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seriously guys you should try using wordpress its really awesome and save you alot of your precious time..
You can make a beautiful and secure website, without WordPress, and you'll have a much better time maintaining it too.
@user3027531 I, at the very least, have 3 years of experience with WordPress.
@user3027531 I have used wp alot
So, no, I don't really need to "try it" to tell you how "awesome" it is
also about 3 years
I made that plugin just for you
I have fixed a lot of wordpress sites
@PeeHaa By using @RonniSkansing's plugin? :D
That too :)
see you all are WP user and I hope you guys really loved the ease you can get there for development.. I prefer it on joomla and drupal too..
so @PeeHaa can you recommend me any good wordpress plugin?
@user3027531 you never really developed anything with wp?? Because there is no ease of development with wp. Like do you think that it is logical that is_admin does not tell you if the user is a admin?
@Peehaa doesn't even know how to use google
doubt he can help with wordpress
No matter what plugin you throw at the problem Wp is horrible fucked up and broken by design
6 mins ago, by PeeHaa
@user3027531 The only thing you can do is run the thing in a jail and have backups ready
Clicking around in a control panel is not being a developer
I am thinking of using wordfence as its highly ratedand reviews are really good so far..
@KeyboardWarrior go back to watching Parasyte!
@user3027531 Because it enables noobs do a job that looks like a pro's
But it's a facade.
Because once you need something a little more than what your common tutorials and YouTube vids have
That's where your "ease of development" breaks down
WordPress is great if you have a very simple site, maybe with a blog, and you don't need anything other than that.
someone recommended me to use ithemes security, but oh boy you guys are alot of hater of wordpress after all that wordpress experience, that's so wierd...
Anything else (and I do mean anything else) is bastardized on top of WordPress and is awkward.
@user3027531 for security setup fail2ban and etc.
do not trust some plugin
unless you review the code
yeah i totally agree when it comes to developing plug ins etc from scratch wordpress is really horrible..
you need to keep your plugins compatible with all versions etc but it gives ease to end user..
@user3027531 That's not what I mean.
WordPress is not built for developers.
If you are a developer, you do not want WordPress.
@SecondRikudo I haven't watched another episode yet :D
too busy dota
still sad AOT is finished
fuck you very much for that btw
If you are a user, WordPress is an OK solution
@KeyboardWarrior You're fucking welcome.
fuckcome? O.o
There, that's better.
well i am a developer but i prefer using wordpress as it saves me up alot of time, why developing the whole theme from scratch when you can get it from themeforest for $50 for wordpress
its just a time saving solution for me..
@user3027531 do you review the code?
@user3027531 Then you aren't a developer... you are a user.
@user3027531 That is a fallacy
I don't buy the code for the applications I write, I write it...
That's kind of the point of being a developer
As the person who develops things.
As just found out because you have to fix the site now and prevent it from happening again
Stop looking at short term gain for long term problems
well for some type of application you have to code it from scratch which I do too, but idf its a simple damn website i just buy it and deliver to the end user.. Don't you guys think its a better idea to save your self sometime,,
time is money for me and I really want to save it..
Time is money
1 min ago, by PeeHaa
Stop looking at short term gain for long term problems
@user3027531 the end user can buy the theme themself
it is just clicking in a controlpanel
so do you guys prefer any CMS and you always recommend to code from scratch?
@user3027531 That still doesn't make you a developer, it makes you a mediator at best (and a fraud at worst)
@user3027531 Well, if you have many users that buy sites from you, making your own simplified CMS can be a good thing,
@user3027531 anyways.. what was teh issue, that the site got hacked?
Coding from scratch is a one time effort (sure you will rewrite it eventually), but you gain security, maintainability, codebase knowledge, extensibility
Marketing: because you can say "not wordpress"
yeah it got hacked and I took care of it by updating my wordpress version and the plugins and adding 5g htaccess firwall for now
@SecondRikudo hahaha your typo's make me laugh sir
my real question actually is here that wordpress security plugins are really helpful or they just have some amazing downloads and ratings #wordfence
@user3027531 some of them are usefull for specific stuff, there is not silver bullet when it comes to security, but as I said, I would recommend you to setup fail2ban and etc
@user3027531 Let me ask you this, would you trust a plugin, whose code you've never read, to handle all of the security on your site?
