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jQuery(document).click(function (e) {
var target = jQuery(e.target);
if (!target.is(".sitelinks-container .sitelinks") && !target.is(".sitelinks-container .mobile-menu-button")) {
jQuery(".sitelinks-container .mobile-menu-button").removeClass("active").parent().removeClass("open");

Should this catch all children of ".sitelinks-container .sitelinks"? Because it doesn't seem to be working for me.
By catch I mean not catch... as in the class removal should happen only if the click event is not on either of those two elements or their children
Format your code by indenting 4 spaces.
@bjb568 by pressing CTRL + K in chat, you mean
The true artist manually types the spaces.
I tried, it removed them
^ Manually typed
@joshhunt it depends on your HTML
@joshhunt Press "fixed font".
Bah mucked it up again
need a line of space between text and code, shift + enter
anyway, not important. Show us your HTML
Yea I accidently pushed enter instead
<div class="sitelinks-container">
    <a class="mobile-menu-button btn" href="#"> Menu</a>
    <ul class="sitelinks">
you have some <li> that should be </li> btw. Copy - paste fail :P
Thoughts on a website that displays app icons? @ZachSaucier
@Idris for what purpose
Lol ok they are actually </li>. This seems to work correctly as long as you click on a <a>
if (!target.is(".sitelinks-container .sitelinks li a") && !target.is(".sitelinks-container .mobile-menu-button")) {
Just showing them off. Like a showcase. @ZachSaucier
@joshhunt yep localizing the problem makes it easy to see
@Idris there are those already
!!afk dinner
True. Any ideas on what I should do? I have the skills, but right now there's no use for them @ZachSaucier
@Idris Make some mini games for my game :D
@ZachSaucier So is there a way to check if an element or any of its children have been clicked?
I was referring to something less open source. But I'll check it out still @ZachSaucier
You work with PHP? @ZachSaucier
Got it
if (!target.parents(".sitelinks-container .sitelinks").length && !target.is(".sitelinks-container .mobile-menu-button")) {
@ZachSaucier Thanks for your help
@Idris some
Would you recommend the label for a form above the actual input or aside it? @ZachSaucier
aside most times
Thoughts on a site where you enter something and get the price. Like, What's the price of "Gold", and you get a result. I know there are other sites, but this is very simple @ZachSaucier
it's called Google :P
And you don't have to ping me every time. I read most everything in the chat when I'm not sleeping
If only they had it embedded. But yet the calculator does... And alright
@Idris they have it, just have to give a unit. "Gold" is ambiguous
Well that idea is over. I like building simple, yet useful things. This is something that I would of liked to do.
simple and useful is great
but we can't all have awesome ideas that no one has thought of every time :P
IMO go sharpen your skills in something, whether it's design, website building, something
Any ideas where I can find inspiration? Or is it just one of those things that pop into your head?
I like sharpening my skills with real things, just because I know the language, doesn't always mean I can always apply it.
Think about what people need/want, for example Xero in New Zealand realised that accounting software was hugely out of date so they made accounting software and now are a giant company.
@Idris depends on what you are looking to get inspiration for
Simple and useful things. But at this point it really doesn't matter.
@joshhunt not the scope of what he's looking for, me thinks (: Besides, that's not something you usually sit down and do. It comes from talking to people or self-need
@Idris too ambiguous for me to aid
@ZachSaucier Agreed. My point being though that its not always about doing something that has never been done before, you just have to do it better.
Well once you do it better, how would you fit into the crowd? I've found it extremely difficult to get noticed.
@Idris Make a pen on CodePen for Fort.js with a little text telling of the options. Also make it easy to change styles
once you're done post to CSSDeck as well
^^ meant to tell you that before
Before? Lol. Think mentioning that I'm 14 somewhere will improve it?
@Idris Again my example with Xero... they started off as two developers but everbody loved how easy there web app was to use so it became very popular. Again your situation is probably on a much smaller scale but my point is if it is much better than everyone else's it will stand out.
CodePen of the demo or just a custom one?
And yeah I understand now @joshhunt
@Idris custom - show all features easily
@Idris Now the hard part is actually thinking of something :)
You can't host files off GitHub?
Well including files from GitHub, rather.
@Idris no, github doesn't want its bandwidth used for that
you have a server you can host it on, right? That you have the colourity domain on?
however you spelled that xD
Yeah. I was just too lazy to start up the FTP thing
Wait. Then people will leech off of my server....
