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@PatsyIssa did you rewrite Mr Aliens icon thing?
This is going to be sad
y'all be lucky if u never had something like that happen to ur family
@DarkAshelin yep. If I could, I would give you a hug :D
@mikedidthis free hugs on the feelbus
@DarkAshelin sounds like something @purify would say.
@IonicãBizãu yeah looks nice
@DarkAshelin Documentation isn't only about a user manual, it could be anything like how the web app/CRM works, sections and processes involved - helps the management to understand, from a user perspective - what functionalities he can do etc. We have a large application and without documenting future changes would be difficult to make
@IonicãBizãu I like how it ends xD
@mikedidthis Not done yet
vertically centering an image will never be a one shot thing...
question are all over SO first page
You should work on your accept rate before asking more questions. — tkone Apr 18 '12 at 0:47
When SO used to show Accept Rate
Tbh they should show it again
Or stop a user from asking a new question before dealing with his previous ones
it will prevent users to answer help vampires
@mikedidthis His accept rate doesn't seem that bad
@PatsyIssa thats wrong
Out of the 3 he didn't accept, he answered one on his own
@ICanHasKittenz yeah I think he tool the comments advice.
If the user has 10 questions with no accepted answers why should he be allowed to ask a new one?
oh so he just did them
@PatsyIssa you cannot judge whether the users question was really solved or not
If the user's question is too localized to be answered might as well close it
today this morning I commented the same over here and I often comment on others answers as well, to notify the op to accept the answers if they think they are worth to
if comment to the answer contains thanks it worked, system should recognize as accepted xD
@mikedidthis I love chop suey of that band
A: css3 keyframe animation for path in svg symbol tag

easweeIt is perfectly possible. It works if you drop <use xlink:href="#icon-love"/> part and just use normal svg. If you are concenrned about maintaining your code clean I suggest you store your svg in a variable and output it dynamically instead of using the <use> tag, which breaks the animation. htt...

i made it work but any idea why it won't work animating with <use> tag?
Not seeing it moving :P
hay gais
quick question.
That thing is still alive :O
@Purify you don't have to write that always, you jump in to this room and we already know that we are going to get a new question :p
also @Purify o/
I have a local ip with a website hosted on it (xampp). I shared the IP with a colleague and he can't see it despite being on the same network. any ideas?
@PatsyIssa it does move - he just had minimal settings :D
@PatsyIssa /o
Check out vagrant
I remember fixing this issue once but can't remember what I did..
@Purify you need static ip to do that
the IP address is local to the machine, not the network?
but the machine is connected to the network.
so it's basically machineip:port is local on each machine, no?
What IP do you have? One that the network would recognise?
if you don't have static ip on your local machine other machines in the network won't see that ip address
uhhh figured it
it was a firewall issue
A: Accessing localhost (xampp) from another computer over LAN network - how to?

BugFinderLocalhost is just a name given for the loopback, eg its like referring to yourself as "me" .. To view it from other computers, chances are you need only do or http://myPcsName if that doesnt work, there is a chance that there is a firewall running on your computer, or the htt...

