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@Billy that is your data.
Hold on, I'll put it online
So it is.
@SomeGuy That's nice
@SomeGuy lovely!
@rlemon came up with the original jsfiddle.net/rlemon/8vckc/1/embedded/result
@mikedidthis Do I need to use AJAX here?
@Billy no, you need to parse the json response to get your data?
How do I get the response in the first place?
Update on Phone to Chrome: Going to make a paid version which supports multiple computers, and allows you to send links even when your desktop is offline. Does that sound good?
(The free version allows only 1 computer to be saved, and sends to that computer only if the computer is connected)
@SomeGuy good plan
What price point?
$1-2, probably
@Billy got an ip address?
I will find out about getting the clients IP but we can speak hypothetically.. This should be fairly easy right? I'm just clueless :P
@SomeGuy Very nice improvement on the original
Chrome dev tools giving suggestions: "Consider using 'dppx' units instead of 'dpi', as in CSS 'dpi' means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual 'dpi' of a screen. In media query expression: only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), not all, not all, not all, only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx) "
@SomeGuy @mikedidthis jsfiddle.net/cSXhb/2
@mikedidthis mike you are my HTML/CSS workhorse.
@rlemon eat a dick.
I've seen Zachs CSS. I now have a teen-crush on him.
but don't worry @ZachSaucier. no dick eating will happen.
@Billy to see the response, use something like: hurl.it
For me I got: London;England;United Kingdom;Sky Broadband;51.50853000;-0.12574000;GB;
yeah - that's the programmers adrenaline - site not working 15 minutes before I got on my holiday :D
You can see the response by simply going to that web address
@rlemon Looks interesting
@rlemon Thanks for the compliments. I just mess around most the time, haha
also, guys, no love for my changes?!
I want var data = response;
@SomeGuy thankyou :)
@mikedidthis is just a jerk
@rlemon I like it.
@Billy and inputting the url + ip address
@rlemon Not for me, I'd prefer it to be more smooth (: More lifelike
I thought maybe some elasticity on the in animation
@rlemon I hate it. There is your love.
@mikedidthis Really that simple? o.o
@mikedidthis if you didn't have such a sexy voice, I might be mad at you for that.
but who can be mad at you ;)
@Billy to test the response yes. You will need to create the request on your own in your app or what ever madness it is you are doing.
OH. I see. yeah It's the requesting I don't know how to do
I can't use AJAX?
Yes you can.
I hate windows CLI :/
Oh. Well I think I can learn AJAX. Is it hard without jQuery?
the confusion on what to capitalize in XMLHttpRequest is so frustrating to me
@TylerH lol yep.
@Billy I wouldn't bother without jquery. but maybe that's just me being lazy
XML is an acronym so it is all caps. Http is a mistake. Request is correct
but no one sends XML anymore
it should be HttpRequest object
HTTP is an acronym as well
@TylerH that is why I said it was a mistake ;)
oh I see
    url: "handler.php",
    type: "post",
    data: data,
    success: function(event){
    error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){
        //Error afhandeling
        alert("Error: [" + textStatus + "] " + XMLHttpRequest.statusText + " " + errorThrown);
    timeout: 5000
it's that easy
don't you think they should fix it
@DarkAshelin In my case I need this to happen in JavaScript but before "before" page load so waiting for jQuery is a nono
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open( method, url );
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { ... };
xhr.setRequestHeader( ..., ... );
xhr.send( optionalEncodedData );
@DarkAshelin it is that easy.
@rlemon looks harder than mine
not to me
@Billy is it to load content?
Heh... you said "harder"...
!!urban snigger
@rlemon snigger To laugh at the misfortune of another. liberal-fearing peoples will use [snicker] instead, since it sounds like the word [nigger], a racist term.
@DarkAshelin No, it's to redirect.
@CapricaSix @mikedidthis I did in fact read the 'n' word first
@Billy uhm, for a redirect you wouldn't need any ajax at all
As someone who doesn't know how to code using either Dark's or rlemon's methods, rlemon's looks simpler to me
@CapricaSix LMAO
No, I know
@TylerH really? O.o
"liberal fearing"?
that made me LOL and now i am being stared at hah
wtf does that even mean?
but like I said, I don't know jQuery/JavaScript
both good languages
rlemon simplified it a bit more than it would be in practice
@CarrieKendall lol?
;) there is also that
jQuery isn't a language @CarrieKendall
@Billy can't you do the redirect without javascript?
@CarrieKendall Hahaha, did you see how bad those jokes got on April 1st?
but jQuery abstraction for ajax isn't needed anymore unless you are using it to shim older browsers
!!urban liberal fearing
@mikedidthis No definition found for liberal fearing
@TylerH thatsthejoke.png
@SomeGuy I don't think it was a joke.tiff
@rlemon Yeah. But if they're using jQuery for everything, they might as well
@SomeGuy yeah, i also saw the legit, in-depth answers on meta explaining the difference
but then I ask why the hell are you using jQuery for everything
$(this).prop('id') is stupid regardless of whether jQuery was "already loaded" or not
Q: Merge [javascript] and [jquery] tags

