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@Will LoL!
@Mr.Alien actully me 2.... u say hardly but your list is bit long
I just added some analytics to the site too so we can see if people are using it :P
you got my email ?
lolz @Mr.Alien
boom, gone already..
i need to try this out :P
its the small details
didn't work for me :P
hehe, did you actually expect it to display that? ;)
yes :(
it does display the mordor one
Google has been known to do things like that
i thougt they are all fake
I kinda guessed that one might be shopped, though
@GNi33 Nope
like the "swim across the atlantic" and all that stuff
Have you ever googled "do a barrel roll"?
yeah, i know those eastereggs
Philadelphia is a 6h flight from Bel air.. fuck getting a cab there?!
but I never seen a real one on the google maps route-results
Google has a tradition of perpetrating hoaxes, especially on April Fools' Day, as well as various easter eggs. Easter eggs Google has added some Easter eggs to its products and services. Search Engine *searching "Do a barrel roll" or "z or r twice" on only Google and the screen will do a 360 spin. *Searching for "askew" or "tilt" using Google will cause the search results to be displayed at a slight angle. *Searching for "zerg rush" causes a bunch of Google "o"s to attack the result page and eventually destroy it but the user can fight back by clicking them. After destroying the res...
I linked you to the relevant part of the page
> In early test versions of Google Maps,
okay, that explains stuff :)
did think that they really had those easter-eggs in there in beta-phase or so
Yeah, that particular one was removed
but they do still have some
but yeah, going over that list... I did see a good part of those eastereggs on my own
like the one's with "Peg man" being a LEGO figure in Lego Land
> There is a place on the southern point of Half Moon Island, Antarctica that has blue "roads". When the man is dragged on this spot,[15] the man turns into a penguin and users can explore the area the same as a road.
alright I gotta see this
@GNi33 I was trying to find that aswell
lol, confirmed! :D
I can't find it
> Searching "Police Telephone Box" will lead the user to a Police Telephone Box in Earl's Court, London. Entering Street View will show the interior of the TARDIS from Doctor Who.
that one is awesome too :)
I knew that existed.. I'm gonnat ry it now
needed to move around a little bit outside the telephone box until a double-arrow suddenly came up
allows you to move into the TARDIS :)
and a search for "Half Moon Island, Antarctica" should point you directly to the island
I was trying to get directions rather than search
there's a small "road" in the south-east, if you put peg-man there, it turns into a penguin (when being in streetview)
found it now
I broke it, though
I clicked to move, and it flipped my view up-side down xD
those are really fun
it won't let me into the telephone box :(
like i said, move around a little and look for a double-arrow
this has some lulzy stuff
hehe, what the hell happened there?
haha, that is awesome
Google employees :D
I think they did the same thing in CA
oooh, it's the google hq
now I get it
I've been in there
awesome place
gotta love the irish anyways
Oh wait, that's the irish one
I've been in the London Google HQ
I still can't get in the tardis! :(
the one in Dublin is the biggest in Europe, right?
morph suits :)
@Mosho Lol the guy in the blue morph suit is holding a rubber chicken
yeah lmao
holy hell
I want to work there :(
google maps just gave me the new version of streetview when I clicked on that link the second time
I wonder how those suits make your crotch look
no homo
Adding "&wadsworth=1" to a video URL will apply Wadsworth's constant, skipping the first 30% of the video.
@GNi33 SAme here
probably because of the TLD?
@BillyMathews I apply that all the time in porn
@mikedidthis I just love when my country people ask such questions and FYI only my country people asks such
@Mr.Alien not wasting the dv on it :D
@Mr.Alien brilliant
Mr. strawberry please be serious and thanks for the compliment — yogesh 2 mins ago
goddammit, this one is even better -> stackoverflow.com/questions/22088086/…
> and my partner is really dumb so please guys help me and give me advice to create a sns.
@GNi33 lol, people are so desperate to build social networks without learning anything..
@mikedidthis am not deleting that, because I want others to have lil fun, though I'll favorite both questions
i was wondering how i can make divs seemingly have a solid border, as in, when my footer hits my container div which is centered, they hit a wall and don't overlap each other
aaaa just 1 delete vote and bang, gone
@dweeman I can't make any sense of that
game over
Can you provide a jsfiddle highlighting the problem?
yeah sorry terribly written
how can i stop divs overlapping basically
Overlapping their container or other divs?
other divs
so i have a 50px high footer which is 100% wide
and an absolutely centered container which is about 500*500px
div's won't overlap naturally, so it's something in your code, so I can't help unless I see some code
> absolutely
You'll need to center it another way
absolute positioning removes the element from the document's flow, so you can't stop it from overlapping
could i use z-index?
z-index: will position the footer above, but won't stop it overlapping
@dweeman clear: both; on fixed position element?
