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@Will o/
new picture
posted on April 15, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by levelheadfred */

boss is on holiday this week so I get to work from home. Still in bed XD
@Will oh god jelly
pj pants all day long :D
i struggle to work at home
i just get lazy
why don't we start a company with some of the regulars here
work from home 24/7
i would be keen :P
@DarkAshelin good plan, @PatsyIssa can be the secretary.
@Purify the hot secretary?
sadhasdas lol
@DarkAshelin yes, he's just gotta work on seducing the clients.
I m practicing my pencil dropping skills as we speak
Hello, has anyone here tried out generatecms.com ?
oh oh, and to everyone that comes into this room, we say "well, we can help you, but it's gonna cost ya"
and we make money that way
@AbdUlAziz idk, seems fishy
You might want to switch from CI to something that's maintained and active
a CMS is a big system, how does it "automagically" know what u need?
design looks poor
do you guys think that creating sites for third parts is still a good business?
what about functionality ?
also yeah, the big blue letters with a drop shadow give it away
@DarkAshelin most CMS do the same thing
Can you have more than one body element in HTML?
@sammyg nope
@sammyg not that I know of
@wes can be
@Wes what kind of third parties?
imo creating websites is still a good business
@Wes You can make money off it but do you really want to spend the rest of your days making websites ?
you just have to deliver quality results
last project I did was for a third party and we made shitloads.
I have this var questions = document.evaluate("id('questions')//div/@data-qid", document.body, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); it works great in getting the question ids for the question. But, I need to call questions.iterateNext().textContent to get the value and call it again to go to the next. How do I just have it return a simple array?
@PatsyIssa that's what i think @PatsyIssa web agencies are way too many already
@crypticツ are you asking a question on getting questions?
@DarkAshelin yep =oP
Oh sorry ignore my comment. Think I didn't understand
@PatsyIssa @DarkAshelin So this is essentially illegal then?

<img src="DATA/images/u_splash.jpg">
<body onload="timeout()" onClick="redirect()">
@sammyg try the html validator
It's semantically incorrect
2 body tags
why not just do this?
<body onload="timeout()" onClick="redirect()">
  <img src="DATA/images/u_splash.jpg">
@Wes Plenty of people undercutting as well
Why won't the Markdown backticks work?...
or set the img as a background-image of body
You have people that make a site for 200$
@DarkAshelin it never been imo
including hosting
@PatsyIssa that's why you need to deliver quality
yeah @PatsyIssa that
Regardless of quality you have some people delivering quality for prices that are near nothign
@Wes it really depends on how fast you work and how many clients u can get
for example, we got a client at work now, paying €6000 for a new site, will take me about 2 weeks to make
@Wes I don't think you can make much from it. people do sell them selves cheap and people from other countries will always under cut you.
and I also make sites "in black" for small businesses for €250, for something that takes me 2-3 hours
good gain if u ask me
We make complex site that not every one can. There is more money in it. most sites we make are around £20,000 + mark
@mikedidthis morning :)
also, I get hosting for 100 domains for €30 / year
I sell hosting (1 domain) to my clients for €20 / year
good deal for both of us essentially
@DarkAshelin dafuq do you get that deal from
Nice :D
That fair enough. Just depends what your clients want. for a few static pages £250 isnt too bad. but they alway want a CMS for like £100
@Will check out surrealcms.com
@Will well ye, but that's just clients that don't realise the prices. do you think they will actually find someone that builds them a decent cms for 100?
@DarkAshelin you are young, do you really think that you will be able to do that for life? also, no offense, i wonder what you do in 3 hours, because the simplest site these days takes me at least a week for making
@DarkAshelin Yes, that looks right. That's what I would have done... it's not my code so...
I ask +€500 if they want a CMS with it, and while they may think it's a lot, they accept it
@Will you could create a cms from generatecms.com ?
for free
Tbh i price the cms 40% of the site price
@DarkAshelin Is posting code blocks allowed in chat?... why are the Markdown backticks printed out?...
@sammyg use ctrl+k
@Wes gezinsbondachterolen.be €750 (with CMS)
@AbdUlAziz if the generated site looks anything like that page then I would not be happy with it
@DarkAshelin how many times did they ask for some changes on that site? how many times they wanted the photos updated?
@Wes never, so far
@DarkAshelin pst do you know what progressive jpegs are ?
@PatsyIssa no, sounds hipster
will you ask them money for updating 2 photos? @DarkAshelin
@Wes the 2nd site has a cms, they can do it themselves
the first, only if they ask me more than 3 times
@DarkAshelin when you save for web in photoshop, there's a box you tick that says progressive, basically it loads your image from low rez to high rez, you no longer have it loading from top to bottom
@PatsyIssa hmm nice to know
i hate progressive loading xD
@Wes beats content flashing/waiting :P
@Will The Generated CMS looks sooo much better, check out this facebook post: facebook.com/generatecms/photos/…
@PatsyIssa "The first CMS in its class to feature inline editing!" pst! I have my own cms with inline editing.
@Wes tbh if I'm getting paid €70-90 / hour for making the website for them, I can account some "free content changes" that take max 10 min each
@Will it's a white label solution if you don't :P
need a sublime expert hint
if i hit ctr+shift+l, I get multiple cursors at the end of line
how can I get multiline cursor - only one that spans multiple lines?
@PatsyIssa I think this is very much how I made mine editable. kind of annoying know if wrote one and I could just have used this :P
@DarkAshelin I checked with W3 validator and found 3 errors.
"Line 1, Column 1: no document type declaration" (implying DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM)
"Line 18, Column 36: required attribute "ALT" not specified"
"Line 19, Column 46: document type does not allow element "BODY" here"
@DarkAshelin And here is the source code.
<style type="text/CSS">

