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Anyone here?
he just has a problem with nav bars give the guy a break :P
He's also new here
I already checked a thousands of times.. I also tried to copy the whole thing and paste it in my doc. Including the js and css. But it don't work for me... — MarkusHarrison 4 hours ago
he was just copying sourcecode off another site
@PatsyIssa lol we he did open the same question almost 3 times
its not quite the same I guess
heh well two are the same
@DarkAshelin Who coded his personal website?
@easwee which personal website?
whoever created the template/theme where he bought it from
premium template
his other question had 4 close votes, contributed the fifth one
all of his questions on hold now, I think he will be question banned soon
poor guy
there should be a quick tutorial for new users or something idk
like an interactive guide
They should just incorporate one or two of the meta.stackoverflow questions on "when should I ask a question?" into the introduction to the site
and/or rules
@Loktar there are many, but who reads big fat articles...
to really emphasis that you're supposed to spend ~1.5 years researching before asking a question on SO
and even then you will be ridiculed by some for not knowing
haha @TylerH
maybe they should add a coach/mentor program like some games have now
as a coach you get a new user as a buddy
and their question has to be approved by you (and maybe a # of coaches)
still users won't go through, thats why they have a badge to read the page, but just scroll down quickly, earn the badge, and get out :D
Eh, a lot of people as coaches would get fed up with shitty buddies/13-year-olds
> Meet Tommy my little SO buddy
Maybe if you could pick your students as a coach
haha yeah that defeats the purpose
but if couldnt be exclusive
and have stats displayed on your success as a coach on your profile page; "this user has coached 10 people who reached 1K rep or more"
for example
it would have to be a group of users are coaches and as a pool are assigned new users
@TylerH oh that would be cool actually
I was half joking with the idea, but that would be interesting to gamify it like the rest of the site
coaches get more tools, Direct Message a user for example, or w/e
Is it a better approach to have a css file for each page i have?
Yeah I figure since the staff seems to put a lot of emphasis on the existing structure of rewards and incentives, why not
@Infested As opposed to what? There are a few ways to use CSS.
@Infested unclear
I would say no.
@Loktar If you want to, feel free to run with that idea/make it your own and post it to meta as a suggestion/feature-request
imagine a 100 page site with 100.css files. sounds like a ball ache to maintain to me
or e-mail blast it to the staff
nah thats ok I'm too lazy for any of that
Ouch, ball aches are the worst
I would rather sit on the sidelines point and complain :P
@TylerH as opposed to just have one css all pages use. im doing a project using jsp files and i guess i just dont really understand how css files work because im having a hard time getting the visual i want
it gets mixed andstuff.
@Loktar lol true of any of us I suppose, except rlemon; he can be talked into doing anything code-related it seems
yeah I'm too stubborn to work on others idea's when I have too many of my own.
