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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

is there a problem with a ul in a p tag?
      <li> Click on the face to start.</li>
      <li> Click again for a Speed burst. </li>
      <li> Speed bursts give you bonus points. </li>
      <li> Avoid the walls. </li>
      <li> It gets faster. </li>
      <li> See how far you can get!</li>
  <small>texture from <a href="http://www.filterforge.com/filters/8750.html" target="_blank">www.filterforge.com</a></small>
chrome is turning this ^ into this:
      <li> Click on the face to start.</li>
      <li> Click again for a Speed burst. </li>
      <li> Speed bursts give you bonus points. </li>
      <li> Avoid the walls. </li>
      <li> It gets faster. </li>
      <li> See how far you can get!</li>
  <small>texture from <a href="http://www.filterforge.com/filters/8750.html" target="_blank">www.filterforge.com</a></small>
So yes, there is something wrong. Chrome is just following the rules
Agreed. Kind of makes sense though
I wish there was an easy way to overlap lines in CSS like this 31.media.tumblr.com/d39d5cbb19e7de0d190d35958bb4e21d/…
@rlemon Have a good way to detect whether or not CSS' `transform` property? The closest I can come up with is

var d = document.createElement("detect"),
CSSprefix = "Webkit,Moz,O,ms,Khtml".split(","),
All = ("transform " + CSSprefix.join("transform,") + "transform").split(",");

for (var n = 0, np = All.length; n < np; n++) {
if (d.style[All[n]] === "") {
document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className += " myTransform";
And I don't know how to test it because I don't have an old browser...
@supports would be useful...
hi fellas
i need some help
with table sorter
i'm dying
what is it?
I guess you're dead
@rlemon you can't put <ul> inside <p>
you can't use <div> inside <p>
@ZachSaucier Thanks.
5 hours later…
5 hours later…
1 hour later…
@SomeGuy hi. :-) I have a small question please. Is there any right way of doing this in bootstrap ? I mean the heading and the value :
Never used Bootstrap
why not put the heading and values in two different columns
use a highlight tag for heading
checkout the bootstrap docs
1 hour later…
this video made my hands sweaty
posted on March 23, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

@rlemon It made me dizzy :S
Yeah, I was kind of leaning away from the screen when watching that
1 week ago

