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"What? Question totally rhymes with help! You just don't get it!"
You will see he is using a JavaScript plugin
@Mr.Alien, sorry for my lang. if it sounds like a cry.
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.sliding-tabs.js"></script>
@Harish ^ clicky
@Harish Perhaps, instead of sorry, try learning some basics, would really help you instead of asking for codes, which won't make you a good developer
Try trying
But Yoda said that there was no trying
my colleague is listening the same song since this morning, and it's driving me insane (click for the example)
@Mr.Alien hey i told you to keep google 2.0 confidential :/
@Wes x.x
@Wes omg hahahaha
@SomeGuy speaking of poetry
@Mr.Alien. I'm learning the basics at the same time I'm trying to ask the idea to get the functionality,not trying to ask the code.
the song is the katy perry's latest. tell me why would a 37 years old man listen to katy perry
jesus christ
he's italian ?
@PatsyIssa OOPs, I forgot xD
yes he is @PatsyIssa
@Harish You are shooting too far...
i meant that's the reason
@Mr.Alien, just trying to learn the things.
hmm guys, I need some way for my users to get the geolocation coordinates of a location
possibly with a map where they can click?
any suggestions what I can use for this?
their location or any location ?
@Harish Again, shooting too far :) I am not demotivating you, but you are just skipping too ahead, slow down and get the basics cleared first
@Harish also google is your friend
@mikedidthis @Mr.Alien any good?
Google is no ones friend. ask.com is where its at! Also hey all.
hello impossibruman that recommends ask.com
@DarkAshelin oi
@Mr.Alien, I understand I've to work on my basics.
@SomeGuy still working with it
it is .. okay
@PatsyIssa Ha, I can't remember the last time I heard someone talk about ask.com ... So I thought it was about time someone spoke about that beast of a website.
I think once I get a better handle on express and node i'll be much better.
I went with plain WebSockets and express, and it's not so bad
@BillyMathews No. :(
Socket.IO has good fallbacks, though
@PatsyIssa Looks overkill to me, though I just glanced...
@SomeGuy wutcha using node for b/w
This app for myself
I browse Twitter on my phone, but like reading on my desktop
And Chrome on Mobile is incredibly slow
So I wanted an easier way to send them from my phone to my desktop
So that's what I'm making
A basic Android app that'll just send a request to my server, which will send a message to my computer with the URL
cool stuff
Node can be used to develop android apps ? :O
Yep! node-webkit
@PatsyIssa any location that they can choose
doesn't airdroid already facilitate something like that @SomeGuy ?
I haven't tried it yet, so I don't know how feasible it is
@rlemon Huh. I haven't checked
It probably does
But with that there's the problem with always having AirDroid open
@Wes thanks, looks exactly like what I need
@BillyMathews, the tag is helpful.
@PatsyIssa Love /r/outside
it's hilarious :P
@rlemon It actually doesn't seem like AirDroid can do that
It can send from the PC to your mobile
@Wes wut
Quantum indeterminacy is the apparent necessary incompleteness in the description of a physical system, that has become one of the characteristics of the standard description of quantum physics. Prior to quantum physics, it was thought that :(a) a physical system had a determinate state which uniquely determined all the values of its measurable properties, and conversely :(b) the values of its measurable properties uniquely determined the state. Albert Einstein may have been the first person to carefully point out the radical effect the new quantum physics would have on our notion of ph...
@Mr.Alien it's only a jQuery plugin..
and if IE were the rendering engine the answer would be "no it is not rendered, but it is processed!"
@BillyMathews not recommended for the people who have less knowledge of CSS and HTML, because you will get nothing but 10 more questions to modify the plugin as per his requirements..
@SomeGuy jump into the quantum physics on WikiPedia .
!!doge articles,information,cross-linking,trap,stuck forever reading interesting things
In quantum physics, a quantum vacuum fluctuation (or quantum fluctuation or vacuum fluctuation) is the temporary change in the amount of energy in a point in space, as explained in Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. According to one formulation of the principle, energy and time can be related by the relation : \Delta E \Delta t \approx {h \over 2 \pi} That means that conservation of energy can appear to be violated, but only for small values of t (time). This allows the creation of particle-antiparticle pairs of virtual particles. The effects of these particles are measurable...
                          so articles
very information
              such cross-linking
                         much trap
many stuck forever reading interesting things
Inspired by Sheldon Cooper ^^
@rlemon Wow
the two most interesting topics in quantum physics (for me) are Quantum indeterminacy and Quantum entanglement.
!!wiki Quantum entanglement
I wish I had time to read these articles...
@rlemon Hahaha, yeah, going to do that after my exams
My favourite Wiki about astrophysics: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghettification
7744512+0 records in
7744512+0 records out
3965190144 bytes (4.0 GB) copied, 11180.4 s, 355 kB/s
eleven thousand seconds... are you fucking me?
I only need to clone this image... ~150 times
no biggie or anything
Can chatbot do conversions?
!!convert 1000 USD GBP
@SomeGuy 599.91GBP
Oh yeah, I knew it could convert currency
!!tell BillyMathews wiki nlp
!!convert 1 km mile
It should have !!convert 11180 seconds minutes
Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages. As such, NLP is related to the area of human–computer interaction. Many challenges in NLP involve natural language understanding, that is, enabling computers to derive meaning from human or natural language input, and others involve natural language generation. An [[automated online assistant providing customer service on a web page, an example of an application where natural language processing is a ma...
@rlemon Conversions, not conversations
!!convert 11180s mins
@SomeGuy oops
@SomeGuy Confuse converter with s, receive error message
!!convert 11180sec min
@rlemon Confuse converter with sec, receive error message
!!help convert
@rlemon convert: Converts several units and currencies, case sensitive. /convert <num><unit> [to|in <unit>] Pass in list for supported units /convert list
!!convert list
!!convert list
@rlemon C, F, K, m, f, km, cm, mm, i, d, r, g, lb, st, kg
@SomeGuy C, F, K, m, f, km, cm, mm, i, d, r, g, lb, st, kg
no time conversions
Hahaha, I was a bit confused about the relevance there..
What's st?
it has weight and distance.. which I was going to suggest
Time should be added in though, I reckon
Haha, @mikedidthis do you guys still use the Stone?
Yes, we do
or, at least, I do
@SomeGuy yep and lb, as I am old.
!!youtube Halo Theme Dubstep by Pop Unknown
@SomeGuy ^^
not the version I was after
@SomeGuy can you access grooveshark in India?
I don't really use Grooveshark because a lot of the times, the songs need to buffer
And that's not fun when you're listening to music :/
I don't get that
(ohh the joys of not living in India)
Hahaha, it doesn't seem to be happening anymore
So that's good
@mikedidthis old news man
old news
you better be!
I am, truly.
@mikedidthis news to me. That's pretty cool
Neil A. was the first man on the moon. Now say "Neil A." backwards.
Neil Armstrong never went to the moon
He didn't
but Neil Armstrong did.
And he didn't.
okay crazy guy, sure he didn't.
'Neil Alden Armstrong (August 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012) was an American astronaut and the first person to walk on the Moon'
You were the one who started the conspiracy topic, surely you know what one is?
I was kidding.
I'm not a big fan of conspiracies, but if you look at some of the articles and video documentaries, it's obvious that that space programme was a hoax.
There's a lot of undeniable evidence
The one bit of evidence that put me on the other side of the fence is the fact that one of the camera's had crosses etched onto the lens. however on some photos that NASA released, you can see the cross goes behind scenery
x.x anyone know? http://gncgroup.com/Hoevekip/
the username, password, database name and host are correct....
Nice one, just post your database details for everyone to see....
 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user
yeah I know
though I triple checked... data should be correct
Your user doesn't have permission to do whatever you are trying to do
I doublechecked, got all permissions
'	gnc0018000_kip'
should that space be there?
that was it, thx
Anyone have any experience with fonts?
@BillyMathews sup
I've seen a font or two in my day
Sorry had to take a call..
You always do this to me
I don't know whether I need to include the bold font file or not
Do you not care about me at all?
Oh, look, he's trying to change the topic now
@SomeGuy You sound like my ex
You like your ex better than me, don't you?
is it because i m fat
What the hell is happening 0.o
@BillyMathews If you will be using the font in bold, include it
Since you only care about yourself and your problems
So if I don't include it then use font-weight: bold; what will happen? Nothing?
@BillyMathews the browser will faux bold it.
!!google faux bold
Ahh ok.
So, my final question is, how do I include a bold font type? Do I have to include it normally and change the font-family if I want bold?
Worded better: How can I integrate my bold font file so that it is used on elements with font-weight: bold (and the corresponding font-family)
strong, b { font-family: fat; font-weight: bold };
@mikedidthis that will faux bold won't it?
Or maybe I'm not understanding properly
@BillyMathews not if you replace 'fat' with the correct font name for the bold version.
You would need to show me your font stack / font-face rules to help further.
But if you are using the bold font, you don't need to use font-weight: bold? (I think I'm still misunderstanding)
I have 6 font files, 3 for normal, 3 for bold, 1 of each: .ttf, .eof, .wof
then no, just include the font-family name for the bold font on the elements that are bold
i m out laters guys
Your font family names will be something like: Billy Normal, Billy Italic, Billy Bold. To use bold it would be font-family: "Billy Bold"; font-weight: normal;
@PatsyIssa later
That's what I needed, thanks
@PatsyIssa Later gater
co-worker stopped bitching, finished project a few hours ago (way before deadline) :D
I thought there would be a way to define a font family and include the different types inside it
so that you can font-weight: bold it and it won't faux bold
but nevermind
You can, if the font family name is the same for all 3 fonts
But I don't know the font family names.
Don't you define the names..?
in JavaScript, 40 secs ago, by rlemon
I'm trying to match .foo a, but not .foo.bar a
.foo:not(.bar) a
@BillyMathews kinda, but I would just follow the instructions given with the font-face stuff.
@mikedidthis I wish there were some
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by rlemon
tried .foo:not(.bar) a
time to play pokemon on the toilet
@SomeGuy That should work?? Unless it's not supported
@BillyMathews works fine.
@rlemon What's the problem, then?
nvm figured it out
Btw, how do you quote a message like that?
@BillyMathews Get the permalink
Click the arrow on the left of the message, and copy the permalink
@SomeGuy Ohh, thanks
posted on February 26, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Justin Werfel presents a heterodox theory of the expansion of Americ

