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hi,im learning semantic-ui,i have this problem of showing the sidebar and the menu simultaneously at tablet resolutions...can you take a look at this runnable.com/VI4c47A_QZhnGQXw/semantic-ui-php
so apparently adblock blocks images within a folder that is named with a random number. Even if that folder is hosted on the same domain...
nvm its not the folder name, it must just be the name of the domain because it's working on other sites
nope not the domain, turns adblock blocks certain dimensions if they appear in the filename such as _300_250
@joshhunt weird. What adblock?
both, adblock and adblock plus
meaning you have both or both do it?
Both do it, here's the adblock plus filter list: easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylist.txt
gees, lots of things
Yup, lots of it is very specific but the dimensions stuff blows my mind
so yeah not sure what do about the filenames now
my caching script stores the filesize in the name and then checks to see if that size exists
but might have to hash the dimensions now which isn't very human friendly (and possibly SEO friendly?)
yeah they block so much stuff but it's kind of annoying because it works weirdly with FF
it's worse with ghostery
oh the privacy thing?
1 hour later…
@rlemon good 'nough jsfiddle.net/djmffLtx/9
you might make the snow lessen for mobile
@crypticツ y u never around when your help is needed!!!!
tried to burn a cd with linux
and then i tried 6 more times
the diff command always says cd and iso are different
so or i am using diff wrong
or linux can't burn a cd
Hatwhore mode begins
@Loktar they gave away cs go copies for free whoever traded gems before they reset, anyways I converted one card to gem just to get the badge... also useless emots which were 3c in worth are now 8 9c... kids I say...
@SomeGuy I know, you just got up middle of the night and pretended to be awake that late... ahaa
the only good answer here unix.stackexchange.com/questions/39467/… has zero upvotes
@Mario what you are trying since yesterday?
it's super shit
it looks it's made for making your life harder than it should be on purpose
yes I know, many a times I tried using it
and I fall back to windows
for example do you know the grippy borders of windows for resizing them?
the issue is the installation is crap, not easy like we do in Windows and secondly hardly any companies support linux distros
in windows you have say about 10px of border to resize the window
in linux you have 2px
now this could be acceptable if you use a mouse
yup .... they have made nice ui compared to previous linux ver... am sure you must be using ubuntu
but with the trackpad it is fucking not
i hate it it's idiotic
also to chop down your worries, make sure you use Wine
i have like 20 package managers installed
30 consoles
basically the same program repeated 20 times
yes it will take all kind of language packages
python will be one of them
just to mess with your brain cells
but maybe it's just lubuntu/lxde that sucks
Pats told me to install and I did again to check out new ver(I know we can run without installing, but still) and I went back to Windows
wanna know a pearl
@Mario they have many flavors apart from Ubuntu like Kubuntu(Love interface), Linux Mint and so on
they sold the ubuntu netbook stock
with ubuntu on it
this netbook had a max resolution of 1024x768px
and ubuntu has the taskbar on the left
so basically all the sites had the horizontal scrollbar
lolled so much
couldn't believe it
haha I didn't knew that
used to get free stickers back when I used to order free cds
when they released a new ver every 6 months
My crab hat is superior to all
@ZachSaucier Sign of critic... I will downvote and retract them all after few days but yea I will down vote crap posts only
@Mr.Alien what's it for? downvoting a post and it getting deleted?
/me has no idea how I'm getting these hats
@Feeds and your post doesn't make any sense
@ZachSaucier dowvoting 5 questions
I see
the eyes fit so well, haha
@ZachSaucier now my hat is even cooler then yours ...
eh, I like my eyes :)
what's that one for?
deleting old answer
but all my answers are great! ;D
or better say deleting own answer
so what, delete, and undelete back after you get the hat
what a cheat
any others I can do like that?
delete 10 old comments
useless comments which are a year old
use app is an easy one as well
have nothing to use app
yes I remember, you have that flip phone
dont give up and use bluestack
alien with a smoking cigar, awesome...
@ZachSaucier Search for BlueStacks
download software just for it? ugh
yes ..
I have bluestacks actually
cuz I have tablet so feel boring to reply whatsapp messages all the time from my phone
is anyone here
@Mr.Alien can i ask u some question about javascript
chuckles, I'll try, ask...
quick question can multiple embed posts from facebook searched via javascript below is sample of embed post
haha.. @Mr.Alien stop trying to be oversmart.. :D
<div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
<div class="fb-post" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/BillGates/photos/a.10150331291841961.334784.216311481960/10152562138171961/?type=1" data-width="466"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/BillGates/photos/a.10150331291841961.334784.21631148196
@TheDictator infact I acted dumb as I don't know js
hahaha.. :D
@Sim I have no idea about facebook bro...
I don't even have a profile on fb
Plugins are for the weak — Zach Saucier Jul 26 '13 at 20:34
no worries @Mr.Alien
@ZachSaucier is it possible?
@Sim I wasn't talking to you
I don't like any of the socials, be it Insagram, Twitter or FB
@ZachSaucier sorry
no worries
@ZachSaucier nice work svg just saw your website
svg is lagging on firefox jus letting u know
we all use Chrome here...
Used to be FF fan but switched to Firefox in respect for @Mario
switched to Chrome you mean?
default browser for me is Chrome now
bugs me with the RAM consumption but pretty much does the job
chrome is default firefox for backup
Firefox is cool but slow
it has improved
finally feels like winter, happy to have 24deg
@Mr.Alien celsius, I assume?
forgot the c
that's still pretty warm xD
for you guys, its awesome for us where 3 days back it was around 29 30 ....
also Humidity in my city is bad...
I prefer staying in dry air
@Mr.Alien ahahahah
I prefer 4-16deg C
24 isn't bad though, still quite enjoyable
@ZachSaucier am thin, can't stay in that temp
much hotter and I only like it when water is around that I have access to
@Mr.Alien haha, me too :) body gets used to it
I like winters but over cold is not what I like... feels like my inner stomach getting compressed
it's a great temperature because usually you wear a light jacket. But if you're playing a sport you don't need one and don't sweat much
I remember, 2 years back I visited north india for a godly trip and there I fell sick cuz 250 kms of daily car travel and cold weather
time for some sleep. See you guys in a few hours!
@ZachSaucier nyt ~
Q: Separate the CSS2.1 tag from CSS