thanks guys! ;D
for what? hearing you talking to yourself? :D
yeah, it helps me sometimes
helps me too sometimes must say
I need new music
What kind of music do you like?
I m open for anything tbh
@PatsyIssa youtube.com/…
mah playlist
oh wait, that room is locked
@PatsyIssa really? don't regret when I share one
@DarkAshelin plug.dj/psyborgs
^ what does that website do?
join up
sharing music
collective music
Trust - Sulk
Miike Snow - Silvia
City and Color - Coming Home
Coheed and Cambria - Welcome Home
Join us in the psyborgs room
also i fucking hate chrome
@PatsyIssa you are hurting me
I hate that they have a shortcut to close all tabs and I keep hitting it :P
Ctrl + shift + w
Thank god for Ctrl+Shift+T
How do you keep hitting that by mistake, though? What do you intend on doing?
ctrl + w
he is playing with his keyboard
close a single tab
Most of my navigation is with the keyboard
Hahaha, you must have fat fingers
@SomeGuy lol
woot guys, woot
@PatsyIssa even better combo - ctr+f5 refresh - ctrl+f4 close window
imagine how many times a day i screw that one up
Depends on your keyboard layout, i have a huge space between them, also i refresh with ctrl + r
@Mr.Alien cleanest way to deal with collapsed margins without overflow hidden?
@PatsyIssa alternate ways
border: 1px solid transparent;
that will fix
hmm equally hacky :P
or you can use positioning as well using relative + top but again, this is not a clean way
Alien-sama, join our plug room
the best thing you can use there is overflow: auto;
@DarkAshelin link
if (!(offer != null && packageDates.Count <= 2)) AddHtml(PackageDataPlaceHolder, " <div>&nbsp;</div>");
stuff like this makes me wanna shoot someone
@ICanHasKittenz Yeah, me too! :-D
@PatsyIssa haha cool site, I don't see you in the crowd
@Mr.Alien he's the random nub (Zenul)
I m playing right now :P
damn, I need to press mehhhhh
I kill ya
ok I pressed the woot
and now I cant take it back, this sucks
click woot
sexyyyyyyy song...
@PatsyIssa en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… Ctrl + F "Bernard P. Bell"
Hi, I have issue with audio element HTML5 in Safari (not mobile). I know that with Quicktime it work it. I was asking on: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24044975/play-doesn%C2%B4t-work-in-safari?noredirect=1#comment37072983_24044975

but I didn´t get a answer, which helped me. I was also reading other arcticles, about this theme, but as before, it didn´t help me.
@SomeGuy talk about badassery
@MarkFalex what safari version is it
Safari version: 5.0.5(75313.21.1)
On windows?
That's an old version
I wouldn't worry about it.
It doesn't support audio
Fallback to flash if you absolutely need it
A: .play() doesn´t work in Safari

Patsy IssaAfter further clarification the OP is using safari 5.x on windows platform, that version of safari doesn't support the audio tag source, the solution would be to set a flash fallback or simply ignore that market share since apple killed support for safari on windows.

Now, I was checking this elemnt, and this page is showing me, that element audio didn´t work only on version 3.1 and 3.2.
I need to make it work without flash, is there any other way to make it work?
@PatsyIssa howz the kitty btw?
It will work on safari 6+, safari is an evergreen browser
Those that have it on mac will be able to play your audio
I try install newer version Safari. Ok, thank you for your advice. :)
Again unless the client specifically asked for it ignore it
You can't have safari 6 on windows
Apple dropped windows support
@MarkFalex The audio tag will work on all modern browsers, just make sure you have all required formats included
If I understand well, so there is no chance to work audio tag on Safari without QuickTime?
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it.
Apple stopped support for Safari on Windows, so should you.
@MarkFalex It works on safari mac, windows will never work
@mikedidthis It is not for me, but for client, so I say him that it will no.

@PatsyIssa Thank you very much for your advices and helping me.
Yeah, that's understandable.
@PatsyIssa Want to try taking this course with me? coursera.org/course/digitalmedia
@SomeGuy let's sign up
@MarkFalex np ^^
I signed up for the Cryptography course too
@MarkFalex if the answer helped feel free to accept it
I doubt I'll actually follow through with both
That's the thing let's take it up and make each other follow through
Crypto has a higher priority, though
So how about you take that as well? :P
link me
Also remind me after 5 when i m home
so i have time to read up
@PatsyIssa wth u avoiding my kitty inquiry! x_x
Too many people talking to me at the same time :P she's good, getting bigger x.x
pictures x_x
So much cuter being that tiny
She's still cute as fuck :P
that's not a very nice comparison =_=
1 and a half hour more to go and then my weeeeeekend~!
@SomeGuy @mikedidthis join us plug.dj/psyborgs
I'm not really into psy/trance, but I'll stay for a bit
@PatsyIssa Interesting. Do you think it's worth it?
I m looking into it
I might end up taking the course
Lots of positive feedback
Looks great
Hectic, but pretty awesome
I read up on their conditions to join up and such, I think i have a solid shot in getting in
Good morning all
Well afternoon
Weather is nice where I am. wish I was outside
Good morning as well, except you know, a developer' morning is usually the afternoon.
posted on June 12, 2014