Or worse, 5 different plugins, from strangers on the internet?
@RonniSkansing now that we are on the topic. What about writing a proper security 0 day plugin for wordpress. I think it would be doable right?
no, reviewing its code is really important, who knows if the plugin itself is a culprit..
@PeeHaa One already exists, we discussed this.
21 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
@user3027531 https://wordpress.org/plugins/uninstall/
@PeeHaa yea, that is a great idea... or a "Rate my hosting" which say if their php version and env sucks
lol again that flushing solution ...
for the first time i am having a conversation against wordpress..
@user3027531 WordPress is good for some things.
Being super secure is not one of them.
people literlly ask me for wordpress solution and no to any custom build from scratch..
@user3027531 setup a vps, make a smart install wp script with a choose theme and minimal setup
setup online payment
what i think is if its simple static website go for wordpress but if its tooo much extended like signups etc then go for custom build from scratch,,,
If it is static why use wordpress?
why not just html/js/css?
If it's static, use static :)
That would be much faster and secure
But you could also just "hack" your own customers and charge them for recovery
because you have to first make its design and then code that design, too much work don't you think

youo can get a theme from themeforest $50 or so and I hope some of you guys have their products listed over there too..
@user3027531 you can pay a guy/girl $50 for a high quality static design on eLance/oDesk or something
that is not just another ripoff of a theme sold to a billion people
and no I do not think it is too much work
there are so many libs out there that make it very rapid
now you sounded like don't use bootstrap as a frontend framework because it'll be a ripoff which I disagree..
I did not say that, bootstrap is highly customizable
you can blend any theme as per your need too
yes, but you did not mention this earlier, when you bloated about how fast it was just to buy a theme
You know whats awesome about WP?
somehow reviewing the code and customizing it was not mentioned
now thats an absolute hatred LIE!! :P
Anyways you should try the plugin, trusted by almost 1 person per day =]
You spend more time debugging WP than anything else -.-
o this plugin causes this div to fuck out, o no my slider isn't working
not if you are using right plugins like wp total cache, wp super cache, these plugins help in speeding up your site
and you have to buy a right theme too
There is literally nothing you can say to convince me that WP is good
not a single thing
and this is coming from a person who doesn't even Dev
well out of all LMS out there
th wplms is the nicer one I have seen so far
so that's somehting to like about wp
you do know that cms is for people who can't dev right
like a harley with trainer wheels
that never come off
in fact one of my client paid me $350 just to install that theme and changing its header LOL!!! yes people are that crazy about wordpress
People are retarded*
there I fixed it for you
yeah I know that but CMS is for developers too to make end user life easier..
calling all devs that use WP
@SecondRikudo teach me Cisco and teach it to me NEOW!
LMAO!! that's your hatred talking, from inside you really love it and I bet already developed loads of themes with it..
@user3027531 instead of buying themes just use the composer plugin that is what all the freelancers do
you should learn nodejs too
you mean visual composer polugin..
@user3027531 I am not a dev -.-
yes, it seems you do not care about quality at all. =] So why waste money on other peoples themes even
and if you use WP neither are you :P
i am thinking to make one theme on wordpress and planning to user visual composer as a plugin for that...
@user3027531 some day the wp bubble will burst
well its not wasting money, visual composer is just a page builder plugin and buying a theme comes with everything like layer slider, page builder for free.
thats the main point of buying a theme here so its actually savingmoney
You are just the middle man
no.. not imo, you are spending money
they are developed so that anyone can use them
stick to WP and one day, you will have no business left
because the people who need it will do it themselves
yeah someday the bubble of everything will burst like orkut #google's nighmare
@user3027531 everyone telling you that wp sucks, I am sure, will be out of best intentions
and some day you will tell it to other people too
I hope someday , a lot of better workarounds come for web development, so people won't even bother to go for wordpress...
@BasementKeyboardHero o/
have you heard?