<script type="text/javascript">
function timeout(){

function redirect(){
<img src="DATA/images/u_splash.jpg">
<body onload="timeout()" onClick="redirect()">
@easwee not clear :P sup ?
you have a double body tag
and no doctype
@sammyg do it like I gave u, and set the html validator to html5
I use contenteditable=true and then add ck editor instances to the panels. Use so ajax to save the changed data to the db. @PatsyIssa
@PatsyIssa I will illustrate - gimme a sec
@Will surreal isn't database driven that's the downside
you change the files?
It actually edits the file on the server :P
@Wes do you think my way of working (selling websites) is bad / good?
It's only useful if you have a static site
B/w i m thinking of switching from digital to amazon's s3
@PatsyIssa I feel that could leave a security risk somewhere.
@DarkAshelin i wish my english skills were good enough to explain to you without losing lot of time what happened to me in the past decade
How come?
@Will you set the editable areas
i probably did everything you are doing and you will do in next years
@Wes is it about clients that keep requesting additional changes?
but it will not work
it's a business with no future
@Wes give it a shot, drop some wisdom on us :O
what i think it has more future these days is saas services, like blogging platforms
That's what i m working on
or internet people that work from the inside of companies
@Wes +1 on it.
like i sell shoes, i don't have to contact the web agency xyz to create my website
Website building will eventually be automated
i have my own internet division in my company
It's cheaper to get a developer than to higher an agency
mtv.com.lb <<< this shit site was priced at 120k$ because one of the "top" agencies in the country did it
@Wes I think that making websites can still gain you a ton of money for the next 10 years. Especially small businesses are my target region atm. I'm one of the only ones around here that can make quality-websites for a price as cheap as this. In my area you only get either shitty sites or super-expensive
@PatsyIssa how come you are changing to amazon from digital ?
@Will digital is fine if you want to mess around with it, if you want something for production you need a managed vps
ah fair enough. How is the pricing?
@DarkAshelin probably you are right, but maybe not. don't you have people saying "who needs a website, i have facebook|ebay|tumblr|twitter|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*"
@Wes I actually don't really enjoy making websites that much, and I don't want to do it for the rest of my life. But I do realise that it's a big money-maker atm (more than anything else I can do) so I wanna use it to get as rich as I can xD then move on
@Will checking it out now
@Wes hmm... not that much though
best thing you can do these days imho @DarkAshelin is improve your skills working with those sites or start a saas company
@Wes that's what I'm doing (y)
I'm still not too sure what exactly I want to be doing the rest of my life. Probably I'll be experimenting a lot, get a lot of work experience in different fields, etc
I'm also very interested in motion graphics, 3D animations, etc
People are always going to need web sites. Site builders will be fine until you need something slightly custom. You want to target online business. thats where the real money is
^ that
I have just finished a project. 3 months long and has cost between 20-25k
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function timeout(){
function redirect(){
<body onload="timeout()" onClick="redirect()">
<img src="DATA/images/u_splash.jpg" alt="splash">
you mean have earned between 20-25k?
@DarkAshelin How's that for a change?
cost the client
@sammyg always put your script tags at the end of the document before the </body> tag
@sammyg looks good, it's what I suggested isn't it?
@PatsyIssa I've been taught that's bad practice
@will what kinda project is it
@DarkAshelin bad practice having js in the page, put it in it's own js page but always include it in the bottom
Wrote a wysiwyg email creator. Bit like mail chimp.
@Will so why are they not just using mailchimp? ^^'
@PatsyIssa Why is that? Isn't it supposed to sit inside the head element?
sorry for breaking the conversation... busy :(
@DarkAshelin Sure, why not...
@DarkAshelin it is their business
@Scorpion for B?
