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04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 15:00

saras saras
show me your code
ok wait plz
@Monika, what timezone is 12 AM? what timezone is 14:00?
12AM is indian time zone
HI All
yes, but it's not 12AM in india right now
india is GMT + 4:30 right now
UK is GMT + 1
Central Europe is GMT + 2
abe usako 12 hours ka clock 24 hours me chahiye
its not issue of time zone
its issue of Time data format
maa kasam
but she is using HH .. thats 24hr?
time zone matter when you got difference between hours
                                <asp:Label ID="lblregistrationdate" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("RegistrationDate", "{0:dd-M-yyyy HH:mm:ss}")%>'></asp:Label>
and in backend
TimeZoneInfo tzi = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central European Standard Time");

i need 12:00:00 AM to 14:00:00
what time is the above code displaying?
19 mins ago, by Monika Parekh
I need 12:00:00 AM to converted to 14:00:00
i dont know in which format its converting
above code displays 06:00:00
and what is the original a.RegistrationDate value?
including time
before you convert it using tzi?
12:00:00 AM
do you know the timezone of 12AM?
my gut feeling is that 12 afternoon is UTC time
that way, 14:00 will be european time
since right now, europe is UTC + 2
gimme a sec
any one used web ERP?
There is a problem in tax Authority setup
try this:
TimeZoneInfo tzi = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central European Standard Time");

RegistrationDate=TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(a.RegistrationDate, TimeZoneInfo.Utc, tzi),
tell me what value you get in registration date
now i m getting 02:00:00
good going
lol, I am still not sure why its 12 hours behind
when she is using HH:mm:ss
HH == 24 hours format
yes that correct
agar 12 hours behind rahegi toh timezone ka issue h
usako konase timezone format ka time milata h woh bhi matter karega
yup, be she does not know what time 12 AM is in
i am sure its UTC time
because CET is utc + 2 or UTC + 1 depending on daylight savings
timezoneinfo object automatically will cater for DST
actually, i know why
12:00:00 AM is midnight
convert that to european, and it is 2AM in the morning
which is correct
@MonikaParekh your source date is wrong
is should not be 12 AM, it should be 12PM
then it will correctly display 14:00
Ok let me try
and also it does not getting different whether i am using HH or hh
its displaying same time
if a.RegistrationDate is 12AM, it will convert to 02:00
if a.RegistrationDate is 12PM, it will convert to 14:00
you need to use HH
hh is 12 hour format, HH is 24 hour
so you either need to change source a.RegistrationDate to be 12PM
You are correct
now i m getting 14:00:00
thankyou so much
the good thing about this code is that in 3 days, when timezones change
your code will still work
in 3 days, 12PM will convert to 13:00
i was doing this since yesterday
instead of 14:00
because daylight savings time will kick in
good job really
good job @tranceporter i proud of you as well
today @MonikaParekh is happy girl she given us party
PARTY kaha hai PARTY ?:)
yes sure
ya chalo
did i heard some thing like party...
lol @iAmbitious
no no... you didnt :)
@MonikaParekh yes i do..
@Nisha yes @MonikaParekh is throwing us a party
@Kirti do one thing make one excel sheet of the things u want in party and send :)
okies :) @MonikaParekh
@tranceporter abeeee garibon pe hasa nahi karate :P
@MonikaParekh send to whom...
you can also send @Nisha
send to @tranceporter
as he had solved problem
one more u r special Dhokla
bus @Kirti i have to spend more 3 hours here
:( plz dont write these names
hehehehe :)
@iAmbitious just found your party comment funny
@MonikaParekh me pan yeto
sorry i dont know marathi
oh!!! that means meri boli hui bate tuzhe funny lagati h :P ><
@MonikaParekh me pan yeto=am also coming
Sure get tickets from @tranceporter
everybody can come
@tranceporter its comman here, he allwys ask for party for any thing and we all agreed give it..
@iAmbitious am I right..
lol, party tumhi enjoy kara
send me pics ;)
@Nisha sorry yaar i'm not seen any conversation becoz of i'm so much busy in that work
how r you.?
how are you all..?
good noon.
mast ahe re
be back from lunch
need little help of you..
ib.Invoice_start_date = DateTime.Parse(txtstartdate.Text);
@ketanitaliya have you post your question on Stackoverflow main site?
which question..?
your doubt what ever u try to asking
9 mins ago, by ketan italiya
ib.Invoice_start_date = DateTime.Parse(txtstartdate.Text);
no ...first i try to solve here..
bcoz in most of case my problem is solved here..
you are wrong then
many highly professional and expertise believe on FAQ not on chat.stackoveflow.com
you get immediate and well technical answer from ther?
when i say that i am expertise..bro.
i am freshrer.
experience of 1 year..
hahaaa everyone consider here as expertise here ... but in reality he/her not
and i think my msot of problem are sdolved here
knowledge isn't bind in limit
you r right
no body have enough knowledge ...in all fields.
ved gela kuthe re..disat nahi to...@Kirti
they have in only one specific field.
yes that the main point
like you in ios.
specific field expertise can able to explore more about your problem and better to give explanation
yess.. i am agree with you.
i'm not expertise, i give help depends on concepts not language specific
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
616k 224 3665 5108
what you say about this man?
you know what is my wish...when i got enough knowledge to help others...i surely help them.
bcoz one day i also take help of other.
this type of expertise like to give answer on FAQ
so many people who are ready to share their konwadge