I just don't want my server crashing when I need it most.
Any of you guys use DigitalOcean?
no, you asked already
Depending on what stuff you need you could try Google App Engine?
directlinkupload.com seems to work (your file will be at bottom of page, took me a sec to find)
On a scale of 1-10, how dumb am I for writing my own blogging platform for my own site instead of using WordPress, which is what I make a living with?
@AskoNõmm not that dumb. Depends on your purposes. It's good for learning
Didn't learn much, quite simple really. I think it's because the WordPress routine has made me lust for some original code. Then again, I love my own code quite a lot more than what WordPress offers so ...
@AskoNõmm If we write good code I think we should always like it more than our competitors (except maybe when we start out)
but if you want to share your CMS feel free (:
When I worked at an agency as a developer couple years back I wrote ton of my own code, granted a lot based on some PHP frameworks, but my point remains. Now-a-days that I have clients of my own, most of whom want WordPress because X, Y, Z reason and add to that the fact that WordPress is the easiest to maintain since, well, you don't have to do anything due to auto-updates
the perks of not having to update it yourself make WordPress worth it for most clients IMO
:man I talk on this chat too much:
It's for my own amusement for now, after all there's a boatload of CMS' out there and if I add another one I might break the internet.
there's always room for improvements
Exactly, WordPress is very cost efficient, but it's so damn boring.
such as the "write my blog for me" feature
or move into a different field. Blogs get boring fast IMO
That would require me to have on-call writers available to work around the clock, which isn't that bad of an idea, but since I don't like money, I'd rather not pursue that.
I didn't code a blog platform because I want to blog, I don't even know what to blog about, I just wanted something my very own, throw up an about page and be awesome like everyone else.
I've also written my very own forum, which I deleted soon after I realized forums are also boring. Oh and then I managed to get tired of WordPress' weird templating logics and port all of the templating functions to Mustache only to realize how slow it makes it, then I changed it up a notch to generate static pages, which made the entire site very fast, only to realize that if you have a thousand posts, it will get messy.
I run use Octopress to generate static pages :P
want to help me with an into page design?
Why would you assume I'm any good at design?
you design for WordPress, I assumed you did some templating
Good assumption. Was just askin' if someone ratted me out since I promote myself only as a developer, but I do a lot of design stuff indeed. If I'm good or not is beyond me tho', I'm currently working on a client site (not English, but you can get the idea of my design skills) demo.webdot.me/rok. I can show another if that does not suffice, either way I'd like to know you actually accept my skill before I start wasting time on something you may not even use.
it's nothing too serious :P
And now users are expecting me to add images and explain in each and every answer of mine
The image in this answer is now missing. — CF_HoneyBadger 6 hours ago
And so they down vote :| haha
Crazy peeps
long time no see @Billy
I haven't been working too much recently
6am here, I'm off to bed. I really like this entire SO thing by the way.
glad to have you here (:
4am here.. aabout to roll up;)
no worries, have a good sleep (:
Now, who was it that made the chrome to phone app? Someone from this chat room..
He knew there were others :P
Ohh I thought Google might have stolen his idea Hahah :p
@ZachSaucier doesn't matter, this site is all about q and answering ;)
In my eyes it was only a half-rep-whore move (I'm afraid that's me justifying my actions though)
I didn't make it until the dictator came ):
@TheDictator Mornin'
see ya
@ZachSaucier Later
@Billy Chrome to Phone != Phone to Chrome
They're both unidrectional, so they actually complement each other
Cool! :)
I saw that:D ahahaha
morning all
@Justcode morning, sup?:3
fine now ;)
@ZachSaucier @SomeGuy @bjb568 Right now (et not for a long time), Miaou is blue. Opinion ?
@dystroy I think it could use a little more darker theme
But if you want to make it really well, you should see your target audience, if mostly professional then no flashy colors
I don't want flashy
but the rendering on your screen is different from mine :\
I changed the colors
It's back to beige now
But I'll try other color schemes, probably playing with light blues
Hmm, I personally think a soothing dark color would fit more, specially if that color is going to cover the whole site
idk Zach should be able to tell you better
All the text would have to be in white then
No, I'm not talking about that dark that your text color needs to be white. That would look like a disaster, haha. I'll try experimenting with more colors when I find the time.
argh, DDOS attack on emirates airlines site
@dystroy Sorry, I wasn't around
Anonymous strikes again
I like the previous color scheme more
@SomeGuy which one ? The blue you haven't seen or the current one ?
