gist: 1171314, 2011-08-25 18:04:25Z
(function() {
var build_chart, build_pie_chart, current, fade_duration, get_total;
window.trends = {};
current = {};
fade_duration = 200;
$(function() {
return build_pie_chart("d");
build_chart = function(chart_type) {};
build_pie_chart = function(duration) {
var chart, name, options, total, trend, vis;
chart = new google.visualization.DataTable();
chart.addColumn("string", "Search Term");
chart.addColumn("number", "Popularity");
for (name in trends) {
trend = trends[name];
total = get_total(trend, duration, function(total) {
chart.addRows([[trend.title, total]]);
options = {
"title": "Number of mentions of key religious terms in the past " + duration,
"height": 500,
"width": 300
vis = new google.visualization.PieChart($("#chart").get(0));
return vis.draw(chart, options);
function get_total(trend, duration, callback) {
var deferrds = [], total = 0;
for(var i = 0, l = trend.search_terms; i < l; i++) {
deferrds.push($.get("" + trend.search_terms[i] + "&window=" + duration, function(data) {
total +=;
$.when.apply($, deferrds).then(function() {