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Hi, a bit bored
this is the most painful thing about my industry.
everyones website sucks ass.
grainhandler.com example (and this is a 'recent' upgrade)
Dafuq is that abortion
these are ok for 2007
we are not in 2007
@PatsyIssa I thought to do that, but I didn't do cuz it would require me to create a db and insert tons of entries, so I acted lazy there, and about the query selector, ain't sure, which line is that?
but looks old now
go on hangouts
!!afk ciggy
@PatsyIssa replied you already
!!learn sad "Hi there. It seems you're sad. I can't tell if you're messing around or you're serious, but if you need someone to talk to, my master is always available for a chat. Either way, I hope you feel better soon! Have a hug! (っ'з')っ"
@CarrieKendall Command sad learned
for limited time: all the creepiness of HappyBot on chat.so!
@CarrieKendall Hi there. It seems you're sad. I can't tell if you're messing around or you're serious, but if you need someone to talk to, my master is always available for a chat. Either way, I hope you feel better soon! Have a hug! (っ'з')っ
@rlemon wtf have they both got the same fav icon?
@mikedidthis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
best gif i've seen in a while @CapricaSix
@mikedidthis do you advertise for sales?
like cold call people with shitty websites and offer your services?
@rlemon never.
<a download="myfile.txt" href="data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,aaaaa;bbbbbb;cccccc;dddddd;eeeeee">download2123123</a>
Shouldn't this result in a file downloaded with myfancy.txt? It get s named download
with no file ending
download attribute is not standard
it was a google thing. not sure if they still have it
there are so many possibilities to make web animation, I do not know what to choose
var text = 'Hello World';
var mime = 'text/plain';
var filename = 'foo.txt';
var blob = new Blob([text],{type: mime});
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.download = filename;
link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
link.textContent = filename;
link.addEventListener('click', function() {
	setTimeout(function() {
	}.bind(this), 1500);
}, false);
@twDuke ^^
except the textContent, its the exact same thing i do
will test
posted on May 26, 2014 by Ilya Zayats

    I hope that by now, in 2014, there is no need to explain why SVG is a blessing to developers who want to ensure that their graphics look sharp on all devices, especially with their huge diversity of resolutions. But like any other technology, SVG has its limitations. And in this article, we’ll talk about how to bypass some of them. Well, what’s the problem? Why would you

@rlemon thx, works
@mikedidthis b/w take a look at broccoli
!!youtube pantera becoming
well that is over for me now
!!youtube slayer raining blood
^ playing now
!!afk heading home
10:15 am here
I hate doing webdesign
and content
content is the fucking worst.
ugh, you have to do content?
I don't write it
but I have to copy it out of the word docs, format it, do the css
I signed up to be an embedded systems developer :P
good guy
I would have just made soup
after the third time of him beaching himself, indeed
I went, "Phrasing!" today, and this friend just looked at me funny. I was like, "You're about to enter the daanger zoone for not getting that reference."
He didn't get that either
I exclaimed, "ARCHER!"
His response: "I've only watched the first 3 seasons"
@PatsyIssa I did, its reminds me of gulp.js
@mikedidthis PatsyIssa is afk: heading home
I hate formatting text / images for web
@CarrieKendall YouTube really needs to make it more obvious when a specific comment is linked to
@mikedidthis the text / image
(Like scroll down to it)
how do I light this shit up to not look like poopoo
@SomeGuy yeah, i thought about eluding to the fact that the link was to a comment thread
@Script47 what happened to the other 46?
I watched the whole video, and saw no sudden escalations :p
@rlemon make the docs look like docs, not like the website?
@rlemon I don't get what you mean?
that is a shame
@SomeGuy i cry your pardon, i've done you a great injustice
@mikedidthis I have a word doc :P
i'm trying to turn into the 'help' section
@rlemon just style it like a doc though?
yes pretty much
but as you can see i'm failing at simple image beside text alignment
is there an easier way to do this?
@rlemon is this what you're looking for?
Has anyone here used AWS?