Again, nothing to do with IT. Skippable. PT : 0 Most of the company had arrived for the Christmas party, I was feeling oddly nervous. Usually the party started with the BigP making a speech before the upper management left so the rest of the company could get drunk in peace. I looked over at the pile of alcohol, it was impressive but I hoped it was enough. BigP: Welcome everyone! I have t

We have Reddit on our RSS?
I am redoing my bath rooms atm.
What is this subreddit? reddit.com/r/airz23
costing more than I thought...
@mikedidthis the ceiling.
@SomeGuy @Purify added it iirc.
@AskoNõmm My pet dinosaur says that joke is old
It's so unfunny it's almost funny again
I wish
Wait, you have a pet dinosaur or is that a nickname for your member?
@Mr.Alien Happy raining
@Justcode didn't rained here yet... but yest night it did drizzled..
Has rained here all day apparently. GMT+3, just if you're close, you're in danger.
News showing heavy raining at mumbai
Uh, it isn't raining at all here
In Andheri, at least
Nor Kandivali, from what Mr. Alien says
Its a sunny evening for us
Sunny here too :)
ahhh i found Mumbai warned of stormy weather, heavy rain
Haha, not as far as I know. It's a bit windy, but not stormy in any way
I always laugh when I watch weather reports...
@Mr.Alien ha ha ha me too
wrong ping ^
ok now ;)
Pretty impressive
I think that's my laptop
hey folks
That explains why he took the risk of spinning a laptop
any idea how to make this transition?
A: SVG Scale without moving location

RashFlashif i am not wrong, you want to scale the dots along their center, dots remain their current position and just gets bigger. if this you want, then following code will help you var bbox=elementNode.getBBox(); var cx=bbox.x+(bbox.width/2), cy=bbox.y+(bbox.height/2); // finding cen...