except for.. my job bleh
@Infested Well, like Will mentioned, if you have a bunch of pages, it starts getting a little confusing. If you don't have a lot of CSS per page, just combine it all into one and see how responsive/slow your site becomes.
A downside of one CSS file is that you can't re-use IDs across different HTML pages
for different things
well, what aroused my attention to that problem was that i included a jsp file into another one (e.g. like the news feed on the right of the chat) and things mixed and stuff - for example the <body> of the included file was declared but not the original file's.
i assumed that the first tag to be declared takes over, while the last css edit makes the rule for w/e comes next.
That sounds like something that could be researched on Google
ie "how to include a jsp file with a <body> tag into an HTML file"
or similar
isnt body a unique tag?
@Loktar o/
@Infested "aroused" heh.
Feel like looking at a function for me?
I saw your ping late last night btw was doing yard work O.o
no worries
o-outside? O.O
basically i'm trying to just look over a section of imagedata
lines 59
function getColor(x,y,w,h) {
  // I wish I didn't have to loop over the entire image
    var r=0,g=0,b=0,i=0;
    for( var _x = 0; _x < width; _x++ ) {
        for( var _y = 0; _y < height; _y++ ) {
            if( _x < x || _x > x + w || _y < y || _y > y + h ) {
            var o = _x * 4 + _y * 4 * image.width;
            r += idata[o];
            g += idata[o+1];
            b += idata[o+2];
    return { r: r / i | 0, g: g / i | 0, b: b / i | 0 };
i had posted a few of my attempts in the js room last night
you just want 1 pixel value?
no i'm summing up an area
thats the only way you can get pixel data
whats the issue with it?
well if you see i scan the entire image and check bounds
I was trying to do something like this
do you know which area you want to sum?
for( var xLen = x + w; x < xLen; x++ ) {
  for( var yLen = y + h; y < yLen; y++ ) {
    var index = x * 4 + y * 4 * image.length;
    // but this didn't work
index = (y * canvas.width + x)*4
should work anyway
where did width come from?
doesn't work :/
x and y might be swapped
trying to find the pen ive used it in
Does anyone here do automated test on sites?
I think I have anyway
ill ask again, do you know which area you want to some?
and if so, what tells u
var c1 = getColor(x1, y1, width, height),
    c2 = getColor(midX, y1, width, height),
    c3 = getColor(x1, midY, width, height),
    c4 = getColor(midX, midY, width, height);
@Will I did once
Should write tests more often
What do you write them in?
imageData.data[(y * (canvas.height*4) + (x*4))]
I am quite keen to start them
weird I've used it like that..
that seems weird as hell
why do u start from 0?
!!> var x = 10, y = 20, len = 50; console.log(x * 4 + y * 4 * len, (y * (len*4) + (x*4)))
@rlemon "undefined" Logged: 4040,4040
i mean, the if isnt needed
imageData.data[(y * (canvas.height*4) + (x*4)) + 1, or 2, or 3 // for the colors]
they do the same calc :P
yea :P
yeah but len is different depending on the width/height
if were talking also about runtime, then this _x > x + w can be improved, slightly
@Loktar strange. i've always used width.
haha I thought I did too :/
A: HTML5 Canvas - Filling a shape with random pixel colors?