IQAndreasThere is often confusion among beginners. Most of the time, when they ask a JavaScript question, what they really want is JQuery. In fact, every problem can be solved with JQuery. We should make javascript a synonym of jquery and merge the two.

@CarrieKendall look at the date
That was an april fools question
dude, you're thick in the head :P
@user3339224 try again, and don't yell at us please.
Your jokes are awful
@DarkAshelin I don't have server-side ability for this project
And I'm redirecting based on a response from an API
feel free to ignore if i offend :)
not offensive :-P just... awful
What I've learned from being in the same room as @rlemon is that only valid reason to ever use jQuery is if you are showcasing each individual piece of the jQuery library in a single site.
well no
I am quick to say don't use it
basing your opinion of a tool you've never used on one person's opinion is awful
in reality I concede to the fact that it does help with RAD
any abstraction (by definition) should.
@CarrieKendall thatsthejoke.png
4 mins ago, by Some Guy
@CarrieKendall Hahaha, did you see how bad those jokes got on April 1st?
@rlemon lolz, i never yelled at any one and what do you mean try again? :p
That's what we were talking about
@SomeGuy I see. I didn't notice that
in Trash can, 2 mins ago, by user3339224
EMAIL TEMPLATE HELP: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22841839/email-template-broken-up-showing-htm‌​l-tags
^ all caps === yelling
@user3339224 capslock is consider YELLING.
@mikedidthis You don't need to yell at him for yelling! EVERYONE, CALM DOWN
my coffee gets too cold too quickly.
get a better mug :)
@SomeGuy SORRY!!!
@CarrieKendall Tims cup
@mikedidthis woppss, sorry for yelling mistakenly and unintentionally GRIN
:/ my mug is fine.
hmm, how long does it stay warm?
@CarrieKendall :/ 30-40 minutes
@rlemon only someone with a mug like yours could look in the mirror and say yours is fine
from fresh
ba dum pshhh
@rlemon that's pretty good
and my question got -1 because i yelled?
@rlemon shit, I wish mine stayed warm that long.
@user3339224 I didn't actually open it
I was waiting for you to post it again without the caps ;)
i saw a pretty awesome thermal in a meeting a few weeks ago.. let me try to find it
@mikedidthis ohh hai!
ohh what?
Lolz ok here you go @rlemon. Would you please go through this: stackoverflow.com/questions/22841839/…
@rlemon I will sadly, it will be a cold one.
lol star blasphemy!
I've already been banned today by flagtrolls in the JS room
someone flagged some stupid shit so I said something along the lines of "everyone works for bosses with pickles in their asses"
got me banned :P
must've been a boss ;] /flags
!!urban pickle ass
@SomeGuy pickle ass Some cunt who wants you to sit on her lap, then puts a pickle jar up your asshole when you try to sit down. Then she eats all the pickles out of your ass.
not that one.
you're baiting me now :P
Yeah, but that's so much better
pickle in the ass is the same as a stick up the ass. <- just means you are a prude.
I know, I was there when you were talking to Loke about it
where I grew up people had pickles up their butts, not sticks.
@rlemon because sticks were the best toy a kid could have back then
but, i don't think i'd like the button deal after a while
@CarrieKendall hah, we got that exact one (I think) for my GF's mum for christmas
nice, you should ask her if she likes it. i would think the button would get annoying
Does anyone live in berkshire in here and are going to breaking borders on the 15th?
or just lonesome old me?
but, my colleague that had one said he was still sipping hot coffee from around 4 hours before the meeting
I have a number of travel mugs. problem is I have to wash em by hand. so I often don't use them :/
@Stewartside on your lonesome. Though you get to see Jack Franklin, which is kinda cool.
I get a togo coffee in the morning then make them for the rest of the day
@mikedidthis yeah, shall be cool to see what his techniques are for architecture
those paper cups suck though :(
@Stewartside yep, would be a good one to see.
@CarrieKendall when you get 24oz cup it stays hot for a while.
i had to drink my fair share of cold coffee driving to and from miami last week
I would rather no coffee than cold coffee
i generally would agree except for when i am relying on the caffeine to keep me alive/awake
does anyone use any developer auto form fill browser extensions?
i am looking for something that can be customized on a form by form basis possibly with different test-data sets if that makes sense
The Truth: meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2014/04/03/the-truth (Off topic, emotional)
That was moving
So sad :(
Yo guys!
10 minutes till the end of the day!
<input id="image_question" type="file" name="image_question"> in what format does it send it? (string, byte[], something else?)
@mikedidthis So sad - I've lost one of my closest friends to a brain tumor in elementary school - it's horrible - I wish all the best to Eric
@easwee yep. I will be giving both my girls a little extra hug tonight.
if you are ever down on yourself and need a dose of reality that there are people in far worse situations, watch Dear Zachary (a documentary). Its on netflix
I don't think I can take much more emotions today.
@CarrieKendall whenever I'm down I go coding :) - pc takes all thoughts away¸
I play with a tennis ball
It's mostly because it's a mindless task which lets me think
Like a shower, but with less setup
I generally don't get down, but we have had two deaths in two days, so I will just imagine Someguy playing with his ball :D
@mikedidthis i'm sorry to hear that
@CarrieKendall thanks. We knew both were coming and to be honest, both people are in a better place.
!!boobs or kittens
@mikedidthis boobs
@SomeGuy haha :D
@CapricaSix you are my kinda bot / lady
!!boobs or kittens
@easwee boobs
i was expecting kittens for me
lol, i am sensing tom foolery!
!!boobs or kittens
@CarrieKendall kittens
anyway - my holiday just started 1 hour ago - it's Dota time before going out :)
@easwee enjoy!
laters - we probably loose - just had a smoke
posted on April 03, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} You can now watch the entire BAHFest 2013 event on youtube for free!

