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@Mdermez why do you think that dropping the extension will impact SEO?
2 hours later…
Currently struggling to come up with a good way to include a localisation option in my javascript. E.g. a user sets their language and then my js file needs to use the appropriate definitions. Easy enough to do in the backend just not sure how to do it in my js so any advice would be much appreciated
Current options that I've come up with and their pros and cons:
Option 1: Separate js file with language object
Pros: Can be cached
Cons: Extra http request, doesn’t work because my main file is loaded with async

Option 2: Inline language object
Pros: Can send only necessary language definitions
Cons: Can’t be cached

Option 3: Seperate js builds for each language
Cons: Longer build times, untidy, changing language forces js refresh
Pros: Can be cached and no unnecessary information is sent
any one here?
ok you must be batman
good observation
did you see the lightning dude up there?
@joshhunt why do you need language specific content in your javascript? javascript should only be for interactivity, content belongs in the markup
Using react to create the markup
that doesnt explain why there is language specific content in your javascript
either the content should be part of the document being served or it should fetch language specific content. you shouldnt have content hard coded in your javascript
ok say I have something like alert('hello'); and I need to translate hello into different languages
dont use alert? :p
of course, but say I need to notify the user in some way. The word hello has to get into my js somehow
I mean I can do something like data-message="hello" which is essentially option 2
whats up guys?
hope everyone is having a good night
/ day depending where you are lol
Can someone give me an example of the way I would go about setting a timer for 3 seconds in java script (not jQuery). Show img1 on second 1 img2 on second 2 etc..... basically a countdown timer before something happens if you will.
@joshhunt I have been searching and playing around with it for the better part of a day and still can't seem to find the solution.
you do understand that its a waste of everyones time to ask a general question "how do i do X" where searching for X returns a lot of results. if you have a specific problem implementing your solution, ask about that problem.
theres nothing more annoying than seeing "i already tried that" when someone gives you the obvious answer
@cimmanon sorry wasn't trying to upset you. Guess I'm just very frustrated with this particular situation.
3 hours later…
hey hey hey, been drinkuing some wine, but got a really serious question about HTML/CSS that is kinda tricky abotu how to go about it.
So my frined is taking courses to get her cert for webdev and the teacher's sylabus is really messed up.
H'es realy old and is trying to teach a course using some weird combinations of XHTMLand not best practice CSS and do;t want her to learn bad habits.
Whats the best way to go abnout telling the teacher their methods are wrong sucxh that she won't be hated on and marked down?
I'll sober up in a few hours and we can get this dscussion going.
ping me!
ahahah @crypticツ
so I looked up the W3C specs which says the things the professor is doing are purely optional and not neccesary, would that suggice as documentation detailing that their metohds are not the most idea.
there is no way you can tell that to an old teacher without having her offended
For instance using HTML5 doctype they ar closing void/empty elements like <br /> <meta .... /> etc.
also got CSS dfoing 0px when it make sense to just use 0
that's not bad practice though
bad practice is <div><p>foo</div></p>
but I don't wamt my friend dinged on grading if she doesn't do the exact way the professor does.
You're telling me
Deadpool comes out in my country (and the UK) before everyone else?
@BoltClock which means everyone else will aslo get it via torrent =oP
I'm surprised it's even releasing in my country at all
@crypticツ if it's a beginners course i wouldn't focus too much on 0px vs 0
honestly isn't that what all web developers do anyway
They use XHTML shortcut closing syntax in HTML5 like it's necessary
@Abe I just don;t want her learning habits, could you check out te syllbuas and see if there is anything else that pops out? analog24.net/pcosci/labPageMenus/cs553Labs.html I'm trying to get her to learn front-end and lots of profs are still teaching html4 so what would you grade his teaching as?
its the best and mosr modern I've found that she's send me links to, just a few minor things I personally noticed, but I;m no expert.
sorry not syllbuas, but course tutorials
@crypticツ what have you been drinking? uranium?
a botle of wine
when i drink my communication skills get improved, not the opposite :(
Q: How can I write more efficient CSS for the max-width

GravityI currently have this code in my wordpress child theme. It allows me to customize the width of individual posts by surrounding the content in a div. While it may not be best practice to have such a variety in page-widths, it is a feature I would like my site to have. However the list of css cla...

