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1:25 AM
@BasementKeyboardHero yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum VitalyZDTV from youtube did a camel gold digger prank
2:16 AM
2:41 AM
in boostrap the form control options like text or select ...etc using max width so who can we control the legth using bootstrap only or using custom css
@santosh ?
if we use textbox then it used maximum length how can we decrease the textbox length
freerechargeapp.com/who-will-win-cricket-world-cup-2015.html - check this i want decrease the textbox length
@joshhunt is it clear now
either wrap it in a row + col-sm-6 (or something similar) or add custom css
also I would probably make the default select box have something like "-- select an option --" rather than leaving it blank
4:03 AM
5:03 AM
posted on March 11, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

5:44 AM
@SecondRikudo his first doctoral degree? or just a college degree?
(I ask because I highly doubt your friend started a doctoral program while in high school. A doctoral program is typically a post-graduate (graduate as in graduate school, which confers a master's degree) thing.)
6:05 AM
@TylerH ssup bud
how can i write a mail to IT support to replace laptop battery?
I am actually going to star that ^^
just to start a topic
Good morning
6:11 AM
Alien, wassap?
if anyone have already written
in ASP.NET, 1 min ago, by krishna mohan
yey.. we got a topic
@Mr_Green o/
6:12 AM
we are planning tour again..
@Mr.Alien finally done in 2.8k :D
can't share info here
@Mr_Green so? get lost from here
just die
nobody likes you
6:13 AM
@Justcode told you, still you paid 800 more
may be, yes.
for what you paid 800 more?
mobile repair :P
6:33 AM
@Mr.Alien Need some help
Can you please unfroze this room chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/19566/cocoonit ?
7:12 AM
@Mr_Green cool
7:30 AM
star this message as useful / interesting for the transcript
7:44 AM
@Mr.Alien it is already cooled.. make it hot
please re
8:08 AM
@Mr_Green there is room with better id you can try that out chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/3/general i am keeping this unfrozen for long time
but I was actually trying to call my local devs to a chat room
You really worked hard to keep that room alive.. haha
@Mr_Green already notified, room will be unfrozen any time
ohh thanks
I was planning to create a new room
I have problem with patience
@Mr.Alien you can unfroze room ? new rep privilege ?
8:31 AM
@ShaU huh?
what's the best way to keep a div scrolled after update
how are you updating ?
set, or set+ append
8:43 AM
Can you toss it in a fiddle ?
I think innerHtml just wipes it clean not sure how you ll end up on the same line, you can get to the same scroll position
i'll do it even better, github, but a bit l8er
hmm, i need to replace content
if you're replacing content why would you care about scroll position
@NullPoiиteя am mod on one of the site so I've access to private rooms where we mods chat all the time so there I ping SO mods to do anything I want to get it done
8:56 AM
Guys I need some help
I have this effect: jsfiddle.net/p0yebxb0
(click the caption)
It works nicely, but if you resize, the ± moves, while the text remains in the center.
If you shrink the viewport's width too much, the ± will overlap the text
must be table master?
How can I keep the ± on the same distance from the text no matter what?
effect is really cool btw :P
@BasementKeyboardHero Thanks :)
And yeah, it has to be a table
There's tabular data in the real app
(That's getting toggled on click)
9:05 AM
@SecondRikudo position: absolute/relative has trouble with tables
@BasementKeyboardHero I know
If you'd like, moving the title into an <hN> is also acceptable.
I am not sure if you want the plus to move with the viewport
That's good, now another challenge for you if you can
9:07 AM
both at the same time, with a similar solution xD
The ± should remain aligned no matter the text width
(Not sure if this is even possible)
how do u mean?
That is, the should have the same x coordinate on the document
aligned to what?
x          short
x      longer longer
x  longest longest longest
9:08 AM
why would u want that :X
@DarkAshelin It looks nicer
Although I like your text-align solution, I think that could be good
Alien, I am still waiting....
it is been like 300 years
And.... we crashed jsfiddle guys
9:17 AM
find vertical slash in 5 seconds
dont use ctrl+F
Gotta love git push -f
it is there
Dat adrenaline rush
in last line
9:22 AM
Ohh can I ask a Git Question?
@mikedidthis Sure
@Mr_Green There are two slash. You failed an eye Test.
ohh yeah
I basically need to reset the above repo and commit history. I didn't want to remove the repo as I want to keep the issues. Any ideas.
9:24 AM
in second line
I am trying to remove the .svg files. Long story.
@mikedidthis reset to a previous commit?
@SecondRikudo no, just reset like its a new repo
Kill all commit history too?
I need to remove all traces of the .svg
9:27 AM
@mikedidthis Create a new folder
git init
git remote add ....
git push -f origin master
If you have other branches, you'll need to create them and terminate like
git branch name
git push -f origin name
ahh right so I just force the new git history over the old git history?
Super, thanks man :D
@mikedidthis sadness
Beware that there's no going back from this
(Unless you have a local copy)
9:28 AM
That is fine.
is what I feel whenever I look at that repo x.x
@BasementKeyboardHero fixing it, don't worry.
I can has keyboard avatar? :P
Yes sir.
@mikedidthis Any particular reason btw?
9:29 AM
My days of goat shagging are behind me x.x
@BasementKeyboardHero Now you've upgraded to camels
camel's got toes :D
tl;dr - Avatars were far more time consuming than I ever imagined. To work on them sensibly I need to do it in work time. The only way to do that is to monitise them. So I have a plan. If you have an issue on the repo, you will get your avatar, gratis. I am charging for source files :D
I can haz pay for it ?
support a starving artist :P
No no. Your avatar will be free. The source will be paid.
9:32 AM
@mikedidthis if i have a request there, please cancel it
oki I want source for reasons
do some moneyz man
@CSᵠ no, I need to do all the requests to build a library. :D
@BasementKeyboardHero you can haz them, friend :D
posted on March 11, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by FBA */

