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be back in a little bit. Gonna keep working when I get home
@RobertHarvey jumping in late. pixijs.com
not sure if you're looking for a framework or a deployment strategy
!!afk fishing for koalas
Does anyone know much about html email templates? I'm just wondering if I need to define the width and height of an <img>?
@rlemon Thanks. Looking for both.
@RobertHarvey rlemon is afk: fishing for koalas
Jesus.... a job interview just asked me to develop in Visual FoxPro lol
(Visual FoxPro) Version 9.0, released in 2004 and updated in 2007, is the final version of the product. - Wiki Lol
yeah..... lol
good thing i learned BASIC at one point in time and was very comfortable with it :)
So you are going to take the job?
hahaha that depends on how many suicide attempts and $$ they allot me.
Haha very nice. Seriously though... why Visual FoxPro? Do they have a giant system and just can't switch or something?
Government :) So in other words. They can switch im sure but do not want to.
@joshhunt What trouble are you having?
@ZachSaucier No trouble, just wondering if I will come across any issues if I don't define the width and height of an image? I know email clients can often behave strangely...
i believe an email html window will have its own derived width and height in px based on what frame it is displayed in.
So from that point on using that width and height and pretend it is your body. I might be incorrect but i don't think so :P
@AaronSiciliano Haha, good luck with that.
there will always be issues with email styling, haha. It varies depending on the client
thanks josh. you have fun with your email html :)
make sure your email looks good in Outlook and you'll be fine
@ZachSaucier Really? Are there any email client stats out there? I just assumed gmail would be pretty high up there.
@AaronSiciliano Email html/css is the worst. Probably on par with working in the government developing in Visual FoxPro.
I say Outlook because it's renown for being finicky. If it looks fine in it it should also look good in most others
True. Unforunately I am on a Mac so will have to get my hands on Outlook somehow. It's sad how Outlook supports pretty much nothing:
Gmail is pretty bad too, possibly worse because it doesn't support <style> in <head>
@joshhunt Just send someone an email, they can check
takes some time to load :)
@ZachSaucier @TylerH
@ZachSaucier I honestly can't say I know anyone that uses Outlook. Though I just remembered that I have a Windows virtual machine somewhere which I could probably use.
major companies often use Outlook
@joshhunt Entire company where I work uses it for all
ask anyone that is above 50
my mother too yes
parents can't grasp the concept of having email client inside browser
Lol I realise that lots of people use it... but apparently I don't associate with any of them. Even my mum uses Thunderbird instead of Outlook.
Email client stats just in case anyone is interested: emailclientmarketshare.com
well consider that most people that don't work daily with computers don't want to bother with alternatives/new apps - so they just stick whit what was best years ago
@ZachSaucier seen the gif? :)
@easwee If you mean the one you posted yes I watched it
True. I'm amazed that Apple iPhone is #1 with 25% of the market share, did not expect that.
is that the effect you mean?
or you want the tv version?
aye - cause I've got the idea for ingame version
nvm - back to head scratching
must say it is
had to stop half way through because I was wasting too much time though xD
ended up solving the problem I've had for a couple hours now after the break though so that's good
I'm looking to develop a web app and a couple of developer friends have pointed me in the direction of Bootstrap as a starting point. I do have a little bit of coding experience but have not done any for a couple of years so I'm trying to bring myself up to speed. I'm trying to decide on a good developing environment and was hoping people might recommend current, good quality programs for IDE (I've only used Dreamweaver and Notepad++, version control and staging deployment. Windows env.
@James Mac or PC?
Also, I'm trying to make it as device independent as possible because I frequently switch between two desktops, a laptop and a tablet.
so PC.
I use Sublime Text
make it device independent by saving to a cloud
Not heard of that, I'll take a look.
That looks good, simple but with a lot of useful features, I'll def take it for a spin.
Yeah, I would like to develop on the cloud as much as possible but I haven't really looked into it too much yet, just starting now.
make sure to get the plugin Package Manager if you do
just using git you'd be fine
and you don't have to use Bootstrap btw, it's not a necessity or anything
@ZachSaucier I was looking at GIT - are Git and GitHub competing programs doing the same thing, or do the compliment each other.
GitHub complements Git
I've actually got a page open at the moment starting to read about it all!
essentially git is a SCM (supply chain management) tool
you can host projects on it and it helps handle differences in files
That's what I figured, I'm just going through the Git reference manual now, well thje intro and basics anyway.
