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A: UILabel - issue with flexible size and fixed sapce

BhargaviTry This, - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [_scroller setScrollEnabled:YES]; [_scroller setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 600)]; //Use this way [self positionLabel:self.lblTitle withText:self.stitle withY:10]; [self positionLabel:self.lblPubDate

all the labels goes out of the view fram.. only when im scrolling i can see them..
the pubDate is not align to the right but everything looks fine..
how can i fix it?
@OhriALM I have fixed it. See updated answer.
still out of the view..
@OshriALM try to remove and add label in view dynamically.
what should i romove?
I am not sure but try this [_scroller addSubview:lbl]; in positionLabel method.
have you tried that
1 min
i ll
its still out of view
want a pic of it?
actually i heard from some one that scrollview has that issue
but he is not able to solve that. While scrolling you are able to see label right ?
let me try it w/o the scroll
yes sure
its still out even w/o the scroller
The location of the label in the xib is important?
you have label in xib right?
Can you do it dynamically
w/o the code you gave me?
Also just check somewhere in your code label's frame should not be changed
when you say dynamically, what you mean?
do not use label added in xib
generate your self and handle it via tag
i have did same and it worked for me
for me it is working
Hey wait
what is the x position of your label in xib?
for the title
not width i am asking for X
the width is 280
x 300
in size inspector
set x for all 3 label to 10 in xib
change it in "Striching"?
when im cahnging it in size insector nothing change, only the view the xib
is stretching is says "the value 10 is too large"
I am not sure what you are changing
just a min
set X here
as i said, nothing happnd when i do that
only the view of the xib
I do not understand .. It is so difficult to introduce text?
All I need is to be spaced between them ..
Is this inspector window for label ?
the pic no.. i just find it in the net
Do you know?
Even if I try to make it plain, without code labels go upstairs.
Only if I download them using the page in xib it works out ..
Why is this happening? Perhaps because of the navigation bar?
navigation bar shifts down control that i know
but what is happening in your case i am not sure.
very wierd..
Q: UIScrollView not showing

CodeGuyI have a simple ViewController that looks like this: @interface MyViewController : UIViewController<UIScrollViewDelegate> { UIScrollView *scrollView; UILabel *label; } ... @property stuff ... Now, what I'm trying to do with this Controller is have a ScrollView handle a really large label...

Everything is really pretty neat .. Just this annoying problem remained.
im already added it
i have to rush now. I will not be available now. Try to put problem on SO again. Some one will definitely guide you. at least your label issue is solved :)
yes.. thank you m8
cya :)

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