@Mr.Alien Never mind me :p
@Mr.Alien oops just noticed that, remnant from previous attempts
in your case I would suggest adding padding-bottom to the body element
would that actually stop them overlapping?
or is that not possible with the div being absolute?
^is that what you want?
regardless, you should definitely centre your container with margin: 0 auto rather than absolutely
(unless there is some sort of valid reason)
not quite
i want the container in the center of the page
you can see what i'm doing here dweeman.com/lc/index.html
when it gets to a certain size, the social buttons overlap the nav
i'm trying to prevent the footer from moving on top of the container
@BillyMathews ?
@dweeman What do you want it to do instead?
@Mr.Alien I thought you meant he should use clear both, then I saw that he had clear both on, and you were questioning it
@dweeman go underneath? go somewhere else?
@BillyMathews What do you mean? Currently when you resize it, when it gets too small, the social buttons overlap the navigation
disappear off the page
So that you get a horizontal scroll bar?
@BillyMathews sigh, I can solve clear both in my dreams as well...
nah vertical
i get the horizontal when the container page is smaller than the container width
So, you want the social buttons to drop down beneath the navigation?
is it something to do with min-width?
but if the page is made vertically too small, to disappear
I think you need to rethink your lay out a bit
because that's not possible with a fixed container
you could use media queries, but there's probably a better way to do it
@mikedidthis might be able to help better than me
mm i thought that may have been the case
thanks for your help anyway, appreciate it
Happy to help
I missed the convo, you want a fixed footer?
i have a fixed footer
and absolute container
thank you
he wants to social media icons to drop down below the navigation when they overlap
doesn't resolve.
I still recommend you don't centre your container with absolute positioning
@mikedidthis Oops, that happened to me too, add www.
how else can I get it to behave the same way without absolute position?
^^you should sort out your A records @dweeman
margin: 0 auto
You won't get the vertical centre, but at the end of the day you're using a fixed height anyway so the vertical centre is pretty much local to you.
in fact, it would be detrimental to anyone with a smaller screen height
@BillyMathews Ah yeah I see what you mean
how would I go about vertically centering it in this case then
to be optimal for all users
I'd think about using height:100% relative to the body
(which also gets height: 100%, relative to the screen)
17 mins ago, by Billy Mathews
almost identical xD
in fact, literally identical
setting container height to 100%?
Yes, then just add some top and bottom padding
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 20px;
    height: 100%;
and as long as your container is a direct child of body, your container is 100% height of the screen
therefore equal top & bottom padding = content is centred
if i have height 100% and 20px padding
isn't my total height > 100%?
not with box-sizing
After implementation of your suggestion which is 3 close votes suffice, after few days a new idea comes with 1 close vote is suffice where a mad guy can close any question for no reason. Just crazy :) — sᴜʀᴇsÊœ ᴀᴛᴛᴀ 1 min ago
I think this didn't make any sense..
@dweeman you are right there, I didn't think of that, but as mike said, box sizing overcomes that
as in box-sizing: box-border?
also, if i use static padding, won't that also depend on user size, and not necessarily be making it vertically centred?
I don't know about box-sizing, I suggest you read up on it
And yes, but if it's only 20px either side, I doubt anyone will have problems.
Last time I checked, no one uses a screen with only 40px worth of height :p
yeah but the problem is
20px doesn't centre the content on my screen
vertically that is
You must be doing something wrong
is the container 100% height of your screen?
I didn't know about the <main> element
I should get up to date with my HTML knowledge
@BillyMathews yeah it is, the logo is just sitting 20px from the top
@mikedidthis that looks like it'd do the trick, i'll have to give that a runthrough on my site, thanks!
@mikedidthis is the certified don of CSS
thanks guys, i've gotta run, but you've taught me a lot
hopefully that'll sort it all out!
Seeya @dweeman
did you know about the pattern attribute for HTML5's email input type @mikedidthis?
I know nothing.
@BillyMathews nice
@BillyMathews actually @Mr.Alien and @Wes hold that title. I learned from them.
@mikedidthis You are a certified don
I get the feeling that the pattern attribute may (falsely) imply that server side validation is unnecessary
@BillyMathews Yes he is, me and @wes are occasional poopers...
@mikedidthis showering some rep
@mikedidthis this is just useless @media screen and (min-width: 0px) -> stackoverflow.com/a/18655651/1542290
@Mr.Alien I disagree. Its preference.
I use a 0px media query, so I can easily see what elements are going to change.