rlemonwell if you want to know the x,y of the pixels in the canvas you can use a loop like the following: var image = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height), data = image.data; for( var x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { for( var y = 0; y < height; y++) { var i = (x*4)+(y*4*image.width); data...

I upvoted that
just because I saw it by the ping last night lol
are you looping y/x or x/y?
y/x in that example
for(var y=0; y<canvas.height; y++){
			for(var x=0; x<canvas.width; x++){

				if(imageData.data[(y * (canvas.height*4) + (x*4))+2] == 255){
					points[x] = y;
i'm doing x/y ?? maybe that makes a difference :P
hmmm, i had an exercise in which i needed to fill polygons
I was just getting the blue component in that example
@Infested very minor in compared to the fact i'm looping the entire data every time. in fact a good engine (v8) will take care of that for me with no performance drop
@PatsyIssa guess there is a bit of learning curve on testing. I think on my next project im going to have to write full unit automated testing.
@Will jump on skype for a sec
oh shit speaking of skype I forgot I have an interview today I need to cancel
thank you!
company from SF wants to interview me.. but I have no desire to move
or even switch jobs right now
What if they make you an offer you can't refuse :O
I will never move to California
I would need to get 1 million
even for 500k I wouldnt
no desire at all in me to move there lol
@Loktar fuck it I will have the job XD
@500 k
thats the company
@rlemon so issue solved?
it was an unsolicited email as well
> I would love to catch up with you! You are more then welcome to come to our new office, which is inside an old bank or we can set up a quick video Skype call if you prefer.
^ I live in Omaha NE... how could I come to the new office :?
thats what confused me the most
@Infested nope
@rlemon damn I have a planning meeting in 10 mins. No idea why that wouldnt work
* width should work as well if goign x/y
basically you want a better way to sum the area? but not just time-improvement of what you posted, right?
it is looking outside the bounds of the array
@Loktar they look pretty interesting though
@GNi33 yeah defnitely if they were in the area id want to interview for sure
@Infested the better way would be to scan only the area I am looking, not the entire image checking bounds.
I just don't want to go to SF at all, and like my current job :?
and I know how, but it isn't working :/
_x > x + w
why not _x >= w
@rlemon you are scanning just that area though.. from x to width, y to height
of the area right?
@Infested x !== _x
@Loktar yup
var width = (x2 - x1) / 2;
var height = (y2 - y1) / 2;
if (width < settings.limit || height < settings.limit || reset) {
var midX = x1 + width;
var midY = y1 + height;
var c1 = getColor(x1, y1, width, height),
    c2 = getColor(midX, y1, width, height),
    c3 = getColor(x1, midY, width, height),
    c4 = getColor(midX, midY, width, height);
function getColor(x,y,w,h) {
    var r=0,g=0,b=0,i=0;
    for( var xLen = x + w; x < xLen; x++ ) {
      for( var yLen = y + h; y < yLen; y++ ) {
            var o = x * 4 + y * 4 * image.width;
            r += idata[o];
            g += idata[o+1];
            b += idata[o+2];
    return { r: r / i | 0, g: g / i | 0, b: b / i | 0 };
i know, x equals which column you start from, w is the last column
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/qu2Pz/3 play around if you like
w isn't the last column. w is the width of the column.
x is the start, w is the width. end is x + w;
wth did chat say there was just 1 new message
you guys posted like 500 lines
wth is going in init??
for( var _x = 0; _x < x + w; _x++ ) {
    for( var _y = 0; _y < y + h; _y++ ) {
        if( _x < x || _y < y ) {
        var o = _x * 4 + _y * 4 * image.width;
this works...
    for( var _x = x; _x < x + w; _x++ ) {
        for( var _y = y; _y < y + h; _y++ ) {

            var o = _x * 4 + _y * 4 * image.width;
this doesn't...
posted on May 19, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

i was gonna ask for( var _x = 0; _x < width; _x++ ) { which width is it
Phone to Chrome is live! I'd really appreciate feedback whatthedude.com/ptoc
@rlemon so now issue solved?
@PatsyIssa Haha, thanks for the review
what is it now?
Let me know if you have any criticism, though!
When i try it out ^^
Hahaha, okay
@rlemon whats not solved?
@SomeGuy dude, it works really really well. Good job!
I can't tell if you really used it or not :P
I think I need to improve the list part of the Pro version
@SomeGuy I did, I just sent you screenshots.
Sweet :D
@rlemon dude.. so what exactly are you trying?
Just to get an area of the image and iterate it?
out of my planning meeting for now and am looking at the fiddle
o = (~~ (x) + ~~ (y) * width) * 4;
^ works fine for me in other places
just like my original suggestion
for( var _x = 0; _x < x + w; _x++ ) {
    for( var _y = 0; _y < y + h; _y++ ) {
        if( _x < x || _y < y ) {
        var o = _x * 4 + _y * 4 * image.width;
see here I start at 0/0 and check bounds.
    for( var _x = x; _x < x + w; _x++ ) {
        for( var _y = y; _y < y + h; _y++ ) {

            var o = _x * 4 + _y * 4 * image.width;
i'm trying to not start 0/0, i'm trying to start at the x/y of the 'section'
less ops
Anyone that worked with the history api, got a few questions
hmm idk why yours inst working its annoying
var imageData = icontext.getImageData(x, y, w, h);