@font-face {
	font-family: 'Ubuntu';
	src: url('Ubuntu-B-webfont.eot');
	font-weight: bold;
	font-style: normal;
@mikedidthis ^that's what I needed
Ignore me
I didn't quite see that anyway... :P
I didn't think the style / weight was needed, but it maybe so.
I wonder what would happen if I only defined an italic font..? (My boss is too stingy to buy the regular as it's not needed)
It will either be italic anyway, or the browser will faux un-italicize xD
Are .htaccess rules allowed in this chat? Have an issue doing the opposite of a rule
@Silver89 Go on, I'll see if I can help..
Okay, at the moment I have this to redirect 2 pages to use https://

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(signin|register)/?$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L,NC]

I'm trying to do the opposite so all other pages are redirected to use http:// but it's not working correctly

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteRule !^(signin|signup)/?$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L,NC]
I think your exclamation mark could be in the wrong place
There's usually a RegEx Guru around, who would be more help than me
@rlemon, you good with that..?
@KendallFrey is better.
Okay thanks anyway, fingers crossed someone can find the issue, I've tried ^! also but doesn't work
Possibly (!signin|!signup)?
this is a sexy tool for .htaccess: htaccess.madewithlove.be
@Silver89 ^
It matches as intended it's the redirect that seems to cause the issue hmm
@mikedidthis, @font-face urls can be relative right?
I can't get it to pick up my font at all
is there any way I can tell where it is looking? No 404's in the console or anything
if there are no 404's its working.
You need to define the fonts in your css as well. @font-face alone won't work.
body { font-family: "some font"; }
@mikedidthis THAT IS AMAZING
@mikedidthis That's not true, I changed the url to a fake one and no 404's
@BillyMathews ok, from my side, that is usually true. In your case I apologise.
No need to apologise haha
At the moment I am guessing here, if you can give a link, that would be helpful.
Can I email you details? (Password protected domain)
sure, email is on my profile
I can't see it, but i found your [email protected] on themeforest
Yup, no email address there (I might be blind)
biggest interview of my life tomorrow.
oh its private, sorry about that: [email protected]
If you message support, you will get an answer in 48 hours.
That's the mikedidthis guarantee!
@mikedidthis Really?
He probably just checks it every 2 days
I've already sent it to support but I'll send it again if you want
@BillyMathews yeah its voluntary support. I learned a few months ago not to camp in the support software as I get distracted.
@BillyMathews Please
Ok. Maybe I shouldn't have sent those details there then xD
I'm gonna change them later today.
Its ok, its just my eyes that will see it.
Also I am pretty sure you fucked this up: /fots/2A0F20_1_0.eot
That was my purpose mistake
To check that it was actually failing
b/c I can't tell the difference between helvetica neue and helvetica, haha
let me change it back..
/css and /fonts are on the same level?
I have changed it to fallback to serif, which it isn't.. I'm so confused
Oh, maybe I have a font called 'Helvetica-Neue' on my machine?
Will it pick that up?
yeah, I think so.
Oh wait no I just can't tell what serif looks like
what is a recognisable font
	src: url('../fonts/2A0F20_1_0.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */
	url('../fonts/2A0F20_1_0.woff') format('woff'), /* Modern Browsers */
	url('../fonts/2A0F20_1_0.ttf')  format('truetype');
You need to add the last semi colon
Gee, thanks, now I feel like a dumbass xD
don't, we all miss them at some point.
Seems to have fixed it my side.
Yeah that was it thanks :)
I'm jelly of your themes
Meh, but thanks.
1 hour later…
Are hyphens acceptable in JavaScript??
in a variable name
Awesome :D
just stick to one. hypens, underscore or camelCase
I think I prefer hypens
I use camelCase in CSS
Oops! Unexpected token
@mikedidthis How can I ever trust you again?!
Thanks :)
I was kind of wondering... "You can use '$'.. so why not '£' or '^' or whatever"
Although I obviously know you can't
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
haha you really make her dance on your fingers...
@BillyMathews aa that's lame
@BillyMathews at somepoint I should think why not
I just though "what are the limits?" it seems $ and _ are the only exceptions
only those and alphanumeric
yap, $ is also used in php, for var names, infact that's a compulsion
Yeah I know PHP
and those are symbols, not alphas....
Yeah.. I mean you can only use those symbols and alphanumeric
Anyone fancy helping me with a bit of JavaScript/Jquery? I might shuffle over to the JavaScript room
whats the question, @rlemon can help you
offering out my services again?
only if you can solve my mysql + linux issue
I haven't got a clue about linux but I have a smidgen of mysql in me
nahh it isn't mysql syntax. it is mysql service
restart loop
all blogs say that means i'm out of memory, but i'm not
You couldn't ask someone more useless than me.

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