9:33 AM
for moneyz!!! what do I look like a charity case? Mannnnnn i threw your .ai on the grounnddddddddd
I fricking love doing the avatars btw. My kids are selfish and need food and clothing. I think they are rude.
pesky kids
meddling around in grownup land
you must set them straight
9:34 AM
set an example
no more food for you!
water is enough!
and thank god you get that
gandi shit all up in here
damn right
rolfing here
> Don't make me go Gandi on you!
how can i use entity framework with sqlexpress
in Ruby :: Sometimes on rails, 12 hours ago, by Nima
@BasementKeyboardHero https://yabatadesign.github.io/afterglow-theme/
Awesome sublime theme ^
9:42 AM
@BasementKeyboardHero if you liked that effect: jsfiddle.net/cLnn9ynf/5
hahahah nice
@BasementKeyboardHero flat themes make me sad.
@SecondRikudo awesome
I like flat stuff
Don't joke about gf boobs. Don't joke about gf boobs. Don't joke about gf boobs. Don't joke about gf boobs. Don't joke about gf boobs. Don't joke about gf boobs. Don't joke about gf boobs.
9:44 AM
I wanted to make that joke but she gave me a death stare
@mikedidthis atom is still not stable enough for my tastes
me neither. I want that theme for Sublime
@mikedidthis Get it then
9:46 AM
@Persijn @mikedidthis this is how it looks atm :) kommaboard.be/Pretpaleis
@mikedidthis i use webstrom and its quite awesome and stable and it has that theme
@SecondRikudo atom only.
@DarkAshelin Nice
^ what he said
9:47 AM
das redesign
@mikedidthis that site u linked really helped me with inspiration
header logo fade is a nice touch
@NullPoiиteя I am just moaning. <3 sublime
@BasementKeyboardHero I know right :D
10:00 AM
guys, on a one-pager site, which is atm just pure html/css, I need to add 1 php form which will connect to an SQL database. what do u suggest? Just adding it all in the same page? or separate controller?
separate and include it at the top, for the sake of keeping your file small
been ages since I did it like this xD
I completely forgot how to do this :p
hahahaha i feel ya
10:13 AM
Any update?
10:30 AM
you guise i need your help
@Mr.Stone I told you not to use engine oil as lube.
Directions Unclear got dick stuck in ceiling fan
I like how javascript actually makes me use math sometimes. at least all that time spent studying was worth it
/calculating positions and stuff
but for serious anyone here familiar with .net entity framework ? Looking at you @Sippy
@DarkAshelin wait until you need to draw circles :)
Or do accelerated movement
10:36 AM
y-you can do all that with math!? amazing
so many usecases
x = x0 + v0*t + (a*t^2) / 2
x = current position
x0 = starting position
v0 = starting speed
t = time
a = acceleration
@Mr.Stone duh
well then rocket science , can ya help me out with getting entity framework to link to a local mdf database in my solution? or atleast do you know any good reading for that @Sippy
10:43 AM
@Mr.Stone db first?
yeah made db first
Use the wizard?
have entity framework working with that database on sql server side but i wanna make it local
are you a wizard?
wait, who is this wizard you speak of?
@Mr.Stone Why the fuck would you do that
10:44 AM
connectivity problems are forcing us to
@DarkAshelin you page looks good The arrow on the bottom is displayed under you menu so you almost do see it at all. (atleast in chrome)
@Mr.Stone Rather than mdf(which is gay) set up a SQL server instance on your machine
After you've done that, you can access it using (local) as the address.
@mikedidthis It's usually you
awww thanks!
sok sqlserver instance made same way i did the mdf bullshit and connect it to the online database yeah?
@Mr.Stone wat
the fuk
are u on about
1. Install SQL server on local
2. Make backup of database on server
3. Install backup of database on local
4. ???
5. Profit
do u even sql server
10:48 AM
so you are saying install sql server on all the machines that need this one database (upwards of 200)
@Mr.Stone ...
k use mdf.
yeah yeah have you tried explaining shit to people over chat? doesnt always go so well\
You didn't exactly specify a use case :P
ok so mdf is the quickfast solutii
But I never do it like that cos it's retarded.
And i don't really know how it works :D
10:51 AM
i can bag the dataset with the project but i kinda need entity framework to actually work , so i have to remap all the EF bullshit to the local?
You don't have to remap shit.
ok thank fuck
I think what you need to do is change connection string to access the MDF file
In yo configgy shit
Are we in fucking cussing unnecessarily time?
But I don't see how that's gonna work if your users access the site via IIS
10:53 AM
awesomesauce , that is a problem for future me , thanks sippy cya laterz
Because I can contribute. Ballsack
@Persijn what's your window resolution?
@Neil Yes.. Well yes it is
posted on March 11, 2015

