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@Idris what have you been doing lately? :)
Working on Fort.js
Oh, I am working on my studios website.
3 hours later…
I wan to make a cool scalable submit button instead of the boring submit buttion. Can some one point me to cool css exampls that do that
It's for a mobile app
@Ufoguy You mean like an action button?
Check these out or you can also create your own
Hi guys, can you check this jsbin code? http://jsbin.com/henewape/1/edit
I am trying to do an example such that http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11792683/handling-clicks-on-overlapping-elements
but it seems that it does not work, why?
The problem is that the alert alert("found!"); is not executed
Just wen I thought to program one with local storage
in Safari, it adds the following styles to my webpage automatically. Why? How can I disable them?
/*user agent stylesheet*/
ul, menu, dir {
    display: block;
    list-style-type: disc;
    -webkit-margin-before: 1em;
    -webkit-margin-after: 1em;
    -webkit-margin-start: 0px;
    -webkit-margin-end: 0px;
    -webkit-padding-start: 40px;
li {
    display: list-item;
is there a way to handle retina displays cleanly in a media query? I have a media query that says 'min-width: 640px' which should take effect when on an iphone with a retina display correctly...but instead that media query seems to only take effect a 320px due to the 2x pixel density
I really don't want to have two sets of media queries to handle different pixel densities...
@MRS1367 I don't know about disabling them, but you can override them in your local styles...if the local style doesn't take effect you can force it to using '!important' (i.e. -webkit-margin-before: 0em !important;)
@RobertPetz -> tnx
it worked
Thanks @ICanHasKittenz
Can you guys recommend a SQL collation and character set that will support storing characters found in scientific literature like alpha and beta. I'm thinking CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci but I'm not sure...
Can anybody [point me to more online css generators that you use
Hi, I'm building a website and I want to add languages support, my question is if its possible to have a file that holds all languages' strings (e.g. Welcome in english Welkom in german etc etc) and to fetch these string according to which language the user wants to see
You can use the google translate button
I know i can, but i want my site to have internal support
you need a server side language for that, like php
thank you
@Wesabi thank god you are online
pm when you free
haa, quick
should we maintain a blog, say a resource which explains people in a cool way? kinda community blog
i don't have life and i never sleep, i'm always online
and that's it? "thank god you are online" made me think that you needed my help for a nuclear explosion or something
I posted that before you said you are always online...
and if its nuclear explosion, I would do that alone
there's a major problem with that anyway, i'm not good with english :D
so what, me neither, and thats the reason I said community based where trusted users will be given an access to write on the blog, as simple as that
there are tons of resources already :( including SO itself... i want to create something different, a html/css/js thing
the fact is, inspite of resources, most of them never refer them, they want a tutorial types, and about SO, we know how many users google, if they do, SO will get merely few questions each day... and did you saw what SO made a new thing? I had thought to do that before a week, but they released it already so no use
got it but i will not be much helpful, i don't know many "resources"
also i would start with something simple
so all the room can help
(talking about code)
the lightbox script wasn't a terrible idea
thats the only thing where all can contribute, I don't think users will get in if there is a specific app dev going on, as field of interest might differ ;)
also that's not really exciting
youtube.com/watch?v=Q92xuoBGF78 i want to make this open source
you create admin panels right? that can be useful to you as well
yup I do, let me see
also i know it's not very fancy but that's just some css, theme can be changed
@Mr.Alien What's the new thing SO made?
4 hours ago, by Mr. Alien
!!afk friends @ home...
Ah, I didn't no SO made that
I thought StackEdit was based on the same markdown library that SO used
i was searching for a good responsive navigation
posted on May 18, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

