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03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

@mikedidthis imho you are wrong mate, for several reasons... you are ok with that now, but how about your future? you have to select wisely what to learn and what you shouldn't. think about those millions of people that created websites with frontpage or dreamweaver for years? how many of them fallen in battle? i tell you, tons!
@Wesabi mikedidthis is afk: tomato
once i asked a skilled senior visual studio where was the actual code of his xaml gui, he couldn't answer because he never saw it, he just always used the forms designer tool of visual studio.
now, if it's happened with frontpage, dreamweaver, flash, java applets, it can happen with any other technology. this includes ANY technology.. like visual studio, html, css, php themselves
You are either an idiot or your not understanding.
@mikedidthis Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
I can't write LESS without knowing CSS. I can't write Coffeescript without knowing Javascript.
recently codeigniter had problem with its maintainers and more than likely it's going to die. how about those that learned it for nothing now? if you ask skilled php developers, its death was predictable, because it was utter shit. but it was been a huge trend for years... how did that happen? same goes with wordpress, jquery, oscommerce, phpnuke
let me finish pls
i'm an idiot btw, you know that already
No you aren't.
i'll give you another point of view. tell me why anyone should learn jquery now since dom4 will have a better, not tedious syntax? why learning sass since they are going to put similar functionalities in css itself?
browser support or lack off.
but jQuery === javascript and abstraction
You can fix jQuery by knowing how its using javascript.
you say: "i know both". but you think to have the skills to work with css only, but in practice you don't have them. you depend upon sass, coffeescript subliminally. instead of trying to change css, have you tried to make css look less chaotic instead? you criticized my indentation style, but if you weren't using sass you may be using the same techniques i'm using for making the code look cleaner
What, I write vanilla CSS quiet alot.
Once a theme has been released, there is no less.
another example. i worked for years with editors/IDEs not closing automatically the quotes of html attributes="", ok? now phpstorm does it... and trust me it's hard to tell the brain to not close automatically the quote because phpstorm will do it automatically for me xD why wasting time on this kind of things?
LESS is no different to auto completion in an idea, its a helper, nothing more.
I think we should stop here.
I like the machines helping, you don't. Its that simple.
what really matters is strategically learn technologies that not likely will die, like html, js, css, also, it's important to learn "the standard", which isn't the w3c standard, but for example the java-like syntax which is available on dozens of similar languages, the standard naming of functions etc, language aware
i made this error already (asp3, vbscript) and it was been terrifying moving to php
and, finally, you should try to reduce the probabilities that you will loose technologies you use. why would i learn ruby? i mean it looks cool, but what if one day support will stop? the cool syntax isn't cool anymore since i don't know anymore how to use the usual "java-like" syntax that any other language uses
i'm not saying that you should stop learn new things learning new things is important for keeping the brain trained. but you can keep your brain trained solving problems yourself instead. this will also help you eventually learning new things when it's worth it. you shouldn't pollute your mind with any daily trend that appears on your monitor, or follow any pseudo guru that writes his personal thought on the internet
also, not suggesting anything, just making a point... if i were you, instead of learning oocss, sass & co. i would probably learn floats better, display table or even new technologies like flexbox, which imho are way more important than designing "CSS classes at utter perfection"
i'm happy if you are happy using "tools" @mikedidthis , but since we do this conversation often,,, i wanted to expose my point of view for the last time xD
these are my 2 cents... i hope you can get something valuable from them
@Wesabi your 2 cents don't make sense :D
or, as usual and as you suggested, i'm just an incompetent fool and it would be better ignoring everything i just said xD
sorry for poor english anyway
@Wesabi no you make sense, but I think you seem to think that LESS and Coffeescript are a new language, when in fact, they are just syntax sugar for two other languages.
how can you say you would learn flexbox but not less...
I am looking at oocss, not for class, but rethinking how I design websites. Rather than pages, we should design components and elements, that are put together to make a page.
anyway I appreciate the input as always :D
@Will fuck i thought i was been clear enough :( talking about things to learn... i need to learn english
@Will in short, less is going to die, flexbox don't
@Wesabi uh, it can't die, its a fucking helper
Flex box has just started how can you say that
@Will lol, actually it's something like 20 years old already xD
you know them programs you use to optimise images, or compress your js, less is on the same level.
The only way less would die is if CSS changed and no one updated the helper? Are you saying that css is going to die?
I give up
!afk lunchtime
@mikedidthis what if CSS WG introduces the & operator in CSS4?
Anyway this is pointless
Yep, pointless.
@Wesabi what would & do?
you are young! in 10 years we'll do this conversation again, ok? xD
@mikedidthis what if not the same that less does with it?
@Wesabi you would just write the CSS4 operator
You can escape markup for LESS so its ignored
All I ask is this. Read the docs on LESS: lesscss.org and Coffeescript: coffeescript.org If you can't see the benefit of using a preprocessor to write CSS / JS, then its fine. But I want you to be clear, never is a new language to use, neither you can use with out understanding full CSS and JS
and do you believe that is ok?
@Wesabi they would probably add in support for it
but anyway
Read above
!!afk lunch for real
@mikedidthis Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
so you will need to relearn LESS itself?
Just leave it there is no point in this convo. Neither is going to be convinced of the others point of view.
Agree to disagree
@mikedidthis Where's the milk?
But I will say this. md > html. Same thing! :D
!!afk lunch for real for real!
@mikedidthis Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
The cat avatar is asking for milk :P
i'm happy for you if you are happy with your tools, i'm just saying my thoughts since i'm often criticized for them :\
probably my english sounds aggressive, i'm not trying to change anyone's thought xD
just making a point, ok?
@Wesabi reminds me of the "how I met your mother" poster
@Will WIN!
that's me!
@Wesabi nah dude, your just expressing your opinion, its cool and I appreciate it.
@mikedidthis Where's the milk?
i'm alone, i'm like an island! and i'm happy as i am xD
Anyway, what did we ask Santa for?
fuck Santa. He put me on his naughty list years ago
I'll buy myself stuff.
^ that
I have already had a mini christmas
Last weekend
as my parents were over
I got boring stuff as im older now :( a fondue set, a picture frame, and some salt and peper shakers
Oh and a book
How about you?
i'm going to move to my family in the south saturday. mom started to cook for xmas since 1st of december [...] this is how we do in italy. eat until you're dead
she started to cook on the 1st for something you'll eat on the 25th?
won't it have gone off?
you really don't know italy. we have practice dinners and warmups for the whole december xD
@Wesabi have you eaten maggot cheese?
*Casu marzu
you're nasty
not a fan of cheese anway, frenchmen things
@Wesabi sure
9 hours ago, by Wesabi
@rlemon very cool this one :o can i link it on the blog?
cool, thanks
also, because it is the internet and you are all entitled to my opinions: There is no point in learning jQuery outside of RAD purposes. The abstraction *is* easier and faster to use in a limited number of cases and will remain so. There is a lot of pointless helpers and aliases i'm not happy with.. but I suppose that comes with the territory.
Abstraction layers are not bad when the people using them understand what is actually happening and why they are using the abstraction. jQuery unfortunately is heavily abused today and used in places where it doesn't fit with the core principals of "wr
do I need to learn it? probably if I want to work in a fast paced business environment possibly with a team or in a corporate setting.
will it help me be a better programmer? probably not.
sass/less <- there is no harm in pre-processors, no harm at all. Just make sure the code they generate is readable and maintainable without said tools.
anything that is doing this client side is probably the wrong approach
@rlemon Well said
@Will +1 to clarify, I wasn't saying learn abstraction without knowing the language you are abstracting.
I want a new mac
if only I could afford one :P
meh, PC will do just fine
when i'll get rich, i'll buy a mac just for burning it
@Wesabi Well said !
ofc with yoututbe video as memento for future generations
Update: Landed in Frankfurt. My baggage did not Arrive though. And now I also missed my train
Yay me, Yay me, Yay me
das nicht sehr gut.
Oh indeed. I really have to work hard the next few months. I hate being poor, I can't even buy new clothes, so who knows what happens if they dont find my bag ^^
But oh well. At least I am in the rainy, cold part of the world now xD
Gotta do some phone calls. Talk later ^^
Take care man!
!!afk brew o'clock
@mikedidthis Why are you leaving me!?
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by rlemon
Posting new prize in a minute: sneak peek
Is anyone pro enough to make this jsfiddle.net/7k9D9 work without preserve-3d?
Since it won't work in IE. I know why and what the solution is, but can't work out how to actually do it.
Q: Can't get CSS3 transform to work in IE 10/11