This guy fingered his girlfriend and she died."
well i joined this chat at a weird moment...
@Stewartside actually weird moments happen frequently in here xD
You'll probably think that any time you join
Sounds like my sorta place then :D :P
talking about weirdness. i'm listening to youtube.com/watch?v=dKMTu1GDi_w
Dixie public toilets
wat. i just like the song tho xD
song is nice
@rlemon That guy in the video is just stupid for doing all of that
@ZachSaucier i wouldn't say stupid - just an adrenaline junky
same as all extreme sport
Entrepreneurial ideas: docs.google.com/document/d/… I find the last couple pages are the most useful
How do I get my page to not refresh after the user pushes the send button. I wrote a js for the onclick of that button. I need the page to stay up until all user input errors are fixxed. For instance, If the user entered special character in the firstname text box, the label is supposed to turn red. It works, but the problem is that when it gets to the end of the script, the page refreshes and the label turns back to white.
Check before it sends?
send button clicked --> check for errors --> then send data if correct
That's what I am trying to do.
I don't know how to stop it from sending though.
us an if statement xD
I am using a lot of if statements, problem is that it is sending automatically.
I don't tell it to send
that's not possible
It isn't a submit button.
I doubt it is actually sending, but it is refreshing the page.
Idk if there is some auto function inherit in a button that I am missing?
so stop the page refresh if there are errors
must be something make it do something
How do I do that?
find where it's refreshing it
only refresh it if no errors
It refreshes when it leaves the <script/>
there is something inherit when a button is clicked that I can't find
Maybe in the html code behind?
Hard for me to help without seeing anything
keep looking for more scripts
I tried a dowhile loop, but I got stuck in the loop.
What do you mean?
Show us the code
You're sure the button isn't a submit button?
I'm positive. OK, let me post it real quick.
whats the button's class/id?
or what line is it on
227 of the html, but I sent the css and html togther.
easier to debug
Line 227: <div class=page-container>, that's not a submit button
id=button image name=sendButton
have you stepped through the js?
It works fine. It is when the scrit is done that the problem comes
have you tried returning null at the end of the sendIt() function?
that makes it escape the function before closing
@antman1p are you preventing default button behaviour?
No, so if (error_bool === true) { return null;} ?
I want to I suppose if default button behavior is refreshing the page, but Idk how.
Does anyone know what the default button behavior is?
@ZachSaucier no dice.
is it bring reached?
@easwee What is the default button behavior?
Yes, but it is returning null for that fucnction. I think the default button behavior is to link to an html page and when it finds no link it returns to the current page at is default state.
GOT IT!! Had declare button type=button
Gets rid of default button functions.
Good job!
@rlemon I got 2946, by the way. So I think yours is the lowest score on your game
20 hours ago, by Zach Saucier
4388.6 Suck it guys! I love that increase in points based on speed
Hahaha nice
I love geometric art ♥ d3lt4.com
that site is one of the sites that inspires me to create it some myself
I love the Golden Ratio one
Bootstrap: there's no padding on the sides with container-fluid
@ZachSaucier Do you know how to fix that? I've been Googling it for a bit...
have an example?
what's wrong with adding some afterwards?
@ZachSaucier ?
What do you mean by "afterwards"?
Like adding some CSS to the page after you import bootstrap
adding custom CSS
@ZachSaucier There was some problem with that.... let check what it was....
@Zack Oops duh... I forgot a . for the class in the CSS... I swear I checked that already. I'm sorry for interrupting you. Thanks!
G'day @mikedidthis
@Mr.Alien why would anyone hack mdn? is w3schools made by afghans?
@Wes To prove they can
that's kind of pathetic
That's what hackers do, haha. Also to make their point be represented at times (Anonymous)
2 hours later…
@ZachSaucier Mathematical art is cool. I'm playing with mandelbulb 3d atm - you should check it out
@easwee O: I was infatuated with fractals for a few months a couple years ago
They are awesome :)
otherwise - my contribution to geometric art: easwee.deviantart.com/art/Core-418838086 :)
The jsfiddle is broken!
haha yeah i saw it now :D
my jsfiddle account is total mess
And why isn't that pony your icon here on SO?
everyone's jsfiddle is a mess
@ZachSaucier Found that fiddle - jsfiddle.net/easwee/U7A3G
not the latest code - i notice there are some useless stroke definitions inside the function
but you get the idea
Again I ask why isn't that pony your icon here on SO? :D
it is from SO
from april fools
I must have missed it or not been here for it
dunno if it was last year or 2 years ago
Hahahaha, so good
they were automatically generated
that'd take a crap ton of hours for an artist!
The question is, why didn't everyone keep those images as their portraits?!?
dammit now it didn't update my pic here
i guess i need to rejoin room
doesn't seem to change
It will with some time
@ZachSaucier I think it worked kinda like gravatar - once the fools were over they removed the module.
but would be awesome to have them as regular gravatars
Sure, but I'm saying I would have saved my favorite and used it afterwards (:
yeah me too
the page I'm working on I keep setting the height of this element to 20%
but it keeps going back to 40%...........
need help?
well great
now the controls for the plugin won't show up
so I can't change it xD
This is why I dislike WP themes/plugins
On my website, I'm trying to change the display properties of a button that causes a javascript action. I was using the right class selectors, but for some reason, the button refuses to change, as it's following the theme css. I figured my custom css would override it, but for this single instance, it won't acknowledge it. What could this be caused by?
@Cdore Depends on the code. Show us
@CDore it could be a number of things. Create a new question on SO with some code and put the link in here and we should be able to help
@Cdore And accept some answers for your questions
I was thinking of making a question, but it seemed better to answer here from my experience due to how minor the problem is.
so show us some code
It's a visual problem, so do you mind if I give a link to the webpage and you can use your browser inspect on the CSS? Honestly, it might be that I'm just using the wrong selectors.
It's just one button, nothing pass that
We'd prefer a question on SO but go on.
@Stewartside I don't blame him for asking here, it'd 99.9% be a dupe anyway
@Cdore Show us the link

