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best answer ever
A: How to disable an accesskey in an <input>

PsyCoderDisable the JavaScript on the Browser. Simple.

@Mr.Alien well she just got one more ;)
but there is no way in hell she is 30 based on that picture
23-24 i'd say
haha such a player, but she is beautiful..
she is. and I agree. SO is full of fucking horny dogs man
"girl enters chat" <- most pinged user for the next 10 minutes until she gets creeped out and leaves.
you know how many fucking creepy emails Caprica has gotten?
jesus man. and she gets requests to join private rooms a few times a day
56 mins ago, by Mr. Alien
user image
I had some fun and started responding to some of them. then gave up
You should make her a subdomain, and post those emails for all to see.
haven't checked her email in ~2months now
I see maybe 2-3 upvotes a week on my older answers
I haven't had an upvote in like a month =o(
I can almost guarantee if I changed my name to a chicks name and used an attractive profile picture those would double or triple
which is sad in its own rights.
I get 2-3 a day on an average on old answers
today it was like 5-6
you have 5X the answer count I do ;)
so I would expect 5X the trickling rep
ohh and fancy that you only have 5X the rep I do ;P
ohhh you have only 370.. I thought you must be having more than .5K
nope, abandoned main site for the chat a long time ago
I like to think i'm helpful in here (the chats)
@crypticツ you just got 30
I won't click more or they will be reversed
@crypticツ and a badge from me ;)
@rlemon but people land up on questions and not on the chat so I prefer answering
@Mr.Alien yea, I hate filtering the crap on main site. I intend on answering something.... then it ends up I close 3 questions, downvote 2 more, flag an answer, then rage-quit and return to the chats.
and now my questions (if I wanted to ask any) would be like "someone teach me everything there is to know about using Promises (specifically BlueBird) with express, node, and postgres drivers."
mine goes like flag -> answer few questions -> delete the ones which I think are uselss -> flag -> edits -> close votes -> and frequently edit few of the old answers of mine and try to make them better
but that would be closed in a heartbeat ;)
@rlemon haha I just saw that
it is funny interesting how those numbers correlate
its good to have rep ^ 20k to enjoy this website to it's fullest
@rlemon yes indeed ;)
@Mr.Alien yea. I just passed the 10K not too long ago
lol, thanks. I'm kinda thinking of actually closing my account at some point in the foreseeable future =oP I know everyone will be sad =o(, but SO has become like Facebook to me. I spend too much time on it. I deleted my Facebook for that reason.
I'll get to the 20. but not this year.
@crypticツ block SO between the hours of X and Y
@crypticツ I deleted fb cuz I hated that, but you don't have to close this account .. I don't see any good reason to do so...
@rlemon I've tried that, I just disable the block >.<
sure you can get around it, but that would be work. and people tend to give up on these things at the first sign of work.
@rlemon I will push u a bounty soon, after I repwhore for few days, just pushed 200 bounty to ircmaxell
nahh man its cool.
@Wes challenge accepted!
give those to users who are providing stellar answers
(or the bot, she needs some more rep)
@ 1k rep I can manage access control myself ! \o/
@rlemon how much does Caprica charge per hour?
@crypticツ how much you got?
@rlemon nah am serious, it's easy for me to score 200's in a day, but nowadays I am ignoring to answer general queries, so running low on rep now.. so once I get to 55k, I'll push some to your account
@CapricaSix I'll give 250 repwhores
@rlemon you got many
they feel so good
in PHP, 53 secs ago, by averroken
2nd question solved: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22667808/disable-scrolling-in-a-iframe/226713‌​08#22671308
@rlemon Do you like being over 10K?
Sounds like a nuisance
@SomeGuy get to 10k and you will enjoy
@CapricaSix do you want me to keep the bounty up to get additional upvotes? @rlemon
@Mr.Alien Just mod tools, right?
I think the only interesting privilege in all of that would be viewing deleted posts
@SomeGuy it gets boring
Yeah, I doubt I'm going to try to get over 10K
@SomeGuy are you a bot or an active participant of the cv-ring?
No. Why? Do they have donuts?
@SomeGuy I wish =o( I do like donuts.
we have fancy colors on the bar as well
@Mr.Alien what's the blue 405 for?
nobody knows O_O
Flags or something
@ZachSaucier flags
@rlemon I want to read them!
@SomeGuy especially when we have something like
If we can get Caprica up to 10K we could use her as a deleted post proxy viewer.
@Mr.Alien Haha, see, I've already seen that
So it's all good
@crypticツ Hahaha brilliant idea
I posted that previously as well.. I've many in my closet ;)
I tried to use that in PHP, but we are not allowed to use parenthesis as constant names or var names, so tried using ASCII characters which worked well..
nyt everyone...
'night @Mr.Alien
Well it's that time for me to go drink by myself =o( Later!
If I were there I'd join! G'night, @crypticツ
That marks the entrance into the quietest part of the day
Where's @mikedidthis been all day?
I've been missing him :/
I just hope he didn't die. He was old, you know.
@SomeGuy After I get this homework and a couple other smaller things out of the way I may work on the game you mentioned
can you link me the repo again?
Awesome. I'm going to bed soon
can we chat about basic implementation in G chat real quick?
1 hour later…
Aye Yo Peeps
Gosh, I sure wish someone cool would come into this chat room. Hopefully, someone who can teach us introverts some hip slang that we can use at work.
@rlemon Holy shit, dude, you have to POST THEM.
@RyanKinal rlemon is afk: going home to work on this with beer
If that's not a tumblr, I don't know what is
Hey guys!
any idea if there is any web graphics design freelance opportunities aavailable around here?
there is
can you provide me with more information?
!!google freelance web design graphics
@ShadyManaa There ya go
@ZachSaucier did you really think i didn't do that :D ?
you made me laugh man :D
What do you want from us?
not all exactly what you want, but related at least
@ShadyManaa For your level I'd recommend looking for local jobs
Have you seen my work yet @ZachSaucier
Googled ya, 'course
everyone online does
but I mean locally because they're usually easier to talk to in my experience
don't have to worry about some things that would get in the way
but that's just my opinion
@ZachSaucier true, yet i really wanna create good contacts with people from other countries, i've actually done that in the past, but i lost all contacts cuz i was young back and didn't have backups
In that case I'd try to do some jobs like you are to build a portfolio, even if that means undercharging at times, then applying to places overseas if you're looking to move there
@ZachSaucier i'm charging 10$ per hour, i guess that's the lowest anyone has put up there right?
@ShadyManaa I have no idea what site/market you're looking at, but $10 is pretty dang cheap
@ZachSaucier i tried freelancer.com , e-lance, o desk and others
i definitely have stockholm syndrome for my code
@ZachSaucier if you have any contact who would like business i'm pretty unexpensive yet professional and up to my word
I like this one better :D youtube.com/watch?v=52yjQEEdnso why projects fail
if you read each `(.)` as boob and each `fmap` as fap - it gets pretty funny
sounds like fapping to a bra cup size function
My gf hates it when I use the term "fap'"
Ugh. Mobile. I'm. Not editing again.
anyone familiar with jsp/eclipse/css?
i'm trying to import a css file
i've tried ${pageContext.request.contextPath}
but i can't get my css file
posted on March 26, 2014 by Chris Coyier

This article "Shadow DOM" by Steven Wittens is only vaguely about the Shadow DOM. It's mostly about how awful everything is. HTML sucks, CSS sucks, the DOM sucks, SVG sucks, MathML sucks... I don't want to pick on Steven. He is, without a doubt, many (many) times smarter than I am and has well articulated points. Let's go wider. I see this regularly from people who have been at this a long t

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