@sammyg it's supposed to be in it's own js file, and you put it in the end so that your scripts don't stop your page load, if they are at the bottom they ll load after the markup is ready
@Scorpion mateeeeee
@DarkAshelin Beards.
hello honey @wes
@Scorpion hah
@Scorpion hahahaha
the do the same as mail chimp and have loads of customers already. They wanted some updates to keep up with competition.
@DarkAshelin How can I get a validator/checker inside Notepad++?
@will what language did you build it with?
@sammyg you should take your time and read up on the basics of html before coding to be honest
There's a free course from code tuts
I used coldfusion (not my choice ;) ) A lot of JS as well
gtfo @Scorpion
yes, pure and ancient* @wes
@Will b/w if you want to stick to php check out laravel
ancient your mother
@PatsyIssa I thought we were using ruby?
We are :D
But i meant for work
Your boss dsn't mind switching from CF to ruby ?
Ah. I don't think I will ever convince my work to use php
yes she remembers clearly the extinction of the Lophostropheus @wes
@Will if i were you i d take some time to setup a detailed presentation on why using coldfusion is a bad business move
@PatsyIssa Boss: "but the name sounds so coooool"
Start it off with are there more than 10 CF developers in our area
I am trying to get him to switch and ruby will be one of the languages we try
Even "vanilla" php is fine
I think that there are like 20 CF Devs in the country :P
You don't see anyone using Dart do you ? :P
this is sublime multiple cursors
but i want it like this
it is the same. just in the sublime clip all the lines arent the same
@easwee middle mouse click and drag, or ctrl + click on the line you want it
@Will not the same first image he's selecting instead of multilining
ah I see
@PatsyIssa any chance to not use mouse to do this? Kinda annoying having to put hands on mouse?
Not that i know of :P
in vs I do just alt + shift + down
in the second example mouse is used
and it extends cursor
!!afk getting out of bed
no it's not
Yeah but you select everything with it
alt + shift + down
i just want to create the same shortcut in sublime
with same behaviour
well nvm - gonna try it out by playing around
I think it does have this behavior, but our system shortcuts override it
Which OS are you on?
@SomeGuy :O Ctrl + alt + down does it @easwee
Doesn't for me
Can you check your default keybinding to see what command it calls?
Might be something else on linux, windows works
yeah gimme a sec
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+up"], "command": "select_lines", "args": {"forward": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+down"], "command": "select_lines", "args": {"forward": true} },
@PatsyIssa JavaScript doesn't have to be in its own external JS file. It can be inside the HTML document, along with HTML elements, and CSS tags (same thing here, doesn't have to be an external CSS file).
@PatsyIssa Yeah, that works!
@sammyg Just because something CAN be there doesn't mean it SHOULD.
@sammyg you want to learn best practices or you want to write bad quality code ?
@sammyg You can put your dick in a microwave, but I wouldn't recommended it.
@PatsyIssa Yeah that's it - I had to disable nvidia driver shortcuts as it kept turning my screen around
Ctrl + alt + down is the solution
You can just edit the binding
I changed mine to alt+up/down
I hate bloatware approaches that override your defaults
yeah - didn't even know that I had that on
One of the most useful user keybinds
lamerillo software
    { "keys": ["f6"], "command": "reindent"}
i'm remapping key bindings to mimic what I'm used to
@SomeGuy put it in user keybinds don't override the default
than I can poweruse sublime xD
same goes to you @easwee
Otherwise you ll loose all the binds if you ever update
@PatsyIssa I do that
@PatsyIssa Yeah, I know, man :p
Just making sure
@PatsyIssa I totally understand your point. So if script element comes after the body element, it won't prevent the page from loading if the script is bad? That's good to know. Thanks!
Even if the script is good, this is still useful
@PatsyIssa Yes, I do want to learn best practices. I'm just a beginner. I am following the HTML Essential Training course with Bill Weinman. And he does it that way, he puts the script inside the head element.
Because your DOM structure can be loaded without having to load things that may or may not affect the actual DOM

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