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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

!!youtube Damien Walters
less impressive than I thought
it looks pretty cool though @kwak
1 hour later…
Everyone make sure to ping @Wes and tell him to come back!
i'm here i'm here, calm down folks that's not the apocalypse yet, i'm still here
[but i'll be here a few time less]
if this is a trick to link me a photo of a jupiter-sized turd, it wouldn't be funny
youtube.com/watch?v=AYWoDqQmm1o [NSFW] (Not Safe For @Wes)
You linked to dumb and dumber and it reminded me of the chocolate scene =oD
actually that one is from the dumb & dumber sequel
@Wes oh yeah, you're right. Damn, so there was two scenes.
^ challenge accepted
and sooooo i have a new tone for my alarm clock
@all Morning
I have been working on an issue but still not figuring out
can anybody there to help me??
don't randomly ping for people, pls
@iosdevelpr please dont ping everybody... else u'll be muted
Don't ask to ask! Support room for HTML, CSS, DOM technologies and WebDesign. If you need help post an example of your issue, please. Religion and Politics are off-topic. Thank you!
Read this
hey i have been working on a issue and thougt this group could help me
so thats the reason i pinged u people
sorry for the inconvenience :(
can i ask post my problem?
Again telling u... Just read This groups Description
just post your question bro
k k....
i'm unable to highlight a radio button and searched on it and found many answers, of which most of them are the same and working for many of them. But i don't know whats the reason i'm unable to fix this.
i need to give a background image to a radio button and give another background image on selection of it
have puten up your question on SO?
there are lot many questions of the same issue
but idk none of them are working for me
what could be the reason? am i using some other jQuery version?? which is not compatible with JQM
have u put your question on SO?
sadly that will not work well on firefox, but if you play with it, it would look good enough
tried the above one..still the same issue nothing is getting applied
If you need help post an example of your issue, please.
show what you tried
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" class="rad">
<legend>Choose your gender:</legend>
<label for="male">Male</label>
<input type="radio" name="gender" id="male" value="male">
<label style="background-image: url(css/Answer.png)" for="female">Female</label>
<input type="radio" name="gender" id="female" value="female">
this is my html code for radio buttons
input[type="radio"]:checked + label
background-image: url(answer_touch.png);
height: 16px;
width: 500px;
padding: 0 0 0 0px;
this is my css code for giving another image on selecting the radio button
is there anything wrong from coding part??
please dudes, this is frustrating me coz its been 3days working on the same issue and I lost my brain with this..helping to solve this could be a great help to me
and my jQuery and jQM versions are
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.mobile-1.4.1.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/test.css" />

<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.mobile-1.4.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/testJS.js"></script>
am i making something wrong?
@Wes: I posted my issue..did u look into it?
2 hours later…
@crypticツ am I that obvious? Blame github feeds :D
Hi guys how r u
We are fyn, so, what's your question :)
lolz @Mr.Alien
nothing much, bored with the job, so reading some articles online, and targeting to reach 50K today
oh... So finally setting it up.. huh..
and whats with ur job?
my job is getting boring day by day, same work, no innovative ideas, so kinda sucks
same here...
So why don't you start your own stuff?
actully i am just a fresher.. lot of things yet to learn.. so better take ample experience and after that will start my own..
hmmm, but you said that you get the same work, so no learning, so how it helps you to get ample of experience?
Actully am searching for another job... and in few days will get one for sure...
As i am even not satisfied with my salary... even sweeper can earn more than my salary
1 message moved to Trash can
@Amir Please read the room description
i have created a new task schedule the eclipse is opening but inside the eclipse the test.xml is not running
1 min ago, by Mr. Alien
@Amir Please read the room description
@Mr.Alien u there
i am working with cntext menu
but the thing is that its working for one table only.
for other tables it is doing diaplay none to li
pretty vague
am off to lunch, see if you can narrow down your issue
will brb
sure... Enjoy ur lunch
Good morning all
You are still using XP
u dont know how older versions of softwares we are using ...