WP is good
bird is the word ?
no its not good its awesome :P
@BasementKeyboardHero no! Give my goat fucker
wordpress sucks dick, but there's nothing to replace it with so meh
nonono dude
WP is amazing
it makes you a dev
unless you're writing plugins don't see how it makes you a dev
I don't know why but when anything started to get traction why people start hating it like #facebook yeah people hate it too and not to forget #justin beiber LMAO!!7
BasementKeyboardHero clicking a controlpanel is the new way of being a interwebs wizard (dev) and using hooks/filters, hybrid codebase and supporting dead versions is the new way
anyone know how to automate silverlight web apps?
oh silverlight still exists lol!!
@Examorph chrome will not support Silverlight by the end of this year
I thought the development stopped down that road for a very long time ago...
Website which is used at my workplace is a silverlight web app so I am trying to automate it but cant get anything to work
any idea guys when safari is planning to support webrtc?
I just built a solution using webrtc and have many complaints on why isn't it supported on safari :-/
btw dinosaurs are cool
!!caniuse webrtc
LMAO BTW they have literally gorillas in Chinese army
@CapricaSix I know about that.. so far opentok is the best one for webrtc in my point of view with rates and servers etc
@RonniSkansing Is there some central and complete place for WP vulnerabilities we can use?
@PeeHaa wpvulndb.com was the site that reported the vuln there was in the uninstall plugin, it seems to be pretty updated, next after that i would think cvedetails.com
Looks good
Are you making the "Am I vuln" plugin?
More like a "hot patching" plugin where possible and a "kill feature / plugin" when hot patching is not possible thing
I would like to take an aggressive approach where functionality may stop working until the issue is fixed. As in when needed a plugin is deactivated / removed (with backup) when a new vuln comes out
Sounds cool =]
Yeah I think it does. I will dive a bit into it later to see what is possible with this
viva la resistance
That's cool, just needs the wp logo instead of the red star
@ZachSaucier I am a noob to web development. Do you have some resources to recommend ?
@Vader graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/463/… if you have a question about something in particular let me know
@ZachSaucier you have the best answer by far on that one
have you heard/used of codeavengers.com/courses?
It seems to be like code academy, it's also interactive
but it cost money
all the stuff on there (except the mentoring) is free
which is a huge downside
what about treehouse?
it's paid
but I don't have a problem paying for something if it is good
everything I've learned so far is from free resources
hadn't used treehouse TBH
@Firedrake969 such as ..?
hmm they have a free trial
so that's something to check out
Just build stuff
You don't need to pay anything for resources to learn
@Vader Basically, here were my steps...
@PeeHaa yes but what if your at square 0
1. Codeacademy
2. Build stuff I can't build, but build it anyways and learn over time using online resources
that's what my answer is for :P
@Vader The same
@Firedrake969 I did codecademy for python and js but not sure if the html one is any good
The HTML one is pretty good
if you already know the basics there's not much point
1) Read something (just about anything) 2) Build 3) Fail 4) Rinse 5) Repeat
I actually was more interested in JS, so I forgot all my CSS and HTML,
@ZachSaucier well I don't know html nor do I know css
@PeeHaa THIS
then it could be helpful :P
as continued from before, I forgot all my design stuff, so I built a project incorporating HTML, CSS, and JS, and then slowly made stuff more complicated
looks like I have to build something
also treehouse want my credit card for a free trial, which is bs
use any of the free ones I listed
so W3Cschools? :P
It's ok as a reference, sometimes
looks like codecademy\ is the best free tools there is
what do you guys use to create websites? n++? IDEs?
n++ all the way
I ask because I would like to be able to kind of see a preivew of stuff as I create it
depends what you're talking about
html + css + js preview would be great
Lets you run everything, exactly how it is, in Chrome or whatever
Or you can use jsfiddle.com
I love using it to test ideas/throw together scripts
@Vader you can get extensions for most editors to enable this capability
Personally I use SublimeText, though Atom is another good editor
@Firedrake969 this is good for small stuff
but it's not local
Local as in?
@ZachSaucier does sublime text allow for live/interactive preivews
@Firedrake969 I mean that I can't link it my image that on my HDD
like I said, you can get extensions
@Vader Imho when the "compilation" time is just a refresh of a page it really isn't needed
@Vader Could you reword that?
though pressing CTRL + S is not really hard work to see a preview...
