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I don't like snakes, I loved turtle though
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ANIMAL I HAVE BECOME ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
put it back... ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
get your toys back to the carpet, put them back on the carpet
put them BACK!
Sweet desk!
@GNi33 EMMA!
@Will I would use the big hump as a slide and kick people in the face while they work.
Haha same thought has crossed my mind!
what sorcery is this
♪┏(°.°)┛┗(°.°)┓┗(°.°)┛┏(°.°)┓ ♪
haha, I have to rewatch that movie some time
@Mr.Alien God damn it!
a lemon
r lemon
@rlemon i.sstatic.net/hveCU.gif (courtesy of mike)
@SomeGuy the chinese letter says Benefit :D
┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻
1 message moved to Trash can
lemon moved to Trash can
@Mr.Alien Italicize it
@rlemon that serial really sucks now.. :D
you have misused a word there I think
@Will Hahahhaa
series / show
Series / show
Can I ban rlemon? He keeps ninja'ing me
@rlemon aaa yes the show... @SomeGuy sure..
go suck a lemo.... wait.. nvm.
btw this ones cool
““”̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿’̿’̵͇̿̿з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿’““
^^^ That looks like a fist is squeezing the dick
you need to get laid more
there really is a meme for every occasion :P
@rlemon lol, btw this has some meaning
I imagine most of the characters do
otherwise why have them
nope, every character doesn't have a meaning.. you can refer this
clicked on one of the reddit links posted here earlier
ended up at a goatse pic

awesome ^^^
@DarkAshelin Hahahaha
^^^ Fuck, I just opened that in my office
clear history bra :P
@Mr.Alien true lol
now I can't even see the history
because you binned it
Evil genius
way to go jackass.
Hint: It's about a party with your last name
@rlemon is this your left hand? imageshack.com/a/img855/2743/2dkv.jpg
I have no idea what that is but that picture is funny.
@PatsyIssa yes hello? How was I mentioned?
@DarkAshelin Yea, but luckily no one was around... ..pheew
8 mins ago, by rlemon
you need to get laid more
@Mr.Alien noone ever is.... hehe....heh.... o___o tumbleweed
!!you need to get laid more
@Mr.Alien That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Weed? WHERE?!!?
@Mr.Alien probably. but I like to leave time in between so the chafing doesn't get so bad.
@rlemon fix the bot first.. it needs some more AI
you fix it
I would've if I were that smart :)
@Purify how many leather bound books do you own?
@rlemon approx 30
and is your apartment full of rich Mahogany furniture??? or are you a sham
@scorpion needed you to insult someone :-P
who is he? WHERE'S THIS LITTLE M********
IS IT YOU? @rlemon
I ran out of stuff to do while "pretending to work"
@SomeGuy English tomorrow?
query: why doesn't this room follow SMBC feed?
@Mr.Alien Yep!
@rlemon I asked around. Most people were apathetic
@DarkAshelin been switching tabs for the past 20 min to look busy
I'm for it, though
@rlemon response: because the JS room already does
@SomeGuy all the best, even my bro is appearing for the same.. :)
I second that motion
@SomeGuy you will do jlorious! I am sure of it!
All in favor of adding SMBC to the feeds say Arrr
@Mr.Alien @rlemon Thanks, guys!
lol they're still stuck in the ghost tower after a day twitch.tv/twitchplayspokemon
@PatsyIssa make flappy bird plugin for ST3
thats shit is all over reddit @DarkAshelin
play in the editor ... with matrix like graphics
So bored of it
@PatsyIssa Infact I build something shitty to look bsy.../
@Will it's all over everywhere cad-comic.com/cad
I really don't care about it :P
I think it's funny
@DarkAshelin @Will Congress simulator 2014 is what they should have called it
no law would ever be passed
all congress members accidentally fired
12min and counting
I can't help but think there has to be a more efficient way of this..
@Purify .toggle()
needs more jquery
i m out guys peace
I have a problem with jquery on this page ukbatsurvey.interweb360.co.uk
Can anyone point out whats causing the errors
@StephenWolfe you checked the console?
Yeah, I didnt want to mention what i think it might be as to avoid people concentrating on that
But I think its jquery conflicts with wordpress
The console tells you the errors are
@mikedidthis I have tried to stop the conflicts but I am very limited to what jqury i know
So again, you checked the console?
@mikedidthis yes
and the errors are?
@mikedidthis Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'dropotron' , Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method '_skel_panels_init'
Excellent. Now lets deal with dropotron, you have it set up as per the docs?
var nav= $('#nav > ul');
A: How to make a screen that looks like mirror in real world?

