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Coding with other people is fun coding alone and not being part of a team sucks!
@SecondRikudo Can we kill it? PLEASE can we kill it?
there are no other jobs that I see myself doing either anyway
@DarkAshelin What do you like to do?
@SecondRikudo gaming
@SecondRikudo I've been a GM before, that was a really fun job. But didn't pay nearly enough to be able to make a living off
@DarkAshelin Well, since you obviously wouldn't be able to play games, why don't you learn how to make ones?
@SecondRikudo which is coding / programming
@SecondRikudo \o
and that is how I got into webdevelopment lol actually
i use to work at a movie theater best job i ever had.
@DarkAshelin focus on the more artistic part
@SecondRikudo I did that a couple of years ago, but my course drained all of the inspiration out of me. Now I can't work up any designs anymore
learn 3d software :D
How about this, let's make a game, you and me.
You handle the art, and I handle the code
@Vader did. 3D is nice but takes a long time
@SecondRikudo can i join!!!
@DarkAshelin So do all good things
@SecondRikudo my inspiration is drained
@SecondRikudo android game ?
(As if I have the time to code a game XDDDDD)
@Vader I tried but I can't find a job in 3D with the near-to-none experience I have
@SecondRikudo hey next time u decide to code something i'd love to help out :D
@DarkAshelin but just create something, it's fun
@DarkAshelin Make a portfolio for yourself
@SecondRikudo I have one
but it's ugly and not updated
and I don't feel like updating it, why should I anyway
I have a job already
@DarkAshelin to look for another job
@DarkAshelin a job you obviously don't enjoy
I don't want another
@DarkAshelin i thought ur job was boring
@SecondRikudo I honestly don't think I will find any that I do enjoy
@DarkAshelin I call BS.
unless it pays like maybe 30% of what I earn now
@DarkAshelin you don't know whats out there
posted on February 11, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by EnjeruNyu */

@DarkAshelin you code well so you could get paid 30% more
trying this so dark theme in the chat
it sucks pretty bad
@Phreak I know, and that is why I'm sticking to this job
Is that easwee's skin @rlemon?
@DarkAshelin don't stick to a boring job -
not worth it
this one
found it online
@DarkAshelin You have three options the way I see it.
@rlemon such contrast
much wow
1. Continue as it is, you'll be bored but at least you make good money
2. Find something to do while at work to enrich your experience. Be it more codez, or whatever
3. Find a job that you'll enjoy better than this one.
@SecondRikudo agree
well I have 2 choices:
1. Stick with my current job, which pays good and allows me to improve, opens doors to promotions etc. Job security
2. Try to find a job in another field, which I am not sure I will even like. I have no experience in other fields and will probably not be able to find a job that pays as good as this.
4. get nekkid and eat cheeto's on the sofa while watching cartoons
I recall a certain someone always telling me about how enjoyment at work is more important than paycheck :)
@DarkAshelin Job security is an illusion.
not when you are me :D
@rlemon Will get to that
Even the most solid enterprise workplaces can crumble away into nothingness in less than a month, and cuts in budget is a real threat.
anyway I'll start at a new company next month, so I hope things will be better there
@rlemon i'm rlemons disciple so i'm safe
so far programming / coding bores me out tho
As for you @rlemon, the reason you (and me, and most of the regulars here, I'd like to think) have job security, is because we're good at what we do/
@TylerH <3 dat gold badge
thank you
ohh, no. that isn't what I was getting at at all.
If you have the skillz, you'll find a job. Brogrammer is very much in demand.,
I'm dating the bosses daughter
job security for days
@rlemon That works too.
just days though
not weeks
Unless the company goes under at one point...
we have a higher chance of being purchased
grown ~300% a year
farming equipment is expensive
@rlemon My point being: There are a lot of things that you can't control
@rlemon what if you guys break up then ur fucked
for 5 years now
But what you can control is your own skillz
@Phreak more likely to get married at this point
@rlemon awww am i invited :D
@SecondRikudo unless there's somebody with a geass who can steal your skills from you
why i am getting unable to resolve server error in irc ?
@SecondRikudo sigh a lot of places dont care about skills, all that matters is politics.