^^ Why is that in the feed?
seems unrelated to web stuff
it is fun
and you two both share the same first name.
you should be excited!
it's fate
@mikedidthis The So So Glos (#37) are actually pretty good. Having fun with them.
They remind me a bit of Bloc Party
@RyanKinal Music? Link? :D
I'm listening on Spotify
But that's the last song I listened to
This guy is asking for help but refusing to show his code because "his tables are large"
@RyanKinal Sounds good!
I couldn't find #37 on groove shark sadly.
Awww, that's a shame
Q: How to show a message in a body after hiding all the content if print command is given?

PHPGeekI've written following CSS code in my file to avoid printing the content of a wbpage: <style> @media print { body{display:none;} } </style> Due to this when the page is printed it'sprinted with by default headers and footers like Page,Title, URL, Page Count, Date. Between this header and foo...

ugh @mikedidthis are you here?
just got "crazy client feedback" on my logo
I sent him this as final version and told him "please pick a color" oi61.tinypic.com/2zfps2x.jpg
Tip: Use Imgur
Anyway, go on
^ f tiny pic
his reply was
"oh I'm very happy with the result, I'll pick the blue one!
Could you just change the 'ubble' text to this font? https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Covered+By+Your+Grace
Also, as this font will change the "logo's spirit", I would like the big Z to be slightly adapted to be more in accordance with the font (he would like the Z to be less square)."
Q: URGENT ( Javascript) (Deadline 5 hours!)

user3495030so We have killed our last problem and have started advancing to the next part of the code , this is the challenge ...in case your wondering https://www.calltocode.ie/cf/start-coding#/contest/9/problem/G Now we need to know how to place more than 1 variable in the same alert box.... this is wha...

