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Shit, it isn't listed under fictional phobias either en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_phobias#C
It's an actual phobia
But it's bright colours
Makes it a bit more manageable, I guess?
Their childhood must have been full of suffering
I remember a teacher growing up who was arguing the "biggest phobias" with me.
Ablutophobia – fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning
^ I would not like to meet that person
I cannot remember what he was arguing for, but It wasn't Agliophobia
and i'm sorry what any website / reports say.. Agliophobia is the most common phobia (fear of pain)
@ICanHasCheezburger Had a school mate who showered only once a week. Not fun...
@mikedidthis you using BEM right ?
@rlemon That's probably invented after dentists came into existence
@easwee nice
I am arachnophobic... wanna know why? I'm afraid those little fuckers will hurt me. so i''ve also got Agliophobia.
@PatsyIssa Seen them live - awesome performance.
I can't think of many common phobias that you are not, at its core, afraid of being hurt.
@PatsyIssa yes / no, why what is up?
Is the fear of heights acrophobia?
I am afraid of heights but I don't know if it's enough to be classified a phobia
probably not, since I love flying
@mikedidthis reading up about it today gonna adopt it
you should totally watch that video of crazy russians in singapore
@TylerH but why are you afraid of heights? because you will fall and hurt yourself / die?
@PatsyIssa take it with a pinch of salt.
irrational or not.
@TylerH that's also a phobia
phobialist.com <---- read the entire list if you can
If you love flying I don't see how its a phobia
@rlemon not that I will hurt myself but just the sensation of the bottom dropping out from me, really, and not being able to stand on firm ground or at least be close to it
@ICanHasCheezburger nah, about height
I don't know if a term for this exists, but I'm scared like dead scared when it comes to turbulence or sudden moments when driving, I hate travelling so
Apparently it's acarophobia = fear of falling
I still think (knowing how our brain works in these regards... according to scientists) that all phobias (or all that i've heard of) are a root back to our ingrained instinct to not get hurt.
@TylerH But you said you love flying
wait that's not that phobia
Most of them, maybe. Definitely not all
@SomeGuy well ofc. some people are fucked up. there are also those who like pain
@ICanHasCheezburger Yeah that's why I said it's probably not a true phobia what I have.
Japanophobia- Fear of Japanese. ? Seriously?
very specialized xenophobia ^
@Mr.Alien rofl!
I didnt find one for India
@rlemon Thinking about it, doesn't mostly everything have some connection to our various primal instincts?
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
haha check this out "Ithyphallophobia"
@SomeGuy yup
which is why I still think i'm right that the most common phobia is the fear of pain
regardless of what any 'reports' tell me
it just makes more sense
We might be "civilized" creatures, but we aren't above our animal instincts for the most part
More funny "Medorthophobia"
> Nomophobia
^ look it up, funny as hell
I think a lot of us suffer from it
pronouced no mo' phobia
> no-mobile-phone phobia
Not really a fear
I suppose it depends on the extent.
do you get anxious feelings when you are disconnected from technology?
Most vacations, I have no internet access at all. And it's awesome
when my router crapped out and I had no internet I was on edge. :P
yeah that's probably just addiction
@SomeGuy for you, for others, it may be :p
I read a book, and played some of the various games that I've had on my backlog
ALL of my house runs on internet
Doctors hate him ^
@rlemon you ping your toaster in the morning?
when im disconnected from electricity, i feel its apocalypse.
however I did find a $10 arduino that i've purchased a half dozen of. I wanna make some 'smart' devices soon
@ICanHasCheezburger my power rarely goes out, but when it does i'm freaking because of my Reef tanks
lemon stays hungry when his house runs out of net connection ...
it's going to suck for @rlemon when his ISP starts slowing down non-ISP approved content.
Never gonna happen
can they do that?
Oh, Canada! My Home and Native Land!
or better - do they dare?