And while you have skillz and stay uptodate with the market, you'll have a job wherever you go.
@NullPoiиteя won't let me join
@NullPoiиteя what server are you trying to join
@cimmanon Luckily, I can choose not to give a fuck about those.
Exactly what I told JonathanSampson yesterday. Life is much happier when you don't give a fuck about things you don't like.
@SecondRikudo I get what you mean... but I honestly feel like learning new coding skills is a drag. I don't enjoy it at all
@DarkAshelin That's cool, different people, different passions.
@SecondRikudo life is better with intoxicating substances
You just gotta find yours and find someone to pay you for doing it :P
@SecondRikudo not everyone can. my contract ended recently for "budgeting reasons"
@rlemon I tend to disagree, but we've had this convo yesterday.
and I tend to think you're just getting the bad shit :P
@cimmanon Harsh as it may sound, I don't care about "everybody", I care about "me".
@rlemon Blame @BenjaminGruenbaum he's the main person who's getting me drunk.
is he making you drink 18 year old scotch?!
@cimmanon Even if my contract ends tomorrow, I am confident I can find another place with relative ease.
that bastard...
@cimmanon need a job?
joining an open source project usually feels convoluted and you don't know where to start - learning curve is high as well
@rlemon i dont know. depends on the job.
If you let circumstances push you around, you'll get pushed around. The trick is to know how to react to changes and be nimble on your feet.
@Phreak Badly done (read, most of) open source projects are like that, yes.
@cimmanon programming, likely.
@rlemon then i guess it depends on the language
@Phreak what do you wanna get out of the project?
People usually join open source projects for things they've used don't they?
Seems totally redundant to do otherwise ..
@rlemon usually acquire new skills/strengthen them - and the feeling of being part of a larger community
the only open source project i've really contributed too was the chatbot
@NullPoiиteя key is what we usually say to each other, 3 letters.
@NullPoiиteя I'm getting the same
........ Cannot join channel (+k) - bad key
Ah yeah but everyone knows stack overflow, so
@rlemon ^
That goes good on yo resume
@Sippy Yup, 64k points on SO looks pretty good
@SecondRikudo do you recommend a good one to help out in?
can we use miaou instead IRC ?
@NullPoiиteя No?
i guess the thing that disappoints me the most is that companies dont care about quality. look at all the shit they expect when they write up job postings. database skills are always an afterthought.
@cimmanon I hear you.
@cimmanon i feel like companies are looking at the personality rather than the skills now.
Well from a non technical businessman point of view
I told JonathanSampson that yesterday too
Your perfect back end is gonna cost them however much extra and never be seen by the client to impress them
Suits are always surprised when I tell them that I ship features within less than a week
@NullPoiиteя I mean exactly what address are you using?
Eat a Dick™
When they ask me how I do it I answer "My decision making is not influenced by business people"
@SecondRikudo you seem like you won't fit everywhere
@Phreak I adapt everywhere I go.
the company i was working for hired me as part of a rewrite team, and theyre pretty much the only place i have ever seen that wanted someone specifically for doing the database redesign
It's part of my motto.
and then they up and decided they didnt want to do the rewrite anymore
@TylerH for IRC channel name ?
well then again we arn't meant to fit everywhere
@cimmanon I value my database modeling skills.
@NullPoiиteя no I mean, are you typing "irc.freenode.net"?
Or something else
But I expect a company that values itself and its own product to have a team of DBAs
you can try alternate ports if 6667 isn't working for you
i am using mirc and selecting freenode from list
@NullPoiиteя #htmlcssroom in freenode
Key is what we yell at each other all the time.
@SecondRikudo in other words, i have the wrong set of skills.
@cimmanon There's no such thing as a wrong set of skills.