The usual one
I saw the screenshot of the blue one above
this screenshot isn't my color sheme but an experimentation from ICanHasKittenz
Yea, it was a little lighter blue before
posted on June 12, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Short.

hie guys, does anybody have an idea how to get rid of the default down arrow in mozilla
for select dropdown
try without prefix
I was using -moz-appearance: none; but it stopped working since I updated to 30.0
without prefix??
@Mr.Alien can you explain what does that mean
without the -moz-
I've used that
@PatsyIssa o/
doesn' help
@Mr.Alien \o
mozilla doesn't supports it without the prefix
well i can show you a trick
more width, overflow hidden background img ftw
What could be causing the expanding of the menu width when you hover on more here?
@PatsyIssa lol bought a compedium yesterday
>.< you're wololol right?
@PatsyIssa yeah xD
I have ~150 points i ll give em to you when i head home
@bjb568 Too soon for another train though
i saw you played quite few games :)
@PatsyIssa To late. No stopping now.
Afked one of them and got abandon :/
Enemy team was over fed and the gf called on skype
yup - take care to not get more of abbandond otherwise it throws you in low priority pool
ancient apparition ended up farming me with ult :P
@ICanHasKittenz you need to prevent the default click event
@mikedidthis But I'm not clicking?
$(".dropdown-menu li a").click(function(){
That's on the select button, if you click on it and then put your cursor over more you can see the width slightly increasing
Ahh my mistake. Coffee!
Also, I really don't like the margin-bottom: -150px but it won't work otherwise
@ICanHasKittenz add some transition effects to it
@ICanHasKittenz keep it absolute, it's the relative
@PatsyIssa absolute makes it fly up
Yeah, I would imagine the issue is the submenu UL is relative to the menu UL so widens as its technically inside it.
@ICanHasKittenz set relative to it's container
If you give me 5 I will do it for you.
@mikedidthis sure, thanks
sucks, js fiddle is down
@PatsyIssa and we have a genius! :D
*basic css :O
Define basic.
@PatsyIssa thanks man :D
Is the right: -300px referring the the width of the menu?
oh wait it's ignoring it
Works fine without it, I shall erase the negativity >:D
li.dropdown-submenu:hover has a left of 100% from the bootstrap css
Come to think of it that's a clean way to do it >.<
What sorcery did you do?! Works so well here without any negative css attributes O:
@ICanHasKittenz it's bootstrap's default styles that are positioning it, no need for the -right
I always suck with the position property. Need to work on my CSS skills.
@DarkAshelin hola!
@ICanHasKittenz once you get it, it opens up so many possibilities.
@ICanHasKittenz yello
posted on June 12, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by s7r4n9e1e7 */

Honestly, I can't stress enough how awesome position: absolute can be.
No idea why people avoid absolute, works like magic :D
Just don't set your entire site to absolute
@PatsyIssa Because they don't understand how it works - simple as that.
oh and because someone said so - that is also an argument I've heard here
a dev comes to asking how to do this
"use position absolute"
"nono I don't want to use position absolute"
"i want to do it in some other way"
"you can't"
"i'll ask someone else"
Yeah, its pure BS.
40min later - can you help me make it absolute
good CVs done
@Feeds that tells me never to build a robot to feed you
@ICanHasKittenz feed the feed? :D
Any pros out there? I am looking at going to a local university for web design / development. I am curious as to what certificates are helpful in finding work these days? After graduating, do I take the path of PHP etc, or ASP.NET or both? Does it matter? I guess once your a pro, you've gained experience with it all, but still. Any pointers? :D
I think most in here are self taught.
@mikedidthis That sounds awkward, forgot I was speaking to the feeds :D
@Duncubuntu For the path I suggest you try different languages to know what you're comfortable with
@Duncubuntu name of university + site and curriculum?
If you're looking from a pay perspective, the language may depend on the region you want to work in
Go for a cs degree not a web one
For my own benefit, is anyone qualified here?
@mikedidthis define qualified
@PatsyIssa went to college, got a degree that they actually use for web development?