Sorry but that tut is so old it uses the align attribute
I know how to do it. I can't figure out how to make it look pretty
Amazon Web Services?
I don't have an eye for that stuff
What do you mean pretty? How would you like it to look?
uhh. good.
Maybe a simple MS Paint drawing if you could?
he asked for a simple MS paint drawing
@rlemon thanks for realizing that.. i'm appalled at the offense people take at the slightest indication that they're not designers
I can QA the fuck out of a design. can't pull it off myself most days
(worked SQA lead for ~4.5 years)
I can look at a page and see when something is a pixel off. but I try to make a website and it looks poopy
!!urban poopy
@CarrieKendall poopy a fantastic word for interupting a very intelligent and serious conversation with one another which is most affective when used completely and utterly at random moments or when u have to take a major poopy..yes yes some people may say you are childish but there just jealous..
@rlemon pad the container, margin the text: jsbin.com/nibosido/2/edit
but now image is big and poopy
add a media query.
bah. i'll go for a smoke and finish my coffee and hopefully that will fix me.
I KNOW! I'll just export the doc as HTML! that will surely produce what I want right? right?!
This is what I'm greeted with in the kitchen while eating scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t31.0-8/…
is that your house?
posted on May 26, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

starts reverse google street view to find where you live #creepy
@rlemon yes
should I add under lights to my keyboard?
I think I should
!!afk cleaning / pimping out my desk
@DarkAshelin that's awesome
was he/she after something or just saying hi?
wanted to join lunch
or possibly talk to me about the lord and savior of horses
uh oh, mormon horse is mormon
@rlemon is this app meant mostly for smart phones?
@CarrieKendall rlemon is afk: cleaning / pimping out my desk
well, it is tough to tell how it will be used
the need was mobile. but I still think a lot of people will use from desktop
well, for usage in the docs, it might look better to border the example image with an image of a phone
good call
I got side tracked.
cleaning my desk now
but i've been in prototype mode for the last few months so it is VERY messy
hardware scattered everywhere, papers and notes everywhere.
also, maybe a horizontal dl would clear up some of the markup mess you've got and format the items better.
and depending on how long these pages are, i'd scatter them with anchors and an icon for easy sharing and navigation
if you're going to have 5+ sections, i'd also affix a sidebar
@rlemon I have some unfinished docs if you want them?
@PatsyIssa I finally watched A Clockwork Orange. It was interesting, but mainly just the weirdest thing I've seen
So all along the phrase "eat a dick" has been about cannibalism?
a isn't possesive
And eat is down to interruption?
do you get interrupted a lot @mike? :P
@CarrieKendall I don't know how to answer as you will make me look an ass.
poorly placed smiley is poorly placed
Ahh I see the error of my ways, silly me.
spell check?
@CarrieKendall I wasn't implying that mike intended to advise people to eat my dick
No, context. Your sentence made me understand. I wanted: interpretation.
But to eat me. Because I'm a dick
i got interpenetration when i googled how to spell interpretation
@mikedidthis to clarify, i was asking did spell check correct it to interruption :)
@CarrieKendall no, I simply fucked up.
ah, ess aitches
@mikedidthis did you meet your deadline?
@CarrieKendall no, there is no deadline. I like creating prototypes and demos for fun it seems.
oh, i assumed there was some deadline you were trying to meet because of your foul mood friday
No, just annoyed at rewrites / spec changes. Lesson learned I won't be going down that path again.
do you contract?
I do now. This / my last client is a repeat customer.
contracting made me a miserable person for a while
Ahh I have a good contract at the moment, I only started a month ago though.
is it full time?
No, just a week per month.
wish me luck guys, job interview in 30 minutes D:
Good luck!
Would it be a good idea to make a quiz app with phone gap
Offlline ofcourse
Good luck
No, because phonegap is not a good idea in the first place
@ThiefMaster Out of curiosity, why? Performance problems?
it always feels like a bastard child of a webapp and a native app..
especially if someone just dumps his website into a phonegap container and doesn't even have the platform's ui theme
There has been some talk of converting our website to PhoneGap so we can tell people we have an app
the site's been designed responsively so I've been arguing that an app is redundant.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Sounds like someone is an idiot. "Oh, let's have an app. Because everyone does"
Less idiot, more trying desperately to find something that'll get us funding.
