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@ZachSaucier good job :o
ty, the bad thing about working on a live site is that you see all my in between stages :P
Setup a dev env
I have one, just don't use it lol
@rlemon Care to make a background of an image transparent for me real fast? :D
can i help? :P
don't have gimp installed
the bullets on the left must be transparent? or you just need the 100% opaque one?
bullets not hollow
just the bg
This question shouldn't be on SO stackoverflow.com/questions/12945763/…
uh? not hollow? sorry, english
should be the color it currently is
hollow means has a shell but nothing inside of it
so you mean that i have to make the bg transparent to one of the first two?
just the area surrounding each bullet
sorry for not being more clear
the stroke?
no, just the big gradient
:| you are obviously kidding
do i have to remove bullets and leave just the bg pattern?
I want the whole bullets, including outline and fill, but the gradient removed xD
ok wait
how you want them? all three in one file? resolution?
i guess you need two files, right?
one file
or two
I don't much care (:
i use the same color of the image? rgb?
yes, same colors
ah, dimensions?
just what they were in
yeah dimensions
did it wrong? xD
Thanks a lot, @Wes that's perfect (:
saved me the trouble of DLing Gimp
still have to figure out
16 mins ago, by Zach Saucier
no, just the big gradient
what the gradient was
I mean "make just the big gradient transparent"
ahahah i wasn't understanding because it's easier to just draw bullets from scratch... since you asked for "removing the bg" i thought there was more
anyway if you need other similar things i'll help
I liked the shape
and I'll keep that in mind, thanks (:
anyway on imgur there's a gallery with various versions... forgot to tell you this
brb going to buy cigs
Challenge: WITHOUT looking at the code, think of how you can make the following loaders in pure CSS codepen.io/macreart/full/aIuko
@ZachSaucier done, all pretty easy, no?
3/4 use same trick, but still an interesting concept (:
yeah i mean, i think this kind of things are normal these days
just because you and I understand immediately how to do this doesn't mean everyone does :P
well, we are all pretty much experts here xD except of course @purify
I'm curious how long it will take @rlemon to think of a pure CSS way
i'll try in the morning
drink too much, eh @rlemon?
a) yes, b) playing infamous second son
is it good?
so far its okay
a lot of 'story'
i'm waiting for the "open world"
i'm ok with stories, as long they are good stories
i still can't believe how shit was the story of far cry 3
have you played it?
hello Colouri
how's the blog going?
Okayish... I've just been sidetracked because of a side project
what side project?
Some social media type of thing. The whole concept isn't fully developed yet
I need your opinion on something. Do you consider yourself somewhat good at design?
I'd hope so
<-- front end dev :P
Alright then. Well what would you recommend the background color of a form be? Not the form input, but where the form lays on.
A light gray? White with a black border on input? A dark color?
for what? What's the color scheme?
depends on situation completely
I'm not sure. I'm trying to keep it light and simple, yet elegant. Recommend any good color schemes?
color scheme goes with site
what's your site?
I checked out kuler.adobe.com/explore/newest but they all look "un-normal"
Well its still in the design process. I thought i'd do some front end then backend. As I said a social media, "somewhat" similar to Ask.fm
But I'm not feeling the dark blue...
read about them
they don't just look, they feel
haven't read either fully
but the point is you shouldn't pick a color scheme without thinking about how it will feel to users
Well take a look at most websites. Social media to be exact. Most of it is blue.
"Blue symbolizes: youth, spirituality, truth, peace"
I think some sort of turquoise would go well. What would that fall under? Blue or green?
"The color meaning of turquoise is communication and clarity of mind. It can also be impractical and idealistic."
they're not definitions, just something you have to take into account
Never thought about colors as much as I have today. lol
yet your name is Colourity...
Not even sure how I thought of that.
How would I make the colors less "basic" a slight gradient?
1) ask why 2) ask why again 3) ask is it worth the cost 4) yes, subtle gradients and patterns are good
Alright sounds good. Is the 404 you made on codepen yours?
everything on my sites I made
Saw it a while back and thought it was amazing. You make some cool stuff dude
You ever do PHP or plan on it? Or are you front end for good?
I do PHP when I need it, I can't say I'm very good at the moment but I get bye
I have OOP experience with Java, C#, C++ etc but I don't prefer it
it's more of for school and some side projects like with my Pi
Is the Pi any good?
Not sure if I should get one...
it depends on you, haha
if you like tinkering with hardware then it's great
I made a laptop and am going to make a radio soon
(laptop sucks, don't recommend it without a lot of added hardware, haha)
What it is programmed in? Java?
No, Python
I'm not great at that either, just getting bye again
runs on Linux
If only there was one universal languages. Coming late 2048.
Wish my school encouraged coding :( i.imgur.com/3hgPVIu.jpg
one language would SUCK
I wish mine did too, as do a whole lot of kids
schools can't help you anyway
they teach too slowly
You help yourself.