I was able to get that myself yesterday but had the same problem - it didn't transition
@ZachSaucier jsfiddle is down :(
can change the first scalex and scaley to .5 to see it does position them correctly, there's no transition though
1 min ago, by mikedidthis
@ZachSaucier jsfiddle is down :(
mine's working fine!
Down for me
But not for everyone doj.me/?url=jsfiddle.net
fiddle.jsshell.net seems to be loading forever
hence the site will not load fully
Nothing loads at all for me
jsbin link above
5 hours ago, by Mr. Alien
sucks, js fiddle is down
works for me too, before wasnt
this SVG animation has given me more trouble than any I've done before. I'm usually pretty good at this stuff ):
Sadly its way over my head. I only just started to understand CSS animations.
you guys doubled the views on it, haha
@Mr.Alien atm I'm the only one djing, if u wanna join in
Any one in the room using a CSS framework?
Not me, I like it the hard way.
I'm using sass, don't slap me
Sass isn't a framework :D
I made something that I use as a quick start, but not sure if its worth sharing as its a little bit different.
well if it isn't then I don't know what a css framework is supposed to be
or u mean a template?
@DarkAshelin Bootstrap, Pure, etc.
@mikedidthis don't use any of those :D
Ahh ok.
@mikedidthis I use bootstrap and you usually call it a front-end framework
@ICanHasKittenz yes ma'am, my mistake.
:D coz it contains .js too
@AskoNõmm Do you like it the hard way in the back end too?
That sentence goes both ways, so not sure what answer is appropriate.
@DarkAshelin thats a pre processor
@mikedidthis show me
@ZachSaucier private repo at the moment.
can share private repos :P
@mikedidthis rude bird
@TylerH which one? :D
The one in the way
@ZachSaucier true. Let me clean it up / document it and I will share it. Maybe good practice anyway.
no rush
Yeah it will be next week. Its the explaining part that will be a struggle.
This is not Bootstrap, or Sparta.
I'm okay at figuring things out, an example is hopefully all I'd need
@ZachSaucier go nuts, still a WIP: mikedidthis-dev.tumblr.com
@SomeGuy I v seen such manifestations but without the narcolepsy
I'd read a little about it in the context of narcolepsy before
Didn't realize it happened without it as well until recently
@Will epic! I'm gonna try it
Office crossbow :P
@ZachSaucier tl;dr. Split the CSS into 3 layers. Base (Native elems) / Objs (Custom Elems / Objects) / Site (Size / Colour / Etc).
@Will All the wants
By the way, I recently did a site for a client with Squarespace. Their developers platform is awesome, you can pretty much turn your site into whatever you want. So if anyone ever wonders, it has my blessing.
who are you
i.imgur.com/gygjacg.gif Things didnt go to plan
@DarkAshelin new guy. He's not the annoying help vamp type though so I approve
very well undresses
@Will hahaha:D
@DarkAshelin whom
Ha, are we actually calling him the new guy?
so now we have someguy and a new guy
I feel like I should say something, but observing is way more entertaining.
@Will showed it to a coworker we're making it :P
@NewGuy how do you like your name?
I've been called worse, it's fine.
@rlemon Any way to hide text in a chat comment?
@ZachSaucier rlemon is afk: be back tomorrow
@ZachSaucier what do you mean?
wanting to create nick names, thought it'd be possible by hiding the actual ping
so it'd have to be read by whatever reads the pings but not humans
Going off. Ciao~ on sunday!
!!afk weekend
!!afk world cup bets!
Ooh, who are you supporting, Mike?
!!afk cuz all are afk
I'm not
@PatsyIssa post results
@easwee We don't count. We're the cool kids
We're above the definition of words that encompass everyone
creme de la creme
dammit storm just passed now it goes back to 30°C
@easwee talking about storm, did u see my car picture?
30 year old Facebook employee, Dave Goldblatt, donates $20,000 to charity and wins the prize of being written into, and killed off in A Game of Ice and Fire.
How fucking cool is that !!!
facebook.com/… should be visible to all the cool kids
hail yes
bigass strong hail
2 years ago it broke the back window of my golf 2 :D
like eggs big
all the cars in my city look like that now
atleast they all look the same
don't befriend me u plebs
meh I already get to much spam on fb don't want more ;)
@Will ofc
!!afk making a crossbow
how about offline css syntax info
@Mr.Alien what about it?
is there any source for offline property info?
@Will Not very cool once you consider there's no such thing as A Game of Ice and Fire
@Mr.Alien you mean like offline desktop docs?
kinda,if there aren't any, I can make on in spare time
@ZachSaucier No I don't know anything about SVG :V
quickly removes tag from my answers
@Mr.Alien devdocs.io
"DevDocs downloads the index of the reference manual for the language you select, absorbing it into your local cache from where it serves the results. "
aaah yes, than its a waste
@BoltClock yeah if I have more answers than you in a subject related to web stuff that's not good XD
@TylerH I did notice that miss take but wanted to see if anyone else would :P
@Will I would sure be bummed, at least :-P
@ZachSaucier why not
you can take any control over the DOM you want
what reads the messages to ping? I'm guessing an SO script?
how can we get that to read any js we post to manipulate the DOM?
posted on June 12, 2014 by jackiebalzer

    Z-index is an inherently tricky thing, and maintaining z-index order in a complex layout is notoriously difficult. With different stacking orders and contexts, keeping track of them as their numbers increase can be hard — and once they start to spread across CSS files, forget about it! Because z-index can make or break a UI element’s visibility and usability, keeping you

@ZachSaucier pid i.e msg ping id

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