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Beard === kevlar
@PatsyIssa ... I shaved :P
Now I look like a hairless bear
NSFW - me now
I'm considering doing Movember, but my beard comes out all odd
Plus, it itches
Noobs :D
isnt there a "new answers" and a "late answers" queue? how do shitball answers like this keep getting through? stackoverflow.com/questions/22908547/…
Wait, Movember's about moustaches?
I thought it was just facial hair in general!
its about raising awareness for prostate cancer
@SomeGuy Just Moustaches
growing a mustache shows your support
@cimmanon You know what I meant
100 dafuq O.o
Ah, sorry about that folks.
all music related
we talk a lot :P
yeah lol
Why do you guys call it "No Shave" November
It sounds so shit
it is "Movember" damnit
"I am seriously pissed off at these media queries"
+1 for getting agro
i dont know how i missed that one when it was new
@Cimmanon slaking off?
apparently so
git pull origin amster
git pull origin hamster
git pull original gangster
git pull origin hamstring
haha, nice!
copy text with flash is a pita.
$ git crush brain
git fork you
is that one?
if your branch was called you.
Did you guys know about console.group?
Can't find legit docs
Seems super useful
ouuu that is so cool
internet is strange, yo!
you said it brotha!
@mikedidthis $10 says would be a top pic on codepen in minutes
@rlemon no doubt!
@easwee @ZachSaucier ^^
@CSᵠ I've posted that like 30min ago :D
just moved all to JAMexchange since we posted like 100 music messages here
@CSᵠ have you seen the original video?
Why do I have a feeling you rounded the number :P
@PatsyIssa I moved exactly 100 messages
and did not count
he did
I saw it
in JamExchange FM39.426, 35 mins ago, by easwee
100 messages moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
I meant that he added a few messages to get it to 100 :P
no I did not :)
I went clicking and hit move - it was 100 exactly
I have a natural 6th sense for rounding
Is this your brother @PatsyIssa ?
that guy has balls man
  width: 25%;
  height: width;
Why have I never needed this before (and how can I do it?)
i.e div should always be square
No standard CSS solution for that
could do it with padding
don't remember the ratio
ah, good one
evening people!
A: height div based on percentage-based width?

FadiThis can actually be done with only CSS, but the content inside the div must be absolutely positioned. The key is to use padding as a percentage and the 'box-sizing: border-box' css attribute: <div><p>some unnecessary content</p></div> div{ border: 1px solid red; width: 40%; paddin...