"Sorry, Rogers is sponsored by Keurig, so your LG coffee maker is going to take an extra 15 minutes"
my ISP doesn't even throttle
do u even throttle bro?
my ISP often runs out, luckily it didn't since past few months
no limitations here
even after complaining, they visit after days
except cookies - you have to notifiy user about cookies
before they offered and unlimited bandwidth package they had a cap on their overage charges. after I went over the cap they never throttled my internet.
My normal speed is what some of you would get after being capped
I had the same speeds downloading 500gb a month as I did downloading 50
2 mbps isn't much in place with better infrastructure, is it?
I have Charter at home... I think it's 30/10 IIRC
no cap afaik
@JFit we are not talking about piracy
well, at least not one that they declare
2mbps? that is kinda low
@SomeGuy we are so satisfied with that 2mbps
150mbps down, 75 up
@easwee it's max (generally) for an Indian home
@rlemon is it fiber?
@JFit you've never had to re-download a steam library it seems
@TylerH nope
100/100 at work - at home i have 20/20 - could get 100/10 for same price
probably, but that isn't the point
downloading !== piracy
oops wrong msg :p
there is lots of legit free content to download
@Mr.Alien I can stream 720p videos fine. That's enough for me
that's two things I would pay dearly for America to get on top of nationwide: fiber distribution and mass transit
instead of being lame and making google do it all
Got an 8mb con here, paying ~120$/month
@SomeGuy yea 720 streams well, still I need to pause for 30sec at the beginning to cover enough ground
change your pants then
@SomeGuy You think it's fine until you go to @rlemon's house and he streams 1080p as a warmup
because the "bullshit" is you talking out your ass
@PatsyIssa expensive
@Mr.Alien On YouTube, I don't have to wait more than a second or two. Others aren't as good
you know nothing about me, don't make the accusation i'm stealing content
@PatsyIssa I pay as much for 1mb
cool story bro. now piss off.
@SomeGuy nah I usually wait... or I prefer IDM
@TylerH Hahaha, yeah, but those aren't speeds I even have the chance to get
Don't join a conversation and randomly call someone a thief.
@ICanHasCheezburger ouch, where you at ?
along with having my dad and bro steal more bandwidth, well technically my dad's paying btw lol
@rlemon ?
man you guys have fast connections -.-
@PatsyIssa 100/10 is 30€ here (around 40$)
I m in lebanon, that's where you get ripped off
I get frustrated with YouTube videos, since those videos only buffer a max of like 1% past where you are in the video. I have to user a browser add-on to get around it
my sis is in dubai she has an 8mb con for 30$
@PatsyIssa I pay $125/mo roughly.
I pay $30 for 2up/2down
@PatsyIssa we have 2mbps, feel good
@PatsyIssa Improssible
@rlemon i d pay that much for canadian internet :P
mine is the cheapest... 9$/mo
wuts the trash can
@ICanHasCheezburger it's part of a bundle cable and such wait let me ask her
Bandwidth in Ontario is generally pretty expensive. I have a nice package.
@Mr.Alien Is that with a data cap?
best I can get before fiber.
@SomeGuy unlimited, but time caps
Time caps?
@JFit where your messages belonged.
@JFit its where u dump stuff not meant to be here
ah lol ok.. angry lad
no, you just need to know what is socially exceptable and what is not. We try not to toss around accusations at people we don't know.
@rlemon wut did i miss
that's true, please don't be rude.
because I download 500gb in a month I MUST be pirating content.
@PatsyIssa look in Trash Can
rooighttt you dont have any pirated content. happy? ;p
@SomeGuy morning 6 - eve 6 - 512kbps, eve 6 - midnight 12 1mpbs, and midnight 12 to morning 6 = 2mbps
I actually don't. computer was purged of it years ago.
Ah. That sucks
anything I want I pay for.
