@SecondRikudo are you discussing url rewrite?
@Mr.Alien Routing
Which includes url rewriting
aaah... yap got that
!!afk article
I used Symfony's routing before
it was all very confusing and magical
The index.php file (or some other bootstrapper file) is able to read the URL (usually via $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] if I remember correctly)
like how it somehow knew whether a url/path was a $page or an $article
@mikedidthis Nice article, need to finish some front-end dummy work and i ll check it
@PatsyIssa :D
Then you have a routing component that takes that URL, matches it against a bunch of pre-set routes and spits out a result (usually in the form of a Route object)
bum - got new job!
@easwee woo!
where at?
where I applied 2 weeks ago
@SecondRikudo Command s/path_info/request_uri does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
they were busy with work and forgot to write me back - gor call now :)
@SecondRikudo Command s/path_info/request_uri/ does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@SecondRikudo No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
@SecondRikudo so far I've been using GET variables to route, such as index.php?page=contact
@DarkAshelin Yes, but that's generally ugly and unpredictable
but url.com/contact wouldn't even get me to index.php
What if you need the page variable for some form?
@DarkAshelin That's a URL rewriting problem
@SecondRikudo that's when things get messy
It should.
through htaccess or so?
@DarkAshelin ALL requests with a few exceptions should route to index.php, no questions asked.
url.com/contact? index.php. url.com/omgwtfbbq? index.php
Rewrite ^.*$ to /index.php
Yeah, that works too ^
forms a smiley face :P
Then, it's completely up to the index.php file to route the request internally
Actually, what I usually do is have exactly 2 lines in my index.php file
hold the faq up, so this article is telling me I can automatically route url.com/contact to url.com/index.php?page=contact through 1 line of code, and so I can use my already existing system but with pretty urls?
hello HELLO
@Scorpion me me
no not you I don't like you
@DarkAshelin You can do that, but what I'm suggesting is a bit more general
All requests route to index.php, no GET parameters.
@Scorpion sup with your query
@DarkAshelin I have this SQL query which works inside PhpMyAdmin and returns 7 results but only returns 1 result when I use it inside PHP
date_paid AS 'Deposit Date', COUNT() AS 'Checks#', SUM('dues') AS 'Dues', SUM('donation') AS 'Donation', SUM('raffle') AS 'Raffle', SUM('endowment') AS 'Endow', SUM('other') AS 'Other', (SUM('dues') + SUM('donation') + SUM('raffle') + SUM('endowment') + SUM('other')) AS 'Total'*
Your bootstrap file is able to read the URI of the request with $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]
@Scorpion show teh php
@PatsyIssa Joomla objects, one sec
hmm now I have to resign from work
@easwee Let em down easy, stay on good terms you never know
And so, the bootstrapper file passes the URI, along with the possible routes to your Router component, which matches it against the routes, and spits out a Route.
@Scorpion are you using the same WHERE statement in PhpMyAdmin?
Then you decide what to do with it

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