What about Staging? As I understand from reading the best practice is; develop local, use version control, deploy to staging environment, deploy to live env when ready.
I haven't set up a staging env before. It sounds like it's just a mirror of the live env though, right?
staging is only if you have something live
at my work we have a beta, a qa (for testing), and live most of the time
but it's mostly for big teams or live applications
just using git you have two pretty much
because you're working on a copy and there is one saved that is older but (usually) working
Ah ok, well I'm going to continue reading about it now and then install it tomorrow for a bit of a play along with Sublime. Thanks for the advice.
I know that bootstrap isn't the only starting point, but the people that recommended it have quite extensive experience with it so if I need some quick advice it makes it easier!
Baby steps...
@James That's what we're for (:
most of us are quite addicted to being on here
heh I have to recommend a mobile framework for us to use
definitely recommended bootstrap
one dev doesn't like it because its too complex :?
I was a bit confused by that but whatever
@Loktar it's big and fairly complex
have to learn how the grid works
Yeah I figure itll take me a few days to get comfortable at least
@ZachSaucier Haha, I think I'll be using both!
it seems like a no brainer to pick it though
I mean its the defacto, bootstrap is to frontend frameworks as jquery is to JS imo.
Also, they use the pre-processor LESS - is this worth getting it to right away, or just remind me self of CSS and all the new CSS that has been introduced the last couple of years before doing that.
@Loktar disagree, but it's okay
@James you can write vanilla css in less
@James do pure CSS for a bit
less is great to start with.
you can slowly start using it which is nice.
but I think everyone should start with vanilla just as we should with js
I disagree.
understand how it works
We should all start with ASM then :P
if you need to get shit done do what facilitates getting shit done imo
faced with a project then sure, get it done and make money
learn the foundations as you go, but don't run into a brick wall by casting away everything out there meant to make your life easier.
but if learning on one's own I'd recommend vanilla first
Different strokes for different folks.
sometimes its disheartening when it takes forever to get something on the screen and that kills the motivation
@Loktar How I push to a type array in jQuery?
for example my son is messing with Basic currently, I'm not going to force him to learn C instead
Haha, didn;'t meant to start an argument and I see both sides to be honest.
I'll get back into things and then see how it goes.
@James We're discussing :P
Pretty late here so gotta go, but cheers for the advice.
Sure I'll be back very soon!
drop in anytime
@Loktar Trying to automate what you sent me earlier based on ids
idk I just think its easy for us who have the foundations already to say learn vanilla first
@ZachSaucier ah yeah that example wasn't amazing that I sent, just an idea of how to go about it without needing a big conditional check
var caseStudies = $("#case-studies-container article"),
	actions = {};

for(var i = 0; i < caseStudies.length; i++) {
	actions.push($("case-studies-container article")[i], "function() { /*Do stuff based on number*/} ");
trying to do that essentially
actions = []
push({object stuff})
what would first be?
is first an element?
or is that the hash
ah ok (after edit I see)
can't find any questions/docs on pushing to type array so far... it is called a type array, right?
nope just an array with objects really
I guess I should be using $("#case-studies-container article").each(function()
but how can I give each a unique title?
yeah you're already using jQ anyway
Ultimately I want the array to look like this
var actions = {
    'our-work': doClick,
    'brand-design': function() { doClick("brand-design"); }
ah ok
where does "our-work" come from?
an ID. The ID of the article to be exact
like that?
or shit no lol
but without the objects in the middle :P
because thats an array with indexes still
this is why I am having trouble, haha
not sure how to append properly
yeah I was confused with the .push, put my whole thought process into thinking about arrays
above worked as well
it makes this
{hi: function, bye: function, foo: function, bar: function, huh: function}
@Loktar sick, didn't post for a little bit for some reason
lemme try it in production
In answer to my previous question ages ago... You should put a height and width on <img> in emails so that the layout stays the same even if the image is blocked.
@Loktar That works but I forgot the articles are dynamically added later xD
so now I have to wait for them to load before dynamically reading them all
haha yea
such a stupid implementation
I hate working on other people's code
@Loktar How do I get the function to run? xD jsfiddle.net/T2PN8/5
it's treating it like a string
thanks, haha
np, hope it all works!
@Loktar Sorry to bother. Any idea why this doesn't work? jsfiddle.net/T2PN8/6
id is not defined
I can do it by passing the id to the () http://jsfiddle.net/T2PN8/7/
Is there a way to do it without that?

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