Benefits of making money
he's a balla like that
its mental that saying "piracy is a crime" is throwing an accusation :D
@SomeGuy not much, decent to work in the day time, decent to download at night ;)
That's not what you said
love how you hopped on it
watch the conversation dude, you accused me
You insinuated that rlemon was pirating
@JFit it is implicit in that statement
I pirate everything until I get a better pay xD
I feel like IIlaya Part 2 right now
okokok chill srsly haha
I pirate pirates while they pirate
@Mr.Alien Haha, no, this isn't the same
I'm not angry. I just don't appreciate it
@Mr.Alien that other guy was a douche :P
easier to just delete the messages then to continue.
i dropped it ages ago
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@JFit then get that smug smile off your damn face!
someone is going to pay to have made caprica angry!
i cant, im useless @ photoshop
clean those tables up!
yes master
idk how I would like that
@PatsyIssa Lol that's a discovery made long back in India!
I like my visibility and my headlights are not the greatest
i like the temperature one @PatsyIssa
@PatsyIssa would distract
Does anyone know off the top of their head how to fix the lines in between each panel when they're animated? codepen.io/Zeaklous/pen/mcpDe
Yeah I would prefer the new LED lights that are angled specifically to hit just the roads and not pollute off the side etc.
@ICanHasCheezburger Those are reflectors, not glow-in-the-dark markers
#NSFA (not safe for acid)
well a mild version of it
light polution is a big problem - thumbs up for NL
All the tricks I've been using haven't worked
@ZachSaucier which lines?
in Chrome lines appear in between each 20% horizontal section sometimes
ah, I'm viewing in FF
It varies based on width
@ZachSaucier can u select em + color em the same as bkg?
whether they show or not
the triangle and the arc right?
no, the space in between the 20% sections
ah in the middle
@JFit What do you mean?
nvm im seeing other lines.
the black ones on the pink right
@rlemon Did you see this? i.imgur.com/mWk7u3k.gif
I think that if you joined the ML course even now, you'd learn a lot
@SomeGuy nice
It's amazing
When the course is over, I think I'll try to use this with JS and see how it works out
right now i'm trying to figure out why over the weekend all my stuff stopped working :/
The proxy thing?
@Zach I think it's just browser rendering differences. Is each 20% section it's own CSS class/ID? You could try making them a little thicker while they transform?
but now the issue is in passport.js
@ZachSaucier unfoldBottom is the issue, need to have a closer look though, also you don't require deg when the value is 0, it applies to anything
going home now, ciao~
See ya
@ICanHasCheezburger cya
@Mr.Alien I know about the 0deg (:
will save you few bytes
@SomeGuy res.rows[0] is empty, but somehow it doesn't produce the failureRedirect it gives me a successRedirect
It probably isn't a bug with PassportJS itself, though, is it?
@TylerH Thanks! Adding a 1px outline did the trick (:
I knew it was rending, just forgot about how to add more width/height without changing dimensions in my tired state last night
now see if that doesn't ruin it on other browsers :-P
I added overflow-x:hidden so it shouldn't be a problem
weird scrollbar behavior happening in ff
@SomeGuy idk. it was working friday
now not so much
that is weird... is it just set to fill the width of the viewport?
Just fixed it
I guess since you increased the dimensions via outline only while transforming it is doing that
accidentally removed overflow-x:hidden :P
when in doubt, hide all the things
anyway, good project. It took a little more code than I was expecting
still not 100% perfect
would like a bounce effect but that's too much work without a js animation
I edited my answer according to the update. And no - javascript is faster than you. — Fuzzyma 10 mins ago
@ZachSaucier gonna change up the animation b/w :P
@rlemon any DM service you use ?
No 9.99/min services ?
@PatsyIssa Meaning between or black and white?
@SomeGuy ever dealt with passport.js?
@ZachSaucier gonna have the logo present from the start with the o that has an x spinning, but it ll be a particle system
not sure what you mean but go for it, haha
I ll show you once it's done >.<
make sure to ping, I'll be going in and out of chat like most school days
will do
@PatsyIssa re: that thing about that thing. Email me when you get something and I'll C/R it - the demos are never optimized well.
awesome <3
@rlemon when is your birthday?

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