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ouu nice
so who wants to correct some html/css for me
trying to make a print page with our header / footer (was a word doc template)
!!tell rlemon awsm you what, mate?
@mikedidthis jsfiddle.net/rlemon/Ss7ft/2/show when I print preview this, the footer is not fully centered
@rlemon u wht, mt?
@rlemon shoot my way
I need the footer to be centered with the rest
hmmm gimme a sec
the page will always be printed. so no worries there
I just need the print view looking right (internal tool)
looks fine in the document, until I print it.
!!afk shmoke
absolute + fixed don't work on print
gimme a sec
@rlemon give the content an exact height since it's for print
@PatsyIssa rlemon is afk: shmoke
you can have the exact height of the document
shmoke is bad for you @rlemon!h
@rlemon The problem is position:fixed. Have to change it
print hates fixed
best way is to change to absolute and set body height that I know of
hadn't played with it much though
kk will do
I'm hoping that it only has to be at the bottom of one page
I had an answer of doing it on every page... Was a very gimp solution
Hello! Miss me?
@ZachSaucier @PatsyIssa thanks guys. solved it
stackoverflow.com/a/22775249/2065702 was about a recurring header, if you need a recurring footer it's about the same
(That's probably a yes)
lol @rlemon - I quit last October if that helps inspire you at all. E-cigs help, I only use them if I'm drinking or in the car (and only a few puffs here and there in those cases)
I'm almost 28 years old and have been smoking for almost two decades. it isn't a matter of inspiration, it is a matter of i'm fucking addicted man. I don't need to be reminded about the pitfalls of smoking.
Scintillating scotoma is the most common visual aura preceding migraine and was first described by 19th century physician Hubert Airy (1838–1903). It is often confused with ocular migraine which originates in the eyeball or socket. Presentation Although many variations occur, scintillating scotoma usually begins as a spot of flickering light near or in the center of the visual field, which prevents vision within the scotoma area. The affected area flickers but is not dark. It then gradually expands outward from the initial spot. Vision beyond the borders of the expanding scotoma(s) rem...
sorry if i'm pissy right now. a) I have this going on ^^
b) telling smokers not to smoke is like telling a dog not to dog.
no worries lol. I turn 31 next week, had the same mentality - till I had a heart scare with the Dr (turned out to be fine)
had been a smoker since around 17 or so
I know I have to quit, I've tried a few times. I need to convince myself I want to quit.
I know it's annoying though so I won't say anymore, just some advice from a fellow programmer/smoker
otherwise it is too easy to slip back
yep, totally understand
How about this: If you don't quit, you will die. If you die, that is bad. Bad is bad.
sucks about the migraine - hopefully it will pass sooner than later
I guess my logic doesn't work since you will die anyway…
lol - which is depressing. now I need a cig! jk
actually cigs won't kill me. Cancer might, but cigs only increase the risk. there is no guarantee i'll die as a direct cause from cigs.
it is likely the longer I smoke. but not a guarantee
yeah, my dads 60 and has been smoking since 18, hardly ever even gets sick
The more you smoke, the earlier you will die on average.
Reason why I don't smoke is because of the money for the most part
one of my realizations was how insurance wants 80 bucks more a month if you smoke - I figure they have the best stats on death
money wasn't really a motivation for me, but time lost definitely was. I figured that I was wasting over an hour a day, since I smoked outside
Canada - not a problem here ;)
Non-smokers hate smokers, so that could be a problem.
I don't, but the smell is definitely horrible now
smokers hate self righteous non-smokers for being douches about us smoking.
I don't smoke around children / people who don't smoke in general, and I don't smoke indoors.
lol - I can definitely see that. I try not to harp too much, mainly just bring it up because I've noticed a lot of benefits since I quit
Eeeewwww! :cough cough: Oh man that stinks! :cough cough hack cough:
Yeah, that's my reaction to smokers.
@RyanKinal pretty much any time someone bugs me about smoking in person (like that, even though they are like 10 meters away) I make a point to fucking blow it at them
Yeah, I can understand that
it isn't like i'm lighting up in a crowded bus stop
i'm standing in my little designated smoking area
You see this yet? constellation7.org
wow, that was like time travelling
even after reading the warning, I was still expecting to be scared lol
I wouldn't post that here... often
I posted that this morning, @bjb568
it's starred on the right
oh, not more me anymore
I only see 9
@Loktar I've tried to apply delta time to the collision function - but it's still not solving that issue - altough I'm not sure if I'm applying it at the right moment
doing it on `// update hero position`
`this.x += event.params[0].delta/100*this.velX;`
`this.y += event.params[0].delta/100*this.velY;`
Hi I want to ask a doubt, In this I ma creating parallel vertical lines in the rectangle when you create one using the mouse down event.
IF you double click it another square appears so When I spelect that square the lines disappear from my rectangle and appears on the square.
how can I solve this issue
I want lines only in the rectangle not in anything else.
Hi everyone!
I'm currently raging over CSS
Any idea why the middle table keeps merging with the right table?
Ouch, randomly downvoted...
yeah, most likely because it's a specific question (they usually want more generalized questions)
what do you mean by merging?
Ah I see
I'll show you a screenshot
The middle table, despite me specifying margin-left: 20px seems to merge/overlap the right hand table
Looks to me that the derpppppppp part is causing it, not the page resizing?
I'd like the table to accomodate for longer strings
up to say, 50, 60 chars
Also, what's interesting is that the container div (indicated by the blue line) doesn't stretch below the red boxes
Surely it should be an actual container? It seems to have no height
So confused :S
looking now, I always hate tables lol