Some GuySimple enough. mirror.buy(); mirror.place.frontOf = this; Okay, seriously. You can't make a screen look like a mirror without using a camera. Your absolute best bet would be to make a suitable (black) background on your page that lets the monitor / screen be its glossy self.

How does that have 5 upvotes?
@mikedidthis Yes it gets set up in init.js
@StephenWolfe I would advise setting it up like the docs.
@mikedidthis ok I will read the docs for it. I did read the skel.js stuff as I thought that was part of it. I will be back with more info soon thanks
@StephenWolfe no problem.
I keep reading your name as steppenwolf
@StephenWolfe Love the name
it is distracting
change your name
@SomeGuy my parents asked me some time ago if I could make an app "that turns your iphone screen into a mirror", a gap in the market
@SomeGuy nice!
thanks for your continued compliance with my unjustified requests.
@DarkAshelin Hahaha, well, there is the front camera
@StephenWolfe oh. I probably should mention, the two versions of jQuery you are including probably isn't helping you and more than likely is causing the errors.
And that is my lesson learned for today.
@SomeGuy because its clever?
hey Guys, did ever someone of your tried to put a background image on a image element?
I don't think anyone's ever tried that
Kidding, yes, people must have tried. Expecting what, I don't know
@Azd325 Yeah
@BillyMathews Did you get to work that the background image overlayed the real image?
No that isn't possible (as far as I know)
Nice edit :D
If you have padding, you can see it around the image (provided background-clip property isn't preventing that), but I have sometimes used it as a fallback (if the image can't be found, you will see the background image)
Ok thanks Guys, then I have to think about my structure to get it overlayed
Maybe use :after
with absolute positioning
img doesn't support :before / :after iirc
A: Why don't :before and :after pseudo elements work with `img` elements?

alexThe spec says... Note. This specification does not fully define the interaction of :before and :after with replaced elements (such as IMG in HTML). This will be defined in more detail in a future specification. I guess this means they don't work with img elements (for now). Also see this a...

