im using sass and a font-face the files are pointing to the correc t location and the files are there to download however the fonts arent showing through on the frontend. Any ideas?
@cimmanon yep ive tried to manually do it straight into the CSS, and it still doesn't work. Any ideas what the issue could be? Ive tried changing the file location so its really simple and in the same directory
my brother got the kid, then the wife, then he's looking for a house
I think it's silly.
@ZachSaucier I'm perfectly happy with my SO without the ring. I'm not advocating no marriage, but why not put things into perspective. buy a house first, then get married, then have kids. at least then I will have the most expensive thing and the comfortable house for my wife and child
@rlemon i dont see what the big deal is. besides, i dont see how people can afford to buy a house in this part of the province. youd be stupid to buy at these prices
marriage to me is not a 'union before god' because I'm not religious. it is a lawful union, which does have implications on taxes, benefits, children, etc.
but without children, or a home, or anything else, it is a label of my devotion to her, which doesn't need to be made because she knows I am
for someone like me who is waiting for sex until marriage (because I believe it will be better then as opposed to before, knowing I'll have them for my life), marriage is more than that
maybe I'm mistaking you for someone else. but I thought you were very religious? I'm not knocking it. just trying to point out a fundamental difference I think exists.
"getting married is more important than buying the house first because money doesn't matter and you'll be married which should be more fun than not being married" paraphrasing from the convo
too me, I don't see how the argument of "being married is more fun" works out. I don't see how my relationship with her would change. I can understand that it would for some, but personally I don't see that being the case for me. And I'm trying to be open minded about this. I just can't see what could change?
@ZachSaucier ohh, well in that case. I don't believe in marriage the same way you do. I love my GF and that is the quality relationship I enjoy. getting married is a legal thing which will bond us with the law. We don't need a paper to justify our devotion, which isn't discrediting others who don't view it as "a piece of paper"
@rlemon that's fine, what I'm trying to make clear is that I think there is a better alternative than the one you have chosen in the past that you have now :) Nothing against you, trying to represent my view
@BasementKeyboardHero I'd rather not start a debate, but in the Christian faith it's a sin. As for whether or not it should be legal, I'm fine with it being so as it's a personal decision that ultimately doesn't affect me much
yea I think we're all pretty calm right now. no one wants to debate over difference of opinions on things that shouldn't have a barring on our lives ;)
@rlemon that being dedicated to one person is better than having given parts of yourself (emotionally, etc. - the ways meant between a husband and wife - not pieces of you physically) to many people
@TylerH human's rule is flawed :P
if we were all perfect socialism would be the best form of gov
@ZachSaucier I don't think it is possible to control 'giving away yourself' (emotions) - I've loved people who never knew. I've loved people who didn't love me back. I can't control who I love. I can only choose which actions to take (just my view)
The internet is a wonderful thing, halfway across the world a guy in sandals petting his goat in front of the computer got your "The game" reference ^^
I only want to go fullscreen if the device is in landscape. Here's my code:
if(confirm('Go landscape then tap "ok".')){
alert('You hit cancel.');
alert('Device i...
I only want to go fullscreen if the device is in landscape. Here's my code:
if(confirm('Go landscape then tap "ok".')){
alert('You hit cancel.');
alert('Device i...
know whats a pain in the ass? filing for a new permanent resident card. they want a copy of every single page of every passport ive had over the last 5 years. know how many passports ive had? 3.
@CarrieKendall that reminds me of the post I saw yesterday. A guy posted thousands of LoC and I was like "bro really no one is going to read through this to help you for free. I urge you to cut this down to just the relevant parts"
they don't mandate the collection of them when you get a new one so it's impossible for them to keep tabs on whether someone's lost an old one or still has it around.
ok well she can't edit the message because she doesn't know about them in here
that uses the DOM
good enough I suppose
ahaha nice I coded for it too
var id = []'.user-container.mine .messages .message')).pop().id.match(/(\d+)/)[0];
if (!id) return; // so I don't blow up. this should never fail tho.
.. unless you change the functionality of your script rlemon!