2 hours later…
guys, I'm leaving SO (and chat), but i may come back at some point. nothing personal with any of you... something happened, then it got worse and now it's time to move on. don't ask :D if you need my help for anything i'm on twitter. i may continue to read the chat til tomorrow but don't try to convince me to stay, you can't win :D be good (cc @rlemon)
@mikedidthis STAY because http://i.imgur.com/xXvVRcP.jpg
@Purify try to do something for your epic noobness :D
@SomeGuy thanks for your english tips :D
@rlemon get a job
@PatsyIssa thanks for providing me the grenades
@DarkAshelin if i come back, the "php for retards" room must be the best room on SO!
@Mr.Alien OOP
@cryptic see you at scientology's camp
@Wesabi Mr.Alien is afk: friends @ home...
@Wesabi why you leaving?! o,o
posted on May 18, 2014 by Mary Lou

CSS Shapes * WTF, forms? * Smart use of :target * Responsive Images Done Right * Filtrex * October * Octotree * Stashhh.me * Finch

This is great, i got a question ban. lol. How do i get rid of it?
A: What can I do when getting "We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"?

ArjanWhy am I getting this message? As stated in the about links on every page, Stack Exchange is a network of question and answer sites, not help forums. This implies that all posts are expected to have some value for later visitors too. To enforce that, and to prevent help vampires making the answe...

@Wesabi wtf, I see no reason leaving the chatroom, so plz dun go ... and btw <3 for OOP :D
Meh. Okay, does it mean i have to help other people first?
No, you should improve your questing questions. Actually I've upvoted two or three of your better questions which was enough to get you out of the question ban. But obviously you are on the very edge, so a single downvote on any of your questions will most likely get you banned again. So make sure your next question is a good one!
@Wesabi :(
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/nh38K/2 nice, figured it out
@ThiefMaster thanks man, but do you mean, give a better explaination?
Depends on the question. Don't ask questions that'll end up closed or downvoted. Show some effort so people don't think you want others to write your code.
Yeah okay, but its simply what the people think about it right? In the case of "dumb Question" right?
Exactly. But "dumb questions" are exactly why we have the question ban. Otherwise SO would probably have twice the amount of question and half the amount of quality users.
Yeah .. I get what you mean. But if you simply dont understand that piece of code, at any point. Can i still ask it?
Because when i go to w3 school i still dont get it, but thats because im not so good at english
Hello guys anyone worked with svg files? I downloaded playing card deck but not sure how to get a particular card from there (Source: snap2objects.com/2012/01/free-vector-playing-cards-deck/…)
Thats abit my problem then.
I'm making a linear gauge but suck at design, here is what I have now (actually pretty happy with it)
tried an image search but did not come up with much inspiration, dunno if linear gauge is the right english word
posted on May 18, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Love you, Massimo.

please help me to remind a feature that i had installed on my system and help me to see my design result without need to refresh the browser
I can not recall it exactly something like livepreivew
@Wesabi Okay, but everything's fine with you, right?
@MikeM. hi
ssbulletinboard.tk/# I am working on some css but my links from the navigation doesn't get 100% filled anyone knows why?
nobody knows about this feature
it does work fine on ssmailsubscription navigation bar but it just doesn't on my nav at ssbulletinboard...
the <a> is 100% width and 100% height + display: block; idk whats wrong...
let it go already fixed it
Q: Make whole <li> as link with proper HTML

PerplexorI know this has been up a lot of times before, but I couldn't find any solution in my specific case. I've got a navigation bar and I want the whole <li>'s to be "linked" or "clickable" if you will. Now only the <a> (and the <div>'s I've fiddled with) is "clickable". I've tried the li a {display...