Just because of my fucking boss
I would have thought that would be a security risk by now. If not will be soon
are microsoft still doing patches for it?
yah i guess
where is everyone this morning
Mr Alien is in Lunch
@Will mornin
Hey :)
I think Mike's kids are off to school...
Nope. Eldest is on her last day of holiday.
holidays at this time? weird...
@Mr.Alien still doing context menu
dint find any answer
@KillerR you won't get any, as you have a vague question :)
hehehe.... but i cant find where i have made mistakes... even i have copied that from github
and its working fine for one table and not for aothers.. isnt that wierd?
cuz u must be using same id?
ohh git, share the link
i am doing that usingv class not with id
Works for me, I cloned the markup using firebug
@Mr.Alien half term or something.
@mikedidthis ohhh nice :)
oh... actully i am using the smae but in only one table its coming with display:block
and for the rest of the table its display:none
only for menu options its happening
what does the console say
see, even console has no clue of what you are doing :p
lolz.... leave it... will do it using some other code
@mikedidthis I kind of feel bad for her. I know how much I loved the holidays when I was younger
It was the time you could be a hobo and do pretty much whatever whenever, and it wouldn't matter
But I guess all of childhood is like that :P
@SomeGuy lolz... Even Today i feel the sme
Eh, I still sleep and wake whenever it feels comfortable most of the time
@SomeGuy you should feel bad for me! :D
Yay, let's feel bad! :D
M in
@SomeGuy you got papers this week?
Yep, got Physics tomorrow
of which subject?
And Math on Saturday
@SomeGuy Good luck!
Good Luck...
@mikedidthis Oh, did you see the tweet about having your text be white with a black outline?
BTW may i know... in which class u r currently in? @SomeGuy
You may not
Kidding, 12th grade
While I appreciate the genius of detecting contrast to use white or black for your text, it seems like using an outline on the text might be a better solution
oh... So hows the preparation///
Could be better is all I can say
I decided not to take any tuition, and then procrastinated enough to reach the finals knowing pretty much nothing. What I'm doing now is a hackjob hoping my last minute prep works
Anyway, off to study!
good luck buddy
@SomeGuy I did. Sadly the visual style of it kills me.
What MIME would I use for people uploading CV's
If u are using file size < 150kb then msword only
@KillerR He asked the MIME type... @Will depends on extension
i know that... but some sites having that limitations that file must be less then perticular kbs
and in in 150 kb u will not gonna upload ur pdf thats why i am sying that msword will be better
Guess Im going to have to make a switch case depending on the file extension
@Will yep, check the extension, use an associative array, kinda ext => mime
hmm.... @Mr.Alien it will gonna take long list of extensions... dont u think?
@KillerR pdf, doc, docx <-- as far as standard versions go, you can always have a validation check for invalid extension
I will only have to support the main ones for word processing. like .doc .txt .pdf
hmmm... yah
^ that
don't ever make it a .doc
@mikedidthis why not .doc
@Will which server side lang are you using?
@Mr.Alien its a pita.
@Mr.Alien Coldfusion
@mikedidthis but most of the people don't have latest versions, so you know, it's never bad to support more stuff... yea, after you have some adequate statistics, we can get rid of the old ones
@Mr.Alien I would rather see an interactive pdf, at least most browsers support them, but yolo (or what ever the hip kids say)
Hey guys
any recommendations for a markdown to pdf converter?
@mikedidthis pdfs are always good.. and no sup, we are getting a new question
and here we go...
Do you use a specific program to write your markdown?
urm.. then I have no idea.
first answer on google
I just let Sublime handle my markdown -> any file format
i don't like those: "Upload your personal stuff, we do magic to it"-sites
@mikedidthis We actually use hastags IRL along with ATA
(ATA = All those acronyms)
@Mr.Alien It turns out coldfusion handles the MIME for me. If I leave it blank it works it out for me.