If I need to know the width of something, I just look at my media queries. Other wise its into the main css for 0px, then into the media queries for any screen bigger.
@mikedidthis that's just equivalent to write CSS outside media query
You're both right there..
@Mr.Alien i use that to hide css to old browsers (which get a very basic css)
@Mr.Alien yeah, but its all in one place.
I don't think it would cause any issues
Say I need to make the site static, remove mqs, write new static layout.
Its just preference that's all :D
@mikedidthis your preferences are so weird... @Wes just write that outside, what would make any difference?
@media (min-width: 0px) {
  .pages {
    max-width: 374px;
    padding: 0 .75rem;
  nav {
    position: relative;
  header {
    padding: 1.5rem 0 2.5rem;
  .post {
    margin: 0 0 1.5rem;
  .filters {
    display: none;
^ I know that all these elements are going to 'wiggle' at some point in the media queries.
Without it, I have no idea what is set to do what.
@Mr.Alien old browsers get the basic css, which is css1 (LOL) includes msie6&7, with that instead i target any modern browser
@Mr.Alien @mikedidthis chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/15009226#15009226 what do you think about this?
@Wes makes sense?
how? xD
so you can have sections inside <header> but those sections can't have headings? how pointless is that?
I imagine a "Yo Dawg!"... meme coming.
Why would you want a header in your header?
no, it's a header inside a section inside a header, makes totally sense to me, plenty of use cases available
i forgot that you would use just <h1> inside header xD so sorry for asking xD
pretty much.
@Wes sorry, was busy rep whoring, and ummmm I think its fine, think sections as like major elements of your layout, each section may have a header, say a section having an article may have, authors name, date/time posted, title of the article (Yeah, h1 should be used but further nested under header)
jsfiddle.net/6BSCG @mikedidthis @Mr.Alien
@Wes hgroup
that is invalid, but this is allowed jsfiddle.net/6BSCG/1
@mikedidthis isn't hgroup going to be dropped?
@Wes it has been
> Update 16th April, 2013. hgroup has now been removed from the HTML5 specification. We are working on an article to help guide authors on which markup patterns they should use instead.
@Wes lul
anyway your markup isn't correct, multiple h1 tags, makes <h1>Flex box the definitive guide</h1> and
<h2>Wes of the HTML Room</h2> on the same level, which it isn't
that is not part of the body, it's part of the header, and it should be a section or an aside
@Wes a) No ones markup is correct, its down to understanding an preference b) aside maybe a better element.
by the way you are missing the point, the point is why allowing sections in header if those sections can't have an header?
@mikedidthis I don't agree that it's down to preference
@Wes I can't see it being a section though. It requires the content around it to make sense.
it's down to what is semantically correct
@BillyMathews which based on your understanding of semantically and your preference.
that is what all this shite is about, isn't it?
@mikedidthis yours is surely incorrect, when you write outline you have to think "would a bot understand this?"
<main> and <div class="main"> are literally the same.
<h1>Flex box the definitive guide</h1>
<h1>About the author</h1>
<h2>Wes of the HTML Room</h2>
@mikedidthis Are you sure?
@Wes yeah I wouldn't use the double h1 or h2
if so, this is all pointless and crap
and this is impossible to understand for a bot
@BillyMathews pretty sure. What do both tell you about the content inside?
@mikedidthis it's not about telling yourself/other humans, though
it's about search engines and the like
ha, ok.
otherwise there would only be divs?
with classes and ID's
@mikedidthis nope, class="main" is not part of any specification, it's just a guess that user agents (of any kind) do
as opposed to aria tags microformats and microdata (and html5 too) equivalent
iirc there's a microformat that uses class="main"
@Wes if you are worried about the bots, you want microformats and rel tags?
i don't understand how that is related to what i'm saying
its not, it was more for clarification on HTML5 = SEO +++
@mikedidthis is this sarcasm? That is the whole point of the new, semantic elements, right?
@BillyMathews nope. We just have different understands of its purpose thats all.
But surely it's purpose isn't a debatable matter
What, exactly, are you trying to say is the purpose of these HTML5 elements?
For me, to help write more meaningful / clear markup. That's it.
@Wes that is probably how I would write it, its probably shit: jsfiddle.net/3YV5t
I personally feel that doing anything different in your code other than comments and indentation (anything that changes the actual code) purely for readability is stupid. If someone else can't understand my code, that's their problem.