moving the link padding...
codepen.io/rlemon/pen/kGnJe if anyone can see anywhere that I can speed that up. I would appreciate the input.
Ooo. If I get image data once that would increase performance quite a bit.
How to do this codepen.io/anon/pen/nKqzF without using position: relative, I mean instead use display: inline-block I couldn't manage to do it. Is it possible?
wich name you like best for a hosting company?
- criatweb.com
- piggyhost.com
piggyhost reminds me fatcow :) what criat mean? creative?
piggyhost sounds fun and easy-to-remember. the other one.. not so much
@Hussein probably because it sounds like an annoying feature ;)
@Wesabi Dang.
@Wesabi I won't convince you to stay, as you are a stubborn Italian. I will say that you will be sorely missed, massively by myself, as well as the entire room. However I will be bugging you on Twitter. :D
i'm having a brain fart.
i have the imageData from getImageData and I have the x,y,height,width of an area of said image and I want to get an average of the rgb over the area.
function getColor(x, y, w, h) {
    var color = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 },len=0;
    for (var xl = x + w; x < xl; x++) {
        for (var yl = y + h; y < yl; y++) {
            var i = (x * 4) + (y * 4 * image.width); // ???
            if( idata.length > i+3 ) { // ???
                color.r += idata[i];
                color.g += idata[i + 1];
                color.b += idata[i + 2];
    return {
        r: ~~ (color.r / len),
        g: ~~ (color.g / len),
does not work. :/
@rlemon Not enough jQuery
@ZachSaucier i'm working on improving performance on this: codepen.io/rlemon/details/kGnJe
running getImageData on each pass is expensive
couldn't you just get it once, then manually calculate the average from a certain larger section?
I suppose my question is, "why are you getting the getImageData each time pass?"
that is what i'm trying to do
look above. ^^^
yeah I see
problem is it is not calculating i correctly.
A: HTML5 Canvas - Filling a shape with random pixel colors?

rlemonwell if you want to know the x,y of the pixels in the canvas you can use a loop like the following: var image = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height), data = image.data; for( var x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { for( var y = 0; y < height; y++) { var i = (x*4)+(y*4*image.width); data...