There's an insufficient set of skills :)
Having a skill is never a bad thing (inb4 assassinations)
Not having a skill is almost always a bad thing
@SecondRikudo action script nowadays is useless !
if you want to work with databases, youre expected to either be a DBA (which i lack administrative skills for) or youre expected to know whatever language/framework is in vogue at teh moment
So I really like the notion of getting more skills.
aka useless skill
@cimmanon I know SQL, MySQL, Mongo and how to google and learn anything else I need
I think those are important skills to have
(especially that last one)
@SecondRikudo why are you separating SQL from MySQL
@TylerH Because MySQL !== SQL
@TylerH have you used mysql? rofl
@cimmanon yes
Knowing MySQL does not imply you know SQL
@SecondRikudo I've used MySQL and MSSQL
what's the purpose of mySql without sql?
its just "my" :D
@Phreak Much Yuckiness.
hello , when i view my test website on ipad or another device that have smaller screen the default auto-complete text-box that generated by browser placed in wrong aria...it should placed down text box directly but it placed in middle of page
does any one have idea
@SecondRikudo The same could be said for every DBMS... None ever was just and fully compliant...
@dystroy Correct
Knowing SQL is a great background to learn any other SQL based DBMS though
@Phreak MySQL is dangerous and willfully ignores the SQL standard.
@Bassem live example?
@cimmanon My point is, you don't like the skillset you have? Learn some new skills
@cimmanon That's exagerated. If you know MySQL it's not really dangerous. Just try to know what you do
I use a new piece of technology I haven't used before in every new project I take
Last time it was mongo
Now it's knockout
Tomorrow probably postgres
@dystroy if you genuinely care about your data, you wont use MySQL.
@SecondRikudo what do u think about mongo?
But with each project I work on I get better and better.
You use mongo in every new project ?
@dystroy No
Each projects gets a sprinkle of a different new tech.
@cimmanon Of course I do care, just like most startups using mysql and never losing anything...
@DarkAshelin It's fun, it's easy, it's dangerous.
@SecondRikudo haha
@DarkAshelin When you perform a write, it returns not when the write was complete, but when the server got your message.
If the write failed for some reason, you don't know about it.
@SecondRikudo ew
Mongo is a filesystem with an index.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Don't use it for anything where you actually care about whether the data was successfully written or not
For all other purposes, it's awesome.
yeah it seems to be lacking in uhh... functionality
@SecondRikudo postgres is cool. It feels good to use it, it's more consistent than mysql. But it's far from mysql in ease of use, and there's no upsert.
for example it's pretty hard to do an insert of a select
you'll need to use javascript
@DarkAshelin An insert of a select?
What do you mean?
@SecondRikudo Did you hear about the OnePlus being available on Tuesdays now?
@dystroy upsert is dangerous.
@TylerH Yup
they are a weird company
@DarkAshelin Mongo is not a table-based database. You have collections (like schemas in mysql) and documents, each document is a JSON object
INSERT (SELECT value FROM table1 WHERE condition=1)
INTO table2(value)
^ MySQL, but there's no mongo variant
yeah I've been using mongo on this project now
but for example merging 2 collections, also pretty hard
@DarkAshelin Why would you want that? :|
@SecondRikudo wat, it's a common thing
@DarkAshelin Not really, it's just done in two operations instead of one
@SecondRikudo how then?
@DarkAshelin Select, get cursor, then insert all items in the cursor.
@SecondRikudo how's that work?
the only way I found was using javascript to create a new collection from the 2
@DarkAshelin Oh, yeah, that's what I meant
there's no built-in mongo functionality for things like that
Mongo was designed to work with the NodeJS driver from the start.
Its REPL is limited.
I'm kinda sad, someone took my spot at the table
and my drink is still over there
@DarkAshelin because Mongo expects you to save things in a denormalized way, rather than the normalized approach of a table based DB
@SecondRikudo so what you're saying is that Mongo has abnormal workflow ;D
Go grab your drink
And smack the guy!
be like hey guy, fuck you
@DarkAshelin No, I'm saying mongo makes more sense to me in 2015 than mysql for example
it's so faaaar
There are also no JOINs in mongo
@SecondRikudo which I need sometimes D:<
@DarkAshelin you have lunch table at work?
@DarkAshelin You're doing your data modeling wrong then.
@Phreak open office, there's tables and chairs spread about the room
@DarkAshelin do you not know the person?