ASP.NET MVC Oldskool

You can ask your question. Responses may take a while. Please ...
this room owner also expertise on .net
@sTACKoVERFLOW kay mahit ?
@sTACKoVERFLOW yes @ved is not comming now a days
why @ved not here ?
thanks for that.
@iAmbitious dont know
@ThirdBattleOfPanipat hyat hasnyasarkhe kay aahe???
r u ther..?
@ThirdBattleOfPanipat tu offline kashala jato sarkha ??
hi @ketanitaliya
ib.Invoice_start_date = DateTime.Parse(txtstartdate.Text); ?
what's wrong with this?
to panipat chya yaddha bhoomi var chaha piyun yeto
i need to convert decimal value into datetime.
who decided to store dates as decimal in the first place?
or it is it like you have timespan/seconds from epoch stored in database, and you need to convert that to date?
no..actually i want to sum..of like taht,
here a in datetime
b in datetime
but c in decimal
so i can't get value of a
why does c need to be in decimal?
so i want to covert c's value in datetime
sorry, I am simply asking, because you or someone else might be going for the wrong approach
actually c is a value that comes from a function
arre no problem
ok, can you give me some background?
date a = > 13 oct 2012
date b => 15 oct 2013
now you need to add them?
never heard of such a requirement before.. lol
i know....for solve any problem we have to need all thnigs
wait i give you my code.
i use this approch
shouldnt trial period be number of days?
so number of days = 30.00 in decimal
trial days i mean
u r right
trial period is a decimal value
so you need to do adddays
enddate = startdate.AddDays(trialperiod)
i simple convert trial period to datetime so i can get value of ib.end_date
enddate = startdate.AddDays(trialperiod)
btw, there are some things you should improve in your code
is this solution bro.
actually a lot..lol
can u tell me what..
you need to put more defensive coding
the place where u do submitchanges to database, you need a try catch around that
unless you are trapping the exception in Application_Error event of Global.asax.cs
i put there..
i have another problem i have to make application for dutch and english language i have created localization resources aspx
but i need text file as resource file
@ketanitaliya .. get resharper
and also in aspx its not working i can not see any change in display
it will tell you correct ways to name a function/property/variable
follow those rules and refactor your code. Learn from my experience to write better code.. it helps!
ib.Invoice_end_date = DateTime.Parse(txtstartdate.Text).AddDay(gettrialperiod());
is this right ..?
write some defensive code. let me show you
DateTime startDate;
if (!DateTime.TryParse(txtStartDate.Text, startDate))
not worked
sorry boss was here
                 decimal? d = new decimal();
                 d =gettrialperiod();
you need to split your code
DateTime enddate = DateTime.Parse(txtstartdate.Text).AddDays(d)
don't worry dear bcoz boss is there.
DateTime startDate;
if (!DateTime.TryParse(txtStartDate.Text, startDate))
throw new Exception("invalid startDate specified");

var trialPeriod = GetTrialPeriod;
if (!trialPeriod.HasValue)
trialPeriod = 0.0 // We could get a trial period from the database, so assume that there is no trial period.

var endDate = startDate.AddDays(trialPeriod);
this should be var trialPeriod = GetTrialPeriod();
that should be your approach. that way we first know if the correct startdate is being parsed
yess i check bro.
how to check that localization resource working or not?
BRO.GOT some error..
startDate.AddDays(trialPeriod); has some invalid arguments. like this error come
boss time
AddDays needs an integer
not decimal
you have to cast trialPeriod to int
then try
actual it needs a double.. weird
take a look, i will be back
check what value start date has
check what value trialPeriod has
@MonikaParekh Look at the ResourceManager class
it deals with localization automatically
if you have properly localized files
no worry
Is my file name ok?
i want for netherlands dutch
I followed same staps
but when i test it in IE,
no effects can be seen
code please
be back in 20 mins
protected override void InitializeCulture()
UICulture = Request.UserLanguages[0];
Rosource file is not called
what does this return?
have you debugged it?
this returns Dutch
so does it return a string called "nl-NL"?
chala bye mazi train aahe
this is my folder structure
laters @ThirdBattleOfPanipat
its returning only Dutch
as in the string "Dutch" ?
let me ask simply
does Request.UserLanguages[0] contain "Dutch" or "nl-NL"?
Request.UserLanguages[0]; returns Dutch
Then whats wrong?
Can u tell me where i m wrong
UICulture cannot be Dutch.. .net does not know how to translate Dutch to nl-NL
read the link
There is a section which tells how to set UICulture programmatically
they have a listbox, with cultures populated as es-ES, es-MX etc, which they set to UICulture
But dont i have to set culture auto?
you are reading the wrong section
read the bottom section
I have to get culture from browser selected language
wow, so you are depending on browsers to tell you what culture to choose?
Not on drop down box
just add this to your web.config
<globalization uiculture="es" culture="es-MX" />
<globalization uiculture="auto" culture="auto" />
under <system.web>?
and comment out your initializeculturecode
and check what happens
make both cultures auto
that way .net will pick up cultures from browser
Its still not affecting
Dutch is coming
comment out initialize culture code
comment out this code:
protected override void InitializeCulture()
UICulture = Request.UserLanguages[0];
Bye now i m leaving we will solve this tomorrow
lol ok
sagale gele ka ghari?
04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 15:00

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