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I am @Qwertieϟ
o/ @SomeKittensUx2666
you dont usually hang out in here do you?
Nope, but I've got a CSS question
drafting it up now
How do I get the width of the text to adjust based on the number of icons?
so the more icons the shorter the text?
not quite understanding what you mean
Yeah, some people have one, some have seven
Using Bootstrap if that helps
I want the text to take up as much space as it can
@SomeKittensUx2666 jsfiddle.net/loktar/dvxad/1
uses flexbox
not sure if thats an option for you
TIL Flexbox. Heard the term, never investigated
yeah I'm not super experienced with it
been trying to learn it more lately
Which is good, as my current solution requires a monospaced font. Not happening
its like tables on steroids imo
wow, now everything's even more borked
forgot an inline-block
now it's not contracting
what do you mean?
the box overall
or the text?
you mean the craziness on the right side with the buttons?
the text still hides for me currently, but the social/button look off now
youtube comments are not loading..
It's not hiding for me at all
on my actual site
!!youtube thriller
ah damn.
yea in the fiddle it still does for me, the one you just linked
seriously youtube has scaling issues
I hate this app. Found some CSS out of nowhere that was floating everything
!!learn capslock "<>http://www.wpclipart.com/computer/keyboard_keys/computer_key_Caps_Lock.png"
@kwak Command capslock learned
@Loktar ok, I've got everything almost there.
problem is, the text is still occupying space (but not displaying in that space.)
still need something kittens?
Great, guess you solved it
Nope, still evil
you're missing the point
what's your question?
!!stat 1216976
@SomeKittensUx2666 That dude sucks
@SomeKittensUx2666 You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1216976/somekittens-ux2666) have 10300 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 57 questions, gave 407 answers, for a q:a ratio of 57:407.
avg. rep/post: 22.19. Badges: 3g 28s 59b
Alright guess I won't help then
I'm in the middle of a solution. If it doesn't work, I'll get back to you
♫ it's too laaaaate ♫
Has anyone got a custom domain working with github pages before?
@rlemon Has I believe
didn't you ask last night?
@ZachSaucier Me?
I cant get it working
I have the cname file but it wont work github.com/Qwertie-/Qwertie-.github.io
I can get to the page at github.io but not my domain
@Qwertieϟ it's got the wrong filename
!!> 'CNAME' === 'CNAME.txt'
@SomeKittensUx2666 false
@Loktar So I see you got off track with your project today
hah yeah
I like the end result
I love when images give me random inspirations and I make something unique
it is easier to work with in blue
Same. Everything is a remix
@Loktar what am I missing here?
why is the distance detection so funky?
Getting close
Hadn't gotten to work on mine any more, had to travel home for Easter
@rlemon idk yuo do it differently than my approach
I rotated the canvas
but your gaps are better than my attempt
I basically drew half arcs on a rotated canvas
one arc on the top, one on the bottom
mounting a tv in my room
so excited to see how it ends up looking
Morning peeps..
@Loktar You mean the giant one? :D
I wish
only 32 or so inches
My parents have one like that
cant remember the exact size
under 40
looked large in the photo
its for my office/game room
yeah that same tv
itll be above my monitors
and going to move the black shelves with all the consoles next to my desk
your kids are going to be even more techie than you
haha I hope
Just get em playing soccer as well (:
hi, I am new here, my question is closed, they told me to participate in chat, so here I am
I'm not familiar with lynda
they should make it obvious what to start with I hope
Yes, exactly what I am thinking, lynda should really do that.
Do they not? Have you searched HTML basics or something?
@AveMaleficum why not read books?
And ohhh, I see, you were the one I answered the question on software rec...
I've never read a book related to web things
Mr.Aline! Wow...
Mr.Alien, sorry, my mistake
hello guys
@AveMaleficum am used to that
Any of you guys ever check out this site? programming-motherfucker.com
@SomeKittensUx2666 How do you make the cname file?
Oh its not good by its name then how it will be by its work.?
The name? @Felix-Robinchik
NO. Your site..Hahahaha
Don't get it....
Sentiment is understandable, approach is much too extreme and doesn't have a good voice. Could never show this to someone it should be showed to, too unprofessional. More of a joke within programmers than anything
NM got it
2 days ago, by Mr. Alien
damn no one writes my name perfectly...
Sounds legitimate.
I'm honestly surprised @Mr.Alien, it seems straightforward to me
What's the oldest website you guys know? Other then info.cern.ch
@ZachSaucier may be you are the first American who gets my name correct... :-P
I really don't see how! Both Mr and Alien are quite common words
Any HTML & CSS books for beginners except Head First HTML and CSS?
!!tell AveMaleficum google HTML CSS beginner book
But in my opinion the best way to learn is to come up with a project to do
and do it
@ZachSaucier Google does not have so many awesome programmers at SO. Thanks for your advice.
1 hour later…
@AveMaleficum the best imo is html and css the complete reference by mcgrawhill, rest, depends on how quickly you grasp things, also keep experimenting by implementing the concepts you learn
1 hour later…
^ bad lighting but was happy to get the room all setup
I can play almost all of my consoles now
morning @all
gud aftrnn
<img src="img/pro.png" alt="Proceedings" title="Proceedings" value="<%=rs1.getString(1)%>" height="30" width="30" ></img>
this is not working can any one suggest me
the user click on image, that ask for file "save" or "download"
@Hareesh where is onclick event?
@Loktar a proper man cave, congrats xD
@Mr.Alien it happens if one have indian name like urs.. :P
i dont use onclick here
@The sorry i forget, thank u
5 hours later…
@Hareesh show jquery range bar bar chart with label
@Loktar dafaq... awesome...
What's wrong with my code here? stackoverflow.com/questions/23163662/…
hey Wes
TV show suggestions, anyone?
Actually, scratch that. I'll be productive instead :P
also hannibal
Atoms = pixels. What a fantastic analogy! – TorpedoBench 2 days ago

