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@rlemon I am neither at the moment :D
vanilla.js FTW?
I started using micro.js to add in stuff that I need, the rest is vanilla.
feel like a big shot now?
@mikedidthis well done
Coffeescript makes it a little easier for me. But no classes.
Thanks, I couldn't have done it with out you guys and @Zirak.
I just wrote a bunch of boot scripts for this linux distro and they worked.
I feel pretty 1337 haxx0r right now
I love adding aliases to the terminal
@BrentMoses sry, was afk
ohh basically there is like 15 steps that need to be taken before I can launch my app after boot.
I needed to automate those :P
@BrentMoses well first off, what are you good at? which languages can you code?
but some require root to run / launch them, others require some shit to be mounted first. etc.
I've actually aliased npm as wtf because of all the shit it gives me .
I aliased kill as fuck
And sudo apt-get install as install
fuck -9 123
that looks like it would be fun to write.
guys any clue why this isn't working on any browser except FF?
fuck yo PID!
@import "compass/css3/transition";
@include transition(all, 0.5s, ease-in-out);
it's right out of the docs
@rlemon that's what the include is for
docs never include vendor prefixes
@rlemon Might have to make a command that uses pgrep and kills the ID. Might not work too well, though
it generates -webkit- and all
don't you have to call the mixin?
then ignore me
anyway it's not working on chrome or IE
while it works fine on my other sites
can we see rendered css
generally it is more helpful
wait a min, it stopped working on my other sites as well
I don't think there is short hand mixin, well I can't find it in the docs.
  @include transition-property(all);
  @include transition-duration(0.5s);
  @include transition-timing-function(ease-in-out);
anyway rendered css is:
-webkit-transition: all, 0.5s, ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: all, 0.5s, ease-in-out;
-o-transition: all, 0.5s, ease-in-out;
transition: all, 0.5s, ease-in-out;
but animation only works on FF
data comma
all, 0.5s, ease-in-out; should be all 0.5s ease-in-out;
oh my
that did cause the issue
and personally, I prefer 500ms over 0.5s
but that isn't important. just my preference.
I just copied it from docs
silly docs
everyone cross your fingers
@rlemon fyi .5s is valid too - and kinda the shortest
@easwee get an avatar!
what's wrong with gravatar?
nothing, it's awesome! xD
i want those unicorn avatars back like few years ago on april's fools
@easwee I didn't say it wasn't valid, or shorter.
I said I prefer it
it is more concise / readable
@rlemon - yeah it is more readable - just had to do a fyi for the sake of all options :)
fml 2 of the 3 theme platforms I use have an api. One doesn't. data-attr GO!
@easwee please get an avatar or we will get you one! :)
ah btw did you see changes they made to css's attr?
I'm cold :sob:
color: attr(data-customcolor, color, red);
width: attr(data-width, length, 30em);
will get one - I have a collection of all avatars I used sicne I use avatars at home :)
attr(attrname, valuetype, fallback)
not working anywhere yet tho
checked yesterday
This attr is supposed to be for CSS3?
@Wes Got a link to spec?
I remember that strings were supported, but there was supposed to be some more cleverness as well.
[ , <fallback> ] sounds nice
attr( <attr-name> <type-or-unit>? [ , <fallback> ]? )
there's no comma between first two params
so i didn't check well... maybe it's supported somewhere
they should just dump CSS and build on LESS logic
or something similar to less
and yes the fallback is awesome
@easwee are you trying to kill me?
@Wes doesn't like preprocessors, unless its one he has written himself.
47 mins ago, by mikedidthis
I love @Wes, but if he doesn't like something, he just doesn't like it.
yeah i know that
i thought you had any other argument against it
iirc he has some sort of phpcssmanagler.
His argument is preference :D
well the current website i'm making would be a pain without less
+1 for less.
color templating is just way too simple to implement with less
can i just say "LESS is gay" or i have to argument also this time?
and I can change the whole website color scheme in one variable
@wes you can say that
you can use the seal
I have a nice restaurant I like to go to for a roast. The same roast is twice as expensive on mothers day :O
i don't like being dependent on someone elses code that i believe was badly designed
but same old story... lets move on
need coffee
like if CSS is not badly designed
: )))
and html5 even worse
css makes totally sense to me and it's brilliant and simple... however it can be improved. but i agree that html5 is a utter disaster
Anyone using html5 tags for markup ?
i still use plain old divs
css needs variables - it would make it 5x beter
@PatsyIssa plain old divs here too
i use <header> and <footer> and <canvas>
@easwee css needs "mixins" or whatever do you call them... they are working on them
yeah - that's why I like LESS
darken(@mainColor, 10%);
gotta love that
and .box-sizing(border-box)
love those two :D
I am with you @easwee
i have no problems with preprocessors, i just don't like less
me, i have <?=Color("red")->brightness(-20)->hue(10)?>
Maybe revisit it, its gotten a lot better.
plain php, will work for ever
You are still relying on php to produce your css.
@mikedidthis fact that it changes frequently is not a pro xD
@PatsyIssa I do
@Wes I didn't say it was, I said they improved it. Like you keep saying PHP is improving.
how did you move from divs to header,section,article and such
@PatsyIssa is that a trick question?
Nope, serious, i haven't been able to make the switch yet
I have never actually changed a site from using divs to HTML 5, I just start them with HTML 5 now
I meant how did you make the switch from using divs to starting with html5 markup
<div class="header"> -> <header class="header">
<div class="footer"> -> <footer class="footer">
And you can still use divs.. you just use HTML5 elements where necessary
awwwwwwww fuck yea!!!!
<div class="content"> -> <main class="content">
and i apply the default styles i would have applied ?
@PatsyIssa forced myself to use semantic html
I suggest using classes on html5 elements.
Q: Semantic HTML5 and proper use of tags