And not just for that reason
I can't be bothered
Your code should be written based around what is the best way to acheive you goal, not based around making it look pretty
Correct, no one disagreed with that.
wrong @mikedidthis that's a different context, an aside or a section
@Wes you lost me.
readability = prettiness
@Wes sorry, was offline, and yap, as mike said, it's hgroup
@BillyMathews and you lost me too.
if a bot would read that, with its stupidity, would understand that the article is titled
<h2>Flex box the definitive guide</h2>
and that has the following sub-titles taglines:
<h3>About the author</h3>
<h4><a href="" rel="author">Wes of the HTML Room</a></h4>
Q: Pagination using JQuery UI Tabs for 'n' tabs

CodeMonkI tried to search everywhere but couldn't find a possible solution. What I'm trying achieve is a real pagination view. I understand that there are many pagination plugins available which can give me the paging button view, but My requirement can only be fulfilled with jQueryUI and hence I am aski...

but of course those two are part of a different context
and some mad guy is going rogue with upvotes, sigh they will be reversed
@mikedidthis I agree, let's change the topic.
so they must be placed inside a sectioning element
no @BillyMathews we are the html room and we shouldn't change the topic
i want to be sure mike understood my point
sorry are you asking me for advice, or telling me I am doing it wrong? I am pretty sure we started with the first.
Are we fyting ? vooooo
@Wes I'm not saying we should change the topic to something room-unrelated, but I'm tired of this discussion and I think @mikedidthis is, too
&& I don't care
@Wes I understand your point.
well that is surely wrong, but i'm not trying to intentionally annoy you xD
i just would love to see this room going to a new higher level once xD
so many noobs here xD
You calling us noobs?
@Wes your not. I just think the statement use an 'section / aside' or die is over the top. You have to factor in many other things like meta tags, micro data etc.
@Mr.Alien we are not fighting, it's just me and my poor english that always looks unpleasant xD
@Wes imparare inglese
That will be on the list of shortest answers..
@rlemon Or you could edit it...
I did downvote, though
@BillyMathews no, OP drops a single link to wikipedia on CORS
OP gets no edit love
OP gets downvotes
@mikedidthis sorry got distracted. i didn't understand this sentence, can you explain in simpler english? sorry :P
@rlemon But in doing so, the community loses out on a potentially beneficial answer
@Wes ha, just leave it.
@Wes all I will say is this. Some times we can worry too much, you have said this to me before :D
Going out for lunch, speak to you guys later.
@rlemon i love you canadians
some guy from Winnipeg has been screaming into my ears for the whole day now
@mikedidthis designing an api vs implementing an api
sometimes you have to worry about it, because your api will be there forever (which is the case of html5)
@rlemon o/
@PatsyIssa we used to have a plug.dj room :(
now i remember that you were in once xD
@PatsyIssa Not using the codetunes room?
@RyanKinal hey there
Does anyone know of a tool that will turn plain text into HTML paragraphs?
!!doge room,not,much in,you,@RyanKinal
                        such room
very not
                 so much in
                           much you
many @RyanKinal
@RyanKinal it's a room a friend started ^^
nm, found one
Ah, sweet
@RyanKinal don't mind him he's a cunt :P
No worries
Just means I know more of what his style is :-P
i don't stick to genres if it's a good song i ll listen to it, he's more into electronic chill for now
Right right
brb files uploading :P
Why would there be space to the left of a div img when I dont have any space set in the css
Could be a lot of things, I guess. Collapsed margins? White space between inline elements (like images)?
vertical-align: middle
What @RyanKinal said
Hey, @dalermehndi come to my show at sunburn. Let's cause some shit.
That would be pretty hilarious
Hi guys, a quick question: given a dom like <div><span></span></div>
Is possible to hide the div element when the span is empty?
Something like div span:empty{} but that targe the div
Not with CSS
@BillyMathews ok, thanks.. i'll have to find another way then
@Strae Check on the server side if there is any content if not, either don't echo the div at all, or if it's needed for layout/whatever, just add a class
@BillyMathews Well, not with current CSS. CSS4, apparently, contains a specification for a parent selector.
@RyanKinal Yes, but you can't check for content
I've always wanted a parent selector. would be so useful.
@Strae If, for whatever reason you can't do those checks server-side (dynamic content), you could use JavaScript. But if you can, do it on server-side.
CSS :empty - checks for existence of subnodes (text and or elements)
@RyanKinal Oh, really?
Fuck me, cool.
The parent selector is the real problem. And yeah, it should be done server side if possible.
@BillyMathews is not that simple, im using many ajax requests to alter the dom, and that element must be there to 'receive' elements when some events happen.. so my only solution for now is javascipt
Yes, dynamic content calls for JS.
Im using drupal, so I have much ways to accomplish it, i guess ajax behaviors will be just perfect ;)
Just create a small function that checks for content, and toggles a class based on that outcome

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