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com title: "Feeling sick" - originally published 3/11/2015 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

@rlemon I found your long lost brother
@TylerH Degree at uni, dunno what it amounts to US degrees.
@SecondRikudo Bachelors
US and their fancy naming
Same in UK
posted on March 11, 2015 by Remy Porter

Trisha had the misfortune to inherit some old Cold Fusion code. One particular block needed to see if a file existed before it continued, and apparently the original developer really wanted to be patient and make sure the file was there, so they wrote this: <cfif not fileExists(tPath)> <cfset CountR = 0> <cfloop index="ii" from="1" to=&quo

11:11 AM
A PhD is a doctorate, a doctorate isn't necessarily a PhD though. I think the difference is that a PhD is academic, whereas a doctorate can be considered to be a professional qualification.
Deleted already
Or is that the point
Wow lol
dat no indias pls tho
11:16 AM
"Can I meet a good programmes"
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
no indias :P
Just when I think I've seen the worst post possible, I find one worse with a touch of racism
> also no gals pls
Waiting for the post that simultaneously uses vulgar language, insults your mother, asks for help without giving details, and then says he/she is too lazy to search on google
11:22 AM
@Neil Neil ur drunk
Can one trust non-corporeal forms?
I wouldn't trust a ghost, and they don't have any body, so I guess not.
@mikedidthis Igor is awesome.
@Sippy yepo
@DarkAshelin 1920 x 1080 is my screen resolution. Want me to post a screen shot?
11:36 AM
Oh btw @mike you might be able to help on this
@Persijn yes pls. it shows fine for me on same resolution, same browser
65 inch TV for £600 yay or nay?
Considering using it for my monitor as well lol
@Sippy depends on resolution and power consumption
than also brightness and color saturation ...
11:37 AM
Don't really give a shit about power consumption, it's a 65 inch TV.
@Sippy yay
@DarkAshelin i see you fixed it, it shows correctly now
BUT only in fullscreen i'll post pic
@Persijn I didn't change anything lol
@Sippy no
@mikedidthis My logic was sound
11:44 AM
@Sippy I would wait and get a 4k if anything. Also working on a 65 inch screen is super hard.
see how the arrow gets under the menu?
@mikedidthis Not if you're sat on the sofa on the other side of the room :P
@Sippy totes is
@Persijn odd. does it fix itself if u resize window a bit?
It'll be for gaming and media mostly though
11:46 AM
Then you will be ok
@DarkAshelin yep since the menu is a absolute positioned it will be at the bottom if you resize it there is no issue, but for medium to smaller screens the arrow will not show at all.
@Persijn I have a resize handler which should already take care of this incase the screen is too small
I wonder why it's not activating properly
ah I have a hunch
the facebook part loads too slow, so it's not calculated in the height
@Persijn can u refresh and check again?
@DarkAshelin seems like it works now :P
11:50 AM
But now i cant press the arrow to scroll down :O
only at the verry verry top of the element the click event registers, if i click on the black part of the arrow no go.
@DarkAshelin your down scrolling little castle with opacity 0 is in the way XD
user image
Hey Rob. How's the hand doing?
quick gimme link to canonical answer that has images + a sort of flow
@rlemon win :P
Lol that's awesome
11:56 AM
@GNi33 Got tickets for the Gerrard match :D
I won't make it :/
that date kinda surprised me
Super excited. Still can't believe it was £50 for 2 adults / 2 kids
@GNi33 internationals
I thougt it was after the season or something
dammit, my back and my shoulders hurt today
@BasementKeyboardHero oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
daddy would you like some sausage? daddy would you like some sausages!?
@BasementKeyboardHero Why is it when he talks he looks like he permanently has something in his eye
lol i didn't make it that far :P
The Last of the Mohicans cover is epic as fuck

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