@Abe mine is opposite, gut I become the nicest person though. I'd give my wallet to a atranger.
i could even become a famous aramaic literatus by drinking enough
anyway... you shouldn't care of what a beginner learns, as long they understand they don't have the big picture yet
and that any practice is subject to change... easily
true, what about document.write? Afaik tha'ts not good, unless I'v read wrong.
yeah this course seems stuck in 1998
but i wouldn't care... again. practices change on a yearly basis. it's up to her updating her knowledge
devdocs.io would be the best place for a beggineer to keep up to date or you recommend a difeerent site?
this room is the best place for a beginner to keep up to date :D
I tried teaching PHP data tyeps and that was a week long proceaas
lol, ok. I'll have her get an account here =oP
and day 2 done
@crypticツ problem with document.write is it wipes your existing document
@Kitler like overwrite the document structure?
like empty your dom and fill it with the new shit
open the console
and write document.write('potato');
innerHTML is also bad to insert HTML when you should be using append*(), right?
> Note: as document.write writes to the document stream, calling document.write on a closed (loaded) document automatically calls document.open which will clear the document.
@crypticツ Hax! You broke chat! ;-)
@Cerbrus O_o
@crypticツ depends on what you're doing
@crypticツ not anymore... practices change
now innerHTML is considered okay
wtf, I give up =oD
it's js world, every other week you have a new best practice
most of it is usually hype
@crypticツ > You are not supposed to care about standards when you are drunk.
from the HTML5 spec.
if I didn;t have standarss I wouldn't know if I was doing it right. The amount of linters and validatoers I use is insane.
Toss in eslint/jshint to your project and you're good to go
@Kitler jshint > jslint?
jshint !== jslint
so don't use jslint?
Never used jslint in ~4 years
jshint > jslint
Way more configurable, and it's default rules are much less... absurd
eslint is overtaking jshint though
I honestly can't tell the difference :P
I have all 3 running on Phptsotmr
you only need 1 :P
posted on December 02, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