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subpixel_rendering splits your atoms – Pete Kirkham 2 days ago
ahah, cool :P
started lurking on graphic design SE
some questions are interesting
@easwee do you understand it? youtube.com/watch?v=16mUUL5dCtk
I understand maybe 80% of it - if I'm not mistaken it's "Napoletano" dialect? Don't really get all the dialect words :)
romano xD
well I get the point of the song :)
DJs used to play this song a lot here
the owner of the butcher shop: "ah now they call it saturday night fever" ... "at our times we used to call it sexual desire" ... "do you remember that lady?" xD
yeah I get that part
anyway most of italians don't get other italians' dialects
I don't really understand what he sings while cutting meat the begging before the febre :D
it's same here - if I speak in my home dialect and my girlfriend speaks in her's we don't understand each other
for example i live in friuli but i'm from the south, i still can't get what the fuck they are saying xD
you speak Furlan?
English accents are easy! Most of the time
not really, no xD
Ebonics is impossible sometimes though
@ZachSaucier not accents, actual dialects or even totally different languages
yeah - ghetto style lol
ebonics is pretty much a dialect
in slovenia you have 2 million people and 9 main dialects
which all differ between
than you have local patriotism - one word in my town is different in the other town
In Canada we have one dialect. Polite, eh?
lol, but you have two languages, right?
But you have french and english xD
and only one road if I remember right
jacques villeneuve is the sky f1 reporter in italy @rlemon he talks a mix of english french and italian
a massive disaster xD
try istrian
mix of croatian, italian and slovenian
excelent song :))
eh mate i know that well, i think north-east italian dialects are the worst
yeah :D
I have a lot of problems here in the capital since I use words and people don't get what I'm talking about - than I have to think hard to find the grammatically correct word
i have no idea why i moved here xD there's people talking veneziano, friulano, istrioto, german, sloveno... i instead barely know italian xD
yeah it's total chaos in our area
ahah, that's not that bad actually... just a small part of people talks using dialect... mostly old people
but they can also talk in italian most of times xD
I like dialects - makes the language much more interesting
posted on April 19, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