May be what you're looking for
jsfiddle.net/D9keT/3 seems to work
sure thing :)
and I found that position: absolute on the container makes it stretch
Hi, IF anyone is free just take a look at the problem.
@LittleBobbyTables jsfiddle.net/3pmkX
first thing - make columns 33.3% with box-sizing:border-box and use padding to offset the columns - this is more bullet proof
than to make it wrap use word-wrap:break-word but it will only work if you use table-layout:fixed;
^ sounds like a good solution. again, I hate tables - lol
@easwee bleh yeah dude idk, its an annoying issue. I know why its happening. I think its because mine is kind of a minimal implementation
okay I'm out, later people
normally in a real physics engine you'd find the collision point and step back until the point
@Loktar can it be solved in this particular case?
@easwee yeah I believe so... just cant think of the best way
I messed with it a bit last night
if you notice it breaks more often with how fast you're going
yeah I'm trying various ways as we speak
so like if you jump and come down you fall through
but if you just fall its not as bad
so the speed+collision is an issue
actually.. damn, could even have a subloop for collisions within the render loop
like you take the prev position, and the projected position
and check every portion between real quick
the first approach i did was with checking coordinates
that works smooth until the velocity (distance traveled per redraw) is less than the platform (object you are coliding with) height
bleh yeah Im heading home in like 5 mins Ill probably spend some time on it
yeah - not bothering you - I'm just so into it last days that I'm trying to learn about it as much as I can :)
oh no man Im not bothered at all
lol just annoyed now my demo doesnt work as well as I thought :P
I basically just wanted to keep it really simple
works well if you have a 1px width character moving around :D
so new users could understand it and make something cool haha yea
because the calculations are equal
well I hope we can manage to sort it out somehow
if you do let me know
Ill be messing with it as well
gonna bother our game dev tomorow if he's back from holiday :D
@Loktar - one thing I've noticed is that if i try to log shapeB.height, it is undefined on each 7th loop (probably varies based on fps set):
this causes the object to "vibrate" while it's standing on the platform since also affects from vY: 58830 to vY: 588.530
i guess that this also causes the character to move till half width of the platform until velocity is present
like if I'm missing one step back position
but it still resets to that position after the next position check occurs in the loop
I just wanted to double check something
Why is it ok not to close <img> tags? For example <img src="mypic.jpg"> instead of <img src="mypic.jpg" />?
because nothing goes in it @Celeritas
@Celeritas because it is a self closing tag
it can't have any content
but it's not XML compliant, which is what we're striving for in HTML, isn't it?
either form is acceptable /> or >
like <br /> - all it does is split text to next row
@easwee exactly, <br> is no longer used, instead it's <br />
I've never strove to be xml compliant
@Celeritas Can't really give a valid comment on this
me neither
gonna check the specs though - I'm interested and run out of ideas until Loktar enlightens me
and it's still not bed time :)
ty tyy easwee
by the way @easwee , what's your real first name? If you don't mind me asking
@ZachSaucier my name is Anej (pronounced Anei)
Nice to meet you, Anej (:
well nice to meet you - altough been speaking here for some time now
I know, but I think it's more personal when you know someone's name
well - I don't really mind much - if someone asks I tell the name - it's not that confident - otherwise I just use this nickname for a long time now and I stick with it on the internet
i actually made it up when we had to purchase a personal domain back in the school days
back on the question, @Celeritas - i think this answer may explain it why is it ok in HTML and why it's different in XHTML (XML):
A: Are self-closing tags valid in HTML5?

QuentinNot exactly. If we get the syntax right (it is / not \) then: In HTML 4, <foo / means <foo> (which leads to <br /> meaning <br>&gt; and <title/hello/ meaning <title>hello</title>). Browsers did a very poor job of supporting this and the spec advises authors to avoid the syntax. In XHTML, <foo />...

basically it parses it differently depending on the specification
and don't mind the typo of the guy asking the question - the answer is unrelated to that.
maybe someone with better grammar could explain it better than me xD
it explains itself pretty well
In html5 closing /> on single tag elements is optional. XHTML 4 is was required. Not sure if this was mentioned. I'm on mobile and only read a bit
Browsers are smart as shit. Rendering shouldn't change. But validation will.
Why does it take so effing long for my gfs hair cut.
I've already been to the beer store. Fish store. Bank coffee shop... Only killed an hour.
@rlemon Yep that's the explanation in that answer - also checking the specs now I see it's true
@rlemon I've got 3 beers this evening xD
Next time go straight to the specs.
They get easier to read over time
probably better yeah
and it's important to be able to read specs because not everything has a ton of questions, especially new things
I code against the spec then regression fix all the shit IE didn't implement.
@rlemon so you delet 50% of the code?
I only support ie9+
Soon 10+
well - since we started supporting only back to IE8 starting this year it got much more easier
hoping they push to IE9 with newer clients now that XP is rulled out
one more argument
When doing canvas I don't support ie. If it works it works.

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