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A: Defference between static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation

Luchian GrigoreStatic memory allocation: int x[10]; The size is fixed. It needs to be known at compile time. Freeing the memory is done on scope exit directly. The variable is allocated on the stack. Dynamic memory allocation: int k; .... int* x = malloc( k * sizeof(int) ); The size can vary, you can fin...

@denniston.t isn't "My string" a string literal in this case, and you don't really allocate it?
-1 This answer is wrong. You confuse static and automatic variables.
@brice I never said anything about static or automatic variables, but static and dynamic allocation.
@brice see - You seem to be confusing nomenclature.
@LuchianGrigore I must be confused. The page you linked to specifically said that the memory would be allocated at compile time. Are you saying that int x[10]; when declared in a function block would be allocated at compile time and freed on scope exit?
Are you saying that a) memory for function variables is allocated in the executable for each function and b) memory that is allocated in the executable itself is then freed during execution?
Please read what the GNU libc documentation has to say about this.
@brice if the page I linked to says that, it's wrong. Memory can't be allocated at compile-tile, because the program isn't running, so there's no memory to speak of. It probably means that how much memory is going to be allocated is determined at compile-time. Regardless, colloquially, dynamic allocation generally means allocating in dynamic storage, and static allocation means allocating in automatic storage. Static allocation and static storage duration (or linkeage) have nothing to do with each other.
have a look at this gist and the shell session to see how a variable can be allocated at compile time. take note of the sizes of the output files.
Hey Luchian!
I understand what you mean (or why you might think that), but just because one file is bigger doesn't mean memory is allocated.
That's still just a file on local storage.
Until you run it, it's not in RAM.
And so nothing takes up memory.
The compiler determines how much memory the runtime needs to allocate, yes.
But it doesn't mean it does any allocation itself.
That would mean that compiling the program multiple times would fill the RAM, which it doesn't.
Of course! I could be cross compiling too, where allocation would be on the wrong machine!
Also, note that the program you wrote could just as well not allocate any memory at all because of optimization.
It could very well be optimized to a printf("1000"); or whatever.
Remember, as long as observable behavior is the same, all gloves are off.
(file size doesn't count as observable behavior, only I/O operations do)
:) ok, let's decompile. You probably have more experience doing that, but the instructions will be a conclusive decision one way or the other. (I've never decompiled and inspected a program's code like this before, but I'm game.)
That won't prove anything.
A compiler that doesn't allocate anything is still very much valid.
Or rather, a compiler that doesn't tell the runtime to allocate anything is valid.
Sure, but the static variable has to be allocated long before the execution gets to your program.
It's allocated before entry to main, but there's a lot more stuff going on before that.
a program doesn't start with main.
And again, please don't confuse static variables with static allocation.
static int* x = new int[100]; is a static variable allocated dynamically.
Do you mind if we stick with C as the original question did? I'm not familiar with C++'s new.
replace the new with malloc and you get the same thing.
dynamic allocation for a static variable.
Do you agree that the space for the pointer *x is allocated before entry to main?
probably yes
not mandated
but ok, leaving optimizations aside, let's assume it is
(btw can you reply faster, it's pretty late over here)
Which is different from simply saying int *x = 23 in a function's code. That's what I mean.
do you agree with my previous statement?
static int* x = new int[100]; is a static variable allocated dynamically.
have a problem with this statement but I understand what you mean, what I'm trying to get at is that the space for x hasn't been allocated there, only what the value in the previously allocated space was changed
Also, late here too! Happy to reconvene another time, and give you chance to look up sources that refer to static allocation in the same way you do :)
The only source that matters is the C standard
which says nothing of "static memory" or "static allocation"
I've just grep'd it
so "static allocation" and "dynamic allocation" mean what most programmers refer to it as.
"All objects with static storage duration shall be initialized (set to their
initial values) before program startup." C11
static storage != static allocation
this is exactly the problem
you still think all the answers there are talking about static/dynamic variables
when none do
they talk about static/dynamic allocation
so that's a non-argument
Luchian, I have never found a reference to static allocation that talks about it the way you do. I want to be convinced! I know you wouldn't be so adamant otherwise.
I dunno then
ask a question on Stack Overflow ;)
I really have to go to bed now
but if you find an answer, do let me know
You bet :)

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