I have a BA in interactive multimedia if that means anything :P
It's nothing fancy really...Too broke for the good stuff... pace.uwinnipegcourses.ca/web-technologies-certificate the fact sheet has the outline. I have taught myself until now, I have a little experience in ASP.NET but a lot more in html/css and some js. I am just curious as to whether or not in the end, it will come down to my abilities, or my credentials
@Duncubuntu if its a decent employee, it will be abilities.
meh I have 2 years as multimedia engineer and 2 years to diploma but I would have to go abroad to complete and also it would still not be valid here since there's no such title recognized by our school sistem
Also, I would advise looking at Ruby / Python or a JS backend like Node.js
titles are useless anyway
if you can't code you just can't
@Duncubuntu if you've already started coding don't bother with a college work on your portfolio and get a github presence
@PatsyIssa +1
In the end no one cares about your certs in the industry it's about what you've done
yeah - I was asked which school I went to after 2 months of work lol
I just started developing with Python, and would say I am comfortable with PHP, but you say portfolio first hey? That's how I feel about it too. This is all good to know!
I've got a Bachelors in Information Systems and Management majoring in software development so I guess I qualify?
^ finnaly someone
I didn't even have my degree when i started working here
If you could do engineering and get into programming, you got a nice future ahead
@Duncubuntu If you're going with php i suggest checking out laravel or symphony, python will get you a higher paycheck but don't force it
Degrees do matter to some level, although it should actually be the skill set...
I think Degrees matter in certain industries, just not ours. Code / experience has far more weight.
They matter in an overly corporate environment where the hr guy posts a job add asking for a "PHP,JAVA, SCRIPT, HTML20 FRONT END DEVELOPER NEEDED"
HTML20 rofl
When I get contacted by a recruited that asks for a cv and not a technical interview I turn them down instantly
Don't forget CSS5 expert.
That's a problem actually, losing opportunity coz a non-technical person reviews your CV and fails to match with their requirements
Wouldn't call it an opportunity
Never heard of laravel or symphony, will check them out!
If an non tech person is reviewing CVs you probably don't want to work there.
@Duncubuntu Stick around in the chat and on SO you ll learn a lot
xD it's so in my present company
no idea how they got me in though lol
@PatsyIssa +1000
@ICanHasKittenz you're in dubai, all companies there are cunts
@PatsyIssa Last day of school we had some practical lessons about work - our teacher gave us one golden rule - "stay away from such companies"
and you still want to come here :D
Hell no :P too damn hot for me
right now, yes
I imagine myself ending up in norway or sweeden
I thought it was that way in most GCC countries
Haha, I was just thinking that! I've already got 3 very helpful links from doing so
btw guys check this out epicexit.be
@Duncubuntu I would go with laravel good framework and easier learning curve than symphony
@DarkAshelin instantaclose.
wew so much for a job ad, they really make effort
@DarkAshelin instantapply
@mikedidthis hm?
I need a damn online portfolio
@PatsyIssa I know right xD
I applied :P
rofl srs?
I'm applying too, don't steal! xD
Fuck yeah raving and coding at the same time why the fook not :P
oh that sux, no chance to upload cv
I linked to my SO profile :P
Has anybody here ever built any sort of documentation for a web application/CRM?
I just try to make my applications user-friendly enough so no documentation is needed
puts on sunglasses
@PatsyIssa You have twitter?
Same SO handle
@DarkAshelin too much effort to get to the goodies.
@mikedidthis lazy
@DarkAshelin or bad UX.
discussable. either way they are making a very big effort for their job ad
I only know its a job ad as you guys got to the end.
I quit, no idea what the message was :D
well they are giving away free Tomorrowland full Madness tickets + an epic goodbye party at your current job + an epic welcoming party at the new job if you sign a contract before juli 18
they're literally trying to steal away employees from other companies xD
I would sign :P
Patsy confirmed corruption
(I applied too though, I'm looking for a job anyway xD)
@DarkAshelin did we need that confirming, really? :D
I would love to go to belgium :P
as I understand that ad it's remote work
except for the party
than you find out it's a skype convo party lol
ahahah xD
@easwee How would you rate this call : Depressing.
I don't mind remote as well :P
But the gf had her internship in belgium last summer and she fell in love with the country
if they picked me they would spare some money on booze 'cause I'm certainly not offering anything to my coworkers and I'm not bringing a friend
@PatsyIssa how? there's absolutely nothing to do here!
<-- egoist
hahahaha same here :P
Gimme money for molly and smokables gonna need them in tomorrow land
@mikedidthis y u do dis
@DarkAshelin sorry.

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