Sadly not, I was looking at the same idea: jsbin.com/jobey/1/edit
That's good to know
so is lorempizza.com xD
is the one you want ::P
even better
(unintentional wow there :P)
I did the js way now to display the element over it...
@Azd325 Why did you use JS?
@BillyMathews the good man @rlemon made that one
Yeah I just realised that
@rlemon you genius
I also made place-doge
although, what happened to beta.lemonmeme.com
hint: it is the same code
@BillyMathews talk to mikedidthis
I remember him asking you to throw up some designs for that site about 6 months ago
what happened
@BillyMathews I plan on revamping it soon. no time right now but in the coming weeks I probably will be able to work on it again
@BillyMathews Becuase I want only to display one element where I did the hover.... so this was the easiest and best way but I have a lot of repeated elements with the same sense after
Design is done, needs a refresh and coding, which is on the list ;D
@mikedidthis basically think about how pseudo elements work. there is no "inside of the element block" so there is no before or after pseudo elements
@rlemon you need to add custom image
same for input and other self closing tags.
@BillyMathews fail. so fail.
Drag and Drop images, one at a time, anywhere on the page for a custom meme image to work with!
@rlemon yeah. I just forget it sometimes.
@rlemon Fair enough
Such blind. Many wow.
once the remake is done it will be much easier to work with I promise
and I will be adding a simple API for generating images and using it as a service
@Azd325 it would be better to use HTML and CSS to do this as some users may not have JavaScript enabled
@mikedidthis me likey
@mikedidthis Those memes look hot
Does anyone know why this doesn't work in IE8 (and how I might get it to)?
imagine that
Design looks great
can I build this?
can I?
Ha, for a design that is 10 months old, it stood up well.
Yeah, that design is awesome.
It looks pretty great
well that is the future of lemonmeme
Aww, shit, I already said that
in JavaScript, 3 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
... I feel like some deja vu.
@rlemon is there a way to contribute?
@mikedidthis Hi I have read the docs and realised I no longer need dropotron so have got rid of this.
It's on Github!
It's on Github?
@mikedidthis Now I still have the issue with Skel.js
@StephenWolfe you have two copies of jQuery
@SomeGuy we can't put the official site up there iirc.
[NSFW][GORE] imgur.com/a/ayjcS @PatsyIssa
@GNi33 not yet. once the design is up and I have the new basic functionality working you can for sure help me bust out some features
like a simple API and shit
@mikedidthis @rlemon Why not?
@SomeGuy theives
@mikedidthis if i remove the word press jquery it works fine but break other stuff. If i remove the other jquery it brakes the responsiveness
yeah, I'd love to contribute to the design too
CSS and all that sass, ya know
the official site (like mike said) will not be open source
@mikedidthis Aww, that sucks
I had too many people stealing / selling lememe without my knowledge / permission
Yeah, fair enough
yeah, understandable
so I halted dev and now am doing the rest closed source
@GNi33 Once I get the basic CSS / HTML done, I am happy for you to help out with the other elements. I want to refresh the design a little, if that's ok with @rlemon
@StephenWolfe removing jQuery breaks the responsiveness?
sure. like I said most of the front end js I am happy doing myself.
html/css loathes me
@rlemon loves it. I went back to .less :D
@mikedidthis well there is a clash, I think its no conflict mode, but not sure how to fix it
@StephenWolfe either or, one version of jquery
@rlemon Same here
More like, I loathe it, though
@mikedidthis cool
I love CSS
I have never used LESS/SASS though, dunno why
@mikedidthis so how do I get wordpress to not over right the plugins i need for my jquery to work
I might start using it just so I can have "variables"
I'm going to make myself a portfolio website later
Probably going to be mostly canvas :p
Does anyone know why this doesn't work in IE8 (and how I might get it to)?
@StephenWolfe I don't understand the question
@Daи iirc Google dropped support for IE8 and less.
@mikedidthis ahh I see
@mikedidthis know of any workarounds?
Nope, sadly not.
@mikedidthis, I have two jquerys being loaded and the are conflicting. I am not sure how to stop this. do you know how?
@mikedidthis I'm stuck with a user base who are stuck with IE8
Fuck IE8<
@Daи find an alternative.
@mikedidthis arg, oh well - thanks for the help
@mikedidthis looks like I'll have to
How can they be stuck with IE8?
@StephenWolfe remove one of the jquery links in the html?
@Daи Are they on windows 95?
@BillyMathews because they use web applications that don't work with newer browsers, because we have people in the stone age
@BillyMathews might as well be
*why would you do this?*
@BillyMathews can we say, 'lowest bidder'
@Daи i dont think svg is compatible with ie8
@StephenWolfe yes but it was my understanding their API will switch to VML
If they aren't already, you should probably make them aware how important it is that they update their software
@BillyMathews oh, they want to - but thanks to a couple companies in particular require antivirus detection on a login page and won't work/recognize anything past IE8, we're stuck with it
Sounds like an ugly place to be
@StephenWolfe ooh thanks
@BillyMathews the company that wrote the site presumably has an updated version, they just don't update their particular site (probably didn't pay their maintenance)
@mikedidthis hi mike, I have now put all the query in the footer of my site which makes it load last. This seems to work but I still have a consol error
but now I'm stuck with it, ahh well
thanks all
@StephenWolfe got the link again?
@Daи Good luck.
@mikedidthis ukbatsurvey.interweb360.co.uk also more erros now appear when i resize the page.
@Daи and they have the slogan "Security as flexible as a cloud"? prrft

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