The technology market is rising greatly. Therefore there would be a high demand in coders. But in school kids are taught stuff needed back in the day (Most stuff).
If a math problem needs to be done out on a piece of paper, then its not worth learning.
what an ignorant statement
I would hate to live in your world
Well its not established yet. We got shut down last time.
Well I'm working on a button. What I have so far. i.imgur.com/FkYROyM.png
@Colourity unless you're doing game development
I need to retake algebra and trig :P
@ZachSaucier I like that ship on your demo in the bot right :P
@Loktar Haha, thanks (:
also nice job with the one ship flying around!
@Colourity Math is an important part of programming. The more you advance your programming skills the more important math will become.
thats looking badass man
it's gettin there
I decided shooting is too complex for this weekend :P
gonna have to think on it a bit
well, I mean I know how
but it would take a while to implement
Dr. Collage..... Explains alot
Just kidding. Its "e" instead of "a" since education starts with "e"!
what a punk.
@Colourity I'm aware of how I spelled my screen name. It was intentionally.
HTML room is finally the room with the most people at the moment.
@Colourity Your profile says you're 14. So thinking that math is not important in programming is a normal mistake. For someone your age at least. I can relate, I thought the same thing and I too started programming at a young age. around 10 years old to be more specific. I'm now 16 and have a job programming for a web development company. I'm not trying to bash you just warn you. Math is important don't make the I did by thinking it's not.
such young'ins :P
welcome to the New Age
Lol. Like what specific part of math? @Dr.Collage
@Dr.Collage have a website?
@Colourity algebra is the most common in my experience, also trig and some calculus. It depends what you're doing
Alright then. I'm good with algebra.
Sure you are
@Loktar I can't figure out why it's glitching when changing the ship path
oh how it dips for a quick second?
it's a chained velocity call that goes off of last values
lemme try force feeding it
or w/e the term he uses is
Is there any concern I should have about using multiple tbody tags for creating groups of rows in my table?
Any good place to sharpen up my JS skills? Or is more practice the way to go?
@Hamster Yes, don't do tables in tables
@Colourity More
@ZachSaucier no, the company I work for does...
unless you do/want to do animations and games math isn't really important for web development
@Dr.Collage Was just hoping to see your skills since you've been coding so long
@ZachSaucier I don't understand. tbody isn't another table
but it helps
@Hamster It essentially is
why not just do more tds?
@Wes man idk.
lol I take it you don't believe me...
No, I do! I just want to see your work @Dr.Collage
I just had to help on a project doing calculations dealing with translating points for cropped/scaled images
eventually in programming you will need math, but most of times it's really basic math
yeah true nothing ever incredibly complex
@Wes I'd also argue that the logic behind it innately helps coding. It also greatly speeds up processes, not having to get out a calculator to do proportions and such
@ZachSaucier What I'm trying to accomplish is DOM hierarchy for groups of rows, so my script can easily insert new rows in the right group. Should I just use multiple separate tables for this, then?
@Hamster Multiple tbodys should be fine then
as long as you have a purpose it's fine
@ZachSaucier Alright. I haven't heard of it used before that way, so I had to ask.
np, just make sure it's actually useful
@Loktar Force feeding didn't help, I have no idea what it is
damn.. that sucks
I mean its not crazy noticeable
but still damn weird..
@ZachSaucer I can't blame you. I wouldn't believe me either ;)
but I do...
@Dr.Collage its not terribly uncommon why wouldn't people believe you?
I was doing freelance work at 17
DOM_VK_CANCEL 0x03 (3) Cancel key.
wtf is the cancel key?
Idk but he said it himself he doesn't
lol adding glasses..
stevie frickin wonder.
it's not Del (46)
@Loktar are you planning to make a gravatar-like service with those? i would love it
wrong link anyway (localhost)
oh wow im dumb.
forgot I'm testing on my local machine
@Wes I've got a lot of ideas.. I might change it to generate a ton of different things
twitter copied fb for layout
maybe even evolve it to allow people to upload templates to generate their own images
@Mr.Alien true that
Apr 13 at 9:52, by Wes
oh, why twitter looks like facebook now? lol
what happened to my bg?
@Loktar you are using templates? isn't it randomly generated?
its random/procedural but it has to be "trained"
unnecessary changes seriously..
but looks good to me
btw did they got rid of customized backgrounds?
hmm looks like it
the header image is huge though
yea, but most of the companies used it for adverts
like G+
anyway think about it @Loktar i would support with some monies
no they didn't
they just spoiled it, looks yuk
@Wes yeah for sure. I've said it a few times, but I use a method that anyone could use.. so I kind of want to kickstart a tool for it
gravatar failed for two reasons, nobody uploads their avatar on it unless (and that's extremely rare) they have a wordpress account
I need to make an imgur album of the other generations ive done
and fallback avatars sucks
i would like retro spaceships, but they all look like penises
I think there's some confusion, some profiles have old layouts where some has new, not sure if they have provided any customization options
@Wes hahah
have you tried the different types?
