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Q: Get input type=text to look like type=password

Benjamin Gruenbaumtl;dr I have an input with type=text which I want to show stars like an input with type=password using only CSS. Basically I have a form with the following input: <input type='text' value='hello' id='cake' /> I'm not generating the form, I don't have access to its HTML at all. I do however...

Help ^
3 hours later…
Sorry Wes I fell asleep. I went to a water park with my girls and well, I am no longer a spring chicken.
you can tell us you had fun more than your children! we have no preconceptions here xD lol
morning ....
@NullPoiиteя did you just upvoted my answer?
@Wesツ which one ?
the one on the benjamin gruenbaum question
because lol i've submitted the answer and less than a second after it was already +1
@Wesツ Ohio that one +1 nice answer .
@Wesツ Very nice answer! Thanks.
just upvoted now ..
@Wesツ Yeah that was me :)
Especially the nodef bit, copy-pasting the star on everything in Arial made a 12MB font and I knew there had to be a better way :)
@Wesツ you are getting more awesomeness ... :)
The only problem is right now when copy-pasting the star graphic from Arial it turned out blank
@BenjaminGruenbaum i hope fonts formats are optimized for this, the same shape should be in the source of the font once
and referenced by multiple code points, in your case all code points
@BenjaminGruenbaum dunno... which font editor are you using?
@Wesツ font forge
yeah, that's an antique piece of software... but it's the best one for windows
How long would it take you to do this?
you mean replacing all glyphs with a dot?
no idea
Create a new font with nodef pointing at a star or something.
still no idea, but i'm trying now
@BenjaminGruenbaum i failed, no idea how to create a .notdef character
but now i know there's a place reserved in hell for the man who created fontforge
Thanks anyway :)
but apparently firefox replaces missing glyphs with a fallback font
chrome instead seems to do what do you want
but maybe defining the .notdef also firefox could work good
Hi @Wesツ
plz check this:
this code works correctly
but in my page it doesn't work correctly
@MRS1367 Hello
I think we met last time in AS3 chatroom
Hi @O0oO0oOO0ooO
u're right
hw r u?
Are you still working on the application you were asking a question regard to it but I left so I couldn't answer?
it's a website
I'm creating a CSS for older browsers for a website
and I've a problem in it on IE 6 and 7
I'm solved many incompatibilities but is remained some problem yet
It's super annoying huh?
yes :(
hmm, if I was you, I would just make a few different sets of CSS stylesheets
ones for recent desktop browser / mobile browser / old browser
I'm created a CSS file for newer browsers in Desktop/Mobile Phone and Tablet devices
you can make a perfect CSS for latest desktop browsers, then copy and paste them into a new CSS file, and modify it to work on older browser
and now, I'm working on creating a CSS fie for older browsers
hmm right
I did it before
You can create custom CSS templates for various browsers quite easily.
but I've some problem
@deathtap it takes time
=D... And sometimes it's annoying as hell
Yes, but it's the best solution
16 mins ago, by MRS1367
plz check this
11 mins ago, by MRS1367
user image
who uses IE6 / 7 nowadays? Even Koreans don't use IE6 /7 anymore
Unless you're like me who puts a "Your Browser Sucks, get a better one" error message when they use an older browser version.
it not works correctly in IE 6 and 7
because everyone's using windows 7 or 8
I agree with @O0oO0oOO0ooO.
some ppls still use XP OS
@MRS1367 You might consider just stripping your site to raw text if they use older browsers.
<!--[if gte IE 6]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="iespecific.css" />
@deathtap -> I did it before
and I'm created a new CSS file for older browsers
Then inside iespecific.css just hide all the elements except the core content and a few links.
@deathtap It's a good idea
IE6 is a big problem. People should not be using it.
I think 1 out of 10,000 user of your website might use IE6/ 7
I mean 1,000
You should not be catering to people who are still using such an obsolete browser for their own good.
and you know, some of them are not even real users, they might be bots =D...
Humans use IE version greater than 7
but I'm created it and little time is left to complete it.
If I can solve this three or four problems
it will complete
@MRS1367 Then I strongly recommend you strip everything and just create a super-basic site if a user is using IE6 or 7.
I mean take away everything
I agree with u
At the most use a floating menu
but I spend many times on it :(
If a deadline is looming and you have to deliver, then this is the best option
How long have you spent on this project?
They are unsupported browsers for a reason.
about 1 week
I still don't get why you're using Flash.
Flash = evil
@deathtap -> do u mean that Flash is a bad thing for using in website design?
In my humble opinion? Yes.
There is nothing in Flash that you cannot accomplish in good ol' CSS.
Plus now you're forcing a user to download software in order to view your site properly.
I think substituting CSS with Flash is little bit gay thing to do
I wouldn't use Flash at all. It starts having all sorts of other issues.
but only if your company told you to do such thing, then it is not a gay thing anymore
I have to do that
@O0oO0oOO0ooO lol. Good point.
cuz my company want it
Tell me which database is the best one in the world
the answer is, one that your company purchased to use
cuz they want that web pages work correctly in older browsers
@O0oO0oOO0ooO The one that your company bought
Beat me to it
my company bought MS SQL Server 2012
IIS leaves much to be desired.
<- Linux user
My school told me to use PosgreSQL so it was my best database
in the world
posgreSQL is one of the best databases
It is better than Oracle Clinical
I should say
Anything is better than Oracle Clinical
But I like orcale 11g
more than posgre now
if any database or programming language still alive
@MRS1367 You can also use :
<!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/ie.css" /><![endif]-->