this usually works for me :/
paging Doctor @Loktar. come in Doctor @Loktar
@Idris Very good. Can the user specify which colors (or color range) for it yet?
@rlemon Have you tried with a different image?
the spots seem to be in the same location, same spots on the other image?
thanks for the opinions @ThiefMaster and @Almis, I was having lunch, sorry for taking long
@LucasB lunch? Where are you at?
it's sunday, we lunch late
plus, I'm brazilian
it's 4:14 pm
late lunch still, even for a Sunday :P
what'd you have?
bro, I would love to talk, but I have to go
my gf is waiting me to see a movie
have fun!
thanks, have a good one
Yeah, just play around with
    var cols = [
    ["#EC7063","33.3%"], // note same percentage - this gives a crisp change
Still working on documentation for it. I also have Flash @ZachSaucier
glad to see the progress
I appreciate the kind words
any change for how it's called?
again, you don't have to, but feel free to ask other guys what they think on the subject I think they'd agree with me
Not at the moment. I've only had time to get the new effects in. I've had school and i'm learning Ruby
no rush
What are you learning Ruby for?
I've tried PHP and i'm pretty good at it, I just feel like Ruby will suit me better
but for what purpose?
just curious
No reason at all.
Just want to expand my knowledge
After that i'll probably move onto Objective C
for iOS development?
Yeah. I'm going for a run. Bye
don't get me wrong, it's great to learn more languages, but if you don't use them at all then there is no point in "learning" them
@Idris you run cross country?
@mikedidthis I see that you're on themeforest. I'm looking for ways to make some money - do you recommend making themes for them? If I made a half decent theme, would I be able to make anything off of it, or would it not even get noticed?
> Programming: Where everyone is wrong, if not now then in the future
codepen.io/rlemon/pen/kGnJe got performance up a bit
still not happy with it
Help vampires that abuse the fact that I have a public email are awful.
hey guys, how can i see where i almost get blocked from asking questions again? I can do it now but it gives a alert.
@Dreiba What do you mean?
@ZachSaucier Well i was banned from asking questions on the forum. But not anymore. Now when i am at the screen to ask questions, it gives me an alert that i have to ask good questions before i get banned again. But on what numbers can i see if i get banned or not?
And what can i do about it, because people can always give me a downvote right?
"on what numbers can I see if I get banned" - does that mean how many downvotes until you're banned?
and you can ask actually good questions...
answer questions to get unbanned
Yeah? Yeah i know, but i have asked a question, about a piece of code i just didnt understand. And i got a downvote for that...
should you use cmd?
@jyoon depends on you and what you're doing
@Dreiba 1. you didn't include code. 2. After you did it's still incredibly unclear and broad
Hmm. i see. I did tho, i included a jsFiddle, thats more clear in my opinion.
why did mine come up as cmd? I meant cms.
@Dreiba The only reason you got an answer to it is because you came to chat (which you should avoid if you have a question on the Q&A IMO)
@jyoon I figured, thus it's what I answered
@ZachSaucier Oo, i didnt know that. But do you mean i have to add just clear code to that post or? It does sound abit harsh :P
@Dreiba You should have a very clear and focused question, not a broad situation leaving the answerers with no way of knowing what you need
@ZachSaucier You're right. Well, from now on i shall try it then okay?^^
I hope so
Come on man, i'm just here to learn..
I'm not criticizing you
I kind off feel that way. :p
But the thing is, we both can promise that no one gives a downvote on my post. Even how hard i try explaining it. Ofcourse, when i have a bad post, or dumb question. I have lots of more chance to get that.
looks like you posted the last in a hurry
stackoverflow.com/questions/23640907/… I have just tried to improve that post. Do you mean something like that? @ZachSaucier
You mean that one?^^^
No wait, i know what you mean. When i first posted that. It looked very bad.
I'm currently updating my threads.
all of your questions look fairly unclear and posted without much research. Try investing more time before you ask a question and re-read it before you post about 3-4 times
no need to update now
it'll fill the queue needlessly
What do you mean by it'll fill the queu?
the question queue - it'll bring up old questions that don't need answering and waste people's time who are looking
if you still need the answer to one then update it - otherwise there is no purpose
Oo okay. I wont then. But if you look at this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/23640907/… What would you improve about it?
Except my bad english ofcourse :)
yeah besides the English mistakes (understandable, it doesn't have to be perfect) I'd say you should have the area of code that is the problem more focused through your testing
by doing so you often can solve it yourself as well
and please don't ask, "can anyone help me?" :P
I dont get "the area of code that is the problem more focused through your testing". What do you mean by that?. And oo, i do that because then i sound some nicer xd
@Dreiba I mean instead of giving all the javascript in the question, just post the 5~10 lines (or however many is needed) that is relevant and what is happening in it that you don't expect. Still put the full thing in the jsfiddle but not in the question if it's not needed
by getting rid of all the rest you can often solve the problem yourself
@ZachSaucier You're right. Most of the time i do that tho. That is pure lazyness of me. But at most of the questions i tr to create a new example in jsFiddle, with only that function.
@WalleCyril Please stop flooding the chat
provide a demo and ask a specific question if you're looking to get help
@ZachSaucier I have a question btw, wich im not going to ask in the question section. Because its probably a dumb question :p. Why do i have to give html, body a height and width of 100%. If i want to make a element in the body tag fill the screen, and also stay that size when you resize your monitor
you don't have to give it width:100%
and you have to set the height:100% because by default it's not :P
simple as that
by default it has height:0
(well, height:auto but auto is 0 unless there is content)
That's all? ;p
Thank you.
Anyways, i'm going. Thanks for everything ;p
and i hope i dont get banned again. sigh
btw, can i remove downvotes by getting upvotes?
is it possible to invert colour with CSS without knowing the previous colours (at runtime) ?
I know it is doable with javaScript but with CSS only ?
@WalleCyril It's called CSS filters. Try a site called Google, it can answer your questions like this
Nah. I just like running with some friends @ZachSaucier
What have you guys been doing.
Scroll up.
Okay. I just did not see your posts anywhere.
Found out why images weren't loading for me on SO at home; I have Ghostery installed and it was blocking Gravatars
1 hour later…
Just read an article that said: <time> was removed and then brought back. For what reasons what is removed in the first place ?

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