Or you can even have a refresh script every X seconds
@Firedrake969 JSFiddle is good for quick small tests. SublimeText or n++ have the advantage that they can access files on my hard drive and I can save my files to my Hard drive as well.
Oh, k
That's basically how I use those two tools
Guys I have a question: Given that I have limited tool(PC running Windows) for creating a cross-platform Mobile Apps, is WebApp the only way to do it? For example, a 2D game?
I don't think so....?
or Wise way?
Intel XDK
Only thing I've really ever used, though, so I'm sure there's more
Is there any other tool from which I could developed from a native iOS?
!!tell mr5 google create cross platform mobile apps
!!tell mr5 google intel xdk
from what I've searched in the Web, there isn't iOS emulator
!!tell mr5 google intel xdk ios emulator
there are no really good emulators for anything
It's not perfect, but it's pretty good
@Firedrake969 please don't spam with the bot :)
Thanks guys. By the ways, I'm not a bot ^^
Ok, if that's considered spam
@mr5 but @CapricaSix is
I'm just a bit slow to read and type :D
@mr5 huh sure there is
Thanks for the quick response and info. I have filled this huge gap a little a while ^^
Although it is called a simulator because apple wants to think different
Yeah. But I couldn't really distinguish that two words
Q: Simulator or Emulator? What is the difference?

AraKWhile I understand what simulation and emulation mean in general, I almost always get confused about them. Assume that I create a piece of software that mimics existing hardware/software, what should I call it? A simulator or an emulator? Could anyone explain the difference in terms of programmi...

Uh, isn't this Intel XDK is just another WebApp way which I suggest earlier?
A web app is a generic term
What I mean by WebApp is using this HTML5/JS/CSS so might be the conclusion is there's no way to developed from their native code.
Native code as in?
iOS = Objective-C, Android = Java ...
Oh, yeah, you can
@mr5 Sure there is
Although in some places the native code is HTML5/JS/CSS
It's called objective c and java
!!tel mr5 google xcode
@mr5 google xcode
Well guys, I don't want to be entertained by trolls
Aaaaaaaaaand tiny avatared
oops, misspelled tell
mr5, we're not trolling you
!!tell mr5 google xcode
Ok guys. I'm reading those links you have given. I'll be right back after to thank you again if I have made my decision :D
Hi all...
Can you guys help me with something ???
@JoshCrozier Check this codepen.io/akshay-7/pen/ZYyxyq
I am trying to create a menu like in windows 8
hi All
i have a quick question about bootstrap jumbtron
@JoshCrozier but on the right half of the div only the top and bottom are skewed
i need to make the width of the jumbtron to be from left to right of the screen; right now it's on the middle
here's my CSS
.jumbotronSystemIndex {
padding: 30px 15px;
margin-bottom: 30px;
background-color: #efb73e;
width: 100%;
z-index: -1;

any clue
@JoshCrozier Inform me if you have any idea. I don't want you to do it for me just give me a clue about it and i will do the rest
@Osadellah You have 100% width try this i am not sure if this is what you are trying to achieve jsfiddle.net/akshay7/e5wm29wg
Hi guys, I am facing challenges in tweaking the CSS to make my wordpress based website mobile friendly...could anyone kindly provide some tips to proceed, as I am stuck in the same place for 1 week now...website is www.checkgaadi.com
Morning @NullPoiиteя
how do I adjust the font size based on device, so that it simply does not have to wrap and go to the next line?
media queries
@SureshKumar Use flash
@PeeHaa :P
Thanks, but I am looking for some CSS tips @PeeHaa :)
@rlemon could you please elaborate a bit?
use media queries to detect the most common break points for different devices and code for mobile first, then expand to larger displays
it's called "mobile first responsive design"
if you google that I'm sure you'll find a lot of resources and examples
have tried font-size in % or em etc but it simply won't work - the text wraps to next line with the same font size, instead I expect the font size to to reduce so that it fits into the max-width available
don't use % to adjust for mobile. you'll have a very bad day
Can I not simply use a property to make sure that font size is reduced to an extent that text is now adjusted within the available width?
hi, im using angularjs+ionic+leaflet.js. i want to show paths, i followed this exactly
but the path is just not showing up. i added the modules in the same order as in the example ...the map centers to the given location and also shows markers if i specify there but the paths dont appear, what am i doing wrong?
