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A: how to draw line on imageview along with finger in android

RaghunandanYou should override the onDraw method of your view. screen_drawing_room.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/rlid" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_paren...

Sorry bro I cant understand.I want to draw a line on imageview only.In my xml I have have taken imageview in relative layout.In that image view i want to draw a line along with finger.
yes you can use the above. in xml set for 1st linearlayout add background that is considered to be the bottom view. Now set your another linearlayout to a drawingview. drawing view can be ised to draw lines and freehand
it look will something like image in background and on top of it you see the draw.
is it possible to add gallary image to linear layout programatically.
yes it is possible.
see the edit to get image from gallery.
bro I have taken linear layout as you said and add the fish image to that layout,now i want to draw lines only on fish image.So how can I get height and width of linear layout only.please suggest me how to do.Thanks inadvance
hi bro good ofternoon,I have copied- and pasted your code and everything is working fine.And in my onclick i get the width and height of linear layout.By using that
in that case set have 3 layouts
once for the background
one for the fish image
set your canvas to the height and width of fish image
you have to set the width and height programatically
coz next time instead of fish it might be something else


bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) width, (int) height,Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
paint = new Paint();

canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, paint);
canvas.drawLine(0, 0, width, 0,paint);
canvas.drawLine(0, 0, 0, height,paint);
canvas.drawLine(width, height, 0,height , paint);

BitmapDrawable background = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap);
this is my edit tool onclick,but it is not working
your setting the canvas draw as background
u need to set your fish image a background
set your drawing view to the height and width of the fish
Yes,llPhoto is fish image and llDrawingPad is drawing lines ids.then now what i have to change
But in my activity i could not write ontouch listener is it correct or not.please bro
your drawing pad should be same height and width of fish image
yes,it is same.In my xml I have taken fill parent to these two
fill parent will take the height and width of parent. your drawing pad width and height should be of the fish image height and width
there can be a problem here.
the tail of fish is longer. so your width will to the fish width.
fish is not a rectangle
and also height of fish is no the same every where
so this will work to some extend but user can draw outside
coz fish is not a square or rectangle
Q: Android how to get bounds of imageview with matrix

saarraz1I have an ImageView with scaletype set to matrix, and would like to get a Rect with the bounds of the image after the transformation of the matrix. How do I get such a rect? thanks.

get the bounds of the image
set your drawing pad to the same
this case you draw will not go outside the fish
i haven't tried this
but you try this idea
k thank u bro
but outside also it is not working
my code works fine tested and i have attached the screen shot for reference.
if u do it right i see no reason why it won't work
forget the fish part first
try freehand drawing and drawing lines on canvas
then think about setting the your drawing pad to fish height and width bounds
k thank u

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