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Q: how to get home timeline data from twitter

venkataramanaI have developed one application.In my application i want to get twitter home timeline data and displaying listview.And i have used twitter4j library.I have searched a lot and also read twitter documentation.In taht documentation getting user timeline data by using the bellow webservice: "https:/...

Your login is successful right? This: Log.e("Twitter OAuth Token", "> " + accessToken.getToken()); shows you the Access Token?
yes bro it is right,I got this access token
Change this: Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(; to Twitter newTwitter = new TwitterFactory(; And make these changes: Log.e("twitter:", "" + newTwitter); and statuses = newTwitter.getHomeTimeline(paging);
yes this is output.access token:444598736-tpnJF2CUMXlgvKdgo9OEyPnghakoU3XjotDNgsBj and access token sec:NXZKHPFggzAb2d2wQtLfedcXnnzHNfbpWNEIImF8O0 and accesstoken:AccessToken{screenName='null', userId=444598736} and twitter:TwitterImpl{INCLUDE_ENTITIES=PostParameter{name='include_entities', value='true', file=null, fileBody=null}, INCLUDE_RTS=PostParameter{name='include_rts', value='true', file=null, fileBody=null}} and statuses:[]
Did you make the changes and test?
Is this your import for the JSONArray: import; and JSONObject: import;? If yes, change them to import org.json.JSONArray; and import org.json.JSONObject;.
yes i changed twitter reference to newtwitter and test it,but same output i got it
It is impossible that the code won't work. I have literally copied and pasted from an app that is on Google Play. Did you check my earlier comment?
no i used import org.json.JSONArray and and import org.json.JSONObject
Post literally your entire code with the layout XML too. I am going to try it in a test project. I don't need your access tokens and other things that are private to you. I will use my own.
Please hurry though. I have to leave shortly.
k i posted my layout xml also,please help me where i have done mistake

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