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Q: The document has no pages. Jasper Report

Crystal MaidenI'm having a problem searching for a solution to this issue. My codes works fine after I run it. It suppose to display the data on my sql database to my jtable, and there's a button that will trigger to display the jasper report but there's a little bit problem, it always shows me the message 'Th...

Are you able to post the report1.jrxml as well? Does the query return any results?
I have report1.jrxml sir, and if I click Preview it shows me the JasperReport the way I want it, I also re-arrange it already (I already assumed that it will works fine because I follow the the tutorial right, but I'm wrong.)
Can include the file as part of your question? That way we might be able to download it and have a look - or construct a simple version
how can I do that sir?
The report is an XML file, open it in a text editor, copy the contents and edit your question to included, just like you did with your source code
kindly look at the edit sir @MadProgrammer, is that it?
Yep :D.........
A few things come to mind. You define con twice. Once as private class field and once within in the search method. This means that the con you use in the reportviewer method may be null, also, you're not closing your database resources when your finished with them...
can you teach me how to fix the con issue and how to close it? sir @MadProgrammer
I did it! it's the con issue!, I place Connection conn

and then I edit the Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pass);

to conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,pass);
! Awesome ! Well done !
the problem now is the loading, should I do another question sir @MadProgrammer ?? :D this becoming a bad habit eh?
because it takes approximately 15secs to display the Jasper Report, is it really like that?
We have one that can take over 30 minutes to compile, you're lucky;). Give me a few minutes, I'll update my answer with some ideas
Maybe it's because my database don't have a large data. Ok sir @MadProgrammer I'll wait :)
I've added a simple concept of a SwingWorker. I don't think you can speed up the process greatly, but this will stop the UI from looking like it's hung
Sir @MadProgrammer can you spare some time in discussion room? I need to tell you something
sir @MadProgrammer
I didn't used the add-up codes that you gave
What do you need to know
because I think it makes the loading of jasperreport slower
but that's ok I'll stick with your first suggest answer
sir @MadProgrammer I have a problem with the same program, I can't display the last column which has MONEY DATA TYPE on my Database. can you help me with that?
The SwingWorker will simply prevent issues with the the JasperReports code blocking the UI and making the UI look like it's hung. Yes it will add a little overhead, but from the user's perspective it would be a better solution, but that is up to you
this one sir
Q: Populating JTable with data in SQL database

Crystal MaidenThis one is related to THIS question which I asked before, this one kinda solve my problem but another problem came up and I'm asking myself 'why is that?'. here is the codes (BTW I used r2xml.jar in this project) : private void search() throws Exception{ Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odb...