 for (var c = 0, n = imageData.length; c < n; c += 4) {
     r += imageData.data[c];
     g += imageData.data[c+1];
     b += imageData.data[c+2];
another easy way to get a section and just iterate over it
Built each page on it's own initially, working on wiring up the whole thing, do i have the initial home page in .html or all pages have to be in html
@Loktar i'm trying to improve performance :P
that was what I did first. then thought... why the hell am I getting image data every time
@rlemon that should be an improvement over iterating the entire set everytime
getImageData isn't that quick
getImageData is quick as hell
it is faster doing what i'm doing :/
I had it doing that the first time round
depending on the size determines its speed so I guess initially it would probably be a bit slower
hey guys
I've just finished a demo. Can I post it here?
@FabrizioCalderan looks good to me
> var o = (~~ (x + w) + (~~ (y + h) * width)) * 4;
nice @will
function getColor(x,y,w,h) {
    var r=0,g=0,b=0,i=0;
    for( var _x = x; _x < width; _x++ ) {
        for( var _y = y; _y < height; _y++ ) {
            var o = (~~ (x + w) + (~~ (y + h) * width)) * 4;
            r += idata[o];
            g += idata[o+1];
            b += idata[o+2];
    return { r: r / i | 0, g: g / i | 0, b: b / i | 0 };
^ gets the color from the area
its so much slower now though
function getColor(x,y,w,h) {
    var r=0,g=0,b=0,i=0;
    for( var _x = 0; _x < x + w; _x++ ) {
        for( var _y = 0; _y < y + h; _y++ ) {
            if( _x < x || _x > x + w || _y < y || _y > y + h ) {
            var o = _x * 4 + _y * 4 * image.width;
            r += idata[o];
            g += idata[o+1];
            b += idata[o+2];
    return { r: r / i | 0, g: g / i | 0, b: b / i | 0 };
what i'm using
that bounds check is old.
only needs to be if( _x < x || _y < y ) {
oooh so it can go outside the bounds? That would explain why mine is crazy slow
I didn't pay attention to checking bounds
that kills the shit out of perf
well there is no need to get colour information outside of the bounds.
this is why this is a performance increase. normally I would get the image data over an area, then scan it. why not get it all at the beginning and just scan it as need be. problem is that I have to do the bounds check so it isn't really cutting down on much
which is why I would like to eliminate that and just loop over the wanted data points.
jesus got it.
That was annoying.
your var names threw me off lol
I was using x rather than _x and y
fast as fuck.
why is it crapping out on the edges :/
the checks
and flooring
but that shouldn't be too hard to fix
alright. i'll look at it in a few. gotta go pick up the little lady
what is wrong with that tomato
@SomeGuy Does P2C have Chrome to Chrome functionality as well? Maybe in a paid version soon? IE Office to Home... for those of us who don't want to sync bookmarks and the like
@TylerH Yeah, I'll probably add that soon
Should be easy enough
Oh, there is a paid version already? I couldn't find it (or the free one on App Store on my phone... had to download it remotely via my web browser)
(reading reviews)
PS I approve of the Satanic Sacrifice step
_x-w _y-h
@TylerH There's a paid version for Android, yeah
For some reason the search doesn't show my app even in the top 100 results for "Phone to Chrome"
so, ended up doing an interesting hack/trick. used radio inputs styled w+h 100% in a span with text, gave them opacity 0 and z-index 10 (to be safe:P); styled the span as a 'tab' made a 'selected' class, onclick span, remove selected class, set selected class to the clicked one
works like a charm
@rlemon nice
so much faster now lol
@rlemon I have CORS problems anyway, for some reason :/
> Received an invalid response.
now to work on the animating it
it is too fast
:/ :P
Tomorrow ends all Wii and DS multiplayer :(
better get your games in now!
hi everyone.. can someone please help me out here. i don't know why my img isn't centering when viewport is <= 480px; stackoverflow.com/questions/23742972/…
it centers on pc but not on phone
@spike.y Interesting. Do you have a fiddle?
1 sec, i will make one for you
here you go @kmoe jsfiddle.net/hx5y3
@spike.y cool, stick it on the question and I'll take a look
done, thank you @kmoe
@spike.y uh, are you sure that fiddle reproduces your problem?
It does not reproduce my problem. That's why I don't bother with fiddles anymore, because I've found that what people see in the fiddle is not always what you actually see in the "actual" browser - if you know what i mean
@spike.y Okay, sure. Do you have a viewport meta tag in there (see first answer and developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Mobile/…)?