It will define a CSS template for any instance of IE (but that includes v. 8 and above).
@MRS1367 Do you have TOEIC / TOEFL / IELTS scores yet? It seems like English is your second language too
it means that they are still useful and have some advantages and disadvantages over each other.
Any good PDO tutorial sites?
Hi all, I began a little script to detect collisions in html5 because I never find a script to do this. But I'm not very good in js, did the structure is good to continue my little library ? github.com/ajouve/canvas-collision Thanks
@O0oO0oOO0ooO -> I have no one.
PDO? It smells like just another relational database object binding technology to me
PDO = PHP Data Objects?
Most of my sites use HTML5, CSS3, PHP and MySQLi
I want to change MySQLi to PDO so that I can share the code and maybe even find ways to implement them on certain CMS's
Like Drupal and Wordpress.
Yes, yes, I know that they both use MySQL, but I want to be flexible.
@ant What do you mean 'did the structure is good to continue my little library?'
I've seen those, @MRS1367, but thanks.
@Eeyup I don't know realy how to create properly objects and functions, I would create it a little like a java class using heritage, and methods
@ant I thought collision detection was built into HTML5
@MRS1367 Fantastic. I'll go and watch this.
@MRS1367 Whoah. Slow down. Don't flood
I find these tutorials
Okay, I think that's good.
I only paste addresses once
but they are duplicated more than once
Bored now. I'll be on Steam playing a game.
@deathtap Thanks, but I would just know if a library exist :)
@deathtap I think no
@ant Are you sure?
@deathtap nop this is why I ask, but I only find tutorials not libraries
@ant I'll check it out for you in a bit.
@deathtap ok, thnaks
Q: Does any one know is there any collision detection API for HTML5 Canvas..?

angosI have been experimenting HTML5 canvas by coding basic mind-mapping application. I have tried to find out if there is any javascript API used for managing object in canvas like collision detection between images or shapes. I think it is not a good idea to write my own since there might be some go...

Thanks, it looks good, I'll have a look
I am not qualified to be Grammar Nazi yet but I must comment on your grammar this time
1 hour later…
@ant Can't find anything, sorry.
I'm making a website for my friends photography portfolio, and I'm trying to figure out if I should host all the images locally or put them on flickr or something. What would the pros and cons of each be?
@akowalz Personally, I would use a image host
@deathtap, thanks, that's what I was leaning towards.
@akowalz Well, if the website ever goes down, then at least your images are still active and if they hyperlink to external sites (such as other websites, forums, etc) then you won't have to pay for the bandwidth, or have it taken away from your allocated amount.
Assuming, of course, the image host doesn't go down either...
2 hours later…
I am trying to create a form with 2 fields , using Dreamweaver. This fields with label must be center aligned in any browser window
@weber67 and the question is?
I was able to add the elements in dreamweaver, but don't know how to align them to the center of the entire screen
@weber67 So what you're asking is how to center them, right?
I am new to Dreamweaver
hello... anyone can help me? anyone can give me any live chat software?
@weber67 nobody uses dreamweaver anymore
@weber67 Are you new to HTML?
well, except @mikedidthis
@weber67 set a width to the form then do margin : auto
evening/morning @crypticツ
I do too... but only because I've got not choice.
Answer is yes and yes :(
@Wesツ murnin
@weber67 Are you using a CSS?
nope , not yet
if that can help me than I will surely use it
@CoolBoy Use chatango
thanks trying it
@weber67 Well, @crypticツ's solution is for a CSS, so I recommend you do a quick read up on CSS and implement that in your code
Because it's the way of the future
IF you're lazy, just enclose the area you want centered inside a <div> tags.
<div align="center">CODE GOES HERE</div>
@deathtap align='center'???
anyone can tell me this site use which software radiokotha.com/rjchat/chat.php?acid=e5c79
@crypticツ That wrong? I don't usually use divs for placement
Or <center>
@weber67 Use CSS.
okie, srry dear new to it. I am trying to understand how would i use it in dreamweaver
First off, if you have a choice, don't use Dreamweaver.
Or if you do go to View > Code
@weber67 Do you know what CSS is or does? I'm just curious.
no , its very sad for me to say again I am new to CSS and html
Fiding out how would I learn in it, in a very short time
@deathtap should probably provide an HTML5 source, that tutorial is very very old. It will be like learning code from 1999
@crypticツ Good point.
is there any better tool which can help me understanding this?
@weber67 devdocs.io has it all, we even have it pinned on the right --->
htmldog and devdocs seems to better to start with thanks
guys i would like to know do u use any tool?
@deathtap I agree
btw @weber67 it won't do the work for you, it makes it easier for you to do the work yourself and learn how it all works. Dreaweaver is basically point click and have it do it for you, and you never learn and it ends up making horrible code.
At least we agree on one thing. ;)
Yes u right.
its better to start with simple to understand stuff . I think it will take more time to understand dreamweaver than to learn html and code it in Notepad++
You don't use Dreamweaver graphic creator anyway. You use the coded view and code it like a pro. The only reason I use Dreamweaver is because the company I work for uses Adobe Workspaces, and Dreamweaver gets integrated into that. But usually I code it in Notepad++ and then open and share it across Workspaces when I'm done via Dreamweaver.
hmm, even its mentioned in HTMLdog, avoid using dremweaver as it would insert much of the code which might not be required in some cases. Bad for beginners.
Hi <body>This is the first page</body> ... it shows "Hi This is the first page". Why does it show stuff outside the body
@weber67 because browsers try to anticipate jackass developers xD
okie, thanks few words explained me a lot
@weber67 there are hundreds, thousands of concessions browsers allow to developers, but it's a good idea try to avoid the errors... using the w3 validator for example
@Wesツ okie , point taken.
Thanks @deathtap & @crypticツ for helping to have a good start to learn html. see u later
Wes what did I do now? For the record my we editor is Sublime Text.
2 hours later…
@mikedidthis wut?
ah lol the dreamweaver joke :P

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