(imgur highly compresses my image quality and pixelizes it, so no)
any close votes available from you guys?
only dislike the yellow
@DarkAshelin Haha
(jus sayin)
epic facepalm at his reply
well so I wanted to ask, do u guys know any fonts that would fit the current Z, and still maybe appeal to his tastes?
What pixelization / compression, by the way? i.imgur.com/6DURF3n.jpg
are you paid by the hour?
if so, do as he requests.. if it looks bad, its his decision. if this is a per project, then point out that it will cost more to create a new concept
@CarrieKendall every time I look at your picture I am reminded it is still cold out :(
stop being so mean
@DarkAshelin and @RyanKinal's pictures remind me of summer. change to one of them :)
i will put a pic up from Honduras later
I'm only bitching because it is "spring"... but coulda fooled me :/
where around in the states are you? did you get blasted with any of the cold weather this year?
i took that pic when i was in NYC the night i met ircmaxell
Must have been freezing
i live in the southeast, but i travel frequently
okay. I'm from Ontario near Toronto
yeah, there was an 8 in snow storm that night
I'm grateful that I visited in summer
i was also drunk as piss, as it so happens
so we have similar weather to NYC - maybe a little cooler
Even though it was as hot as it is in India
!!weather Kitchener Ontario
@rlemon Kitchener: 2.39C (275.54K), sky is clear
not bad atm, but still chilly IMO
add a 1 in front of that two and I'd be okay
@Rlemon cold? It's 80F here
!!weather tuscaloosa alabama
@CarrieKendall Tuscaloosa: 75.3439F (24.08C, 297.23K), scattered clouds
actually it might be colder here today
!!weather Mumbai
@SomeGuy Mumbai: 26.713C (299.863K), Sky is Clear
!!weather atlanta
@TylerH Atlanta: 75.9379F (24.41C, 297.56K), broken clouds
when using this
<input id="image_question" type="file" name="image_question">
in what format/type does it send the file?
Whichever the user picks
I hate you all :(
(puts on winter jacket and goes for a shiver/smoke)
!!weather Blackpool
@mikedidthis Blackpool: 11.35C (284.5K), light rain
Haha, light rain
@mikedidthis when you coming to Canada ?
When you finally eat a dick?
omg, this guy's name is Franklin Franklin
who names their child the same first name as their last name
@mikedidthis so you will ship that ahead of time?
@TylerH Reminds me of Edwin Abott Abott
I mean... does it have to be a specific dick, or can it be any one?
Any, he can't afford to be fussy.
I should stop as I know @rlemon will get me back.
once gravatar updates, i think you'll enjoy my picture more @rlemon :)
Odd how it updated so quick for me
Only in chat, too
has to do with cache, so not ruhleh
it's a shot of @purify
@mikedidthis ;) nahh. so long as we are all in good fun. I often wonder if "are they just jerking my chain, or did I actually piss mike off"
@CarrieKendall Yeah, but I haven't even refreshed!
@CarrieKendall nice pic!
if it wasn't for chat message history you might be the most successful troll on chat
protip: I meant for that, I know you can see the history.
i just wanted to call you a troll
i'm well aware you're not a chat noob ;]
:( I'm on the chats way too much
@CarrieKendall paid by project. But he did offer additional payment for this request
which, I've been trying to figure it out for a few minutes now. What room / site did I first interact with you?
I know it wasn't here.
@SomeGuy are u a member at imgur? maybe that's why
I'm not
@DarkAshelin so.. do it
@CarrieKendall I'm afraid that it won't stay with this one change
also I don't want the logo to look ugly
you'll need to get over the last thing
it's my first logo creation, I want to use it for portfolio
i get that its your work and portfolio, but its a losing battle to assume every client you have will have good taste or see reason
you're getting paid to complete a task. if you can make it look good and incorporate what he wants, good on ya but sometimes that's not possible
also, I'm afraid that if I go along with his request now, and he continues requesting additional changes, that when I deny one of them, he won't pay me (have read enough of these kinda stories)
that should be defined in your contract
@mikedidthis When I hear albums like #36, I think "Why the fuck am I not recording and making money with my music?" and I also think "Why are my musician friends not recording and making money with their music?"
the "contract"
anyway, does anyone know a font a bit alike google.com/fonts/specimen/Covered+By+Your+Grace, but not butt-ugly and that could serve as company logo?
what's funny about that? (i seriously don't know :[)
you speak as if there's a contract
are you not contracting?
Why isn't there?
I kind of don't want to pay 50% tax?
and an additional fee / year
I'll lose more money than I make
oh... well, there's no way to ensure that a client pay when you don't follow the law :)
hence my fear
so, your plan is to tiptoe around all freelance work?
good luck with that, some people are just assholes for no reason
is there even a name / tag for this kind of font?
YaY crashed sublime!

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