James DonnellyFirst off, I'm tagging this as a discussion to gather other people's views on the matter. I imagine this question will be highly down-voted by users who ignore to read past this first paragraph, but please bear with me here. I'm asking this as a follow up to my earlier question here, which asks ...

Seems I am a little late unfortunately
@BoltClock I think we shouldn't
makes no sense, half of them don't know what was in 2.1 and whats in 3
@Mr.Alien I checked the tag synonyms page. Ever since the synonym was added last year, there have only been two attempts to use
Compared to the 25 on
It looks like the confusion really only lies in css/css2/css3. It looks like 2.1 is better understood by smarter people
@Mr.Alien You could make that a case for merging 3 with the general
But if I did that people would be pissed off ("what about html/html5?")
css3 shouldn't get merged with 2.1, reason is that css 3 is still in draft
also it is completely different from 2
@Mr.Alien Or parts of it are in draft anyway
when I am looking for animation, shapes, weird responsive designs, first thing I think about is css3, and not css2
CSS3 will never be "complete" or "final", it's always growing
Yeah. It's basically any standard that is not part of CSS2
yea so its like 2 major sections, css and css3
should be keeping separate
@Mr.Alien But CSS is not "not CSS3"
or "just CSS2"
and hence they shouldn't get merged as synonyms...
css or say css2 has core properties which are basic ones to be used in ever website
where as css3 is kinda dynamics added to the css by introducing pseudos and so on
@Mr.Alien That's only because CSS2 is mature. It's not "core" or anything
yea take it as a mature thing... but separating css 2.1 makes no sense, think of a user tagging a question where he uses css, he will use css 2.1 and then he also has css3 in his code
@Mr.Alien That's why I'm saying nobody seems to be misusing [2.1] so I think I can let go of that. [2] should be merged, as it currently already is, because people are misusing that
yea that can be merged as a css synonym
also I see, he is correct
box sizing and all tags should belong to css3
and not css
Yeah I fixed the synonyms and will write an answer
posted on December 15, 2014

Dilbert readers - Please visit Dilbert.com to read this feature. Due to changes with our feeds, we are now making this RSS feed a link to Dilbert.com.