@kmoe I do have <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> (which I only just added after seeing somebodys answer to my question. I don't like using initial scale though because too many people complain that they can't zoom in and out
@spike.y initial-scale shouldn't stop people zooming, I don't think - user-scalable=no does that
(someone correct me if I'm wrong)
@SomeGuy If you actually type it that way (use quotes) it is the only result. It's probably not showing yet without quotes because it is new and the search function is catching all apps with those words in them (Chrome, to, and Phone), many of which are more popular (more ratings/positive ratings) than your app
@SomeGuy awesome app bro, how did you programmed it? cuz I know you don't program java right?
@mikedidthis voo, even you were the part of that project? no one even told me...
oh wth nice @SomeGuy
didn't notice your app
thats bad ass
@Mr.Alien You are too good, they couldn't afford you <3
chrome does sync up the bookmarks right?
@kmoe Oh, I thought I had just fixed my issue. I used <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> as suggested by an answer on my question's page - and it worked on the 480px-width phone, but then I tried viewing it on the other phone I have which is 1280px in width and it still centers it. It's like the max-width: 480px rule is being ignore or something :/
@TylerH nah m not
Chrome has syncing support for bookmarks if that's what you're asking
css challenge
I figured this chat would be booming. I have a quick best practice question for anyone willing to listen
is it bad practice to use Type selectors in CSS?
or should I break it out into a class and apply the class, can't find a good answer really, they are all more specific
@Coomanperson918 are you supporting IE6?
if not you can use most of type selectors
Right I know I can use them, I just didn't know if it was bad practice
and no, we are ie7-9
type selectors should be ok
if it's in the spec and you are using them as it's supposed to be used - it can't be bad practice
Thanks for the feedback, My worry was that someone would be maintaining. I actually had my thought process backwards as well...
make official dev documentation if more people are going to work on it for a long time
@easwee Be back in approximately 438291 hours....
That's less than 50 years!
You are very efficient
Get color palette based on image: pictaculous.com
The couple of trials I've done look great
I thought I had a good idea but did a search and found a couple tools like this one
yeah - but websites usually look like crap - this one is nice
just have to choose a picture with attractive colors and it's gives a wonderful palette (:
I wish you could suggest contexts as well, that would be cool.
Like, "bright" or "subdued" or "loud"
that's the purpose of the photo you choose, haha
I mean
say you upload my avatar
the photo's feel usually matches the color
but you want additional color palette suggestions that are very loud, like red
based on what you're looking for
rather than just random assortments of complimentary colors
IMO you'd choose a different image
it's not for the image, it's for the palette (:
the palette from my first image: jsfiddle.net/Zeaklous/VD5YQ/1
Nice edit :-P literally
Ohhh one of my favorite pro climbers is doing an AMA on Reddit right now
@Mr.Alien psst, it's spelled "then" ;) than is used in comparisons, e.g. "more X than Y"
Just something I noticed in most of your answers
@TylerH BoltClock is coming into your territory
It might be helpful if he linked one of the answers in question for context ;-)
He's up to 56k.... dang
Q: Round borders separated in sections around circular image

oliverbjI am wondering how it is possible create the following effect using only CSS: Desired output : Currently, all I can think of is adding a border around the image. But how can I cut them and make sections out of them around the image? This is my current CSS: .avatar img { border-radius: 5...

Is this going to be another one of those massively popular "how do I achieve this cool effect using CSS"
-webkit-border-radius: 50%;
-moz-border-radius: 50%;
-ms-border-radius: 50%;
-o-border-radius: 50%;
border-radius: 50%;
Those do seem very popular kinds of questions @BoltClock
though more fitted toward blog posts than SO
@TylerH Oh, yeah, didn't think to do that! That works. But it's annoying to have to do that!
@Mr.Alien Thanks! Cordova / Phonegap
@Loktar :D
Yeah, it can be annoying, but what do you expect with 500+ entries to Google Play every day :-P If it's popular enough, it will show up near the top in no tmie
@Mr.Alien Yep, but the sync is relatively slow. They sync tabs too, but again, that's slow
Hey guys
Currently: my caffeine intake
I see, actually needing it too..
I just wrote a whole post, hope it doesnt get me banned again. lmao
Tried to explain it as good as possible

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