Yes I remember seeing the code from before ;)
could you help me ? someone tried to solve it but end up failed.
please sir? I do really need this one
From what I can tell, you need to use another data type (maybe a decimal datatype - not overly farmilaur with Access's datatypes)
what do you mean by Access's datatype?
I'm using SQL SERVER 2005
Sorry, saw the JDBC bridge and assumed...
someone tell me that too,
he said to me that I should use ODBC, but I don't know how to used it though so I feared that I will re-start all the works from the scratch again
actually sir @MadProgrammer I'm a student, and I'm not familiar with JAVA...
JDBC-ODBC bridge, same thing, don't stress over it. You'll get better performance from a native JDBC driver, but it's not that important
the truth is I already make this program using VB but my boss from my OJT wants to run the same program in JAVA so I force myself to surf on net and look for an answer, starts from connecting database, select,delete,update sql of it, and now displaying to Jtable and this jasperreport.
You've done well, especially to dive into JasperReports
I'm a little concerned about DbUtils, it may not be able to handle the money type
no, sir see the problem there
I managed to display the money-type
but the problem is that it didn't display all the other column
reverse to the problem in the first question that it didn't display just the money-data type column
reverse to the problem in the first question that didn't display just the money-data type column
What is DBUtils any way?
I don't know , it comes from r2xml.jar
I think it ease the displaying of data in JTable
It makes it easier.
I used that r2xml.jar before on my thesis, that time I don't really know how to display the records from access to JTable, because they have to make a looping there which is my weakness.
and then one of my room mate told me to used r2xml.jar rather than coding lots of line of codes.
No worries, I just can't find it ;)
The original problem was with your for-loop it was for (int j=1; j<columns; j++)
it should be for (int j=1; j<=columns; j++)
I did that already sir @MadProgrammer , I will try again and tell you the result.
it shows the same result
if you can tell me where to find the r2xml.jar I might be able to see what that resultSetToTableModel method does.
Okay, is it showing the column with no data or just not showing the column at all?
That sucks...
on the right side, the last column should be the DATA TYPE COLUMN but it did not appear.
why sir?
In your
        for (int i=1; i<=columns;i++){
yes sir what with that? should I do the same thing?
Loop, add in a System.out.println(rsmetadata.getColumnName(i)); statement and make sure that the last column is printed...
Sorry, copying and pasting code :P
I got this error
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 >= 0
at java.util.Vector.elementAt(
at javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel.getColumn(
at javaapplication25.SearchPatient.auto_resize(
at javaapplication25.SearchPatient.formWindowOpened(
at javaapplication25.SearchPatient.access$200(
at javaapplication25.SearchPatient$1.windowOpened(
on System.out.println(rsmetadata.getColumnName(i)).... it did shows until to relation column, but still the data-type column didn't show up
The error (I hope) has nothing to do (directly) with what we're doing (unless you removed the column_name.addElement statement). It sounds like the pTotalDue column may not exist.
sir, I tried this
data_rows = new Vector();
for (int j=1; j<columns; j++){
// data_rows.addElement(rs.getString(j));
The result was 4 set of what I need.
Start from Patient ID to relation and it print 3 more times
You should keep the data_rows.addElement statement, you'll need that. The System.out was to determine was actually been pulled from the meta data
yeah, I just checked but is it right?
it display the result 4times?
Patient ID
Last Name
First Name
Contact No.
Doctor ID
St. No.
St. Name
Last Name
First Name
Patient ID
Last Name
First Name
Contact No.
Doctor ID
St. No.
St. Name
Last Name
First Name
Patient ID
Last Name
First Name
Contact No.
Doctor ID
St. No.
St. Name
Last Name
First Name
Patient ID
Last Name
First Name
Contact No.
Sorry, wrong loop ;) - Use the one before dtm.setColumnIdentifiers(column_name); to add the System.out.println to...
But it won't much difference, the pTotalDue column doesn't appear to be coming through
cannot find symbol
System.out.println(rsmetadata.getColumnName(i)); like this?
for (int i=1; i<=columns;i++){
here's the result sir @MadProgrammer
Patient ID
Last Name
First Name
Contact No.
Doctor ID
St. No.
St. Name
Last Name
First Name
Patient ID
Last Name
First Name
Contact No.
Doctor ID
St. No.
St. Name
Last Name
First Name
oh sir, one thing I have this on my program
public void auto_resize(){
TableColumnModel tcm = tblPatient.getColumnModel();
Technically there are 18 columns BUT, it's still not printing "Total Due" which suggest to me that it's not a valid column in the database for this query...
ok then... what am I suppose to do now?
do I need to change the DATA TYPE sir
I don't think so. You need to go check that the column "pTotalDue" exists and is named correctly in the database table
I will run my SELECT query now on SQL SERVER
If it does (and is named correctly), then it may be a ODBC/JDBC issue and changing the data type MIGHT help (I'd add another column in as test first, using something like a double or float data type)
that is what scares me, changing the connection to ODBC.
which I have no idea at all on how to do it
It already is (ODBC) ;)
arggh... but why that user suggest it at all. I'm confused now O_o
Welcome to my world :)
The problem could be incompatibility to between the ODBC and JDBC bridge, it's hard to tell
but in VB I manage to display that MONEY DATA TYPE.
That's VB ;) - You could try a JDBC drive instead
but still, using that r2xml.jar display that one MONEY DATA TYPE
This will allow you to talk directly with server and by pass the ODBC layer altogether.
Yes, you can still use the r2xml library. The only thing that will change (significantly) is the connection string.
I'm getting kicked out of the office :P
I believed I have this sqljdbc already
ohh no, sorry
If you have trouble getting it set up, post another question
I didn't know your on your office.
debugging my brains out
my bad, it suppose to be MadProgram
I can't thank you enough solving my 2 problems, sorry If I cause you lots of your time....
I will try and make another question about this MONEY DATA TYPE, but as you can see I already post two question which the r2xml.jar thing has been ignored by lots of users.

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