@Will I've no idea for cold fusion.. :) I thought you must be using php
@mikedidthis thank you... i'm trying pandoc right now! But i'm gonna have a look on this
no worries
@Mr.Alien no worries :)
after seeing this episode whenever i see emoticons.. it remembers me of this only
Where's @PatsyIssa been?
Anyway, @PatsyIssa and @mikedidthis, you guys should probably get this twitter.com/LewieP/status/437902759892094976
@SomeGuy on it.
Where'd the hair come from?!
wig I guess
wonder if she stayed like it?
Atlast got a 50 mbps connection \m/
@Mr.Alien Wow, that's awesome
How much are you paying for it?
And what ISP?
I used to have 120 at my last house.
I paid around £70
!!convert 70 gbp usd
@Will 116.5444usd
Yeah it was quite expensive and probs overkill for 2 people XD
I can only get 30 now as im not in the city anymore
I got 8 MBPS for a month
It felt like heaven
But they didn't have an unlimited plan with 8 MBPS, so I had to go with the 2 MBPS one
I hit the data cap in like 2 weeks, I think
While I was trying to be conservative
Data caps! I would never go for one of them.
When I was on 120 Mbps I was using 350-400GB a month
it went down to 300 one month and they called me to ask if everything was ok XD
@SomeGuy how much did you have to pay for 8?
I can't remember
We're paying $30/mo right now for the 2 MBPS
I think it was $70-80 for the 8 MBPS with the cap
!!convert 80 usd gbp
@Will 48.0832gbp
I guess internet is cheaper here
You could get some cheap deals for 7-15 here for 8. I could get 8 free with my phone contract.
I would have thought internet would be cheap in the US
Although it's a large area so hard to provide for cheap
much easier for a small country. Singapore has an average speed of ~ 100
@Will I'm in India, in case you were implying I was in the US
Oh sorry.
I meant USA. Just thought as you used $
Haha, yeah, I use USD online because everyone seems to know roughly how much a dollar is
Yeah fair enough.
!!convert 80 usd btc
@JanUlrich btc aint no currency I ever heard of
@Zirak @rlemon Add BTC!
lol @ chatbot's reply :D
@SomeGuy Hathway ;)
Ah, so you have a data cap?
yap, 50gigs
Pretty good deal
50 GB cap?
yea, but it says upto 50mbps, checked on speedtest.net, throws me 30.0
Do you have to watch what you are doing online?
to make sure you dont use it all
and here we go, 50 muhaha
Awesome :P
@Mr.Alien Hahaha, they have a share result button right there!
No, I wanted to share entire screen :P
@Mr.Alien Erm, thanks?
I do know how to Google stuff :p
@SomeGuy lol sorry, I actually posted google link, was finding a relevant page for you, as I came to know about this from hathway office
I don't think they have the page on website..
aaaa yes ^^
@SomeGuy we don't get the connection cheap like other countries have
Yeah, but at least we get a stable connection
And really, 2 MBPS isn't all that bad
I can stream 720p on YouTube just fine most of the time
My speeds halved when they got bought out.
posted on February 24, 2014 by Kyle Peatt

    The off-canvas flyout menu has taken over as the primary navigation pattern for mobile layouts — even some desktop layouts have jumped on board. And for good reason: An off-canvas menu is a great way to maintain context while giving the user a lot of additional information. In this article, we’ll talk about why off-canvas has become so successful as a navigation

@SomeGuy yea mtnl 2mbps at nyt... downloads almost 5 gigs per nyt..
@mikedidthis it's common here as well, you get fancy speed for the first 10 days, and later, it just goes down
@Mr.Alien My ISP, Be Broadband were the best around. They were run by geeks, then Sky bought them up and its just gone down hill.
@mikedidthis never heard of that, here, only few companies are good, rest uses local cable internet connections, hathway, cable in, mtnl, few brands, but none gives good connection speed at cheap rates, 512Kb/ps is average speed what home users get here
hello !