user1899891I have this card opening animation that works in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari but I can't seem to get it to work in IE 10/11. I think it has somthing to do with the backface-visibility: hidden; but I am not 100% sure. Any help would be appreciated Code: http://jsfiddle.net/7k9D9/

@Wes maybe you may like this one: github.com/segmentio/myth
@mikedidthis Where were you!?
@CapricaSix eating cola shoe laces with my youngest, what of it?
@mikedidthis hey man!!
I've been hoping to see you.
@m59 sup!
I seemed to have solved what appears to me a problem lol
As I've been saying about it, I'm either awesome or missing something..
I assume I'm missing something.
But no one really gets what I'm talking about.
Lets go with awesome :D
Ok so...you showed me SMACSS, right?
It lead me to this idea:
I should be able to write states in css that describe they way something looks when, for example, it has class .is-open
But, what if I want to transition it to .is-open? The state itself shouldn't be tied to the transition.
So, I believe it should be .is-open.trans-my-trans-name
I wrote a simple script to facilitate that. To me, it's a SMACSS state changer, basically a glorified add/remove class function
and I added start/end callbacks
and promises for chaining
@mikedidthis does this make any sense?
Sorry, yeah it does
It's a strange thing to me because I think only three things are possible here: I'm too noobish to know of better approaches, I just reproduced what other people are already doing (and probably better), or, I just invented a best practice for css states.
I really just want to know what the best practice is - and this was my best attempt.
my snow script isolated gist.github.com/rlemon/8040973
Conga Rats!
@m59 urm I dunno what to add.
I mean, I would split into style and function
.is-open doesn't tell me much
did you see the demo?
.my-module {
  background-color: black;