2 hours later…
It's the weekend, what do you expect?
programmers don't have life
if you have a life you aren't a programmer
I guess I'll never be a programmer then
@easwee Did you see the challenge made by rlemon yesterday? It's starred
2 hours later…
@ZachSaucier you there?
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/7t49V gave up on that one for now @ZachSaucier working on something else now
@rlemon Can you help me out? Trying to make a little HP bar, but it's not working. jsfiddle.net/LwY3r
@rlemon Looks good, man
I wanna do a mine storm clone. but i'm not sure if I want to 100% copy it or put my own spin on things
You can figure it out as you progress
well already i'm deviating
@rlemon thank you!
i like the idea of the ship being a triangle.
@Axel np
@rlemon I've been trying to figure out how you did the fading thing. Smart.
Why do you use fillRect to clear, though? nvm
@SomeGuy yeah its one of my fav tricks
along with the glow trick
What's that one?
get the canvas context and stretch it over the image
so like
I'm guessing this stuff is from your website? :D
I need to go through more of your stuff
@SomeGuy no actually I should write up the glow one
I used it a long time ago when I made an opengl game though
basically you take the image, and copy it to a canvas like 1/2 or 1/4 the size
and then stretch that canvas back to the original size
And then stretch it with CSS?
it adds a blur/glow around everything
I just stretch it with canvas in realtime
^ I actually made that game in like 2009 or so idk
but yeah that and the blur are Really easy and add a lot to the demos imo
Hello I have a question about JS..
oh shit my dl is broken I need to fix that
Let me know when you have it up again
@Servant Go ahead and ask
!!welcome Servant
!!Are you alive?
@SomeGuy Nuh-uh
@SomeGuy lul its in the JS room :D
@rlemon Could you check the log?
in JavaScript, 34 secs ago, by Caprica Six
@Servant Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
damn it crashes for me
Oh, I saw Jack Rugile's tweet about BeesAndBombs and decided to try something myself
The GIFs look awesome
god man so many sweet gifs there
I'm trying to make that
Was one of the simplest I could find :P
Shit, SO changed so I can't edit older messages even if they were posted less than 2 minutes ago :/
No unonebox there, I guess
hah nice man
oh found another example of the glow I just remembered
^ was for an SO answer
good explanation, I love finding old ass articles that talk about old tricks
because they are perfect for canvas
^ the glowroid download
I cant get it to work in win 8 :(
still have the source though might mess with it, its actually really pretty in motion
with that gif above you can implement the blur effect btw in your canvas vs
super subtle and itll look awesome
The zip is empty for me
lol wtf I think windows is wweird..
I must have copied the files out of it
I'm on Ubuntu anyway
I'd have to try it later when I reboot
eh yeah no biggy
one day I might convert it to canvas/webgl
hey whats up with the message about Gallery btw?
were we told thats not allowed now or something @mikedidthis
No, I think it's just about banned users spamming us by requesting access
hey all
@Loktar yeah what Some Guy said. It was the best of the shit options.
Call me dumb, but if I get an object from a callback, I can't change the context of this?
its a bit hard to show as its not my callback :(
Well, you can use call or apply to pass your own this to the function
Or bind
one moment...
So I do Store.Product.createOptions, this calls the Shopify stuff and then calls Store.Product.update as a callback. However this inside the callback points to Shopify.OptionsSelector.
And what would you like this to be?
I assume that it has to be this and you can't just use Store.Product?
Since OptionsSelector invokes the callback, it'd make sense that it's this in the callback
if possible yes, but at the moment I think anything is better than hard coding all the dom elems in Product.update.
@mikedidthis you work now ?
@SomeGuy ahh its ok, I think I got it :D
@Dave kinda, just personal projects.
@mikedidthis nice mean you passive income projects :)
yep but also for learning.
oh okay. use you google adsense
Q: border from div automatically higher if content goes into the deep

Davei have a class "event_area_table_termin" that has a border. And in the class i have content, if the content goes into the deep so my border class do it not automatically. I give the class a fixed height but this is not my solution what i need. Here is my screeny problem: And i want this solu...

Can you look at the question?
Public Notice: There has been a sharp decrease in the number of memes posted. Failure to meet the daily meme quota will result in legal action.
@Dave I tried, but sadly I don't understand the issue.
@crypticツ #fail
@mikedidthis mean you my css problem?
Hello ppl, there's something I don't really understand. How am I supposed to change an image that has a meaning with CSS? If I do so, I cannot give that image an alt attribute anymore for accessibility matters. Any help? (Am I asking in the right place too?)
My goal is to change the background of an image button according to the CSS style I pick. The text displayed on this picture does matter.
lol first world problems
was staring at my mounted tv
had to go get a bigger one
30" upgraded to 42 lol
@rlemon Making a game with that or something?
And is there a reason why some stars are filled in while others aren't?

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