@SomeKittensUx2666 then you should an hybrid app
it solves all your problems at once
I don't have a problem
I have some cushy opportunities if the company collapses
but you don 't want to make a native app ?
haha sweet
a small note: all the images were ghetto rigged in gimp quickly :)
yay GIMP
a picture of my nexus, taken from my nexus
( I have no life )
Job interview went well, but I'll probably continue looking for different companies. Their suggested pay is too low for me
@DarkAshelin implant fear that they'll never find another dev like you -> get paid what you want :D
@CarrieKendall xD
I'm too polite for that
pffff, then suffer a polite salary >:)
besides, it was a very small company (2 employees), I doubt they got a bigger budget
if it's a big company, I'll negotiate ;)
@DarkAshelin where are you going next
@WalleCyril nowhere yet, waiting for replies
so you have sparetime now ?
I have a fulltime job currently
why, do you need anything? :D
@WalleCyril None of us have native app experience
@DarkAshelin Looking for a startup?
I m not here for native I m here for the web
@WalleCyril the company I work for, the one that wanted to use PhoneGap
We're all webdev.
@SomeKittensUx2666 doesn't really matter to me. As long as pay is good! xD
Pay at startups isn't as good.
Well most of them
especially early stage
I make X at my current job (seed stage startup). Got an offer for X * 1.57 at BigCo.
hypothetical or are you talking about a real life situation?
Literally last week.
nice, gonna take it?
Nope, already turned it down.
Gambling that if/when company dies, connections will land me a better job
brave warrior
Folks, what’s the best practice for creating thumbnails?
Are there server side scripts that generate thumbnails on the fly when the browser requests them?
Or, the thumbnails are kept as separate files alongside large versions?
@DarkAshelin I'm young and almost debt-free. I can take risks now.
almost debt-free lol, america?
If they don't pay off, I can take the hit, and if they do, I can retire at 30.
@DarkAshelin Wife and I have $5k in student loan debt (mine). Hers is already paid off.
in Europe noone starts out in debt
studies are mostly free or very low-cost (like €500 for 3 years)
U.S. has a terrible loan problem. I know people who will be paying for loans for decades, at least.
such a bleak future to look forward to :/
who is the flag troll ?
Why on earth were those flagged?!
He's right
Probably some butthurt jingoist :(
(already on it @LightnessRacesinOrbit) :P
Dafuq is wrong with yoooooooouuuuu
@rlemon jus' joinin' in
Also morning room
Seriously. Who is the flagger? Don't make me take my belt off.
it was you!
:takes off belt:
@SomeKittensUx2666 @mikedidthis where do you get those phone / tablet 'shells' for websites and crap
I googled "mobile shell webpage"
@rlemon shell?
like this, but not an iphone
and screen is transparent so I can put "my app" in it
I've never done anything like that, ask @abishek
I think he makes his own in CSS
what was flagged?
like 4 messages
random shit
random shit?
@rlemon they are usually psd's, but you use GIMP, so try that site.
@PeeHaa go suck a lemon.
o wait... disregard.
srs mike
fucking awesome man
that's cool
Yeah? Handy service is handy.
it took me about 8 months to realize that you don't have to include an edit summary
now i almost never do, thug lyfe
I heard you people like random stuff in here:
@PeeHaa flagged ;]
omg, it says "dick". I'm 11 and at work. That is offensive
i'm 12 and wut is this
lol 11 yr old, stupd kid
@CarrieKendall u rekt him lol gud 1
@SomeGuy ya hes totes mad lul
!!learn swag '<>http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/b1/3c/44/b13c440f0e798eaad5729a42c1185‌​72b.jpg'
@CarrieKendall Command swag learned
> This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
> AccessDenied
best coding love gif i've seen in a while: thecodinglove.com/post/76528716979/…
@GNi33 Happy birthday!
@SomeGuy PatsyIssa is afk: heading home

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