is it me or anyone else also thinks that people these days in OS community are not as helpful as they were - say - five years back?
@NeerajKumar I blame google
@PatsyIssa yea. maybe.
Thanks @PatsyIssa :D
@NeerajKumar define helpful
But still most questions asked have already been solved, people don't want to work for their code so they don't search and get raged on by people that already know where to find the answer
@PatsyIssa 56.25% for 11:9, 75% for 4:3
ultra wide is 46.25% i think or around there
when i can type the exact title of a question into google and get the correct answer, i think i have every right to be disgruntled towards the asker.
and btw @Billy you only need to use padding-top
since padding-top and bottom is calculated based on element width
padding-top: 100% will do the trick right?
I'll figure it out anyways
@Billy only if you want it to be a square
@easwee do you even structure bro?
@Billy if your element is 100% wide
@skibbi_bizzle I write all my CSS in one line without spaces
use tidy-up
i don't care about properties - I have those all memorized - all I care is class structure
@easwee man, people who right JS in one line need to die
@skibbi_bizzle that's why you have editors for
jsfiddle.net/s8yq6n2t/2 padding-bottom will also work
btw I do that with css only
since the most common problem in css is class specificity
@skibbi_bizzle are you looking at a minified file?
@TylerH Not at the moment... but when they make a fiddle and everything is all scrambly, cant read any of it
oh, yeah just click the Tidy Up button
Also I am new to JS so if it isn't structured right, I get lost
it took me like 6 months to learn that existed
@skibbi_bizzle download jsFormat for sublime
Once I did it was super awesome
also get used to formatting things on your own
@PatsyIssa I actually been using sublime :P
@TylerH haha thanks man, legit didn't know it was there either
@easwee So where does padding inherit that percentage from in that demo btw?
the width of the parent element?
when padding is set to % it inherits it from the body's width (don't ask)
@PatsyIssa man I wrote a sweet script today, gives me output of all browser info, and if it is not set to the parameters I want, it will load specific pages :)
using that in order to make sure the people using our systems in the field are not using incorrect browsers
@skibbi_bizzle kinda like modernizr.com
I guess so
stop stealing my thunder -.- I took a long time to write it >.<
re-inventing the wheel young padawan
pfff... struggling so hard with session management right now
@PatsyIssa yeah, well... when you are learning, rather learn than just copy :P
@NateKerkhofs then you are doing something wrong
^ hahahaha
@PatsyIssa hopefully I can repwhore now stackoverflow.com/a/26759522/2065702 :P
@skibbi_bizzle dive into source code you ll learn more
what kind of answer is that
@mikedidthis well for starters, I asked a question few days back about jquery selectors in another group. and instead of helping. People started a flame war about how jQuery is a bad choice. It should not exists. blah blah blah...
@PatsyIssa modernizr open source?
"flame war" haha. This reminded me of Yahoo! chat. lol
@NeerajKumar welcome to the internet.
@skibbi_bizzle everything is OS in web land
@NeerajKumar people that diss jquery are probably hype boys
but is everything legal O.o ... lights blunt
Okay, my problem is thus: I'm coding an application in asp.net, and if my user has been inactive but logged in for a certain period, when he navigates to another page, the program crashes
@mikedidthis Thanks :) but i have always been around - lurking!
how can I check that my session has expired?
or should I ask that on asp.net chat?
@PatsyIssa true, a 20 something year old boy! who knew nothing about Javascript at all.
@NateKerkhofs You should ask that in asp.net room ^^
@ZachSaucier maybe add browser support?
@NateKerkhofs Not many m$ fans in here :P
@mikedidthis You didn't offer to be his guide... what is wrong with you
thought as much. thanks anyway
@skibbi_bizzle shut it punk!
!!caniuse viewport units
I checked before I mentioned it :D
A: Can I set the height of a div based on a percentage-based width?

HubroYou'll have to use Javascript for that. Set the div width to 50%, use Javascript to check it's width and set the height accordingly. Here's a code example (I'm using jQuery): var div = $('#dynamicheight'); var width = div.width(); div.css('height', width); And here's a JSFiddle demonstration ...

who keeps upvoting this?
> The percentage is calculated with respect to the width of the generated box's containing block, even for 'padding-top' and 'padding-bottom'. If the containing block's width depends on this element, then the resulting layout is undefined in CSS 2.1.
@skibbi_bizzle stop
in that case from body
Down boy
@easwee cool thanks
7 mins ago, by Patsy Issa
when padding is set to % it inherits it from the body's width (don't ask)
that guy added the same answer though and got 5 up votes :/
its like a copy pasta and boom votes
@PatsyIssa flu? :P
can I connect to stackoverflow's chat using a software of some sorts? other that a browser?
If I had twenty dollars for every Macklemore song I know, I'd have 20 dollars in my pocket.
@StephanMuller lol
I would be pennyless
who's maclemore?
@easwee became famous for their "Thrift Shop" song
also their Same Love song
@NeerajKumar there's a stackexchange app
not sure if you can reach chat through it
@rlemon would know
@ZachSaucier let me check. Thank you!
@mikedidthis I was gonna upvote it to 10 so that the other guy would get a badge but then I saw his answer was a community wiki so I didn't
@TylerH O_o
@easwee and as far as I know, you don't get rep or badges from community wiki answers
posted on November 05, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

