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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 21:00

Stupid question, but I can set an object key name based from a string?
object['yourstring' + 'bla'] = "value";
object.yourstringbla = "value";
I was using object literal
And you can't set it sadly
because js is shit
object literals should be like this:
{'key' : value}
not {key : value}
because otherwise you can't do as you just discovered things like this
{'key' + bla : value }
but I cant use a variable for the name either
Anyone know how I would run a server js file from the client?
exactly, you can't
never mind
I need to run a node.js script, and I can't seem to find any information on how I would run it from the browser.
if there is a way i don't know it
@rlemon is there a way to use an expression as key in an object literal?
Is there some way I can run the script on some kind of condition?
like { test() : 'value' }
{document.getElementById(id).value: value}
Should work..
don't think so
Tried it?
var s = {}; s.hello = 'hello'; var c = {s.hello : 22}; console.log(c);
SyntaxError: Unexpected token .
var c = { (function(){return 'hello';})() : 22};
@Wes "SyntaxError: missing : after property id"
It looks like you're running an object as a key or something.
!!> var c = { (function(){return 'hello';})() : 22};
@Wes "SyntaxError: invalid property id"
!!> var c = {function() {return "hi"}: 22}
@LogicalAngel "SyntaxError: missing : after property id"
so, fail
!!> var c = {function() \{ return "hi" \}: 22}
@LogicalAngel "SyntaxError: missing : after property id"
!!> var c = "hello"; var i = {c: 22};
@LogicalAngel "undefined"
It would seem there would be some way of doing it.
A: Dynamic object name property not working

mpmIn ES5 , You can only create or fetch "dynamic properties" on an object . So you need an object , or use this. with the [] notation. var prop = "something"; this[prop] ="my value"; //this.something=== "my value" var obj = {}; obj[prop] = "a value"; // obj.something === "a value"; var obj1 ...

var prop = 'elem';
return {
    prop : 0
that is what I was trying to do btw
What the hell is the use of having a node.js file if you can't run it?
Maybe I can XML request to it or something...
@Wes figure it out?
var obj = {};
obj[dynamicKey] = value;
this is the only sane way I know of
maybe a hack
one sec
Can I run a node.js file as a process or something?
@rlemon yeah that is how I ended up doing it as well
yea I can't figure out other ways
tried hacking with
var obj = {
(key): val
var obj = {
(key.toString()): val
but it hates other tokens in there
object literal fun
its a shame, but never mind
@mikedidthis ok, I think we're just about done with revisions (keep in mind there is some stuff i'm still working on past release) dm.lemonmeme.com
RFC please
the stuff i'm working on will be things like better more consistent thumbnails
I got fed up with sizing.
there is a positioning bug on tablets. and the thing says f u to safari apparently.
IE8 also kinda pukes on it
ohh god this webdesign shit is hard
For what it is, I honestly don't think it is so bad.
Well not as bad as your making out :D
My only real comment is the tablet homepage is a little odd
yea lol
also, the 'bugs' are things I just know about
overall i'm happy with the design, there are some aspects of the code that are just horrid.
one day (after the release) I will re-code it from scratch
build a proper CMS as well, the one I slapped together in two weeks is pretty hacky / limited
and the homepage positioning issue, is that the text offsetting the images? or was there something else
@rlemon not that was it I think
yea that is a know bug, I have to fix that :P
strange things happen on IE8 on hover, and safari doesn't like any of my gradients.
all known bugs
Anything I can help with?
but design wise, if there is any things you don't like or have comments about... i am open ears.
@mikedidthis haven't even started looking at the issues, if there is I will be sure to holler at you
right now i'm happy just documenting them and pushing this site out
then I will start to work on the bug fixes in staging
Wow, the iPhone 5S sold a out little too fast...
@rlemon design wish, I think your done.
like I was saying to the GF - apple has at leased pegged its customers. all non-S models are rushed releases with way too many bugs but they know enough people will buy them as early adopters to be hip to support the cost of fixing all of said bugs for the 'S' release
I would buy a 4S before I would buy a 5
(truthfully I would buy neither)
I would buy an android.
Uh, maybe I should go with the 5 instead of wasting time waiting for the 5S.
Its the eco system with apple, they do it well.
My girl has had two iphones. The reasons, easy to use and she has all her 'stuff' on them.
hello everyone, is there any way i can control how the user marks/selects text, i have a popup from which the user has to copy some text but quite often the text in the background can be selected aswell
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl didn't you read what I just said? the non-S models are all bug riddled.
hardware and software
always get a 'S'
get a 4S before a 5
@rlemon Yeah, but 4S is now two "generations" behind.
I have a friend who is also due for an upgrade. He had iPhone 4 until now.
He will likely go for the 5.
@rlemon Also, what makes you say that?
because look at their release history, the non S models are always full of bugs.
this isn't speculation, it is fact.
they fix the bugs and release a 'S' model afterwards
But most people tend to think that the new model is probably buggy and all "so why not buy the reliable model that has been in the market for a while?"
2 hours later…
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl but that isn't what i'm saying - all Im saying is historically (including 5) their first release is bug riddled. more than it should be for a 'polished' product. The early adopters drop their $$ and buy them regardless, funding the bug fixing for the 'S' model they will release later. The original early adopters will buy anything new from Apple and the sensible people will see it as a much needed upgrade to a faulty (but still loved by them) product.
hey guys I need to do a visual effect for a rating change in a website game, Im thinking of a spark to draw attention and dont want to do an image just for this, any hint on how to do this with CSS? or is an image the better way to go?
1 hour later…
@rlemon Well, its too late for the iPhone 5S.
yea in that case (personally) I would wait or get a 4S
but you can do w/e you want :) your money
@rlemon dumb question, but using $.extend to merge two objects or arrays is fine?
@rlemon I would wait and get the new version of the 5c :D
I use my own shimmed Object.extend but yea
it's basically the same
cool, thank you.
if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
    Object.create = function (o) {
        function F() {}
        F.prototype = o;
        return new F();
if (typeof Object.extend !== 'function') {
    Object.extend = function (d, s) {
        for (var k in s) {
            if (s.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                var v = s[k];
                if (d.hasOwnProperty(k) && typeof d[k] === "object" && typeof v === "object") {
                    Object.extend(d[k], v);
                } else {
works well for me
nice, thanks.
don't pay attention to the code
but i use them both there
that was a OLD OLD OLD project I abandoned when I realized I sucked
but i have gotten much better since
I remember, its awesome. It was the first thing I saw on chat iirc.
I should re-visit that game
it isn't a bad concept
like a static shooter with the defense of mario cart
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 21:00

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