@ZachSaucier there is another paid resource you might want to add. https://www.codeschool.com/

from all the paid ones this on looks like the best one.
@rlemon - how do I use media queries? Sorry if the question is too basic as I have never used it. I just tried to copy a code like below in my CSS and it was ignored by the browser...makes me think something else is needed perhaps...
@media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
font-size: 160px; /* 1/3 max screen height */
@SureshKumar if you need the font size to be that big, youre doing something wrong. see stackoverflow.com/questions/21441993/media-queries-doesnt-work
@cimmanon this was just a sample code I copy pasted to check the functioning of media queries...
@cimmanon thanks. Somehow when I debug in the browser it does not show me any CSS code related to @media
@SureshKumar did you read the question i linked?
A: Media queries doesn't work

Josh CrozierYou would use (max-width: 768px) instead of (max-device-width: 768px). See the difference between max-device-width/max-width explained here. Add a viewport if you want the media query to work on mobile devices: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> UPDATED EXAMP...

@cimmanon, yep I did and changed the max-device-width to max-width...but the code is not showing in the debugger...so I assumed it is being ignored...no?
@SureshKumar did you stop reading after the first paragraph?
@cimmanon - I do have following line in my code if this is what you meant...
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
@SureshKumar are you certain your device has a viewport that meets the specified media query?
@cimmanon I am simply testing on my desktop itself with Chrome tools...have selected the "Device" as iPhone 4
@SureshKumar uh huh, and how big is your chrome window?
you do understand what i mean when i say "viewport", right?
@cimmanon - not sure. Since I am not familiar with the functioning of media queries I simply want to add sample code and then tweak it as I go along. So I have added the following code in the CSS in under the right place but its not showing up in the browser debug window, whereas all the other CSS code above and below it is showing...
@media only screen and (max-width: 450px) { margin: 20px; }
@cimmanon quite possible I am doing some basic mistake and I appreciate your help
@SureshKumar stop and think about it. the viewport is the part of the browser where the webpage exists. if youre saying "do these styles when the viewport is less than or equal to a width of 450px" and your viewport is wider than 450px, then the styles dont apply
it doesnt matter what device you say you are
@cimmanon ok, makes sense. Here is the thing I am pointing to: My device size is 320x480 as I have selected iPhone 4. I have now changed the code to the following and I expect that this CSS code shows up along with all the other code...however I am not seeing this code at all whereas everything else is visible...
@media only screen and (max-width: 500px) {
font-style: italic;
@SureshKumar but is your viewport 320px wide? dont make me startup chrome
@cimmanon I was assuming that my viewport will be 320px since I have selected the iPhone4 device...so you are saying I need to set this viewport size in my code?
@SureshKumar do i have to spell it out? resize your browser already
How can I make a form that dont realy send anything. have few input method and submit button, and I do all the submit with js ??
I found out that if I press on the submit button it try to load index.html? page.
@A_l did you try searching for "javascript disable form submit"?
@cimmanon the browser is already resized...as soon as you select the device, you get a tiny window showing your webpage and its size corresponds to the selected device...
@cimmanon so yes, I think the viewport is 320px wide
@SureshKumar did you try validating it?
@cimmanon, yes because the behaviour (i.e. page rendering) is exactly the same on my actual iPhone 4 device and the desktop chrome browser with this above setting
@SureshKumar look, i am trying to teach you how to fish. if you dont want to learn, i am not interested in helping. your page clearly isnt rendering properly. so validate it (the css)
@cimmanon can you please open my website checkgaadi.com on your mobile device (or chrome with the above setting) and give me some pointers on what do I need to do the fix the issues that you see there
@cimmanon and I truly appreciate this fully knowing how busy you may be as an owner of this chat room...just that I am too new for this stuff...
@cimmanon yes I checked "javascript disable form submit" but the solution on the net is to cancel the enter button or thing like this.
I didnt find a way to cancel the send. (I want when the user press enter the button will click || submit function will call).
@A_l You can return false in a 'submit' handler.
@SecondRikudo you might appreciate tomiokajiro.deviantart.com/art/sister-283034475
@easwee Nice, I'm impressed.
such detail

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