Hey guys, weird error. Polyline tag causes me layout issues with IE7. Using basic bootstrap columns, and ideas?
I know IE7 doesnt support it, but from the SVG point onwards, it breaks the layout, its almost like it thinks a tag isnt closed. <polyline /> is self closing, may that be the problem?
@TylerH no, what is worse is you provide the answer. The OP accepts it, they then change something in code to do something completely different, and then un-accept your answer and say you code does not work.
if anything... I just wish there is something to test the "quality" of drugs for people that wanna do it... to avoid the same thing from happening that happened to my brother
tbh the official instances would have to sell the drugs people are curious after. That's weed (for more-than-once purposes), hallucinant drugs (shrooms, lsd, for the curious experimenters) and such. I don't think any sane people are really interested in Heroine unless they are already addicted to other drugs
@Illaya I've switched the room mode to Gallery because this is the third day, you are ignoring my advices completely, I tried to explain you in every possible manner, but I think you don't get what am trying to say, so sorry for doing this....
we are one of the cv-ring people, no less than mods...
@Illaya cuz we all suck at those topics :)
@Illaya just kidding, well, we don't discuss those 24*7, we chill out and talk everything, few users come up to ask their doubts, we help, if we can :)
@TylerH its like the guy in JS yesterday. He was asking Java questions because Android didn't allow him in, so I was giving him advice on how to ask for help in the chats, even went over to android to see if they had any input on the user and why they didn't allow him - an Android owner was about to grant him access and give him a chance and he flags me.
not even a legit flag, and then blamed the owner in the Android room for the entire ordeal because "he didn't grant him access soon enough"
where on the chat does it say "you are entitled to help from all of the users currently present." ??
How do I change this to link rather than import? <head> <style type=text/css media=all> @import "talentinfoformcss.css"; </style> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>Talent Info Form</title> </head>