@rlemon not that I will hurt myself but just the sensation of the bottom dropping out from me, really, and not being able to stand on firm ground or at least be close to it
I don't know if a term for this exists, but I'm scared like dead scared when it comes to turbulence or sudden moments when driving, I hate travelling so
I still think (knowing how our brain works in these regards... according to scientists) that all phobias (or all that i've heard of) are a root back to our ingrained instinct to not get hurt.
before they offered and unlimited bandwidth package they had a cap on their overage charges. after I went over the cap they never throttled my internet.
I get frustrated with YouTube videos, since those videos only buffer a max of like 1% past where you are in the video. I have to user a browser add-on to get around it
@Zach I think it's just browser rendering differences. Is each 20% section it's own CSS class/ID? You could try making them a little thicker while they transform?