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you can count it on my age :D
rlemon can i keep contacting you in pv
I knew this was coming ^^^
no I prefer here
n... how old are you?
rlemon, Ontario, Canada.
10.2k 3 26 69
@rlemon lol dat doesn't show your age
in retrospect I jumped all over the map on what I focused on with comp sci. Had I focused on web dev I would probably be a MUCH better webdev now.
with that said, had I focused on any of the areas I would probably be better :P
I learned BASIC on my i386 when I was 8.
everything kinda progressed from there
i really needed to talk to a profressional web designer
I started html at the age of 21, yea that's pretty late
just ask your questions. most of us are professionals and enjoy webdesign (even if we are not professional web designers)
me and one of my friend were coding an script to inject js codes into ff xul templates
tee hee
we found a bug but couldn't make it
@scripter why waste tym in those
not wasting time, valueing time
XML is all but dead
imo I find that useless
yes but handling xml is much easier, you know
not really
and the USE is somehow diffrent
it is easier to deal with objects (which are understood by the language) than markup that the engine parses and converts to an object
@rlemon what are you on about XML is faster and prettier to look at, totally legit source
I miss HIMYM
@rlemon do you like that? still? totally boring show
well I marathon shows
so I watched the first 8 seasons on netflix.
I thought it was pretty good
you are hired or freelancer desinger?
totally horrible, current season is so boring that they are just putting out all the shit that's left
I work 8-5 mon-fri
no time to even finish my own projects
what is your project?
same here but 11 to 8, and cannot complete my projects as well
projects - and there are many
@PatsyIssa another E_IN
beta.lemonmeme.com will likely be the next one completed
need hep regarding open pdf file with html5
!!google pdf.js
@ManishDubey Welcome to the room, don't ask to ask! Support room for HTML, CSS, DOM technologies and WebDesign. If you need help post an example of your issue, please. Religion and Politics are off-topic. Thank you!
@Mr.Alien LOL
ahahahaha whats the shortcut key for that description you post everytime?
No shortcut :P i actually bother selecting it all >.<
@PatsyIssa Thanks.
I am using this
<iframe src="my pdf file url"></iframe>
this works on browser but didn't open on Android phones
that is the button ^^
@ManishDubey tl;dr - PDF support is not native to the browser (there is no API) - SOME browsers will load extensions if they exist... otherwise it will download the PDF as an attachment
the best you can do is use a library like pdf.js if you need to force in browser support
@rlemon Yes I've heard of that, few days back, someguy was talking about that :)
the reason it "works on browsers" is because you have a PDF reader on your PC and the browser is using that
@Mr.Alien it is a nice button :P
@ManishDubey have you checked google pdf viewer?
I also have one that 'bins' all viewable content on the page from a single user
@rlemon hehe yes, useful in such cases :D
@Mr.Alien eh, I still like the Mozilla one
from an aesthetics point of view.
@Mr.Alien yes but I dont want to use it, as I am developing cross platform app with phonegap
never used mozilla, let me check... @rlemon
@ManishDubey great..
@ManishDubey please read everything I just wrote
you will not get native support cross browser cross platform (because it doesn't exist)
you need to use a library or have the users handle the PDF files on their own
@rlemon all PDF file are locally stored on Sdcard of devices
that means nothing
again, you must in this case use a library that will parse the PDF and rebuild it
:moves finger over to the bulk trash button:
@PatsyIssa yell-type ;)
You hurt my ears :/
Must lick stamps to recover ...
iirc this was an actual question on SU
is there any example of odf.js which opened pdf file from loacal storage and show it to user on thier device
the almighty oracle "Google" will have those answers
@ManishDubey Y U NO GOOGLE ?
@rlemon see what you made me do ? :/
I think tonight I'm going to make this into a Canvas animation
@rlemon that's lame, take out that cat
guyz, what to do to have more experience of web design UI? readlly
Practice ?
I am the Almighty Indian
!!define experience
@PatsyIssa [experience](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=undefined) Event(s) of which one is cognizant.
It was an experience he would not soon forget.
19 messages moved to Trash can
@Mr.Alien why you trash me :(
does it piss you guys off that the whiteman was a douche and now 'Indian' is synonymous with Native American.
really? when someone like me says "I'm an Indian" do you think "no" or do you understand I mean Native American
@PatsyIssa it was heating up the room ;)
rlemo, could you plz answer my question
@scripter no because i'm not a web designer
I've mentioned this a few times
@scripter what is your question -.-
@rlemon i actually phrase it american indian if i use "indian" but i generally say native american
but if you want to practice codepen.io
@scripter -> @rlemon he is a true UI + UX genius, trust me
browse that site and see what people are doing - try to replicate it
comeon, not codepen, go for jsfiddle.net
@scripter the more you ping @rlemon the more he likes you and teaches you stuff
Yes ^^^
@CarrieKendall same. I just say i'm "native" or "aboriginal" (depending on the context)
@rlemon hmm, this one is interesting though: dictionary.reference.com/browse/Amerind
@CarrieKendall it's more of a frenchy thing tbh, amerindien
I am devloping with js about 3 years but again i lack so much i this, when i see huge projects i'm taken aback
@CarrieKendall the accepted vernacular "American Indian" generally refers to the Aboriginals in the USA
or at least that is how we do in Canada :P
@scripter if you are so much into JS, I am sure Lemon is the only dude over here to help you
@Mr.Alien codepen is a great site for inspiration
jsfiddle not so much :P
@rlemon odd that we would specify by current country lines eh? :P
i know lemon is professional but he is so lose:D
!!afk finishing up a site q.q
not that its not valid, just kind of ironic to think about
@CarrieKendall well the conflicts between both were different - and the 'tribes' don't really overlap
natives were like the mongols - we had many sub cultures who were at odds with eachother.

