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Q: CUDA appears to be extremely slow

Pantelis SopasakisTaking my first steps in CUDA, I tried this simple example-code which runs perfectly fine, but appears to be extremely very slow. I compiled it using nvcc version 5.0 using the commands: $ /usr/local/cuda-5.0/bin/nvcc -m64 -I/usr/local/cuda-5.0/include -gencode arch=compute_10,code=sm_10 -genco...

You might try enabling persistence mode on your GPUs to see how it affects your overall run time. man nvidia-smi should give you enough information how to do it, or nvidia-smi --help
@RobertCrovella I tried, but I'm getting an "Insufficient Permissions" message (I'm not in sudoers). I sent an email to the admin, but I have to wait. Is there some other way to go?
I don't know of any other way to change the persistence mode, if that is what you are asking. Do other similarly simple cuda apps also take a long time to run? If you create a script file and run your time ./vectorAdd several times in a row, does each run produce the same long run time? Are you able to run any of the cuda samples that come with cuda 5?
@RobertCrovella OK, the admin enabled persistence mode on all GPUs. Now the execution time is 4.5-5.5s, but isn't it again too high?
Yes, it still seems high. What happens if you run the script file I mentioned above? Are all executions reporting ~5 seconds? Also, what happens if you just compile your app like this: /usr/local/cuda-5.0/bin/nvcc -O3 -arch=sm_20 -o vectorAdd what kind of execution time do you get? also what GPU driver are you running (check with nvidia-smi -a)
@RobertCrovella Yes, I tried to wrap it in a for loop and execute it 10 consecutive times; All execution times are around 4s.
I thought it's better to move the discussion here.
I'm not sure I can be much further assistance. What is the driver version you are running? What is the OS?
I'm using CUDA 5.0 (nvcc ver 5.0)
That is the CUDA version. The driver version can be found using nvidia-smi -a
4 devices (Tesla C2075)
Just a min
Version 304.43
What order of magnitude of execution time should I expect?
CUDA 5 ships with 304.54 driver and expects that driver version as a minimum. I don't know how you got 304.43 on that machine, but you have an invalid configuration. Please update either to the CUDA 5 304.54 driver (re-install CUDA 5) or the latest 310.40 driver that is on the NVIDIA website. If you read the email I sent on the thrust-users forum, I indicated that I saw an execution time of ~0.6 secs on my machine, and I'm not sure I have persistence mode set on that particular machine.
Please update to a valid driver. I have a meeting to go to at this time, so I'll be leaving chat. Good luck. I keep an eye on SO so if your questions are not answered at my next oppty to check, I will see what I can do at that time.
Thanks a lot!

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