monsters sucks, it seems they were made with gem paint (1987)
changed the album type so its a list now
identicon is too anonymous
you see the monsters I generate :P
er aliens I guess
man I have so many more images.. swords
shields, ect
and retroships generate only penises (i've posted plenty of "penises" of my users in this room)
@Loktar are you aware that we can abduct you if you tried to get racist with our images...
anyway i think you should follow your current style, which is trendy right now, fits perfectly the flat design style
well I ripped the style off :?
in fact they would look very fancy on one of my sites xD
rlemon posted an image from a stock image site, I shamelessly copied them
who cares, it's just a bunch of pixels xD
but in fairness the computer is drawing them not me :p
ahah, right
im going to add masks/costumes to the pxly ones too
I need to get it setup where users can pick colors/accesories, ect
why haven't you made a program to let people create their own yet generations @Loktar?
because I really want to get animations done first
I'd think it'd increase your work speed as well since you make so many of them
honestly, they seem a bunch of dildos and bongs @Loktar ahahah
@Wes LOL
just for you I might make procedural wangs.
Those look like sweet ships!
guys is there a way to write characters using the decimal notation in js without using String.fromCharCode ?
can you give an example of what you mean?
aw, google puts up a doodle for your birthday
i'm not sure, like \x... but not hexadecimal
nope, nvm, seems only \x or \u is possible
time to go to bed
see ya
any backface visibility polyfill available for IE?
I'm not aware of one but I haven't looked, sorry
I searched but I don't think they've got any
g'night guys. It's my birthday!
@ZachSaucier Happy Birthday \o/
oh shit happy bday man!
There's just supposed to be 1 header and 1 data(row)..
@laggingreflex you could user colspan to set it right?? like this jsfiddle.net/36pvp/1
@laggingreflex should be jsfiddle.net/36pvp/2
@Mr.Alien x_x
lol I did it like that
friggin tables.
granted that was assuming a header and body were wanted.
@Loktar hehe the theads and bodys are fine, but you cannot have td as a direct child to table, should be tr > th
ouch yeah good point
looking at 8 bit graphics, now I'm totally buying this shirt
not sure if anyone here is old enough to have been into MotU
expensive as far as indian market is concerned
o/ @SomeGuy
@Mr.Alien yeah a bit pricey for the US too for a graphic tee
alright time to go play some paper mario o/ all
Haha, have fun!
they are charging for the fancy characters... and the uniqueness, it's surprising that whenever technology goes ahead, we start loving vintage stuff...
@Loktar haha I play that all day, contra, road fighter, adv island and all those 99 in 1 :p o/ njoy
@Mr.Alien I've never stopped loving stuff from my childhood :P
I still have my heman collection
@Loktar same goes for cartoons, swat kats, dexters lab, jetsons, .. love them all..
I think in the mainstream Indie games resurrected retro gaming titles for sure though
2 hours later…
Can somebody please help. I am trying to center align a video in css but cannot figure out how to do this.
@PatsyIssa Yeah, I saw. Element4l is supposed to be awesome
@rlemon Hahahaha love it
@SomeGuy Functionality is enabled
@rlemon Why didn't it get unoneboxed?
@ZachSaucier Haha, that's always the most disappointing part
What, the fact that it's his birthday? haha
That the stars move slow :P
I didn't realize that it was his birthday :P
@ZachSaucier Happy birthday!
@ZachSaucier happy birthday!
I have a box floating on the bottom right corner of the screen, how do I code it to expand to a box with a text input field when the mouse hovers over it?
2 hours later…
hello @MRS1367
hi @ZachSaucier
posted on April 27, 2014 by Mary Lou

CSS True Titles * Sorting * Isomer * Inline SVG vs Icon Fonts * Project Parfait * Politespace * Hutt * seen.js

@ZachSaucier -> I want to fill right side of the menu options (right side of the red box)
check this address:
it's a test
I know that why I can't do that
I have no idea what you're asking
I set padding for "خدمات" menu
but I want to fill it in the menu options
want what to fill the submenus? For the submenus to also have padding?
Guys, I think I am going crazy right now
Can I read checkbox values?
Or are they only to be set?
@Saphire what do you mean by read?
Every checkbox tutorial shows me how to make forms with checkboxes, but when I submit the form, how do I read which boxes are checked?
checkbox.checked <-- boolean
A I think now i get it
I set the form to GET and now I see
where checkbox is the check box element
For every checked box, I get an arg with the same name
That''s what I needed :)
Thx anyway
Maybe one day we can have techniques like this work well on every browser tylergaw.com/articles/css-true-titles
My browser is dying haha
@ZachSaucier -> I want this:
Is it still your birthday btw? @ZachSaucier
If so happy bday - How did you celebrate?
fill the blank space of Padding with background color + bottom border
happy bday @ZachSaucier :P

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