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@TheDictator it will only capture the emails and update the count on the page you are, you will go to some other page, it will reupdate the count, and you can export the extracted mails
so when you are on chat window, it detects the mail on chat window and updates to 0, so when you move to other loaded page, press f5 to get a fresh count
@Mr.Alien its updating only one... in current page.. but after that need to refresh the next page to fet the data from that.. but i guess its resetting it...
I think my regex fails to pick domains like types, I'll look into that and yes, still you didn't read the plugin description which says
This plugin fetches email ids from the Source Code and has no relevance to what you see on the front, so for example, if you see 3 email ids on the website, plugin may fetch more if it finds hidden email ids in the source.
no, you should consider to update rather than me considering to support old os, but I dont think this has anything to do with the os, I'll debug this weekend, also adding an export feature to the simple notepad extension, and probably the tab
god sake read the description guys, I appreciate you are giving me feedbacks but they are making me worried when you guys report so many bugs which are not bugs, thats just the way plugin works lol
@TheDictator nope, its per tab, because the multi tab thing will result in some issues
It basically detects if the first cookie is "R4" and the cookie array size is greater than 3. Prints apparently random code and tries to run (eval) some code directly on the server from the user cookies
When the attacker visits the site, he can set the cookie to whatever he pleases. If he sets the correct combination of cookies to pass the if statement the id tag will be printed and he knows that the whatever code he decided to submit has been evaluated, and any eventual output from that eval will be printed into that tag.
I've used mac os when I visit apple store, its uncomfy as am a windows user, and tbh, icons and all are so different that they create inconsistency as far as UI is concerned
ya, sorry, my English is not that good, so a bad choice of word over there
hmmm, users are not convinced with the table structure answer on Stackoverflow, I had answered a question year back (exactly) that can we use tables in html5 and it has 10k views :/
@ICanHasKittenz I don't even operate that account, I login say 1ce in 20 days to reply the uses saying Request Denied, and I logout, I will eventually stop accessing that account ..
@Justcode yes, that link will help you to create simple on popup ext, like I made this one first while I was learning so you can make similar ones referring that page, if you want to make like the email extractor, you need to dive in a bit more
> Newer browsers will continue to scan or parse the document in the background and trigger downloads for external content it may need (js, images, css etc), but rendering is still blocked.