@Mr.Alien :(
@muramasa Sup!
@mikedidthis I don't like that emot from you :)
@Mr.Alien I like your picture profile !
@muramasa thank you :)
@rlemon hi.
@Mr.Alien what's wrong with SUP?
nan {
  position: relative;
When a typo makes sense.
psssst @mikedidthis.... that stranger is talking to me. I need an adult
@Zirak would love that.
I need some help from you.
will you?
@Harish What happen ?
@mikedidthis I replied to this
I'm trying to make my personal site.
But I'm not strong in UI design.
@Harish Good
So you want us to teach UI?
@Mr.Alien oh right! I try my best not to be el grumpo!
I'm looking for some links where I can find the knowledge about what I'm trying to make.
Thank you, you are a fancy man who looks good when he :) so keep :)
@Harish Google
^^^ Very first step to success
I googled.
but no success.
suppose I want to make site where the menu slides on click event,
how I can get this code?
that isn't covered in UI
sorry. menu slides onclicking tabs.
maybe show us visually what you want?
@Mr.Alien It's your website ^^
@Harish, like thaht mobify.github.io/pikabu ?
@SomeGuy @Zirak @BenjaminGruenbaum @mikedidthis @muramasa Enjoy... wait for it
@rlemon thank's !
@muramasa yes,..
@rlemon nice!
@Mr.Alien There is a problem when I press bottom and just after right, no ?
@muramasa if you see my profile it says In Progress :) so code is at it's worst as of now..
@Mr.Alien Yep, sorry, just a suggestion ..
@SomeGuy your new goal is to open that on as many public computers as you can... then walk away
go to your local pizza joints and ask "if I can double your daily business how much free pizza do I get?"
@muramasa lol y sorry? chill dude ;) I accept all comments but I didn't got what you meant by just after right, no
@Mr.Alien your WIP project isn't up to snuff with my standards.
you are bad and your code reflects this state by also being bad.
Did I hear free pizza?
@rlemon lol, eat a dick..
also, you didn't offered me the pizzas.. and stop using proprietary .. it failed of ff
@rlemon Haha, that's a pretty good idea!
@Mr.Alien ^ ^ I mean, after pressing bottom, if I press the right contact side overlaps the menu part.
@Mr.Alien I really wasn't offering. it is my form of torture
2 hours ago, by Some Guy
Anyway, @PatsyIssa and @mikedidthis, you guys should probably get this https://twitter.com/LewieP/status/437902759892094976
You should get that too
Thief for free! (The old one)
@muramasa ohh, it works fine for me, which browser? Chrome?
!!afk Studying
@Mr.Alien yep
Anyone using imgur.com for storing their images on the cloud for their web app.?
Its kind of awesome, unlimited image storing for free..
aaa, didn't tested on Chrome yet, anyways will finish that soon, I don't get much free time.. :)
@SomeGuy us only
you bastard
@AnshumanDwibhashi Are you advertising?
i'm askin for help
i just thought it would be a way to start a conversation..
i need a hosting service like imgur that stores databases instead of images
same criteria: free, unlimited..
anyone knows?
@AnshumanDwibhashi ohhh ok ok, you can just start one saying "hi" or "hello" and @mikedidthis will reply - > sup!
@AnshumanDwibhashi why don't you buy a server?
okay.. @Mr.Alien any help?
yea, but i don't want to put in any cash until i get some..
that's premium, if you want free, checkout 000webhost
gotta have $$ to make $$
i've been ther..
but that's not unlimited
$30/mo will get you a good VPS
ya so we indians won't get everything for free, shell out some bucks
@rlemon Invest in shares...
"we indians"...? you too..?
I am also Indian.
oh.. perhaps nothing as cool as imgur... Free, unlimited disk space..
@rlemon I'm in class, is it sfw?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes
i just got my eyes on this: hourb.com
is it trustworthy?
Is that your grandpa?
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

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