@SecondRikudo *My company is doing data modeling wrong, I just work with what is present
@mikedidthis like when u browse contact us form , if u start writing ur name , m . . . , u will see autocomplete text box generated by browser offer values if u entered before
i have a problem with this text box , it appeared in wrong place on ipad
@Phreak I do but I'm just lazy
@DarkAshelin Noted.
@DarkAshelin ur funny :)
> If you need help, post a minimal example of your issue, please.
@Phreak er, ty xD
@DarkAshelin consider a blog
@SecondRikudo like Airz?
okay time to do my daily hour of work
I think I can work up some stories like that xD
In MySQL you'd have a table for users, a table for posts and a table for comments
In postgres, you'd have a collection for users and a collection for posts. Comments are nested directly under a post.
hmm right, there's the nesting in mongo too
but then how do u select all posts/comments by 1 user?
go through all posts looking for the author
@DarkAshelin The idea of mongo is "Just cram everything you'd need for a single pull in one document"
@SecondRikudo so you're not supposed to do multiple GETs with filters?
@DarkAshelin In our scenario, you'd have to select twice. Once to get the user's ID, and the other to query the comments with that ID
@SecondRikudo hmpf
However, you can go even further, and nest the user document inside the comment document
Then you can query for things like username or email in once select.
but then don't you have the risk of ending up with mega-huge objects?
@DarkAshelin Who cares
Storage is cheap
constantly having to deal with mega-objects will slow down ur app
@DarkAshelin Selecting anything in one pull vs doing 3 nested JOINs? Yes please.
postgresql is so amazing it doesn't matter what you do
@SecondRikudo you'll understand in my case.... Doing a print_r of the $user object causes the browser to freeze and crash
it will return the correct information every time in blazing speed
I can't even see what's in the object that I just pulled, it's too big
it's horrible to work with front-end or even back-end
@DarkAshelin Depends on what you pull
If you pull the entire post document, yes you'll have a giant object.
But you can filter the result, you can select the post object without pulling all the comment objects nested under it.
my case is this: there is a bug which happens somewhere and has something to do with this object (a missing property or whatnot), fix it
and I cannot debug the object because it's too big
@rlemon joking ?
I cannot var_dump it or print_r it, which crashes the browser
@DarkAshelin Sure you can, you can filter out what you don't need in the select.
do you see what a pain this is to work with?
@SecondRikudo no, I have no control over the select
@DarkAshelin Sucks to be you then :|
That's like having a 50 line MySQL query that returns 1.7 billion records, then complaining that the resultset is too big
mongo seems good to work with on small projects, but definitely not on big projects
That's not PHP's fault, it's not even Mongo's, it's the crappy query's fault.
Fix that.
we have 1 big $user object which contains everything and is used everywhere in the site
Lol seriously
@DarkAshelin That's called a God object and it's a horrible pattern to follow
Exactly for that reason.
Serverside paging no?
@SecondRikudo your explanation sounded like mongo was built for this
@DarkAshelin fucking up on tabs cos IRC chat works smoother than this one
@DarkAshelin No.
or postgresql at least
@Sippy ?
soz m8
Mongo is built to pull everything you ever need in one select.
WAs gonna say, you're lucky you got fired for the tits
@SecondRikudo well wouldn't that result in a god object?
If you do it right, you can get any data you want with one query, which does one single pull.
what if u need a lot xD
@DarkAshelin If you need a lot you need a lot.
Cos if they allow god objects then their codebase must be fucking awful
A God object is a single object that gets passed around everywhere, and each place only uses 2% of the ability.
If you pull a lot of data but use all of it, it's fine, you can't really avoid that...
@SecondRikudo pretty much what happens
So bad
You can literally see how that's bad
Without any further thought
well yes
1 min ago, by Second Rikudo
If you do it right, you can get any data you want with one query, which does one single pull.
There are no buts with god objects :P
^ to me that sounds like you'd want to create a god object like that?
YEah he means not using a god object
@DarkAshelin If you need to render a post and all of its comments with all of the users who posted those comments, pulling one document with all that data to render it is perfect.
No no
With an ORM or something
With MySQL you'd need to do exactly the same thing, only it would take you who knows how much longer.