Look at the css for the "Add to Cart" button in the new Products section. I was using .button.btn-cart, which worked, but no visual change occurred.
@ZachSaucier true. I still would like points ;D haha
The css changes showed up in the inspector, but they never took place.
@Stewartside Anything past 5k hardly matters
@ZachSaucier im only on 650 though :(
@Stewartside If you're so worried about it get on the Q&A rather than the chat then! haha
@CDore so what are you expecting to work? On my side (Chrome, Win7) it works fine. a dropdown shows. the little arrow changes etc
@Cdore I don't see any .button.btn-cart selector when inspecting
@Cdore top-link-checkout is the class on the button
@Stewartside Scroll down to New Products. The Add to Cart button is my concern.
not button btn-cart
I see it
you don't have a class for .btn-cart
@ZachSaucier I have been, just tired. I went to a rugby game yesterday and it was an irish team. So drinking from 1pm till 1am. then had to get up at 9 to do a load of errands.
It's the class of the button html element.
@Cdore I don't see any selector for the one you gave though, for .button.btn-cart
@easwee Not that button. That's actually one of the buttons I was able to change.
@Cdore You are applying the class in html - but it's not defined in css.
@zachSaucier Yeah, I have a split html and css look on my firefox inspector.
button.button.btn-cart should work
usual st paddy's week stuff :P
or .actions .btn-cart
@ZachSaucier I actually used that selector before. Watch what happens when I put it in.
many possibilities
Use this specificity.keegan.st to compare to your most specific selector at the moment
If you refresh, you can see in the inspector the changes, but nothing changes. Almost like something else is overriding it
@ZachSaucier Nice tool
@Cdore Nothing is overriding it here
works fine
you mean bg image
I see
Yeah I just noticed now that this button is covering over the actual change.
The background image on the span is overriding it
code so convoluted xD
a.button, button.button span
this selector is overriding
a.button, button.button span
damnit, beaten to it haha
@Stewardside i would have posted even faster but had to relog cause i was clearing history
GL GL Cdore
Thank you guys.
thought good luck with it. good old minified code :)
@easwee haha. i was getting confused with what i was exactly looking it tbh.
I hate minified code with a passion
you hould minify your code always :)
I would deliberately put it in a text editor and just tab all relevant characters to put some organization to it
always minify your code for production and have normal version for dev
I come from more of a software background, so we're kickers for tabbing and return lining
But I understand
i use .less for dev
best thing ever
it'll save you a couple of bits per user but if your website gets aload of users, youll be saving MB like nobodies business
and i also uses SASS
sass is better yeah
but most of the time less is enough for me
butttttt looking into where css is going, it looks like variables may be part of css itself
scss ♥
::-root {
some-var: some-value;
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
it updated
then using var(some-var)
looks cool but id prefer it using $ or something. atleast a better way to denote the variables
and ive used both. i dont really have a preference
using @ may be problamatic, especially with @media being set. you'd have to make sure not to overrule that etc
I wonder how much CSS' transform:translateY() works well on various mobile devices...
was just referencing less
dunno how accurate that info is
stew so slow
god damnit
hey there :)
and that's exactly my problem, @easwee
There are a lot of times when it's off
esp for mobile
!!caniuse translate
@easwee That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@easwee Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Stewartside Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
he's running a bot ;D
hey i never knew that was there haha
it's like @CapricaSix
@easwee 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, aliens, format, fa, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, joystick, fools, cake, cool, vengeance, ln, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, loktar, artisticpoop, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, daybreak, rfc, man, ಠ_ಠ..., getit, resources, html5unleashed, jspattern, ajax, xhr, guesswhat
amazon, ihazbukkit, bewbz, solution, sandbox, friday, gayclubs, kumar, echo, pizza, wherearemypant
well thats just brillian
Another question. No matter if I put :hover on the span or the button selector, it doesn't give me the same color changes that I used on my Checkout button.
!! oooooo00oo:(){:|:&};:
@easwee That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!/put..it..back...ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ, ノ(
@ZachSaucier Input not matching /if/. Help: User-taught command: I Not
@Stewartside That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: put..it..back...ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@easwee Any ideas on how to vertically center this image responsively? crudev.nfshost.com/get-involved/summer-projects
My idea was display:table with absolute positioning of image top:50% and transform:translateY(-50%)
but that seems like a bad idea
center how exactly?
on full desktop
to align with text?
asdfasdfasdf image here
something like that
center in between blue nav and grey footer area
not in line with any particular paragraph
@easwee didn't you drink enough for today? xD
no drink today :)
just smoked one xD
i made the wrong decision to drink today after yesterday. regretting it.
@ZachSaucier why would display table be wrong?
that explains everything xD
and uhhh use top:50%; margin-top: -half of image height
@easwee I meant more so the position:absolute with transform
@Stewartside That only works with fixed size images
so top: 50%; margin-top: -166px;
@Stewartside Can't have margin-top:-n%
<--- CSS is my best language
just asking for ideas
I'll just do transform
and test on mobile
im usually a wordpress guy
themes etc
the site is using WP
i mean the back-end side of it. creating the additional boxes and post types etc
you could make your row as display: table and primary and side as table-cell
than vertical-align middle for side
I just used inspector to add it
and set image to render as inline
not getting height:100%;
didn't know table had vertical align
lemme try
So much for me being good at CSS xD
thought table was the main place to use v-align
I always did vertical align with display:inline-block
same. not a big fan of v-align. I keep forgetting how to make it work exactly and end up pulling my hair out for 20 mins until it works :L
@easwee See what I mean? It doesn't seem to be responding
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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