@NeerajKumar that's for OSX, not mobile
@easwee Namely, this badge: stackoverflow.com/help/badges/62/populist
you can but you need to emulate the browsers http requests
Guys can we all agree to stop acknowledging users that have js disabled?
@PatsyIssa yes
@ZachSaucier Yea, I also wanted one for osx.
@PatsyIssa yes
I really don't care if a guy in a tinfoil hat wants to use my site
@TylerH ??
I always provide non-js fallback :/
I think you should reply to mike
I stopped providing non-js fallbacks
I don't write content driven sites. I write webapps
Sorry, I thought your O_o was for my response about the votes X-P
@TylerH no - was response to the song :D
I would triple or quadruple my dev time if I had to provide full functionality without js
makes more sense then :-P
@mikedidthis I was gonna upvote the JS answer so that Fadi would get this gold badge: stackoverflow.com/help/badges/62/populist
but then I saw his post was marked community wiki, so I didn't
If I wrote for magazines or heavy text driven sites.. well then I would have different considerations
@rlemon what language stack do you use most often for your webapps
node + express + socket.io + postgres
No heavy processing in your apps?
@rlemon Most of the sites I have done are content driven
@PatsyIssa sometimes
node handles it
Like a baws?
I would like to think that if I ever made a nice web app it would be non-js compatible though
Or like my "special" cousin that we keep in the basement
@TylerH I have that badge lol
@Billy It wouldn't work
I would just make it without JS first, then build the JS layer on top of that
@PatsyIssa It depends on the app..
I'm ashamed that I have it
just look at that answer...
I wanted to create a CMS.. everything can be done without JS, just forms.. but then for users who have the support for it, I could add in AJAX, wysiwyg editor.. etc.
have fun :P
@easwee very helpful to at least three people X-P
I like to see JS as an "optional extra" on websites and it should degrade gracefully without it
Not always.. but as much as possible anyway
depends on your users i guess
@Billy This is a best-case scenario I think but usually (always) a ton more work
ofc it very much depends on what you're doing and yes that's also true @TylerH
anyone who turns off javascript should be banned from internet
grabs pitchfork
@ZachSaucier stackoverflow.com/a/26759522/2756409 Second instance of pseudo here is misspelled
is using "display: table" a good idea?
depends, but yes.
@NeerajKumar Is using a condom a good idea?
@Billy lol! It depends too as @mikedidthis has put it! :D
@NeerajKumar why do you think its not?
PS @Billy Regarding this revision of yours, it seems consensus is to not do that: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/271589/…
I am thinking that maybe cross broswer issues will pop up.
stack snippets make baby jesus cry ><
@NeerajKumar Exactly.. to determine if it's a good idea, you need to be more specific :)
@NeerajKumar for which browsers?
@PatsyIssa Lol nice ninja edit
@NeerajKumar iirc, no. Its the most battle tested thing ever.
@cimmanon firefox, chrome, safari, and IE 8+
Fire up netscape.
unless you're targeting a browser over 10 years old, you're probably good
@mikedidthis I was a Netscape champion in middle school
hated that we were all forced through like IE5
or w/e version it was
@TylerH StackSnippets were introduced to replace jsFiddle for a reason.. I don't get why we shouldn't replace jsfiddles with them, apart from the fact that they are pushed to the top of the hp...
@TylerH middle school? ns 4.7x was still relevant ~10 years after i graduated from high school ><
@cimmanon hmm. alright. Tablets anyways have modern browsers. So, I think I am good. Thanks!
@NeerajKumar you are good.
@Billy yeah for future posts, they're still largely a WIP and there's clearly a specified behavior when a moderator has an accepted answer saying "this is how it should be handled for now"
@mikedidthis of-course I am! I am the best! :D
@TylerH There are some good points here but they are all relevant to questions, not answers
@cimmanon Well to end users Netscape wasn't relevant past around 2004
so do the math :p
@Billy okay but that's not the question I linked
@cimmanon 2004 was when I entered high school
so I'm talking about middle school for me :-P
@Billy This Question and, more importantly, Answer make no distinction between questions or answers
@TylerH Yeah, it was linked from the answer you linked
as further emphasis
as of now it's still considered changing OPs intent
Um, no it's not..
I can see the problem, but that's not it xD
sure it is, OP intended to link to JSFiddle
OP intended to show a working example of his code.. which is what stack snippets are for..
All I'm saying is, consensus and moderators says don't do it :-)
And stacksnippets were introduced to replace third party services such as jsfiddle
If a mod says don't I can't argue and he has valid points anyway (although they mainly apply to mass editing questions).
@Billy the point is that you're not adding anything of real value. youre just bumping an old question and annoying everyone else who watches the active questions
Sure, like I said that's a valid point and I didn't think of that before.
theres a guy who goes through all of the Sass questions and replaces "SASS" with "Sass", it annoys the fuck out of me.
Haha wut

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