Getting a huge $user object was laziness by someone
With MySQL you'd need to
Without an ORM to make it easier, you basically have to write a sql statement to pull singular objects
Every time you wanna pull one
@Sippy I feel like that could be the description for this entire project/company xD
Captain Lazy who wrote that jsut wanted a whole collection of users
SELECT * from `posts`
  JOIN on `comments` ...
  JOIN on `users` ...
That's expensive ^
does anyone here uses webstorm ?
the ide?
With mongo you'd collection.findOne({id: 'id here'}) done
@90intuition I use Jetbrains PHPstorm
One read operation.
is that the same thing
@DarkAshelin Pretty much
I have it installed, but don't use it
@90intuition Yes
webstorm is best pony
click on the lamp and it will tell you
do you guys also have this green strange background in a html file ?
@SecondRikudo but you'd just have much bigger objects in the database itself then, right?
@90intuition no
@DarkAshelin Yes.
maybe you need to indent it?
@SecondRikudo why is one better/faster than the other?
Database == god object sorta kinda btw.
webstorm does this automatic for me
paste the code and I will see if mt webstorm does the same thing
Except you don't have to pass the damn thing round your website.
indenting doesn't change something @vader
@90intuition is it because you have it highlighted?
@DarkAshelin Because Mongo just has to read. MySQL has to read, then do the denormalization (i.e. generating those large objects), before returning to you
@DarkAshelin Have you ever coded in VS?
well it's clearly showing you what area you can put your content in
as a visual cue to help users
@SecondRikudo I would think that the speed is the same, since in the end it still has to pass around the same object (size)
@Sippy ehh yes, like 6 years ago
But is it normal ? @DarkAshelin doesn't have this right ?
Ah ok nvm
@DarkAshelin That's not where the bottleneck is though
@90intuition what does it say if u click the lamp icon?
If the database is remote than maybe.
Was gonna ask how PHPStorm compares as I suggested to my uni they teach PHP using it
But never actually used it
@90intuition if you paste your code we can chekc if wel also have it
@Sippy it's good. my uni taught it
@Vader you can see all the code in the screenshot
but I currently prefer Sublime
it has a better file search
@DarkAshelin Does PHPStorm not offer much then?
I'm pretty sure it's just a visual cue saying "put your content here"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<p>Why is this background green ?</p>
Sublime is a glorified text editor lol
I thought PHPStorm was a fully fledged IDE
@Sippy so is Phpstorm
@90intuition do you have a css file?
@DarkAshelin no
@90intuition wait what are u asking?
@Sippy or well, PHPStorm offers less functionalities than Sublime iirc
Therein lies half the reason I will never build anything using PHP :D
The other half of the reason is because PHP
why the background color there is green
and if it is normal
Is that visual studio?
and if I can change it
@90intuition is that a text editor?
that is webstorm
which one
Fuck knows
@90intuition I don't have it
Look at the font and colours section of the tools and see if there's a way to set the colour of sections between brackets or something
Visual Studio does that
aaaaaah why me :P
in Sublime you can do Alt+Shift+P and then start typing a path or filename and it will find all files like that. It's pretty extensive as in you can type "controller" and it will find:
- path/controllers/js/app.js
- path/controller.js
- path/con/etc/trol.ler
@90intuition did you create it as a new html5 file?
also just try creating a new file and pasting that code into it, maybe it will go away
I mean PHPstorm would never find that last file
@Sippy PHPStorm (and Intellij and WebStorm, and all other family of IDEs from the same company) is very good.
But this isn't PHPstorm
@Vader If I create a new a html file I get the same.
@SecondRikudo Is it actually an IDE or is it a text editor/
@Sippy IDE
fucking laptop let me type things
@DarkAshelin imagine if you have a ginormous query with 6-7 nested joins inside
That's 6-7 levels of recursion the database has to perform
@SecondRikudo seems overkill to have in the first place, but ok
@DarkAshelin It's not that uncommon for a seriously normalized database
I already answered the question twice Sippy
O(n^6) is a horrible complexity
@90intuition go to your settings and see if there are any weird definitions
With a proper Mongo modeling, you get O(1)
One read, all data is available, done.

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