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 '12 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 '12 at 13:40 by rlemon

bytheway , how can leave the room?
@rlemon yes, I always have a check on brilliant demos there.. went once to post my own CSS loader, turns out it was shared way back...
@Mr.Alien really? link?
just tweet codepen.io on twitter and they are really good about cleaning up that kinda content
when i refer to american indian, i mean not to imply USA(merica) but north america
scrapped.. it was the newtons cradle animation but without the shadow, one on codepen was with shadow
much better than mine
@CarrieKendall yea I was just pointing out that a lot of Canadians (at least) will not understand it that way
@Mr.Alien should have posted anyways
@rlemon yeah, interesting
I can't even count the number of particle systems are on codepen
however that doesn't stop me from posting new ones
@rlemon I felt it was useless as the other guy had shared it way back
How do I split view in ST3?
nvm found it
made so many things and scrapped, never published but it helped me learn things to great extent..
@rlemon maybe we should specify canadian native american in the US? :P
hint: Canadian Bacon in Canada is just called Peameal bacon
however it did originate in Canada (TO iirc) so I understand why it got its name
off to sleep, cya all tmrw.. nyt ~
yup, TO
Peameal bacon (also known as cornmeal bacon) is a type of bacon originating in Toronto, Canada. The name reflects the historic practice of rolling the cured and trimmed boneless loin in dried and ground yellow peas, originally for preservation reasons. Since the war years, it has been rolled in ground yellow cornmeal. It is low in fat, and slow cured. Bacon made of pork belly instead of the loin is not as lean. Peameal bacon is made from boneless pork loins, short cut from the leaner portions of the loin, to ensure a more uniform product. External fat is generally trimmed to within 1/8&n...
i hear crack-smoking mayors have some origin there as well >:]
sorry i am so trollish today, i am having to deal with these horribly constructed mega objects and i am not allowed to fix it :[
Rob Ford is a joke
Three and a half men - Part 3: Charlie Sheen and Rob Ford adopt Justin Bieber. <- I'd pay to watch that.
1 message moved to JavaScript
probably have more luck in the JS room for that Q
Hey... Does anyone know why my apache server on Ubuntu wouldn't be able to recognize files in a folder I moved into /var/www ?? Files I create in there using gedit are recognized though O.O
permissions likely.
@rlemon I posted it there but nobody replied! Anyway thanks!
@rlemon you just included 3 of the most trending idiots in one sentence.. \o/
@rlemon how do I make it so that the moved files have the same permissions? I used the mv command to move them from the desktop
no clue
I guessed that was your issue
!!tell mikedidthis youtube choices nero
@rlemon Yeah, I couldn't think of any better ways to do it. Checking all adjacent blocks and having them have a property was how I did it for Flood It. I looked for other more efficient ways to do it, but there really can't be if you need every block to change, right?
@rlemon the whole album!
@SomeGuy I can go more into detail about what I'm doing in email if you like
I will probably open source it as well
Yeah, sure!
cool, will write it up later
remind me if I don't tomorrow :P
Haha, cool
Looks like an interesting concept
well it is a mashup of a few well known games
(my idea)
Tetris being one of them
mikedidthis already offered to do artwork :P
actually no :P
Hahaha, good guy @mikedidthis
Terraria would be closer
@SomeGuy I have wanted to do some game artwork forever.
Imagine regular blocks are base blocks and 'sand' blocks are the free floating ones. when they hit a 'base block' they lose their sand properties (so they can have irregular shapes)
@mikedidthis Why didn't you ever say that? :D
but anyways. I'll email you later on
I've been considering adding some artwork to my Swarm game for a while
@mikedidthis But I can't think of anything that would be suitable
Might just polish it up, and add some effects
@rlemon Yeah, it can be pretty odd when you're actually from India
"So my nationality is being used to refer to natives of another nation? WHY?"
@SomeGuy damn, that is sooo hard!
Red = Police Cars
Yeah, baby. Talk dirty to me
@mikedidthis And they just get absorbed? :p
@SomeGuy yeah that is where my idea fails.
But it is like GTA on level 5.
make them germs and not cars
Yeah, that was the best way I found to describe it
green are anti bodies and red are germs
you are the host
try not to die
That's a great idea
then you can make cute little bacteria graphics
and the background can be parts of the body
stomach, kidney, brain, etc.
and instead of fading in the red background you can make like 'levels' or deteriorated backgrounds
so a nice healthy liver turns black and starts bleeding and shit as you get hit
that kinda fun detail is what makes people really enjoy simple games
I thought <noscript> was executed if js is disabled, but it is executed always.