rlemonI'm trying to develop a base for a blog using some of the new tags introduced in HTML5 and I want to not only make sure I'm using them correctly, but my code is also semantic. Here is just the 'sample' document. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;c...

If you style header directly, any other headers will inherit.
<header class="header"> seems fine to me </header>
<node class="foo" id="foo"> I do this often </node>
class for styling, id for js
gonna try it out in this project now
<h2>Blog tagline goes here</h2> why did I read that as "vagline"
@rlemon yeah, the nice thing is your not coupling your style to the header element.
@DarkAshelin feminine hygiene problems?
I still have control. I may in other places want to re-use that style on a title element
I just get so much more control.
I get the <header> and <footer>, that's easy enough, but the whole <main> <article> <section> <aside> is all still a blur to me
I know there's a flowchart
but my brain is not compatible with remembering stuff from flowcharts
slaps Patsy
<section> and <aside> still trouble me.
@mikedidthis do they haunt you in your dreams too?
@DarkAshelin no I have other shit that does though! I have misused <aside> before, @Wes corrected me.
<aside> doesn't seem all that complicated
At least having read this definition: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/aside
@mikedidthis that sounds terrifying indeed
html5 doctor explains all about semantic tags
after my nav i have a section with an image (50% of width) and it's title + description on the right, article or section in thsi case ?
@mikedidthis I send you my sympathy
<article> vs. <section> is the biggest trouble
@PatsyIssa How important is the image?
Is it the focus of the page?
<nav> <aside> <section> all seem easy for me
there are other important parts under it but it's the first thing you see
<article> vs <section> seems like there can be some ambiguity
even on that flowchart
@PatsyIssa Can it also stand by itself?
my understand of <section> is the content must make sense outside of its parent.
for article - does it make sense if it stands on it's own
the image or the image + desc @SomeGuy
Yeah <article> is a blog post etc.
but I can have articles in a section, and sections in an article.
The title + desc
for section - is it logical to add a heading
@rlemon exactly
@rlemon yep, that is where I fall over.
the article / section elements are inbreeders.
but I feel dirty nesting them in eachother
@SomeGuy yup
that's it my brain is shutting down
@mikedidthis Isn't that how article works?
i'd like to think it's a glitch :D
but then again, I have no beef nesting 60 divs
so why would I care about article/section
From what I know, articles should be able to stand by themselves, and sections are just parts of the page that make sense only when combined with the rest of the page
@SomeGuy yeah, but the article can contain a header / footer / aside and can be made up of many sections?
@PatsyIssa article
@mikedidthis Right
And vice versa
well w3c, as you can see, we all totally understand how to use the new HTML5 elements. Good job!
It's just about how the content is
@SomeGuy that is just my understand, which is more than likely rubbish :D
article: Can stand by itself
section: Is part of the rest of the page and won't make much sense by itself
can't I make my own tag like <crap> tho?
I'll use that in the future for my content
Yeah, that'd be way more semantic.
and a lot clearer than article/section too
I am still bummed they removed hgroup.
And time / cite are a funny one as well.
I'm going to be an intern at a web design company this summer for around two months. They have big clients like Mizunno, General Mils, Chik Fil A, etc. and currently have a team of only 5 developers so I'd be pitching in a fair bit. The guy who deals with interns asked me what pay I'm expecting to receive. What's a reasonable amount?
I have a few years of web-specific programming and have interned for a company last summer for a similar position as well. I have written some articles for CSS-Tricks. What other information do you need to make an estimate?
To give a reference this is the site I'm developing by myself now, around 70% done by my estimate crudev.nfshost.com (they're not paying well, haha)
article / section makes sense the way @SomeGuy put it
I'm in the US by the way
@ZachSaucier not a clue, sry. But it would still depend on your country
I'd say above €1500 / month in any case
Not a clue, I presume intern lowers the figure?
Sure, some
ah intern
no idea abt US intern salary but starting would be ~3-4k$
I would just be honest and say I have no idea, as much as you can pay me.
I'm guessing around $3,000 US
ask friends and colleagues
3-4k != intern
maybe old classmates that are working in similar fields
Yeah, $3k is a lot for an intern
max you can get as a starting salary for a dev in the states is ~5k
3k for 2 months
so 1.5k per month

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