.my-module.vertical {
  height: 100px;
  width: 250px;

.my-module.horizontal {
  height: 250px;
  width: 100px;

.animate-fast {
  -webkit-transition-property: all;
  -webkit-transition-duration: 1s;
  transition-property: all;
  transition-duration: 1s;

.animate-slow {
  -webkit-transition-property: all;
  -webkit-transition-duration: 5s;
  transition-property: all;
  transition-duration: 5s;
I would decouple the animation so you can include it on any element
as for sizing, I would couple that with the parent, if its is specific.
Oh, yeah, that's not really quite the point of the demo, though
.is-vertical is helpful because it makes it a lot more reasonable for js to figure out what it's doing with the state.
just like .animate- or as I'm using it .trans- (as not to be confused with keyframes animation)
@mikedidthis I guess what I'm trying to emphasize is how you use the states in js when done that way.
@m59 I wouldn't imagine an element to have more than 2 animation states.
States are already in the markup or added with javascript
JavaScript shouldn't be determining what things look like - only "when".
in/out, show/hide, fadeIn/fadeOut
Javascript shouldn't need to know.
And css animation fails pretty hard in some regards (I think).
Your javascript doesn't need to know anything about the visuals.
What happens if your markup changes? Your JS fails.
Let's say I have a module (in my real life case - I do have something like this) that has several elements inside. All of them need to transition together when the module gets a class of is- something.
AND they travel through several states (like keyframes) to get there.
uh, tbh I haven't got it in me to argue this.
Are you pretty certain I'm wrong?
You are building a really coupled system here and it will break on markup changes.
No! The opposite!
@m59 I think so.
The whole point is to completely decouple everything!
What's coupled?
@m59 no its coupled as your JS requires your HTML to have certain classes to pass.
  $scope.wide = function() {
    changeState($div, 'is-wide', logGoingWide, logIsWide);
  $scope.thin = function() {
    changeState($div, 'is-thin', logGoingThin, logIsThin);
  $scope.wideFast = function() {
    changeState($div, 'is-wide trans-fast', logGoingWide, logIsWide);
  $scope.thinFast = function() {
    changeState($div, 'is-thin trans-fast', logGoingThin, logIsThin);
  $scope.wideSlow = function() {
    changeState($div, 'is-wide trans-slow', logGoingWide, logIsWide);
^ there, these are your unit tests.
@mikedidthis so you gonna put my snow on all of your websites?
are you?! are you!?!
@rlemon I don't have a single site :D
It sounds to me like you're saying that it's wrong to have a button to change how something looks.
How else would you do it?
this isn't you?
onclick - make this thing look different
All js is saying here is making element look like ____ it doesn't care how it becomes like that.
@m59 I am not saying its wrong, I am saying it makes no sense.
@rlemon nope
But what's the alternative, then?
adding the class when the animation is required in your js logic
Is that not what I'm doing?
Uh, I can't explain it.
it relies on pointer-events and just doesn't init if they are not there
so you can have it as an underlay, or an overlay
@mikedidthis Hurry back, ok?
If you hold a Unix shell up to your ear you can hear the C
where's @Schoening
here I am
here he is
I was reviewing your moms code and she appears to have a variable declared.
that reads 'public double penetration;'
Jokes on you, my mom only does HTML
and some kick ass burgers
oh i'm sure she has nice burgers.
ok you got me there
TIL: You can't do true OOCSS or BEM or SMACSS for theming
@mikedidthis It's been 20 years. You can't just waltz back into my life like this.
@mikedidthis better
posted on December 19, 2013 by umarhansa

A number of updated features have made it into the Chrome DevTools recently, some small, some big. We'll start out with the Element panel's updates and move on to talk about Console, Timeline, and more. Disabled style rules copy as commented out Copying entire CSS rules in the Styles pane will now include styles you toggled off, they will exist in your clipboard as commented out. [crbug.com

That's so awesome!
They bounce too much, I think
But that's pretty cool
removed the bounce
actually I have a better image for you
1 hour later…
@rlemon do you need a Kindle to use the canvas book?
first thing I checked :P
so is it like a PDF?
basically Amazon has made a free app for all devices and os's
not Linux =o(
and most other ebook readers will read it
the free ebook reader I got off the play store reads them
O_o the book is available on TPB
1 hour later…
Howdy gang, Ive got a column that wont adhere to it's specified width, yet it works on other pages but I dont know why its not working properly here
Note center column is forced right yet on this page: classifieds.your-adrenaline-fix.com/browse.php?fatherID=1 the data IS displayed properly
Ive been scratching my head and making strange faces for hours and if someone knows how to use Chrome's dev tools efficiently Id be most appreciative if you'd take a look at this and advise
03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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