@Lucio example?
Is that ok?
@Lucio it is executed when there is no javascript available
@rlemon I think you nailed it
not always
@rlemon I heart you
@SomeGuy dude I find it really easy to think of game concepts - I don't have the ability / drive to actually develop any of them
@Lucio yea?
@rlemon maybe it is PHP
@rlemon After I'm done with my exams, I'm going to have to talk to you about my next game idea then
the php will always render
And Zirak!
It'll be about psychological disorders
I'm super excited about it
the content of the <noscript> isn't parsed by the browser unless JS is not available.
When I do echo $go_top_link prints 'href="#"'
What can I do?
> The <noscript> element represents nothing if scripting is enabled, and represents its children if scripting is disabled.
Maybe set a global JS variable
basically anything you put in the noscript is ignored by the browser if scripting is enabled.
so if you are trying to not echo some PHP based on scripting then you are going about it wrong
I take a bad approach
My goal is:
If JS Enabled: <a>
If NOT: <a href="#">
@Lucio why?
then don't use noscript
@mikedidthis I get an ugly effect using jquery plugins
wait, I think I can do it using noscript...
that makes absolutely no sense
XY problems piss us off so much
!!tell Lucio google XY problem
> The XY problem is asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem.
I got it
Nice meta post btw
But I already said what is X ;)
there is (almost) no reason having a href attribute would screw up your display. unless the jQuery plugin you are using is complete ass.
hence your proposed solution isn't fixing your actual problem. it is fixing what you think the problem is.
mmm.. maybe
> A URL that provides the destination of the hyperlink. If the href attribute is not specified, the element represents a placeholder hyperlink.
from the spec for 'href' on an anchor
always consider semantics when working with HTML as well
does it make sense semantically to turn those links into placeholders? or are you using them for ajax purposes? what is the actual NEED here
@rlemon what means "placeholder hyperlink"?
don't say "because jQuery fucks up" because then I'll call you a liar
it is a link that goes no where
<a href="#"></a>
there are some default style differences (but that is browser specific)
Yeah, now I think that I should get rid of the link
also note: if you have a link that goes no where chances are you meant it to be a <button>
no, not so far
<a> -> I take you places
<button> -> I do things on the current page.
Will remove the link, it does nothing really (unless js is disabled)
@rlemon thanks
nothing about your issue is making sense
It worked.
@rlemon here is the full scope: jsfiddle.net/6MX6r
You'll notice that it work if you have js disabled or not.
that's all
yea you are spending too much time on that
1) no one disables JS and expects things to work
2) return to top buttons that follow you are silly and only really serve limited applications
Well, I wanted to spread the solution.
2% of browsers world wide have js disabled.
and 90% of those browsers are locked into internal offices and wouldn't visit your site anyways
Mobiles have JS
what about it?
@SomeGuy not mine :D
Async <video> load anyone ?
there is absolutely NO value in supporting nojs for mobiles. and there is VERY little value in supporting no js on desktop
but it works :)
Yes? no? maybe? :(
@PatsyIssa what is your question :P
@Lucio then enjoy - what you are doing is silly and honestly just looks bad
If I saw that in any of my production code I would remove it first thing
Having the video tag load the vid once document is loaded :O
set the src after the document has loaded :P
@Lucio what mobile do you have?
fugly solution :P
why do you want to wait?
less load on page first landing
but.. but.. but... you make no sense
it is loaded in parallel
^ that.
if you want to load it after the dom is parsed insert it with JS
yesh taking up time before the vid is even visible
remember that even not on the DOM just setting the src starts the download
preload="none" worked :P;
This enumerated attribute is intended to provide a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. It may have one of the following values:
none: hints that either the author thinks that the user won't need to consult that video or that the server wants to minimize its traffic; in others terms this hint indicates that the video should not be cached.
preload: none; may have other effects due to the browser
and this will disable caching of the video @PatsyIssa (in some browsers)
which probably isn't good
is a 2 sec video
then why do you even care :P
but initial load took a while for some reason
but anyways.
anyhoe trying to pinpoint what's making my site slow
profiler / network tabs not helping?
was using zis
And the network tab
showed the video taking time
Going through each element now
+ need to compress everything :P
badge time :D
> This election is currently in the nomination phase.Nominations close in 7 days
The missing space is bothering me, so I had to add it through the dev tools just so I can keep the page open -.-
(Not true, because I don't have OCD, I'm just a compulsive liar)
Either warrants you to nominate yourself.
(That's not true either. But lying about being a compulsive liar might suggest that it is true, wouldn't it?)
@mikedidthis Hahaha, oh, no. I don't want that. I don't even think I have enough rep to be able to nominate myself
in JavaScript, 3 mins ago, by Some Guy
@SomeKittensUx2666 I would vote for @BenjaminGruenbaum
@SomeGuy you do. 3000.
I wouldn't make a good moderator because I couldn't even check the required rep before saying I don't have enough!
@SomeGuy insta-fail

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