1 hour later…
1 hour later…
posted on December 15, 2014 by Jeff Atwood

Sure, smartphones and tablets get all the press, and deservedly so. But if you place the original mainstream eInk device from 2007, the Amazon Kindle, side by side with today's model, the evolution of eInk devices is just as striking. Each of these devices has a 6 inch eInk screen. Beyond that they're worlds apart. There's an object lesson here in stripping things away to get to the core.

it's alway the cat's fault!
@web-tiki Cats are assholes... How many more times do I need to state this :P
I think you will never have enough of a whole life to state that...
Damn I want a new hat but can't even find a question to hatwhore...
Just get a cat, skin it... and make a hat
I have two right next to but theire claws are frightening me + they both have such a sweet look that I am shure they are ploting to skin me and make hat out of me
I love dogs... why? Call a dog... and he comes... someone tries to hurt you and he protects you... a cat? A cat doesn't give a fuck
That is what I wanted my GF to understand but there is now way, she is on the cats side ploting against me...
I shure it's their fault I can't find a question to hatwhore
@web-tiki i bet she does not know about Toxoplasmosis :)
Of course not, I guess the cats erased that part out of her brain
but she isn't pregnant so that's not a pb
I like Tigers though :D
tigers don't have cute look, that makes the difference
tigers smells very bad :-/
rather all big cat smells bad
posted on December 15, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Esteban */

@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi I wouldn't have assumed that
Maybe it is because most tigers are in zoos with dirt floors
This guys make great short films in stop motion, this one is funny to :
true without proper cleaning of floor and tiger they smells bad
@web-tiki Intelligent answer always acceptable...
@NotPerfect 87 now but it has stoped
@web-tiki Y?
because it was enough!
way to much for such an answer
@web-tiki oh na.... Ur answer is awesome... It is not enough for your such skills...
lol thx <-- hides behinds his keyboard with red cheeks
99.9% of web-tiki's answers are from wikipedia #truestory
haha I am the ctrl+c/ctrl+v superman!
CopyPasta :D
@skibbi_bizzle I am a beginner so I am impressed on his answer.....
Sorry abt my english.....
@NotPerfect The only difference between a master and a beginner... is google skills :P
posted on December 15, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@skibbi_bizzle May be you are a Master so you can say so.... And of course you can teach as....
I am the least knowledgeable person on this site :P
stop beeing so humble @skibbi_bizzle
@web-tiki So where are u from??? USA?
I'm a french frog
@web-tiki Designer???
@skibbi_bizzle And u???
I usualy code more that I design but I aslo like designing websites even though my designing skills anren't the best
@web-tiki so u r a programmer... Which language?
Basicaly html/css
@NotPerfect "the uhm... language of programmers!"
@DarkAshelin ???
oh don't mind me xD
so I don't realy speak any "language"
she is plotting with the cats
@DarkAshelin Wats going on?????
I only speak two languages: english and bad english
I love that line :)
bad English means you adjective adjective ? :D
@Neil ;(
Not sure what that means, just quoting Korben Dallas in 5th element
@NotPerfect <<<--- Networking :D
trying emmet --- its really cool
@DarkAshelin DarkAshelin Programs in the language of love :P
@web-tiki Dude... she is such a Cat lover... @rlemon as well... Cat people are scary people
Wierd, cats usualy don't like lemon
Where did this I star train come from O.o
any iphone user here? does iPhone have a QR reader by default or do you need to install it as app?
afaik need to install one
@easwee How dare you talk about IPhone's in this sacred place?
@DarkAshelin thought so - crappy iOS
@skibbi_bizzle everyone in our company got an iPad mini as xmass present
@easwee that is fucking epic... K carry on
@easwee can I come work at your company??
@easwee then you probably know wheter safari on your brand new Ipad mini supports vmax units?
@DarkAshelin check the open jobs site :)
@web-tiki this is the first apple product I ever own. And probably the last unless I get another one for free
@web-tiki also don't see how is that relevant now lol
cause canIuse and mdn don't say the same thing about browser support for those units
Hi Guys
I was wondering that's all
caniuse is usually more up-to-date than mdn
but I can test if you want
i just got it running
ok let me build a fiddle
@easwee That Ipad will become a SO chat tablet, music tablet or video tablet
you will never use it for anything constructive :P
@skibbi_bizzle probably will just be catching dust at home
sell it
@skibbi_bizzle or no ebook reader :P
nah - will go in the test device box
I don't need money
@web-tiki what does vmax do?
@easwee snob :P
i just won Fascinating hat yeyye \o/
@DarkAshelin it selects the bigest value between width ad height of viewport
@Unihedro Fascinating, Ma'am hat LOL
@web-tiki works fine
ok cool, thx @easwee
mdn is wrong then
@skibbi_bizzle it's not worth selling a new device since it's not worth much (300$ or something)

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