> less tools, more coding - Italian philosophe Wes, circa 2016 AD
> less tools, more time wasted debugging - Italian philosophe Wes, circa 2016 AD reformulated
i just don't write bugs
@Feeds the fuk
ugh, at least be eco friendlty an use a LED
saving the world one butthole bulb at a time
never been said before
i love when i read some new words combination
youtube.com/watch?v=-JVqRy0sWWY I wanrt this as my porhc light to piss off the homeowners assocuation
nothing to see here
@Abe don;t you need UV lamps?
very expensive and very expensive to run ones
do they have LED UV lamps?
could be?
most cops find grows house based on utitility bills.
don't use UVB though
it generates ozone, which is baf for your repsiratory sydtem
uv lamps = sodium lamps?
@crypticツ unless you're canadian and have a license x.x
or in one of the many US statess that have legalized it.
but federal law >
and licenses to grow are impossibru to get no?
They have siaf they won't go after peoplr who can legally proesses anf grow. But I;m sure they are planning some scheme to monopolize it and make billions of of it.
let's move to canada!
That's the plan
I''m worried once big cortps get into it they will GMO pot and then you'll just get cancer
goes against the weed culture though
local bros > corps
pssshm, once yo csn get it from the loca gas station nobody wil care where it comes form
I''m wating for medical marijuana dfor dogs
Gonna have to be a low thc count in them, doges freak out
!!youtube your dog ate weed
^ lol
my dog needs some weed to jus chill out
he old?
no, hes retarded
shorky, shitzu and yorkie
I think he her voicea
yorkies are insane
fucking yappy dogs
mine started jumping into the tub and just sitting there or walking into doors when he hit the 14years mark
mine poops on the coucj. I have protectie covers on them.
our couches are safe, rugs on the other hand
it's like he used to target them
like I takwe him out to poop and 5mins later poop on couch
small dogs are horrible
they are. they aren;t; event mine. They are my sisters who lives in anoter statre
nitem, about to fall asleep, thhx for the input you guys.
i have had a neighbor dog barking for his entire lifetime, at any hour. you think he would have stopped after 5 years barking, but no
gn @crypticツ
@Abe one of the employees here has a small dog bark for a ringtone
and he's still alive?
Not surprisingly, she's never there to answer her phone, so at least 3 times a day we year "bark bark bark bark!"
could be worse I suppose
could be some christmas carol
i have had this as ringtone for several years youtube.com/watch?v=0cVlTeIATBs
"Deck the halls with bells of holly... falalala.." STFU!
@Abe I think that's an awesome ringtone
makes you run to the phone before you annoy everyone
for a programmer a phone ringing is the most annoying sound in the world regardless of the ringtone used
i systematically get distracted in the worst possible moments
now it's way better though, at my previous job i had to answer phone constantly, just maybe because others were busy...
my previous job asked me to have a phone on my desk
I really really don't want that
skype me, text me, knock on my door if you need me, but when I'm in the zone don't call me
Hey @MadaraUchiha I hear you've recently ascended to woman modhood! Epic congratz mate ^^
I v had my phone on silent for as long as I can remember
@Abe I can't get distracted
I can zone out everything
Sometimes it's a problem :)
@PraxisAshelin Thanks :)
I'll start working on some project and one hour later, someone's puts their hand on my shoulder and goes, "Neil, did you hear? I asked what you thought about that idea.."
Not even sure how it is possible that people can carry on conversations with me when I'm in the zone like that
@Neil I'll zone everything out, but I can hear my name being spoken from the other side of the office, with headphones on.
imagine coding with add
@r3wt maybe you'd come out average :P
I won't notice ppl until they wave their hand in front of me, and then I'll be super startled and be like "who the hell are you, how did you get into my living room?"
i don't think i'm that terrible, but maybe i am
@PraxisAshelin You're like me then. Everytime I see this I see myself as that guy
would it be a bad idea to have the ability to define the global object when calling a closure?
Can't zone anything out :P
It also doesn't help if u have long hair like me, which impedes vision on both sides
So I won't even see ppl walking up to me from the side
I need to buy those things that horses wear to keep them on track
I've gotten better about it as of late
But it used to be weird.. I'd start something at 9:00 and my colleagues are asking me if I'm coming with them to lunch or not, and I look at my watch.. 12:45
Like wtf did the time go?
Non-programmers don't realize that when we talk about something taking 5 more minutes to finish, we're talking about programming time, which moves much faster :P
i've been attempting to find someway to create a private global state for a closure since midnight
Programming happens in a separate dimension
the dimension of tard
nah jk
@r3wt wat
@PraxisAshelin You changed jobs yet?
@PraxisAshelin you're alive!
@PraxisAshelin wutup hoe!
I mean bro!
!!urban hobro
@Sippy [Hobro](http://hobro.urbanup.com/4048862) Basically like a girl that's one of your bros.
ho bro.
A girl that's chill and can hang out like one of the guys.
Found it.
Yeee motherfucka
Aww ty
@MadaraUchiha 1 more month for my contract to end
@PraxisAshelin You gonna make it?
Did have a bad experience with my consultancy agency and I quit/they fired me
Did you shout tits again
Long story
No xD
@PraxisAshelin What else are we going to do? Program? Pff.. We're in an internet chatroom
@PraxisAshelin Wait
It wasn't anything akin to this was it?
in C#, Oct 23 at 17:28, by Tom W
1) Check in undetectable prank
2) Blat source control history such that prank is unremovable
3) Expose genitals, be asked to leave and not return
Hah lol no
Good cos that's my plan.
Just they threated me completely disrespectul and handled things u professionally
like yo spelling
Well that ain't so good.
I'm on mobile :P
I just heard one of my coworkers say jiggling.
That's not a webdev word.
You get like 300 internet points for that.
This coffee is so strong that I can only taste the sugar after I've put 3 spoons in it
And now it's too sweet but it still tastes like arse.
> "We'll jiggle this happy little DOM tree into the canvas" - Bob Rocss
2 messages moved to Trash can
Is there a reason you keep misspelling ross lol
Oh fuck my life.
There, oneliner
I'm so tired today.
Yea... I did that on purpose xD
Yeah I get it now.
Clearly my IQ goes double digit when I'm tired.
tempted to start a flame in the php room
should i?
pls distract me with boobs picture
let me grab the popcorn first
@Abe do it
you are not helping
Inb4 asking if you can write ASP.net in PHP.
@DennisJamin lol
in C#, 35 mins ago, by Sippy
16 hours ago, by SantLev
I know this room is about C# but who knows, also most ASP.NET developers are C# developers in a way
Are you that guy?
Kek wat? No :D
@Abe Javascript room started a war with Lounge C++ room
You might want to wait on that
Q: Request for community attention on a moderator's behavior

NoobleIt has come to a handful of people's attention that at least some of the newly elected moderators might not be exactly up to challenge. Here's a message that very clearly demonstrates this incompetence, that was a result of a particular argument that appeared in one of the SO chatrooms: Madar...

I wondered the other day actually, what's the source code for JS made with?
MadaraUchiha did the proper thing to moderate C++ room, and they absolutely didn't expect he would actually stretch his moderator muscles
@Sippy V8 javascript engine is written in C++
The offender is a fucking asshole.
So gg madara.
@Neil Thought so lol
they had some balls nerve to talk to Madara like that
Wtf did they think would happen lol
He isn't new, he's just newly elected.
I don't know, I suppose they figured being a moderator was about earning community respect
He's there to moderate, not make friends
To be honest the C# room gets away with a lot of shit as well.
If you look at the transcript, he gave ample warning before saying that
Bluefeet flexed in there a few days ago.
I don't visit the C# room
Same premise though.
I know
We tend to deal with problem users. People are entitled to their opinions and I see no issue with provocative subjects being discussed, but there was a guy called KTOV who literally introduced himself by saying "fuck her in the pussy" in two rooms
Which rubbed me the wrong way, ptp :)
entering xmas mode in a couple of weeks probably less. i'll get a great beard
I want a beard :(((
Yeah, the rooms themselves need to keep people like that out
if the room says, "Hey! You're one of us!" then bad things happen

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